
742 lines
24 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
// Copyright Contributors to the OpenColorIO Project.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <OpenColorIO/OpenColorIO.h>
#include "GPUUnitTest.h"
#include "apputils/argparse.h"
#include "utils/StringUtils.h"
#include "oglapp.h"
#if __APPLE__
#include "metalapp.h"
namespace Shader
// Default error threshold
constexpr float defaultErrorThreshold = 1e-7f;
// In some occasions, MAX_FLOAT will be "rounded" to infinity on some GPU renderers.
// In order to avoid this issue, consider all number over/under a given threshold as
// equal for testing purposes.
constexpr float largeThreshold = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
enum LimitsDiff
inline LimitsDiff ValidateInf(float x1, float x2)
if (fabs(x1) < largeThreshold && fabs(x2) < largeThreshold)
if (((x1 >= largeThreshold) && (x2 < largeThreshold)) ||
((x1 < largeThreshold) && (x2 >= largeThreshold)) ||
((x1 <= -largeThreshold) && (x2 > -largeThreshold)) ||
((x1 > -largeThreshold) && (x2 <= -largeThreshold)))
inline LimitsDiff ValidateNan(float x1, float x2)
if (!std::isnan(x1))
if (!std::isnan(x2))
if (std::isnan(x2))
inline bool AbsoluteDifference(float x1, float x2, float & diff)
const float thisDiff = fabs(x2 - x1);
if (thisDiff > diff)
diff = thisDiff;
return true;
return false;
inline bool RelativeDifference(float x1, float x2, float min_x1, float & diff)
const float absx1 = fabs(x1);
const float div = std::max(absx1, min_x1);
const float thisDiff = fabs(x1 - x2) / div;
if (thisDiff > diff)
diff = thisDiff;
return true;
return false;
// Return true if diff has been updated.
inline bool ComputeDiff(float x1, float x2, bool rel, float min_x1, float & diff)
if (rel)
return RelativeDifference(x1, x2, min_x1, diff);
return AbsoluteDifference(x1, x2, diff);
OCIOGPUTest::OCIOGPUTest(const std::string & testgroup,
const std::string & testname,
OCIOTestFuncCallback test)
: m_group(testgroup)
, m_name(testname)
, m_function(test)
, m_errorThreshold(Shader::defaultErrorThreshold)
void OCIOGPUTest::setProcessor(OCIO::TransformRcPtr transform)
OCIO::ConfigRcPtr config = OCIO::Config::Create();
setProcessor(config, transform);
void OCIOGPUTest::setProcessor(OCIO::ConstConfigRcPtr config,
OCIO::TransformRcPtr transform)
void OCIOGPUTest::setProcessor(OCIO::ConstProcessorRcPtr processor)
if (m_processor.get() != nullptr)
throw OCIO::Exception("GPU Unit test already exists");
m_processor = processor;
OCIO::GpuShaderDescRcPtr & OCIOGPUTest::getShaderDesc()
if (!m_shaderDesc)
m_shaderDesc = OCIO::GpuShaderDesc::CreateShaderDesc();
return m_shaderDesc;
void OCIOGPUTest::retestSetup(size_t idx)
if (idx < m_retests.size())
UnitTests& GetUnitTests()
static UnitTests ocio_gpu_unit_tests;
return ocio_gpu_unit_tests;
AddTest::AddTest(OCIOGPUTestRcPtr test)
constexpr unsigned g_winWidth = 256;
constexpr unsigned g_winHeight = 256;
constexpr unsigned g_components = 4;
void AllocateImageTexture(OCIO::OglAppRcPtr & app)
const unsigned numEntries = g_winWidth * g_winHeight * g_components;
OCIOGPUTest::CustomValues::Values image(numEntries, 0.0f);
app->initImage(g_winWidth, g_winHeight, OCIO::OglApp::COMPONENTS_RGBA, &image[0]);
void SetTestValue(float * image, float val, unsigned numComponents)
for (unsigned component = 0; component < numComponents; ++component)
for (unsigned idx = 0; idx < numComponents; ++idx)
const float valSet = (idx == component) ? val : 0.0f;
image[idx+component*numComponents] = valSet;
void UpdateImageTexture(OCIO::OglAppRcPtr & app, OCIOGPUTestRcPtr & test)
// Note: User-specified custom values are padded out
// to the preferred size (g_winWidth x g_winHeight).
const unsigned predefinedNumEntries = g_winWidth * g_winHeight * g_components;
if (test->getCustomValues().m_inputValues.empty())
// It means to generate the input values.
const bool testWideRange = test->getTestWideRange();
#if __APPLE__ && __aarch64__
// The Apple M1 chip handles differently the Nan and Inf processing introducing
// differences with CPU processing.
const bool testNaN = false;
const bool testInfinity = false;
const bool testNaN = test->getTestNaN();
const bool testInfinity = test->getTestInfinity();
const float min = testWideRange ? -1.0f : 0.0f;
const float max = testWideRange ? +2.0f : 1.0f;
const float range = max - min;
OCIOGPUTest::CustomValues tmp;
tmp.m_originalInputValueSize = predefinedNumEntries;
tmp.m_inputValues = OCIOGPUTest::CustomValues::Values(predefinedNumEntries, min);
unsigned idx = 0;
unsigned numEntries = predefinedNumEntries;
const unsigned numTests = g_components * g_components;
if (testNaN)
const float qnan = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
SetTestValue(&tmp.m_inputValues[0], qnan, g_components);
idx += numTests;
numEntries -= numTests;
if (testInfinity)
const float posinf = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
SetTestValue(&tmp.m_inputValues[idx], posinf, g_components);
idx += numTests;
numEntries -= numTests;
const float neginf = -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
SetTestValue(&tmp.m_inputValues[idx], neginf, g_components);
idx += numTests;
numEntries -= numTests;
// Compute the value step based on the remaining number of values.
const float step = range / float(numEntries);
for (; idx < predefinedNumEntries; ++idx)
tmp.m_inputValues[idx] = min + step * float(idx);
// It means to use the custom input values.
const OCIOGPUTest::CustomValues::Values & existingInputValues
= test->getCustomValues().m_inputValues;
const size_t numInputValues = existingInputValues.size();
if (0 != (numInputValues%g_components))
throw OCIO::Exception("Only the RGBA input values are supported");
test->getCustomValues().m_originalInputValueSize = numInputValues;
if (numInputValues > predefinedNumEntries)
throw OCIO::Exception("Exceed the predefined texture maximum size");
else if (numInputValues < predefinedNumEntries)
OCIOGPUTest::CustomValues values;
values.m_originalInputValueSize = existingInputValues.size();
// Resize the buffer to fit the expected input image size.
values.m_inputValues.resize(predefinedNumEntries, 0);
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < numInputValues; ++idx)
values.m_inputValues[idx] = existingInputValues[idx];
const OCIOGPUTest::CustomValues & values = test->getCustomValues();
if (predefinedNumEntries != values.m_inputValues.size())
throw OCIO::Exception("Missing some expected input values");
void UpdateOCIOGLState(OCIO::OglAppRcPtr & app, OCIOGPUTestRcPtr & test)
OCIO::ConstProcessorRcPtr & processor = test->getProcessor();
OCIO::GpuShaderDescRcPtr & shaderDesc = test->getShaderDesc();
OCIO::ConstGPUProcessorRcPtr gpu;
if (test->isLegacyShader())
gpu = processor->getOptimizedLegacyGPUProcessor(OCIO::OPTIMIZATION_DEFAULT,
gpu = processor->getDefaultGPUProcessor();
// Collect the shader program information for a specific processor.
void DiffComponent(const std::vector<float> & cpuImage,
const std::vector<float> & gpuImage,
size_t idx, bool relativeTest, float expectMin,
float & diff, size_t & idxDiff,
size_t & idxInf, size_t & idxNan)
float cpuVal = cpuImage[idx];
float gpuVal = gpuImage[idx];
Shader::LimitsDiff infDiff = Shader::ValidateInf(cpuVal, gpuVal);
if (infDiff == Shader::NOT_APPLICABLE)
Shader::LimitsDiff nanDiff = Shader::ValidateNan(cpuVal, gpuVal);
if (nanDiff == Shader::NOT_APPLICABLE)
if (Shader::ComputeDiff(cpuVal, gpuVal, relativeTest, expectMin, diff))
idxDiff = idx;
else if (nanDiff == Shader::INCONSISTANT)
idxNan = idx;
else if (infDiff == Shader::INCONSISTANT)
idxInf = idx;
constexpr size_t invalidIndex = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
// Validate the GPU processing against the CPU one.
void ValidateImageTexture(OCIO::OglAppRcPtr & app, OCIOGPUTestRcPtr & test)
// Each retest is rebuilding a cpu proc.
OCIO::ConstCPUProcessorRcPtr processor = test->getProcessor()->getDefaultCPUProcessor();
const float epsilon = test->getErrorThreshold();
const float expectMinValue = test->getExpectedMinimalValue();
// Compute the width & height to avoid testing the padded values.
const size_t numPixels = test->getCustomValues().m_originalInputValueSize / g_components;
size_t width, height = 0;
width = numPixels;
height = 1;
width = g_winWidth;
height = numPixels/g_winWidth;
if((numPixels%g_winWidth)>0) height += 1;
if(width==0 || width>g_winWidth || height==0 || height>g_winHeight)
throw OCIO::Exception("Mismatch with the expected image size");
// Step 1: Compute the output using the CPU engine.
OCIOGPUTest::CustomValues::Values cpuImage = test->getCustomValues().m_inputValues;
OCIO::PackedImageDesc desc(&cpuImage[0], (long)width, (long)height, g_components);
// Step 2: Grab the GPU output from the rendering buffer.
OCIOGPUTest::CustomValues::Values gpuImage(g_winWidth*g_winHeight*g_components, 0.0f);
// Step 3: Compare the two results.
const OCIOGPUTest::CustomValues::Values & image = test->getCustomValues().m_inputValues;
float diff = 0.0f;
size_t idxDiff = invalidIndex;
size_t idxNan = invalidIndex;
size_t idxInf = invalidIndex;
const bool relativeTest = test->getRelativeComparison();
for(size_t idx=0; idx<(width*height); ++idx)
DiffComponent(cpuImage, gpuImage, 4 * idx + 0, relativeTest, expectMinValue,
diff, idxDiff, idxInf, idxNan);
DiffComponent(cpuImage, gpuImage, 4 * idx + 1, relativeTest, expectMinValue,
diff, idxDiff, idxInf, idxNan);
DiffComponent(cpuImage, gpuImage, 4 * idx + 2, relativeTest, expectMinValue,
diff, idxDiff, idxInf, idxNan);
DiffComponent(cpuImage, gpuImage, 4 * idx + 3, relativeTest, expectMinValue,
diff, idxDiff, idxInf, idxNan);
size_t componentIdx = idxDiff % 4;
size_t pixelIdx = idxDiff / 4;
if (diff > epsilon || idxInf != invalidIndex || idxNan != invalidIndex)
std::stringstream err;
err << std::setprecision(10)
<< "\nMaximum error: " << diff << " at pixel: " << pixelIdx
<< " on component " << componentIdx;
if (diff > epsilon)
err << std::setprecision(10)
<< " larger than epsilon.\nscr = {"
<< image[4 * pixelIdx + 0] << ", " << image[4 * pixelIdx + 1] << ", "
<< image[4 * pixelIdx + 2] << ", " << image[4 * pixelIdx + 3] << "}"
<< "\ncpu = {"
<< cpuImage[4 * pixelIdx + 0] << ", " << cpuImage[4 * pixelIdx + 1] << ", "
<< cpuImage[4 * pixelIdx + 2] << ", " << cpuImage[4 * pixelIdx + 3] << "}"
<< "\ngpu = {"
<< gpuImage[4 * pixelIdx + 0] << ", " << gpuImage[4 * pixelIdx + 1] << ", "
<< gpuImage[4 * pixelIdx + 2] << ", " << gpuImage[4 * pixelIdx + 3] << "}\n"
<< (test->getRelativeComparison() ? "relative " : "absolute ")
<< "tolerance="
<< epsilon;
if (idxInf != invalidIndex)
componentIdx = idxInf % 4;
pixelIdx = idxInf / 4;
err << std::setprecision(10)
<< "\nLarge number error: " << diff << " at pixel: " << pixelIdx
<< " on component " << componentIdx
<< ".\nsrc = {"
<< image[4 * pixelIdx + 0] << ", " << image[4 * pixelIdx + 1] << ", "
<< image[4 * pixelIdx + 2] << ", " << image[4 * pixelIdx + 3] << "}"
<< "\ncpu = {"
<< cpuImage[4 * pixelIdx + 0] << ", " << cpuImage[4 * pixelIdx + 1] << ", "
<< cpuImage[4 * pixelIdx + 2] << ", " << cpuImage[4 * pixelIdx + 3] << "}"
<< "\ngpu = {"
<< gpuImage[4 * pixelIdx + 0] << ", " << gpuImage[4 * pixelIdx + 1] << ", "
<< gpuImage[4 * pixelIdx + 2] << ", " << gpuImage[4 * pixelIdx + 3] << "}\n";
if (idxNan != invalidIndex)
componentIdx = idxNan % 4;
pixelIdx = idxNan / 4;
err << std::setprecision(10)
<< "\nNAN error: " << diff << " at pixel: " << pixelIdx
<< " on component " << componentIdx
<< ".\nsrc = {"
<< image[4 * pixelIdx + 0] << ", " << image[4 * pixelIdx + 1] << ", "
<< image[4 * pixelIdx + 2] << ", " << image[4 * pixelIdx + 3] << "}"
<< "\ncpu = {"
<< cpuImage[4 * pixelIdx + 0] << ", " << cpuImage[4 * pixelIdx + 1] << ", "
<< cpuImage[4 * pixelIdx + 2] << ", " << cpuImage[4 * pixelIdx + 3] << "}"
<< "\ngpu = {"
<< gpuImage[4 * pixelIdx + 0] << ", " << gpuImage[4 * pixelIdx + 1] << ", "
<< gpuImage[4 * pixelIdx + 2] << ", " << gpuImage[4 * pixelIdx + 3] << "}\n";
throw OCIO::Exception(err.str().c_str());
test->updateMaxDiff(diff, idxDiff);
int main(int argc, const char ** argv)
#if !defined(NDEBUG) && defined(_WIN32)
// Disable the 'assert' dialog box in debug mode.
bool printHelp = false;
bool useMetalRenderer = false;
bool verbose = false;
bool stopOnFirstError = false;
// Note that empty strings mean to run all the unit tests.
std::string filter, utestGroupAllowed, utestNameAllowed;
ArgParse ap;
ap.options("\nCommand line arguments:\n",
"--help", &printHelp, "Print help message",
"--metal", &useMetalRenderer, "Run the GPU unit test with Metal",
"-v", &verbose, "Output the GPU shader program",
"--stop_on_error", &stopOnFirstError, "Stop on the first error",
"--run_only %s", &filter, "Run only some unit tests\n"
"\tex: --run_only ExponentOp/forward i.e. run only \"ExponentOp/forward\"\n"
"\tex: --run_only ExponentOp i.e. run \"ExponentOp/*\"\n"
"\tex: --run_only /forward i.e. run \"*/forward\"\n",
if (ap.parse(argc, argv) < 0)
std::cerr << ap.geterror() << std::endl;
return 1;
if (printHelp)
return 1;
if (!filter.empty())
const std::vector<std::string> results = StringUtils::Split(filter, '/');
if (!results.empty())
utestGroupAllowed = StringUtils::Lower(StringUtils::Trim(results[0]));
if (results.size() >= 2)
utestNameAllowed = StringUtils::Lower(StringUtils::Trim(results[1]));
if (results.size() >= 3)
std::cerr << "Invalid value for the argument '--run_only'." << std::endl;
return 1;
// Step 1: Initialize the graphic library engines.
OCIO::OglAppRcPtr app;
#if __APPLE__
app = OCIO::MetalApp::CreateMetalGlApp("GPU tests - Metal", 10, 10);
std::cerr << std::endl << "'GPU tests - Metal' is not supported" << std::endl;
return 1;
app = OCIO::OglApp::CreateOglApp("GPU tests", 10, 10);
catch (const OCIO::Exception & e)
std::cerr << std::endl << e.what() << std::endl;
return 1;
// Step 2: Allocate the texture that holds the image.
// Step 3: Create the frame buffer and render buffer.
app->reshape(g_winWidth, g_winHeight);
// Step 4: Execute all the unit tests.
unsigned failures = 0;
std::cout << "\n OpenColorIO_Core_GPU_Unit_Tests\n\n";
UnitTests & tests = GetUnitTests();
const size_t numTests = tests.size();
for(size_t idx=0; idx<numTests; ++idx)
const unsigned curr_failures = failures;
OCIOGPUTestRcPtr test = tests[idx];
// Is that a unit test to run ?
const std::string utestGroup = test->group();
const std::string utestName = test->name();
bool utestAllowed = true;
if (!utestGroupAllowed.empty() && StringUtils::Lower(utestGroup)!=utestGroupAllowed)
utestAllowed = false;
if (!utestNameAllowed.empty() && StringUtils::Lower(utestName)!=utestNameAllowed)
utestAllowed = false;
if (!utestAllowed)
// Prepare the unit test.
#if __APPLE__
useMetalRenderer ?
bool enabledTest = true;
enabledTest = test->isEnabled();
constexpr size_t maxCharToDisplay = 49;
std::string name(test->group());
name += " / " + test->name();
if (name.size() > maxCharToDisplay)
std::cout << "["
<< std::right << std::setw(3)
<< (idx+1) << "/" << numTests << "] ["
<< std::left << std::setw(maxCharToDisplay+1)
<< name << "] - ";
if(test->isValid() && enabledTest)
// Initialize the texture with the RGBA values to be processed.
UpdateImageTexture(app, test);
// Update the GPU shader program.
UpdateOCIOGLState(app, test);
const size_t numRetest = test->getNumRetests();
// Need to run once and for each retest.
for (size_t idxRetest = 0; idxRetest <= numRetest; ++idxRetest)
if (idxRetest != 0) // Skip first run.
// Call the retest callback.
test->retestSetup(idxRetest - 1);
// Process the image texture into the rendering buffer.
// Compute the expected values using the CPU and compare
// against the GPU values.
ValidateImageTexture(app, test);
catch(OCIO::Exception & ex)
std::cerr << "FAILED - " << ex.what() << std::endl;
std::cerr << "FAILED - Unexpected error" << std::endl;
if (!enabledTest)
std::cout << "DISABLED" << std::endl;
else if(curr_failures==failures && test->isValid())
const size_t idxMaxDiff = test->getMaxDiffIndex();
const size_t componentIdx = idxMaxDiff % 4;
const size_t pixelIdx = idxMaxDiff / 4;
std::cout << "PASSED - (MaxDiff: " << test->getMaxDiff()
<< " at pix[" << pixelIdx
<< "][" << componentIdx << "])" << std::endl;
else if(!test->isValid())
std::cerr << "FAILED - Invalid test" << std::endl;
// Get rid of the test.
tests[idx] = nullptr;
std::cout << std::endl << failures << " tests failed" << std::endl << std::endl;
return failures;