192 lines
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192 lines
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
// Copyright Contributors to the OpenColorIO Project.
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class OCIOGPUTest;
using OCIOTestFuncCallback = std::function<void(OCIOGPUTest & test)>;
// Test harness for comparing GPU results to CPU results.
// By default, the framework compares the GPU results to the CPU results
// using an automatically generated neutral ramp for the standard range [0, 1].
class OCIOGPUTest
// The structure holds color values to check.
struct CustomValues
typedef std::vector<float> Values;
Values m_inputValues;
// Keeping the original input value size allows
// to avoid manipulating padded values added to fit
// the predefined GPU texture size.
size_t m_originalInputValueSize{ 0 };
OCIOGPUTest(const std::string& testgroup, const std::string& testname, OCIOTestFuncCallback test);
~OCIOGPUTest() = default;
inline const std::string& group() const { return m_group; }
inline const std::string& name() const { return m_name; }
void setProcessor(OCIO_NAMESPACE::ConstConfigRcPtr config,
OCIO_NAMESPACE::TransformRcPtr transform);
void setProcessor(OCIO_NAMESPACE::TransformRcPtr transform);
void setProcessor(OCIO_NAMESPACE::ConstProcessorRcPtr processor);
void setShadingLanguage(OCIO_NAMESPACE::GpuLanguage gpuShadingLanguage)
m_gpuShadingLanguage = gpuShadingLanguage;
inline OCIO_NAMESPACE::ConstProcessorRcPtr & getProcessor() { return m_processor; }
OCIO_NAMESPACE::GpuShaderDescRcPtr & getShaderDesc();
// Set TestWideRange to true to use test values on [-1,2] rather than [0,1].
inline bool getTestWideRange() const { return m_testWideRange; }
inline void setTestWideRange(bool use) { m_testWideRange = use; }
// Set TestNaN to true to include NaNs in each channel of the test values.
inline bool getTestNaN() const { return m_testNaN; }
inline void setTestNaN(bool use) { m_testNaN = use; }
// Set TestInfinity to true to include positive and negative infinity
// in each channel of the test values.
inline bool getTestInfinity() const { return m_testInfinity; }
inline void setTestInfinity(bool use) { m_testInfinity = use; }
// Provide a set of RGBA values to test (otherwise a neutral ramp will be used).
// TestWideRange, TestNaN & TestInfinity are used when m_inputValues is empty.
inline void setCustomValues(CustomValues & values) { m_values = values; }
inline CustomValues & getCustomValues() { return m_values; }
inline float getErrorThreshold() const { return m_errorThreshold; }
inline void setErrorThreshold(float error) { m_errorThreshold = error; }
inline bool getRelativeComparison() const { return m_performRelativeComparison; }
inline void setRelativeComparison(bool relCompare) { m_performRelativeComparison = relCompare; }
// This is the lower bound for the value that is divided into the absolute error
// to obtain the relative error.
inline float getExpectedMinimalValue() const { return m_expectedMinimalValue; }
inline void setExpectedMinimalValue(float minValue) { m_expectedMinimalValue = minValue; }
// Dump or not the gpu shader program
inline void setVerbose(bool verbose) { m_verbose = verbose; }
inline bool isVerbose() const { return m_verbose; }
inline void setLegacyShader(bool legacy) { m_legacyShader = legacy; }
inline bool isLegacyShader() const { return m_legacyShader; }
inline void setLegacyShaderLutEdge(unsigned lutEdge) { m_legacyShaderLutEdge = lutEdge; }
inline unsigned getLegacyShaderLutEdge() const { return m_legacyShaderLutEdge; }
inline void setup() { m_function(*this); }
inline bool isValid() { return (bool)m_processor; }
inline void disable() { m_enabled = false; }
inline bool isEnabled() const { return m_enabled; }
// Testing dynamic properties requires to run several times the same
// unit test with the same shader code with some dynamic property
// value changes. Registering n callbacks (i.e. each callback changing
// a value for example) would run 1+n times the unit test.
// Test runs, then for each callback, it is called and test runs again.
// See ECOps_test.cpp for an example.
typedef std::function<void()> RetestSetupCallback;
inline void addRetest(RetestSetupCallback & retest)
inline size_t getNumRetests() const
return m_retests.size();
void retestSetup(size_t idx);
inline void updateMaxDiff(float maxDiff, size_t idxDiff)
if (maxDiff > m_maxDiff)
m_maxDiff = maxDiff;
m_idxDiff = idxDiff;
inline float getMaxDiff() const
return m_maxDiff;
inline size_t getMaxDiffIndex() const
return m_idxDiff;
const std::string m_group, m_name;
OCIOTestFuncCallback m_function;
OCIO_NAMESPACE::ConstProcessorRcPtr m_processor;
OCIO_NAMESPACE::GpuShaderDescRcPtr m_shaderDesc;
float m_errorThreshold;
float m_expectedMinimalValue{ 1e-6f };
float m_maxDiff{ 0.f };
size_t m_idxDiff{ 0 };
bool m_testWideRange{ true };
bool m_testNaN{ true };
bool m_testInfinity{ true };
bool m_performRelativeComparison{ false };
bool m_verbose{ false };
bool m_enabled{ true };
bool m_legacyShader{ false };
unsigned m_legacyShaderLutEdge{ 32 };
CustomValues m_values;
std::vector<RetestSetupCallback> m_retests;
typedef std::shared_ptr<OCIOGPUTest> OCIOGPUTestRcPtr;
typedef std::vector<OCIOGPUTestRcPtr> UnitTests;
UnitTests& GetUnitTests();
struct AddTest { explicit AddTest(OCIOGPUTestRcPtr test); };
// Use this macro to declare a test and provide a setup function for the test.
// Note: Add a SonarCloud tag to suppress all warnings for the following method.
#define OCIO_ADD_GPU_TEST(group, name) \
static void ocio_gputest_##group##_##name(OCIOGPUTest & test); \
AddTest ocio_##group##_##name( \
std::make_shared<OCIOGPUTest>(#group, \
#name, \
ocio_gputest_##group##_##name)); \
/* @SuppressWarnings('all') */ \
static void ocio_gputest_##group##_##name(OCIOGPUTest & test)
// Use this macro inside OCIO_ADD_GPU_TEST function to disable the test.
// The remaining of the function implementation will be skipped.
test.disable(); \
if (!test.isEnabled()) return; // Test to avoid unreachable code warning.