Add jvm args option. I rather not hardcode some large value just for Volantis. This can easily be passed in from and should be a no-op for any other tools

Bug: 17393134
Change-Id: Ic2325d7c1e1e7292c9339e169efbed526f82263c
This commit is contained in:
Baligh Uddin 2014-09-05 11:18:07 -07:00
parent 52626d2a7b
commit 339ee4968a
1 changed files with 4 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ OPTIONS.search_path = "out/host/linux-x86"
OPTIONS.signapk_path = "framework/signapk.jar" # Relative to search_path
OPTIONS.extra_signapk_args = []
OPTIONS.java_path = "java" # Use the one on the path by default.
OPTIONS.java_args = "-Xmx2048m" # JVM Args
OPTIONS.public_key_suffix = ".x509.pem"
OPTIONS.private_key_suffix = ".pk8"
OPTIONS.verbose = False
@ -487,7 +488,7 @@ def SignFile(input_name, output_name, key, password, align=None,
sign_name = output_name
cmd = [OPTIONS.java_path, "-Xmx2048m", "-jar",
cmd = [OPTIONS.java_path, OPTIONS.java_args, "-jar",
os.path.join(OPTIONS.search_path, OPTIONS.signapk_path)]
if whole_file:
@ -635,6 +636,8 @@ def ParseOptions(argv,
OPTIONS.extra_signapk_args = shlex.split(a)
elif o in ("--java_path",):
OPTIONS.java_path = a
elif o in ("--java_args",):
OPTIONS.java_args = a
elif o in ("--public_key_suffix",):
OPTIONS.public_key_suffix = a
elif o in ("--private_key_suffix",):