Show annotation information in generated documentation
Display the annotations used to override @hide for classes in packages and methods in classes. Bug: 16848303 Change-Id: I5599e6593613edbbe6a002d5d46a0a6561dec55a
This commit is contained in:
@ -7330,3 +7330,8 @@ a.home-new-cta-btn:hover,
line-height: 54px;
text-align: center;
.annotation-message {
display: block;
font-style: italic;
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
<?cs include:"doctype.cs" ?>
<?cs include:"macros.cs" ?>
<?cs include:"macros_override.cs" ?>
<html<?cs if:devsite ?> devsite<?cs /if ?>>
<?cs include:"head_tag.cs" ?>
<body class="gc-documentation <?cs if:(reference.gms || reference.gcm) ?>google<?cs /if ?>
@ -123,6 +124,7 @@ Summary:
<?cs /if ?>
<?cs set:colspan = colspan-1 ?>
<?cs /each ?>
<?cs call:show_annotations_list(class, "<span class='annotation-message'>Included in documentation by the annotations: ", "</span>") ?>
</div><!-- end header -->
@ -193,7 +195,10 @@ Summary:
<td class="jd-linkcol" width="100%"><nobr>
<span class="sympad"><?cs call:cond_link(, toroot, method.href, included) ?></span>(<?cs call:parameter_list(method.params) ?>)</nobr>
<?cs if:subcount(method.shortDescr) || subcount(method.deprecated) ?>
<div class="jd-descrdiv"><?cs call:short_descr(method) ?></div>
<div class="jd-descrdiv">
<?cs call:short_descr(method) ?>
<?cs call:show_annotations_list(method, "<span class='annotation-message'>Included in documentation by the annotations: ", "</span>") ?>
<?cs /if ?>
<?cs set:count = count + #1 ?>
@ -546,6 +551,7 @@ From <?cs var:cl.kind ?>
<?cs call:federated_refs(method) ?>
<div class="jd-details-descr">
<?cs call:show_annotations_list(method, "<span class='annotation-message'>Included in documentation by the annotations: ", "</span>") ?>
<?cs call:description(method) ?>
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
<?cs # Create a comma separated list of annotations on obj that were in showAnnotations in Doclava ?>
<?cs # pre is an HTML string to start the list, post is an HTML string to close the list ?>
<?cs # for example call:show_annotations_list(cl, "<td>Annotations: ", "</td>") ?>
<?cs # if obj has nothing on obj.showAnnotations, nothing will be output ?>
<?cs def:show_annotations_list(obj, pre, post) ?>
<?cs each:anno = obj.showAnnotations ?>
<?cs if:first(anno) ?>
<?cs var:pre ?>
<?cs /if ?>
@<?cs var:anno.type.label ?>
<?cs if:last(anno) == 0 ?>
<?cs /if ?>
<?cs if:last(anno)?>
<?cs var:post ?>
<?cs /if ?>
<?cs /each ?>
<?cs /def ?>
<?cs # Override default class_link_table to display annotations ?>
<?cs def:class_link_table(classes) ?>
<?cs set:count = #1 ?>
<table class="jd-sumtable-expando">
<?cs each:cl=classes ?>
<tr class="<?cs if:count % #2 ?>alt-color<?cs /if ?> api apilevel-<?cs var:cl.type.since ?>" >
<td class="jd-linkcol"><?cs call:type_link(cl.type) ?></td>
<td class="jd-descrcol" width="100%">
<?cs call:short_descr(cl) ?>
<?cs call:show_annotations_list(cl, "<span class='annotation-message'>Included in documentation by the annotations: ", "</span>") ?>
<?cs set:count = count + #1 ?>
<?cs /each ?>
<?cs /def ?>
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
<?cs include:"doctype.cs" ?>
<?cs include:"macros.cs" ?>
<?cs include:"macros_override.cs" ?>
<html<?cs if:devsite ?> devsite<?cs /if ?>>
<?cs include:"head_tag.cs" ?>
Reference in New Issue