Merge "Revert "Sign APKs using SHA-256 instead of SHA-1 when possible."" am: 7382bdf8c1

am: 2cf2509542

* commit '2cf2509542d234e4d958195c834b74da2253b2cb':
  Revert "Sign APKs using SHA-256 instead of SHA-1 when possible."
This commit is contained in:
Alex Klyubin 2016-01-25 17:26:54 +00:00 committed by android-build-merger
commit 4f90999d7a
4 changed files with 8 additions and 155 deletions

View File

@ -2195,21 +2195,11 @@ define add-carried-jack-resources
# Returns the minSdkVersion of the specified APK as a decimal number. If the
# version is a codename, returns the current platform SDK version (always a
# decimal number) instead.
define get-package-min-sdk-version-int
$$($(AAPT) dump badging $(1) 2>&1 | grep '^sdkVersion' | cut -d"'" -f2 | \
# Sign a package using the specified key/cert.
define sign-package
$(hide) mv $@ $@.unsigned
$(hide) java -Djava.library.path=$(SIGNAPK_JNI_LIBRARY_PATH) -jar $(SIGNAPK_JAR) \
--min-sdk-version $(call get-package-min-sdk-version-int,$@.unsigned) \
$(hide) mv $@.signed $@

View File

@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ embedded_prebuilt_jni_libs := 'lib/*.so'
$(built_module): PRIVATE_EMBEDDED_JNI_LIBS := $(embedded_prebuilt_jni_libs)
$(built_module) : $(my_prebuilt_src_file) | $(ACP) $(ZIPALIGN) $(SIGNAPK_JAR) $(AAPT)
$(built_module) : $(my_prebuilt_src_file) | $(ACP) $(ZIPALIGN) $(SIGNAPK_JAR)
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ my_src_dir := $(LOCAL_PATH)/$(my_src_dir)
$(built_apk_splits) : PRIVATE_PRIVATE_KEY := $(LOCAL_CERTIFICATE).pk8
$(built_apk_splits) : PRIVATE_CERTIFICATE := $(LOCAL_CERTIFICATE).x509.pem
$(built_apk_splits) : $(built_module_path)/%.apk : $(my_src_dir)/%.apk | $(ACP) $(AAPT)
$(built_apk_splits) : $(built_module_path)/%.apk : $(my_src_dir)/%.apk | $(ACP)

View File

@ -592,46 +592,7 @@ def GetKeyPasswords(keylist):
return key_passwords
def GetMinSdkVersion(apk_name):
"""Get the minSdkVersion delared in the APK. This can be both a decimal number
(API Level) or a codename.
p = Run(["aapt", "dump", "badging", apk_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output, err = p.communicate()
if err:
raise ExternalError("Failed to obtain minSdkVersion: aapt return code %s"
% (p.returncode,))
for line in output.split("\n"):
# Looking for lines such as sdkVersion:'23' or sdkVersion:'M'
m = re.match(r'sdkVersion:\'([^\']*)\'', line)
if m:
raise ExternalError("No minSdkVersion returned by aapt")
def GetMinSdkVersionInt(apk_name, codename_to_api_level_map):
"""Get the minSdkVersion declared in the APK as a number (API Level). If
minSdkVersion is set to a codename, it is translated to a number using the
provided map.
version = GetMinSdkVersion(apk_name)
return int(version)
except ValueError:
# Not a decimal number. Codename?
if version in codename_to_api_level_map:
return codename_to_api_level_map[version]
raise ExternalError("Unknown minSdkVersion: '%s'. Known codenames: %s"
% (version, codename_to_api_level_map))
def SignFile(input_name, output_name, key, password, min_api_level=None,
def SignFile(input_name, output_name, key, password, whole_file=False):
"""Sign the input_name zip/jar/apk, producing output_name. Use the
given key and password (the latter may be None if the key does not
have a password.
@ -639,13 +600,6 @@ def SignFile(input_name, output_name, key, password, min_api_level=None,
If whole_file is true, use the "-w" option to SignApk to embed a
signature that covers the whole file in the archive comment of the
zip file.
min_api_level is the API Level (int) of the oldest platform this file may end
up on. If not specified for an APK, the API Level is obtained by interpreting
the minSdkVersion attribute of the APK's AndroidManifest.xml.
codename_to_api_level_map is needed to translate the codename which may be
encountered as the APK's minSdkVersion.
java_library_path = os.path.join(
@ -658,15 +612,6 @@ def SignFile(input_name, output_name, key, password, min_api_level=None,
if whole_file:
min_sdk_version = min_api_level
if min_sdk_version is None:
if not whole_file:
min_sdk_version = GetMinSdkVersionInt(
input_name, codename_to_api_level_map)
if min_sdk_version is not None:
cmd.extend(["--min-sdk-version", str(min_sdk_version)])
cmd.extend([key + OPTIONS.public_key_suffix,
key + OPTIONS.private_key_suffix,
input_name, output_name])

View File

@ -127,34 +127,14 @@ def CheckAllApksSigned(input_tf_zip, apk_key_map):
def SignApk(data, keyname, pw, platform_api_level, codename_to_api_level_map):
def SignApk(data, keyname, pw):
unsigned = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
signed = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
# For pre-N builds, don't upgrade to SHA-256 JAR signatures based on the APK's
# minSdkVersion to avoid increasing incremental OTA update sizes. If an APK
# didn't change, we don't want its signature to change due to the switch
# from SHA-1 to SHA-256.
# By default, APK signer chooses SHA-256 signatures if the APK's minSdkVersion
# is 18 or higher. For pre-N builds we disable this mechanism by pretending
# that the APK's minSdkVersion is 1.
# For N+ builds, we let APK signer rely on the APK's minSdkVersion to
# determine whether to use SHA-256.
min_api_level = None
if platform_api_level > 23:
# Let APK signer choose whether to use SHA-1 or SHA-256, based on the APK's
# minSdkVersion attribute
min_api_level = None
# Force APK signer to use SHA-1
min_api_level = 1
common.SignFile(,, keyname, pw,
common.SignFile(,, keyname, pw)
data =
@ -164,8 +144,7 @@ def SignApk(data, keyname, pw, platform_api_level, codename_to_api_level_map):
def ProcessTargetFiles(input_tf_zip, output_tf_zip, misc_info,
apk_key_map, key_passwords, platform_api_level,
apk_key_map, key_passwords):
maxsize = max([len(os.path.basename(i.filename))
for i in input_tf_zip.infolist()
@ -221,8 +200,7 @@ def ProcessTargetFiles(input_tf_zip, output_tf_zip, misc_info,
key = apk_key_map[name]
if key not in common.SPECIAL_CERT_STRINGS:
print " signing: %-*s (%s)" % (maxsize, name, key)
signed_data = SignApk(data, key, key_passwords[key], platform_api_level,
signed_data = SignApk(data, key, key_passwords[key])
common.ZipWriteStr(output_tf_zip, out_info, signed_data)
# an APK we're not supposed to sign.
@ -462,57 +440,6 @@ def BuildKeyMap(misc_info, key_mapping_options):
OPTIONS.key_map[s] = d
def GetApiLevelAndCodename(input_tf_zip):
data ="SYSTEM/build.prop")
api_level = None
codename = None
for line in data.split("\n"):
line = line.strip()
original_line = line
if line and line[0] != '#' and "=" in line:
key, value = line.split("=", 1)
key = key.strip()
if key == "":
api_level = int(value.strip())
elif key == "":
codename = value.strip()
if api_level is None:
raise ValueError("No in SYSTEM/build.prop")
if codename is None:
raise ValueError("No in SYSTEM/build.prop")
return (api_level, codename)
def GetCodenameToApiLevelMap(input_tf_zip):
data ="SYSTEM/build.prop")
api_level = None
codenames = None
for line in data.split("\n"):
line = line.strip()
original_line = line
if line and line[0] != '#' and "=" in line:
key, value = line.split("=", 1)
key = key.strip()
if key == "":
api_level = int(value.strip())
elif key == "":
codenames = value.strip().split(",")
if api_level is None:
raise ValueError("No in SYSTEM/build.prop")
if codenames is None:
raise ValueError("No in SYSTEM/build.prop")
result = dict()
for codename in codenames:
codename = codename.strip()
if len(codename) > 0:
result[codename] = api_level
return result
def main(argv):
key_mapping_options = []
@ -571,17 +498,8 @@ def main(argv):
CheckAllApksSigned(input_zip, apk_key_map)
key_passwords = common.GetKeyPasswords(set(apk_key_map.values()))
platform_api_level, platform_codename = GetApiLevelAndCodename(input_zip)
codename_to_api_level_map = GetCodenameToApiLevelMap(input_zip)
# Android N will be API Level 24, but isn't yet.
# TODO: Remove this workaround once Android N is officially API Level 24.
if platform_api_level == 23 and platform_codename == "N":
platform_api_level = 24
ProcessTargetFiles(input_zip, output_zip, misc_info,
apk_key_map, key_passwords,
apk_key_map, key_passwords)