Merge "Revert "releasetools: Allow using futility-host to sign old"" into nyc-dev am: b0df1ef7ac am: 983c979c25 am: bd6d03ab18

am: e64f52ebcd

Change-Id: I5ccd6ba60e5e9eb3e0875e99630db583a178a569
This commit is contained in:
Tao Bao 2017-02-21 20:37:24 +00:00 committed by android-build-merger
commit 55f185e0a4
1 changed files with 1 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -514,13 +514,7 @@ def _BuildBootableImage(sourcedir, fs_config_file, info_dict=None,
elif info_dict.get("vboot", None):
path = "/" + os.path.basename(sourcedir).lower()
img_keyblock = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
# We have switched from the prebuilt futility binary to using the tool
# (futility-host) built from the source. Override the setting in the old
futility = info_dict["futility"]
if futility.startswith("prebuilts/"):
futility = "futility-host"
cmd = [info_dict["vboot_signer_cmd"], futility,
cmd = [info_dict["vboot_signer_cmd"], info_dict["futility"],, info_dict["vboot_key"] + ".vbpubk",
info_dict["vboot_key"] + ".vbprivk",
info_dict["vboot_subkey"] + ".vbprivk",