@@ -777,14 +985,14 @@ def emit_const_object_array(name, array, writer):
-def emit_js_data(writer):
+def emit_js_data(writer, flags, warning_messages, warning_links,
+ warning_records, warn_patterns, project_names):
"""Dump dynamic HTML page's static JavaScript data."""
- emit_const_string('FlagURL',
- args.url if args.url else '', writer)
- emit_const_string('FlagSeparator',
- args.separator if args.separator else '', writer)
- emit_const_string_array('SeverityColors',
- [s.color for s in Severity.levels], writer)
+ emit_const_string('FlagPlatform', flags.platform, writer)
+ emit_const_string('FlagURL', flags.url, writer)
+ emit_const_string('FlagSeparator', flags.separator, writer)
+ emit_const_string_array('SeverityColors', [s.color for s in Severity.levels],
+ writer)
[s.header for s in Severity.levels], writer)
@@ -799,6 +1007,9 @@ def emit_js_data(writer):
emit_const_html_string_array('WarningMessages', warning_messages, writer)
emit_const_object_array('Warnings', warning_records, writer)
+ if flags.platform == 'chrome':
+ emit_const_html_string_array('WarningLinks', warning_links, writer)
draw_table_javascript = """
google.charts.load('current', {'packages':['table']});
@@ -822,82 +1033,201 @@ function drawTable() {
-def dump_html(output_stream):
- """Dump the html output to output_stream."""
+def dump_html(flags, output_stream, warning_messages, warning_links,
+ warning_records, header_str, warn_patterns, project_names):
+ """Dump the flags output to output_stream."""
writer = make_writer(output_stream)
- dump_html_prologue('Warnings for ' + platform_version + ' - ' +
- target_product + ' - ' + target_variant, writer)
- dump_stats(writer)
+ dump_html_prologue('Warnings for ' + header_str, writer, warn_patterns,
+ project_names)
+ dump_stats(writer, warn_patterns)
# Warning messages are grouped by severities or project names.
writer(' ')
- if args.byproject:
+ if flags.byproject:
- dump_fixed(writer)
+ dump_fixed(writer, warn_patterns)
-##### Functions to count warnings and dump csv file. #########################
+def parse_compiler_output(compiler_output):
+ """Parse compiler output for relevant info."""
+ split_output = compiler_output.split(':', 3) # 3 = max splits
+ file_path = split_output[0]
+ line_number = int(split_output[1])
+ col_number = int(split_output[2].split(' ')[0])
+ warning_message = split_output[3]
+ return file_path, line_number, col_number, warning_message
-def description_for_csv(category):
- if not category['description']:
- return '?'
- return category['description']
-def count_severity(writer, sev, kind):
- """Count warnings of given severity."""
- total = 0
- for i in warn_patterns:
- if i['severity'] == sev and i['members']:
- n = len(i['members'])
- total += n
- warning = kind + ': ' + description_for_csv(i)
- writer.writerow([n, '', warning])
- # print number of warnings for each project, ordered by project name.
- # pytype: disable=attribute-error
- projects = sorted(i['projects'].keys())
- # pytype: enable=attribute-error
- for p in projects:
- writer.writerow([i['projects'][p], p, warning])
- writer.writerow([total, '', kind + ' warnings'])
- return total
-# dump number of warnings in csv format to stdout
-def dump_csv(writer):
- """Dump number of warnings in csv format to stdout."""
- sort_warnings()
- total = 0
- for s in Severity.levels:
- if s != Severity.SEVERITY_UNKNOWN:
- total += count_severity(writer, s, s.column_header)
- writer.writerow([total, '', 'All warnings'])
-def common_main(parallel_process):
- """Real main function to classify warnings and generate .html file."""
- find_android_root()
- # We must use 'utf-8' codec to parse some non-ASCII code in warnings.
- warning_lines = parse_input_file(
- io.open(args.buildlog, mode='r', encoding='utf-8'))
- parallel_classify_warnings(warning_lines, parallel_process)
- # If a user pases a csv path, save the fileoutput to the path
- # If the user also passed gencsv write the output to stdout
- # If the user did not pass gencsv flag dump the html report to stdout.
- if args.csvpath:
- with open(args.csvpath, 'w') as f:
- dump_csv(csv.writer(f, lineterminator='\n'))
- if args.gencsv:
- dump_csv(csv.writer(sys.stdout, lineterminator='\n'))
+def get_warn_patterns(platform):
+ """Get and initialize warn_patterns."""
+ warn_patterns = []
+ if platform == 'chrome':
+ warn_patterns = cpp_patterns.warn_patterns
+ elif platform == 'android':
+ warn_patterns = make_patterns.warn_patterns + cpp_patterns.warn_patterns + java_patterns.warn_patterns + tidy_patterns.warn_patterns + other_patterns.warn_patterns
- dump_html(sys.stdout)
+ raise Exception('platform name %s is not valid' % platform)
+ for w in warn_patterns:
+ w['members'] = []
+ # Each warning pattern has a 'projects' dictionary, that
+ # maps a project name to number of warnings in that project.
+ w['projects'] = {}
+ return warn_patterns
+def get_project_list(platform):
+ """Return project list for appropriate platform."""
+ if platform == 'chrome':
+ return chrome_project_list.project_list
+ if platform == 'android':
+ return android_project_list.project_list
+ raise Exception('platform name %s is not valid' % platform)
+def parallel_classify_warnings(warning_data, args, project_names,
+ project_patterns, warn_patterns,
+ use_google3, create_launch_subprocs_fn,
+ classify_warnings_fn):
+ """Classify all warning lines with num_cpu parallel processes."""
+ num_cpu = args.processes
+ group_results = []
+ if num_cpu > 1:
+ # set up parallel processing for this...
+ warning_groups = [[] for _ in range(num_cpu)]
+ i = 0
+ for warning, link in warning_data.items():
+ warning_groups[i].append((warning, link))
+ i = (i + 1) % num_cpu
+ arg_groups = [[] for _ in range(num_cpu)]
+ for i, group in enumerate(warning_groups):
+ arg_groups[i] = [{
+ 'group': group,
+ 'project_patterns': project_patterns,
+ 'warn_patterns': warn_patterns,
+ 'num_processes': num_cpu
+ }]
+ group_results = create_launch_subprocs_fn(num_cpu,
+ classify_warnings_fn,
+ arg_groups,
+ group_results)
+ else:
+ group_results = []
+ for warning, link in warning_data.items():
+ classify_one_warning(warning, link, group_results,
+ project_patterns, warn_patterns)
+ group_results = [group_results]
+ warning_messages = []
+ warning_links = []
+ warning_records = []
+ if use_google3:
+ group_results = [group_results]
+ for group_result in group_results:
+ for result in group_result:
+ for line, link, pattern_idx, project_idx in result:
+ pattern = warn_patterns[pattern_idx]
+ pattern['members'].append(line)
+ message_idx = len(warning_messages)
+ warning_messages.append(line)
+ link_idx = len(warning_links)
+ warning_links.append(link)
+ warning_records.append([pattern_idx, project_idx, message_idx,
+ link_idx])
+ pname = '???' if project_idx < 0 else project_names[project_idx]
+ # Count warnings by project.
+ if pname in pattern['projects']:
+ pattern['projects'][pname] += 1
+ else:
+ pattern['projects'][pname] = 1
+ return warning_messages, warning_links, warning_records
+def write_html(flags, project_names, warn_patterns, html_path, warning_messages,
+ warning_links, warning_records, header_str):
+ """Write warnings html file."""
+ if html_path:
+ with open(html_path, 'w') as f:
+ dump_html(flags, f, warning_messages, warning_links, warning_records,
+ header_str, warn_patterns, project_names)
+def write_out_csv(flags, warn_patterns, warning_messages, warning_links,
+ warning_records, header_str, project_names):
+ """Write warnings csv file."""
+ if flags.csvpath:
+ with open(flags.csvpath, 'w') as f:
+ dump_csv(csv.writer(f, lineterminator='\n'), warn_patterns)
+ if flags.gencsv:
+ dump_csv(csv.writer(sys.stdout, lineterminator='\n'), warn_patterns)
+ else:
+ dump_html(flags, sys.stdout, warning_messages, warning_links,
+ warning_records, header_str, warn_patterns, project_names)
+def process_log(logfile, flags, project_names, project_patterns, warn_patterns,
+ html_path, use_google3, create_launch_subprocs_fn,
+ classify_warnings_fn, logfile_object):
+ # pylint: disable=g-doc-args
+ # pylint: disable=g-doc-return-or-yield
+ """Function that handles processing of a log.
+ This is isolated into its own function (rather than just taking place in main)
+ so that it can be used by both warn.py and the borg job process_gs_logs.py, to
+ avoid duplication of code.
+ Note that if the arguments to this function change, process_gs_logs.py must
+ be updated accordingly.
+ """
+ if logfile_object is None:
+ with io.open(logfile, encoding='utf-8') as log:
+ warning_lines_and_links, header_str = parse_input_file(log, flags)
+ else:
+ warning_lines_and_links, header_str = parse_input_file(
+ logfile_object, flags)
+ warning_messages, warning_links, warning_records = parallel_classify_warnings(
+ warning_lines_and_links, flags, project_names, project_patterns,
+ warn_patterns, use_google3, create_launch_subprocs_fn,
+ classify_warnings_fn)
+ write_html(flags, project_names, warn_patterns, html_path,
+ warning_messages, warning_links, warning_records,
+ header_str)
+ return warning_messages, warning_links, warning_records, header_str
+def common_main(use_google3, create_launch_subprocs_fn, classify_warnings_fn,
+ logfile_object=None):
+ """Shared main function for Google3 and non-Google3 versions of warn.py."""
+ flags = parse_args(use_google3)
+ warn_patterns = get_warn_patterns(flags.platform)
+ project_list = get_project_list(flags.platform)
+ project_names = get_project_names(project_list)
+ project_patterns = [re.compile(p[1]) for p in project_list]
+ # html_path=None because we output html below if not outputting CSV
+ warning_messages, warning_links, warning_records, header_str = process_log(
+ logfile=flags.log, flags=flags, project_names=project_names,
+ project_patterns=project_patterns, warn_patterns=warn_patterns,
+ html_path=None, use_google3=use_google3,
+ create_launch_subprocs_fn=create_launch_subprocs_fn,
+ classify_warnings_fn=classify_warnings_fn,
+ logfile_object=logfile_object)
+ write_out_csv(flags, warn_patterns, warning_messages, warning_links,
+ warning_records, header_str, project_names)
+ # Return these values, so that caller can use them, if desired.
+ return flags, warning_messages, warning_records, warn_patterns