Merge "Factor out json from"
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
4space :=$= $(space)$(space)$(space)$(space)
invert_bool =$= $(if $(strip $(1)),,true)
# Converts a list to a JSON list.
# $1: List separator.
# $2: List.
_json_list =$= [$(if $(2),"$(subst $(1),"$(comma)",$(2))")]
# Converts a space-separated list to a JSON list.
json_list =$= $(call _json_list,$(space),$(1))
# Converts a comma-separated list to a JSON list.
csv_to_json_list =$= $(call _json_list,$(comma),$(1))
# Adds or removes 4 spaces from _json_indent
json_increase_indent =$= $(eval _json_indent := $$(_json_indent)$$(4space))
json_decrease_indent =$= $(eval _json_indent := $$(subst _,$$(space),$$(patsubst %____,%,$$(subst $$(space),_,$$(_json_indent)))))
# 1: Key name
# 2: Value
add_json_val =$= $(eval _json_contents := $$(_json_contents)$$(_json_indent)"$$(strip $$(1))": $$(strip $$(2))$$(comma)$$(newline))
add_json_str =$= $(call add_json_val,$(1),"$(strip $(2))")
add_json_list =$= $(call add_json_val,$(1),$(call json_list,$(patsubst %,%,$(2))))
add_json_csv =$= $(call add_json_val,$(1),$(call csv_to_json_list,$(strip $(2))))
add_json_bool =$= $(call add_json_val,$(1),$(if $(strip $(2)),true,false))
add_json_map =$= $(eval _json_contents := $$(_json_contents)$$(_json_indent)"$$(strip $$(1))": {$$(newline))$(json_increase_indent)
end_json_map =$= $(json_decrease_indent)$(eval _json_contents := $$(_json_contents)$$(if $$(filter %$$(comma),$$(lastword $$(_json_contents))),__SV_END)$$(_json_indent)},$$(newline))
# Clears _json_contents to start a new json file
json_start =$= $(eval _json_contents := {$$(newline))$(eval _json_indent := $$(4space))
# Adds the trailing close brace to _json_contents, and removes any trailing commas if necessary
json_end =$= $(eval _json_contents := $$(subst $$(comma)$$(newline)__SV_END,$$(newline),$$(_json_contents)__SV_END}$$(newline)))
json_contents =$= $(_json_contents)
@ -14,31 +14,13 @@ endif
# Converts a list to a JSON list.
# $1: List separator.
# $2: List.
_json_list = [$(if $(2),"$(subst $(1),"$(comma)",$(2))")]
# Converts a space-separated list to a JSON list.
json_list = $(call _json_list,$(space),$(1))
# Converts a comma-separated list to a JSON list.
csv_to_json_list = $(call _json_list,$(comma),$(1))
# 1: Key name
# 2: Value
add_json_val = $(eval _contents := $$(_contents) "$$(strip $$(1))":$$(space)$$(strip $$(2))$$(comma)$$(newline))
add_json_str = $(call add_json_val,$(1),"$(strip $(2))")
add_json_list = $(call add_json_val,$(1),$(call json_list,$(patsubst %,%,$(2))))
add_json_csv = $(call add_json_val,$(1),$(call csv_to_json_list,$(strip $(2))))
add_json_bool = $(call add_json_val,$(1),$(if $(strip $(2)),true,false))
invert_bool = $(if $(strip $(1)),,true)
include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/
# Create soong.variables with copies of makefile settings. Runs every build,
# but only updates soong.variables if it changes
$(shell mkdir -p $(dir $(SOONG_VARIABLES)))
_contents := {$(newline)
$(call json_start)
$(call add_json_str, Make_suffix, -$(TARGET_PRODUCT))
@ -154,17 +136,17 @@ $(call add_json_list, BoardOdmSepolicyDirs, $(BOARD_ODM_SEPOLICY_DI
$(call add_json_list, BoardPlatPublicSepolicyDirs, $(BOARD_PLAT_PUBLIC_SEPOLICY_DIR))
$(call add_json_list, BoardPlatPrivateSepolicyDirs, $(BOARD_PLAT_PRIVATE_SEPOLICY_DIR))
_contents := $(_contents) "VendorVars": {$(newline)
$(call add_json_map, VendorVars)
$(foreach namespace,$(SOONG_CONFIG_NAMESPACES),\
$(eval _contents := $$(_contents) "$(namespace)": {$$(newline)) \
$(call add_json_map, $(namespace))\
$(foreach key,$(SOONG_CONFIG_$(namespace)),\
$(eval _contents := $$(_contents) "$(key)": "$(SOONG_CONFIG_$(namespace)_$(key))",$$(newline)))\
$(eval _contents := $$(_contents)$(if $(strip $(SOONG_CONFIG_$(namespace))),__SV_END) },$$(newline)))
_contents := $(_contents)$(if $(strip $(SOONG_CONFIG_NAMESPACES)),__SV_END) },$(newline)
$(call add_json_str,$(key),$(SOONG_CONFIG_$(namespace)_$(key))))\
$(call end_json_map))
$(call end_json_map)
_contents := $(subst $(comma)$(newline)__SV_END,$(newline),$(_contents)__SV_END}$(newline))
$(call json_end)
$(file >$(SOONG_VARIABLES).tmp,$(_contents))
$(file >$(SOONG_VARIABLES).tmp,$(json_contents))
$(shell if ! cmp -s $(SOONG_VARIABLES).tmp $(SOONG_VARIABLES); then \
@ -172,15 +154,4 @@ $(shell if ! cmp -s $(SOONG_VARIABLES).tmp $(SOONG_VARIABLES); then \
rm $(SOONG_VARIABLES).tmp; \
_json_list :=
json_list :=
csv_to_json_list :=
add_json_val :=
add_json_str :=
add_json_list :=
add_json_csv :=
add_json_bool :=
invert_bool :=
_contents :=
Reference in New Issue