Dump artifacts offending path reqs into a file

Dump offending artifacts into a file that can be inspected after a
build regardless of whether path requirements are enforced or not.

This makes it easier to track progress for products not yet ready
to enable enforcement.

Bug: 80410283
Test: lunch mainline_arm64; m out/target/product/generic_arm64/offending_artifacts.txt
Change-Id: Id05fbf256edf3689ab0b9851b34658d6d84939b2
This commit is contained in:
Anton Hansson 2018-07-18 14:15:54 +01:00
parent ee17f42142
commit 8c3d79dd37
1 changed files with 9 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -1001,17 +1001,21 @@ $(foreach makefile,$(ARTIFACT_PATH_REQUIREMENT_PRODUCTS),\
$(eval unused_whitelist := $(filter-out $(files),$(whitelist_patterns))) \
$(call maybe-print-list-and-error,$(unused_whitelist),$(makefile) includes redundant whitelist entries in its artifact path requirement.) \
$(eval ### Optionally verify that nothing else produces files inside this artifact path requirement.) \
$(eval extra_files := $(filter-out $(files) $(HOST_OUT)/%,$(product_FILES))) \
$(eval files_in_requirement := $(filter $(path_patterns),$(extra_files))) \
$(eval all_offending_files += $(files_in_requirement)) \
$(eval whitelist_patterns := $(call resolve-product-relative-paths,$(whitelist))) \
$(eval offending_files := $(filter-out $(whitelist_patterns),$(files_in_requirement))) \
$(eval extra_files := $(filter-out $(files) $(HOST_OUT)/%,$(product_FILES))) \
$(eval whitelist_patterns := $(call resolve-product-relative-paths,$(whitelist))) \
$(eval files_in_requirement := $(filter $(path_patterns),$(extra_files))) \
$(eval offending_files := $(filter-out $(whitelist_patterns),$(files_in_requirement))) \
$(call maybe-print-list-and-error,$(offending_files),$(INTERNAL_PRODUCT) produces files inside $(makefile)s artifact path requirement.) \
$(eval unused_whitelist := $(filter-out $(extra_files),$(whitelist_patterns))) \
$(call maybe-print-list-and-error,$(unused_whitelist),$(INTERNAL_PRODUCT) includes redundant artifact path requirement whitelist entries.) \
) \
rm -f $@
$(foreach f,$(sort $(all_offending_files)),echo $(f) >> $@;)
ifeq (0,1)
$(info product_FILES for $(TARGET_DEVICE) ($(INTERNAL_PRODUCT)):)