Delay platform availability error for ALLOW_MISSING_DEPENDENCIES=true

The platform availability check was erroring incorrectly for the
libstatssocket module in master-art-host builds.  Nothing being
built depended on libstatssocket, but the check would still
error because libstatspull_test was defined in the branch but
unused in the build.

When ALLOW_MISSING_DEPENDENCIES=true is set and a module fails
the check add an additional dependency on a rule that prints
the error message.  This will show the error and fail the build
if an unavailable module is requested to be installed, while
allowing the build to proceed if there are no unavailable
modules in the dependency graph.

Fixes: 154888298
Test: m build-art-host TARGET_BUILD_UNBUNDLED=true ALLOW_MISSING_DEPENDENCIES=true libstatspull_test -k
Change-Id: I1d57afe60a75d65128e59f794243a0414cbc82f6
This commit is contained in:
Colin Cross 2020-08-28 13:10:54 -07:00
parent 78439f4668
commit b0f3a4d04c
1 changed files with 23 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ $(strip $(foreach m,$(product_MODULES),\
$(if $(filter true,$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_PLATFORM)),\
_violators_with_path := $(foreach m,$(sort $(_modules_not_available_for_platform)),\
$(m):$(word 1,$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).PATH))\
@ -34,3 +35,22 @@ $(call maybe-print-list-and-error,$(_violators_with_path),\
Following modules are requested to be installed. But are not available \
for platform because they do not have "//apex_available:platform" or \
they depend on other modules that are not available for platform)
# Don't error out immediately when ALLOW_MISSING_DEPENDENCIES is set.
# Instead, add a dependency on a rule that prints the error message.
define not_available_for_platform_rule
not_installable_file := $(patsubst $(OUT_DIR)/%,$(OUT_DIR)/NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_PLATFORM/%,$(1)))
$(1): $$(not_installable_file)
$(call echo-error,$(2),Module is requested to be installed but is not \
available for platform because it does not have "//apex_available:platform" or \
it depends on other modules that are not available for platform.)
exit 1
$(foreach m,$(_modules_not_available_for_platform),\
$(foreach i,$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED),\
$(eval $(call not_available_for_platform_rule,$(i),$(m)))))