This " + thing + " is not available with API level " + selectedLevel + ".
+ "
To use this " + thing + ", you must develop your app using a build target "
+ "that supports API level " + $("#doc-api-level").attr("class") + " or higher. To read these "
+ "APIs, change the value of the API level filter above.
+ "
What is the API level?
} else {
function toggleVisisbleApis(selectedLevel, context) {
var apis = $(".api",context);
apis.each(function(i) {
var obj = $(this);
var className = obj.attr("class");
var apiLevelIndex = className.lastIndexOf("-")+1;
var apiLevelEndIndex = className.indexOf(" ", apiLevelIndex);
apiLevelEndIndex = apiLevelEndIndex != -1 ? apiLevelEndIndex : className.length;
var apiLevel = className.substring(apiLevelIndex, apiLevelEndIndex);
if (apiLevel.length == 0) { // for odd cases when the since data is actually missing, just bail
apiLevel = parseInt(apiLevel);
// Handle provisional api levels; if this item's level is the provisional one, set it to the max
var selectedLevelNum = parseInt(selectedLevel)
var apiLevelNum = parseInt(apiLevel);
if (isNaN(apiLevelNum)) {
apiLevelNum = maxLevel;
// Grey things out that aren't available and give a tooltip title
if (apiLevelNum > selectedLevelNum) {
obj.addClass("absent").attr("title","Requires API Level \""
+ apiLevel + "\" or higher");
else obj.removeClass("absent").removeAttr("title");
/* ################# SIDENAV TREE VIEW ################### */
function new_node(me, mom, text, link, children_data, api_level)
var node = new Object();
node.children = Array();
node.children_data = children_data;
node.depth = mom.depth + 1; = document.createElement("li");
node.label_div = document.createElement("div");
node.label_div.className = "label";
if (api_level != null) {
if (children_data != null) {
node.expand_toggle = document.createElement("a");
node.expand_toggle.href = "javascript:void(0)";
node.expand_toggle.onclick = function() {
if (node.expanded) {
node.plus_img.src = me.toroot + "assets/images/triangle-closed-small.png";
node.expanded = false;
} else {
expand_node(me, node);
node.plus_img = document.createElement("img");
node.plus_img.src = me.toroot + "assets/images/triangle-closed-small.png";
node.plus_img.className = "plus";
node.plus_img.width = "8";
node.plus_img.border = "0";
node.expanded = false;
var a = document.createElement("a");
node.label = document.createTextNode(text);
if (link) {
a.href = me.toroot + link;
} else {
if (children_data != null) {
a.className = "nolink";
a.href = "javascript:void(0)";
a.onclick = node.expand_toggle.onclick;
// This next line shouldn't be necessary. I'll buy a beer for the first
// person who figures out how to remove this line and have the link
// toggle shut on the first try.
node.expanded = false;
node.children_ul = null;
node.get_children_ul = function() {
if (!node.children_ul) {
node.children_ul = document.createElement("ul");
node.children_ul.className = "children_ul"; = "none";;
return node.children_ul;
return node;
function expand_node(me, node)
if (node.children_data && !node.expanded) {
if (node.children_visited) {
} else {
get_node(me, node);
if ($(node.label_div).hasClass("absent")) {
node.plus_img.src = me.toroot + "assets/images/triangle-opened-small.png";
node.expanded = true;
// perform api level toggling because new nodes are new to the DOM
var selectedLevel = $("#apiLevelSelector option:selected").val();
toggleVisisbleApis(selectedLevel, "#side-nav");
function get_node(me, mom)
mom.children_visited = true;
for (var i in mom.children_data) {
var node_data = mom.children_data[i];
mom.children[i] = new_node(me, mom, node_data[0], node_data[1],
node_data[2], node_data[3]);
function this_page_relative(toroot)
var full = document.location.pathname;
var file = "";
if (toroot.substr(0, 1) == "/") {
if (full.substr(0, toroot.length) == toroot) {
return full.substr(toroot.length);
} else {
// the file isn't under toroot. Fail.
return null;
} else {
if (toroot != "./") {
toroot = "./" + toroot;
do {
if (toroot.substr(toroot.length-3, 3) == "../" || toroot == "./") {
var pos = full.lastIndexOf("/");
file = full.substr(pos) + file;
full = full.substr(0, pos);
toroot = toroot.substr(0, toroot.length-3);
} while (toroot != "" && toroot != "/");
return file.substr(1);
function find_page(url, data)
var nodes = data;
var result = null;
for (var i in nodes) {
var d = nodes[i];
if (d[1] == url) {
return new Array(i);
else if (d[2] != null) {
result = find_page(url, d[2]);
if (result != null) {
return (new Array(i).concat(result));
return null;
function load_navtree_data(toroot) {
var navtreeData = document.createElement("script");
navtreeData.setAttribute("src", toroot+"navtree_data.js");
function init_default_navtree(toroot) {
init_navtree("tree-list", toroot, NAVTREE_DATA);
// perform api level toggling because because the whole tree is new to the DOM
var selectedLevel = $("#apiLevelSelector option:selected").val();
toggleVisisbleApis(selectedLevel, "#side-nav");
function init_navtree(navtree_id, toroot, root_nodes)
var me = new Object();
me.toroot = toroot;
me.node = new Object(); = document.getElementById(navtree_id);
me.node.children_data = root_nodes;
me.node.children = new Array();
me.node.children_ul = document.createElement("ul");
me.node.get_children_ul = function() { return me.node.children_ul; };
//me.node.children_ul.className = "children_ul";;
me.node.depth = 0;
get_node(me, me.node);
me.this_page = this_page_relative(toroot);
me.breadcrumbs = find_page(me.this_page, root_nodes);
if (me.breadcrumbs != null && me.breadcrumbs.length != 0) {
var mom = me.node;
for (var i in me.breadcrumbs) {
var j = me.breadcrumbs[i];
mom = mom.children[j];
expand_node(me, mom);
mom.label_div.className = mom.label_div.className + " selected";
addLoadEvent(function() {
/* Toggle an inherited class (arrow toggle)
* @param linkObj The link that was clicked.
* @param expand 'true' to ensure it's expanded. 'false' to ensure it's closed.
* 'null' to simply toggle.
function toggleInherited(linkObj, expand) {
var base = linkObj.getAttribute("id");
var list = document.getElementById(base + "-list");
var summary = document.getElementById(base + "-summary");
var trigger = document.getElementById(base + "-trigger");
var a = $(linkObj);
if ( (expand == null && a.hasClass("closed")) || expand ) { = "none"; = "block";
trigger.src = toRoot + "assets/images/triangle-opened.png";
} else if ( (expand == null && a.hasClass("opened")) || (expand == false) ) { = "block"; = "none";
trigger.src = toRoot + "assets/images/triangle-closed.png";
return false;
/* Toggle all inherited classes in a single table (e.g. all inherited methods)
* @param linkObj The link that was clicked.
* @param expand 'true' to ensure it's expanded. 'false' to ensure it's closed.
* 'null' to simply toggle.
function toggleAllInherited(linkObj, expand) {
var a = $(linkObj);
var table = $(a.parent().parent().parent()); // ugly way to get table/tbody
var expandos = $(".jd-expando-trigger", table);
if ( (expand == null && a.text() == "[Expand]") || expand ) {
expandos.each(function(i) {
toggleInherited(this, true);
} else if ( (expand == null && a.text() == "[Collapse]") || (expand == false) ) {
expandos.each(function(i) {
toggleInherited(this, false);
return false;
/* Toggle all inherited members in the class (link in the class title)
function toggleAllClassInherited() {
var a = $("#toggleAllClassInherited"); // get toggle link from class title
var toggles = $(".toggle-all", $("#body-content"));
if (a.text() == "[Expand All]") {
toggles.each(function(i) {
toggleAllInherited(this, true);
a.text("[Collapse All]");
} else {
toggles.each(function(i) {
toggleAllInherited(this, false);
a.text("[Expand All]");
return false;
/* Expand all inherited members in the class. Used when initiating page search */
function ensureAllInheritedExpanded() {
var toggles = $(".toggle-all", $("#body-content"));
toggles.each(function(i) {
toggleAllInherited(this, true);
$("#toggleAllClassInherited").text("[Collapse All]");
* - Listen for Ctrl+F (Cmd on Mac) and expand all inherited members (to aid page search)
var agent = navigator['userAgent'].toLowerCase();
var mac = agent.indexOf("macintosh") != -1;
$(document).keydown( function(e) {
var control = mac ? e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey : e.ctrlKey; // get ctrl key
if (control && e.which == 70) { // 70 is "F"