We've been using -fPIC and -fPIE together in the global cflags all this
time. These options are incompatible. The only reason we haven't been
hit by this before is because of the forced -Bsymbolic in GCC. To fix
this, pass -fpic when compiling objects for shared libraries and -fpie
when compiling objects for executables. For static libraries, also use
-fpic. We have to do this because static libraries might be included in
either a shared library or an executable. Code compiled with -fpie
cannot be included in a shared library, but code compiled with -fpic
may be included in an executable.
We've also been using -fpic and -fPIC together. These are different
options, and only the latter will take effect.
The final thing this fixes is that we had -f(PIC|PIE) flags being passed
to link commands. These are compile time flags, and don't do anything at
link time.
Bug: 16823325
Change-Id: Ic76f47e63dc2c81b7e1a8058bae1b3dc8565d606
(cherry picked from commit 4803ce2696)