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// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cc
// This file generates the final rules for compiling all C/C++. All properties related to
// compiling should have been translated into builderFlags or another argument to the Transform*
// functions.
import (
const (
objectExtension = ".o"
staticLibraryExtension = ".a"
var (
pctx = android.NewPackageContext("android/soong/cc")
// Rule to invoke gcc with given command, flags, and dependencies. Outputs a .d depfile.
cc = pctx.AndroidRemoteStaticRule("cc", android.RemoteRuleSupports{Goma: true, RBE: true},
Depfile: "${out}.d",
Deps: blueprint.DepsGCC,
Command: "$relPwd ${config.CcWrapper}$ccCmd -c $cFlags -MD -MF ${out}.d -o $out $in",
CommandDeps: []string{"$ccCmd"},
"ccCmd", "cFlags")
// Rule to invoke gcc with given command and flags, but no dependencies.
ccNoDeps = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("ccNoDeps",
Command: "$relPwd $ccCmd -c $cFlags -o $out $in",
CommandDeps: []string{"$ccCmd"},
"ccCmd", "cFlags")
// Rules to invoke ld to link binaries. Uses a .rsp file to list dependencies, as there may
// be many.
ld, ldRE = pctx.RemoteStaticRules("ld",
Command: "$reTemplate$ldCmd ${crtBegin} @${out}.rsp " +
"${libFlags} ${crtEnd} -o ${out} ${ldFlags} ${extraLibFlags}",
CommandDeps: []string{"$ldCmd"},
Rspfile: "${out}.rsp",
RspfileContent: "${in}",
// clang -Wl,--out-implib doesn't update its output file if it hasn't changed.
Restat: true,
Labels: map[string]string{"type": "link", "tool": "clang"},
ExecStrategy: "${config.RECXXLinksExecStrategy}",
Inputs: []string{"${out}.rsp", "$implicitInputs"},
RSPFiles: []string{"${out}.rsp"},
OutputFiles: []string{"${out}", "$implicitOutputs"},
ToolchainInputs: []string{"$ldCmd"},
Platform: map[string]string{remoteexec.PoolKey: "${config.RECXXLinksPool}"},
}, []string{"ldCmd", "crtBegin", "libFlags", "crtEnd", "ldFlags", "extraLibFlags"}, []string{"implicitInputs", "implicitOutputs"})
// Rules for .o files to combine to other .o files, using ld partial linking.
partialLd, partialLdRE = pctx.RemoteStaticRules("partialLd",
// Without -no-pie, clang 7.0 adds -pie to link Android files,
// but -r and -pie cannot be used together.
Command: "$reTemplate$ldCmd -fuse-ld=lld -nostdlib -no-pie -Wl,-r ${in} -o ${out} ${ldFlags}",
CommandDeps: []string{"$ldCmd"},
}, &remoteexec.REParams{
Labels: map[string]string{"type": "link", "tool": "clang"},
ExecStrategy: "${config.RECXXLinksExecStrategy}",
Inputs: []string{"$inCommaList", "$implicitInputs"},
OutputFiles: []string{"${out}", "$implicitOutputs"},
ToolchainInputs: []string{"$ldCmd"},
Platform: map[string]string{remoteexec.PoolKey: "${config.RECXXLinksPool}"},
}, []string{"ldCmd", "ldFlags"}, []string{"implicitInputs", "inCommaList", "implicitOutputs"})
// Rule to invoke `ar` with given cmd and flags, but no static library depenencies.
ar = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("ar",
Command: "rm -f ${out} && $arCmd $arFlags $out @${out}.rsp",
CommandDeps: []string{"$arCmd"},
Rspfile: "${out}.rsp",
RspfileContent: "${in}",
"arCmd", "arFlags")
// Rule to invoke `ar` with given cmd, flags, and library dependencies. Generates a .a
// (archive) file from .o files.
arWithLibs = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("arWithLibs",
Command: "rm -f ${out} && $arCmd $arObjFlags $out @${out}.rsp && $arCmd $arLibFlags $out $arLibs",
CommandDeps: []string{"$arCmd"},
Rspfile: "${out}.rsp",
RspfileContent: "${arObjs}",
"arCmd", "arObjFlags", "arObjs", "arLibFlags", "arLibs")
// Rule to run objcopy --prefix-symbols (to prefix all symbols in a file with a given string).
prefixSymbols = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("prefixSymbols",
Command: "$objcopyCmd --prefix-symbols=${prefix} ${in} ${out}",
CommandDeps: []string{"$objcopyCmd"},
"objcopyCmd", "prefix")
_ = pctx.SourcePathVariable("stripPath", "build/soong/scripts/")
_ = pctx.SourcePathVariable("xzCmd", "prebuilts/build-tools/${config.HostPrebuiltTag}/bin/xz")
// Rule to invoke `strip` (to discard symbols and data from object files).
strip = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("strip",
Depfile: "${out}.d",
Deps: blueprint.DepsGCC,
Command: "CROSS_COMPILE=$crossCompile XZ=$xzCmd CLANG_BIN=${config.ClangBin} $stripPath ${args} -i ${in} -o ${out} -d ${out}.d",
CommandDeps: []string{"$stripPath", "$xzCmd"},
Pool: darwinStripPool,
"args", "crossCompile")
// Rule to invoke `strip` (to discard symbols and data from object files) on darwin architecture.
darwinStrip = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("darwinStrip",
Command: "${config.MacStripPath} -u -r -o $out $in",
CommandDeps: []string{"${config.MacStripPath}"},
// b/132822437: objcopy uses a file descriptor per .o file when called on .a files, which runs the system out of
// file descriptors on darwin. Limit concurrent calls to 5 on darwin.
darwinStripPool = func() blueprint.Pool {
if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
return pctx.StaticPool("darwinStripPool", blueprint.PoolParams{
Depth: 5,
} else {
return nil
_ = pctx.SourcePathVariable("archiveRepackPath", "build/soong/scripts/")
// Rule to repack an archive (.a) file with a subset of object files.
archiveRepack = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("archiveRepack",
Depfile: "${out}.d",
Deps: blueprint.DepsGCC,
Command: "CLANG_BIN=${config.ClangBin} $archiveRepackPath -i ${in} -o ${out} -d ${out}.d ${objects}",
CommandDeps: []string{"$archiveRepackPath"},
// Rule to create an empty file at a given path.
emptyFile = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("emptyFile",
Command: "rm -f $out && touch $out",
_ = pctx.SourcePathVariable("tocPath", "build/soong/scripts/")
// A rule for extracting a table of contents from a shared library (.so).
toc = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("toc",
Depfile: "${out}.d",
Deps: blueprint.DepsGCC,
Command: "CLANG_BIN=$clangBin $tocPath $format -i ${in} -o ${out} -d ${out}.d",
CommandDeps: []string{"$tocPath"},
Restat: true,
"clangBin", "format")
// Rule for invoking clang-tidy (a clang-based linter).
clangTidy, clangTidyRE = pctx.RemoteStaticRules("clangTidy",
Command: "rm -f $out && $reTemplate${config.ClangBin}/clang-tidy $tidyFlags $in -- $cFlags && touch $out",
CommandDeps: []string{"${config.ClangBin}/clang-tidy"},
Labels: map[string]string{"type": "lint", "tool": "clang-tidy", "lang": "cpp"},
ExecStrategy: "${config.REClangTidyExecStrategy}",
Inputs: []string{"$in"},
// OutputFile here is $in for remote-execution since its possible that
// clang-tidy modifies the given input file itself and $out refers to the
// ".tidy" file generated for ninja-dependency reasons.
OutputFiles: []string{"$in"},
Platform: map[string]string{remoteexec.PoolKey: "${config.REClangTidyPool}"},
}, []string{"cFlags", "tidyFlags"}, []string{})
_ = pctx.SourcePathVariable("yasmCmd", "prebuilts/misc/${config.HostPrebuiltTag}/yasm/yasm")
// Rule for invoking yasm to compile .asm assembly files.
yasm = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("yasm",
Command: "$yasmCmd $asFlags -o $out $in && $yasmCmd $asFlags -M $in >$out.d",
CommandDeps: []string{"$yasmCmd"},
Depfile: "$out.d",
Deps: blueprint.DepsGCC,
// Rule to invoke windres, for interaction with Windows resources.
windres = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("windres",
Command: "$windresCmd $flags -I$$(dirname $in) -i $in -o $out --preprocessor \"${config.ClangBin}/clang -E -xc-header -DRC_INVOKED\"",
CommandDeps: []string{"$windresCmd"},
"windresCmd", "flags")
_ = pctx.SourcePathVariable("sAbiDumper", "prebuilts/clang-tools/${config.HostPrebuiltTag}/bin/header-abi-dumper")
// -w has been added since header-abi-dumper does not need to produce any sort of diagnostic information.
sAbiDump, sAbiDumpRE = pctx.RemoteStaticRules("sAbiDump",
Command: "rm -f $out && $reTemplate$sAbiDumper -o ${out} $in $exportDirs -- $cFlags -w -isystem prebuilts/clang-tools/${config.HostPrebuiltTag}/clang-headers",
CommandDeps: []string{"$sAbiDumper"},
}, &remoteexec.REParams{
Labels: map[string]string{"type": "abi-dump", "tool": "header-abi-dumper"},
ExecStrategy: "${config.REAbiDumperExecStrategy}",
Inputs: []string{"$sAbiLinkerLibs"},
Platform: map[string]string{
remoteexec.PoolKey: "${config.RECXXPool}",
}, []string{"cFlags", "exportDirs"}, nil)
_ = pctx.SourcePathVariable("sAbiLinker", "prebuilts/clang-tools/${config.HostPrebuiltTag}/bin/header-abi-linker")
_ = pctx.SourcePathVariable("sAbiLinkerLibs", "prebuilts/clang-tools/${config.HostPrebuiltTag}/lib64")
// Rule to combine .dump sAbi dump files from multiple source files into a single .ldump
// sAbi dump file.
sAbiLink, sAbiLinkRE = pctx.RemoteStaticRules("sAbiLink",
Command: "$reTemplate$sAbiLinker -o ${out} $symbolFilter -arch $arch $exportedHeaderFlags @${out}.rsp ",
CommandDeps: []string{"$sAbiLinker"},
Rspfile: "${out}.rsp",
RspfileContent: "${in}",
}, &remoteexec.REParams{
Labels: map[string]string{"type": "tool", "name": "abi-linker"},
ExecStrategy: "${config.REAbiLinkerExecStrategy}",
Inputs: []string{"$sAbiLinkerLibs", "${out}.rsp", "$implicitInputs"},
RSPFiles: []string{"${out}.rsp"},
OutputFiles: []string{"$out"},
ToolchainInputs: []string{"$sAbiLinker"},
Platform: map[string]string{remoteexec.PoolKey: "${config.RECXXPool}"},
}, []string{"symbolFilter", "arch", "exportedHeaderFlags"}, []string{"implicitInputs"})
_ = pctx.SourcePathVariable("sAbiDiffer", "prebuilts/clang-tools/${config.HostPrebuiltTag}/bin/header-abi-diff")
// Rule to compare linked sAbi dump files (.ldump).
sAbiDiff = pctx.RuleFunc("sAbiDiff",
func(ctx android.PackageRuleContext) blueprint.RuleParams {
commandStr := "($sAbiDiffer ${extraFlags} -lib ${libName} -arch ${arch} -o ${out} -new ${in} -old ${referenceDump})"
commandStr += "|| (echo 'error: Please update ABI references with: $$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/development/vndk/tools/header-checker/utils/ ${createReferenceDumpFlags} -l ${libName}'"
commandStr += " && (mkdir -p $$DIST_DIR/abidiffs && cp ${out} $$DIST_DIR/abidiffs/)"
commandStr += " && exit 1)"
return blueprint.RuleParams{
Command: commandStr,
CommandDeps: []string{"$sAbiDiffer"},
"extraFlags", "referenceDump", "libName", "arch", "createReferenceDumpFlags")
// Rule to unzip a reference abi dump.
unzipRefSAbiDump = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("unzipRefSAbiDump",
Command: "gunzip -c $in > $out",
// Rule to zip files.
zip = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("zip",
Command: "${SoongZipCmd} -o ${out} -C $$OUT_DIR -r ${out}.rsp",
CommandDeps: []string{"${SoongZipCmd}"},
Rspfile: "${out}.rsp",
RspfileContent: "$in",
Support source code cross-referencing for C++ and Java Use Kythe ( to build cross reference for the Android source code. ~generate the input for it during the build. This is done on demand: if XREF_CORPUS environment variable is set, build emits a Ninja rule to generate Kythe input for each compilation rule. It also emits two consolidation rules (`xref_cxx` and `xref_java`), that depend on all Kythe input generation rules for C++ and Java. The value of the XREF_CORPUS environment variable is recorded in the generated files and thus passed to Kythe. For the AOSP master branch it is ``, so the command to build all input for Kythe on that branch is: ``` m xref_cxx xref_java ``` Each Kythe input generation rule generates a single file with .kzip extension. Individual .kzip files have a lot of common information, so there will be a post-build consolidation step run to combine them. The consolidated .kzip file is then passed to Kythe backend. The tools to generate .kzip files are provided by Kythe (it calls them 'extractors'). We are going to build them in toolbuilding branches (clang-tools and build-tools) and check them in as binaries into master and other PDK branches: For C++, `prebuilts/clang-tools/linux-x86/bin/cxx_extractor` for Java, `prebuilts/build-tools/common/framework/javac_extractor.jar` Bug: 121267023 Test: 1) When XREF_CORPUS is set, build generates Ninja rules to create .kzip files; 2) When XREF_CORPUS is set, building `xref_cxx`/`xref_java` creates .kzip files; 3) Unless XREF_CORPUS is set, build generates the same Ninja rules as before Change-Id: If957b35d7abc82dbfbb3665980e7c34afe7c789e
2018-11-06 08:49:08 +08:00
_ = pctx.SourcePathVariable("cxxExtractor",
_ = pctx.SourcePathVariable("kytheVnames", "build/soong/vnames.json")
Support source code cross-referencing for C++ and Java Use Kythe ( to build cross reference for the Android source code. ~generate the input for it during the build. This is done on demand: if XREF_CORPUS environment variable is set, build emits a Ninja rule to generate Kythe input for each compilation rule. It also emits two consolidation rules (`xref_cxx` and `xref_java`), that depend on all Kythe input generation rules for C++ and Java. The value of the XREF_CORPUS environment variable is recorded in the generated files and thus passed to Kythe. For the AOSP master branch it is ``, so the command to build all input for Kythe on that branch is: ``` m xref_cxx xref_java ``` Each Kythe input generation rule generates a single file with .kzip extension. Individual .kzip files have a lot of common information, so there will be a post-build consolidation step run to combine them. The consolidated .kzip file is then passed to Kythe backend. The tools to generate .kzip files are provided by Kythe (it calls them 'extractors'). We are going to build them in toolbuilding branches (clang-tools and build-tools) and check them in as binaries into master and other PDK branches: For C++, `prebuilts/clang-tools/linux-x86/bin/cxx_extractor` for Java, `prebuilts/build-tools/common/framework/javac_extractor.jar` Bug: 121267023 Test: 1) When XREF_CORPUS is set, build generates Ninja rules to create .kzip files; 2) When XREF_CORPUS is set, building `xref_cxx`/`xref_java` creates .kzip files; 3) Unless XREF_CORPUS is set, build generates the same Ninja rules as before Change-Id: If957b35d7abc82dbfbb3665980e7c34afe7c789e
2018-11-06 08:49:08 +08:00
_ = pctx.VariableFunc("kytheCorpus",
func(ctx android.PackageVarContext) string { return ctx.Config().XrefCorpusName() })
_ = pctx.VariableFunc("kytheCuEncoding",
func(ctx android.PackageVarContext) string { return ctx.Config().XrefCuEncoding() })
// Rule to use kythe extractors to generate .kzip files, used to build code cross references.
Support source code cross-referencing for C++ and Java Use Kythe ( to build cross reference for the Android source code. ~generate the input for it during the build. This is done on demand: if XREF_CORPUS environment variable is set, build emits a Ninja rule to generate Kythe input for each compilation rule. It also emits two consolidation rules (`xref_cxx` and `xref_java`), that depend on all Kythe input generation rules for C++ and Java. The value of the XREF_CORPUS environment variable is recorded in the generated files and thus passed to Kythe. For the AOSP master branch it is ``, so the command to build all input for Kythe on that branch is: ``` m xref_cxx xref_java ``` Each Kythe input generation rule generates a single file with .kzip extension. Individual .kzip files have a lot of common information, so there will be a post-build consolidation step run to combine them. The consolidated .kzip file is then passed to Kythe backend. The tools to generate .kzip files are provided by Kythe (it calls them 'extractors'). We are going to build them in toolbuilding branches (clang-tools and build-tools) and check them in as binaries into master and other PDK branches: For C++, `prebuilts/clang-tools/linux-x86/bin/cxx_extractor` for Java, `prebuilts/build-tools/common/framework/javac_extractor.jar` Bug: 121267023 Test: 1) When XREF_CORPUS is set, build generates Ninja rules to create .kzip files; 2) When XREF_CORPUS is set, building `xref_cxx`/`xref_java` creates .kzip files; 3) Unless XREF_CORPUS is set, build generates the same Ninja rules as before Change-Id: If957b35d7abc82dbfbb3665980e7c34afe7c789e
2018-11-06 08:49:08 +08:00
kytheExtract = pctx.StaticRule("kythe",
Command: `rm -f $out && ` +
`KYTHE_CORPUS=${kytheCorpus} ` +
`KYTHE_VNAMES=$kytheVnames ` +
`KYTHE_KZIP_ENCODING=${kytheCuEncoding} ` +
`$cxxExtractor $cFlags $in `,
CommandDeps: []string{"$cxxExtractor", "$kytheVnames"},
Support source code cross-referencing for C++ and Java Use Kythe ( to build cross reference for the Android source code. ~generate the input for it during the build. This is done on demand: if XREF_CORPUS environment variable is set, build emits a Ninja rule to generate Kythe input for each compilation rule. It also emits two consolidation rules (`xref_cxx` and `xref_java`), that depend on all Kythe input generation rules for C++ and Java. The value of the XREF_CORPUS environment variable is recorded in the generated files and thus passed to Kythe. For the AOSP master branch it is ``, so the command to build all input for Kythe on that branch is: ``` m xref_cxx xref_java ``` Each Kythe input generation rule generates a single file with .kzip extension. Individual .kzip files have a lot of common information, so there will be a post-build consolidation step run to combine them. The consolidated .kzip file is then passed to Kythe backend. The tools to generate .kzip files are provided by Kythe (it calls them 'extractors'). We are going to build them in toolbuilding branches (clang-tools and build-tools) and check them in as binaries into master and other PDK branches: For C++, `prebuilts/clang-tools/linux-x86/bin/cxx_extractor` for Java, `prebuilts/build-tools/common/framework/javac_extractor.jar` Bug: 121267023 Test: 1) When XREF_CORPUS is set, build generates Ninja rules to create .kzip files; 2) When XREF_CORPUS is set, building `xref_cxx`/`xref_java` creates .kzip files; 3) Unless XREF_CORPUS is set, build generates the same Ninja rules as before Change-Id: If957b35d7abc82dbfbb3665980e7c34afe7c789e
2018-11-06 08:49:08 +08:00
func PwdPrefix() string {
// Darwin doesn't have /proc
if runtime.GOOS != "darwin" {
return "PWD=/proc/self/cwd"
return ""
func init() {
// We run gcc/clang with PWD=/proc/self/cwd to remove $TOP from the
// debug output. That way two builds in two different directories will
// create the same output.
pctx.StaticVariable("relPwd", PwdPrefix())
pctx.HostBinToolVariable("SoongZipCmd", "soong_zip")
// builderFlags contains various types of command line flags (and settings) for use in building
// build statements related to C++.
type builderFlags struct {
// Global flags (which build system or toolchain is responsible for). These are separate from
// local flags because they should appear first (so that they may be overridden by local flags).
globalCommonFlags string
globalAsFlags string
globalYasmFlags string
globalCFlags string
globalToolingCFlags string // A separate set of cFlags for clang LibTooling tools
globalToolingCppFlags string // A separate set of cppFlags for clang LibTooling tools
globalConlyFlags string
globalCppFlags string
globalLdFlags string
// Local flags (which individual modules are responsible for). These may override global flags.
localCommonFlags string
localAsFlags string
localYasmFlags string
localCFlags string
localToolingCFlags string // A separate set of cFlags for clang LibTooling tools
localToolingCppFlags string // A separate set of cppFlags for clang LibTooling tools
localConlyFlags string
localCppFlags string
localLdFlags string
libFlags string // Flags to add to the linker directly after specifying libraries to link.
extraLibFlags string // Flags to add to the linker last.
tidyFlags string // Flags that apply to clang-tidy
sAbiFlags string // Flags that apply to header-abi-dumps
aidlFlags string // Flags that apply to aidl source files
rsFlags string // Flags that apply to renderscript source files
toolchain config.Toolchain
// True if these extra features are enabled.
tidy bool
gcovCoverage bool
sAbiDump bool
emitXrefs bool
assemblerWithCpp bool // True if .s files should be processed with the c preprocessor.
systemIncludeFlags string
// True if static libraries should be grouped (using `-Wl,--start-group` and `-Wl,--end-group`).
groupStaticLibs bool
proto android.ProtoFlags
protoC bool // If true, compile protos as `.c` files. Otherwise, output as `.cc`.
protoOptionsFile bool // If true, output a proto options file.
yacc *YaccProperties
lex *LexProperties
// StripFlags represents flags related to stripping. This is separate from builderFlags, as these
// flags are useful outside of this package (such as for Rust).
type StripFlags struct {
Toolchain config.Toolchain
StripKeepSymbols bool
StripKeepSymbolsList string
StripKeepSymbolsAndDebugFrame bool
StripKeepMiniDebugInfo bool
StripAddGnuDebuglink bool
StripUseGnuStrip bool
// Objects is a collection of file paths corresponding to outputs for C++ related build statements.
type Objects struct {
objFiles android.Paths
tidyFiles android.Paths
coverageFiles android.Paths
sAbiDumpFiles android.Paths
Support source code cross-referencing for C++ and Java Use Kythe ( to build cross reference for the Android source code. ~generate the input for it during the build. This is done on demand: if XREF_CORPUS environment variable is set, build emits a Ninja rule to generate Kythe input for each compilation rule. It also emits two consolidation rules (`xref_cxx` and `xref_java`), that depend on all Kythe input generation rules for C++ and Java. The value of the XREF_CORPUS environment variable is recorded in the generated files and thus passed to Kythe. For the AOSP master branch it is ``, so the command to build all input for Kythe on that branch is: ``` m xref_cxx xref_java ``` Each Kythe input generation rule generates a single file with .kzip extension. Individual .kzip files have a lot of common information, so there will be a post-build consolidation step run to combine them. The consolidated .kzip file is then passed to Kythe backend. The tools to generate .kzip files are provided by Kythe (it calls them 'extractors'). We are going to build them in toolbuilding branches (clang-tools and build-tools) and check them in as binaries into master and other PDK branches: For C++, `prebuilts/clang-tools/linux-x86/bin/cxx_extractor` for Java, `prebuilts/build-tools/common/framework/javac_extractor.jar` Bug: 121267023 Test: 1) When XREF_CORPUS is set, build generates Ninja rules to create .kzip files; 2) When XREF_CORPUS is set, building `xref_cxx`/`xref_java` creates .kzip files; 3) Unless XREF_CORPUS is set, build generates the same Ninja rules as before Change-Id: If957b35d7abc82dbfbb3665980e7c34afe7c789e
2018-11-06 08:49:08 +08:00
kytheFiles android.Paths
func (a Objects) Copy() Objects {
return Objects{
objFiles: append(android.Paths{}, a.objFiles...),
tidyFiles: append(android.Paths{}, a.tidyFiles...),
coverageFiles: append(android.Paths{}, a.coverageFiles...),
sAbiDumpFiles: append(android.Paths{}, a.sAbiDumpFiles...),
Support source code cross-referencing for C++ and Java Use Kythe ( to build cross reference for the Android source code. ~generate the input for it during the build. This is done on demand: if XREF_CORPUS environment variable is set, build emits a Ninja rule to generate Kythe input for each compilation rule. It also emits two consolidation rules (`xref_cxx` and `xref_java`), that depend on all Kythe input generation rules for C++ and Java. The value of the XREF_CORPUS environment variable is recorded in the generated files and thus passed to Kythe. For the AOSP master branch it is ``, so the command to build all input for Kythe on that branch is: ``` m xref_cxx xref_java ``` Each Kythe input generation rule generates a single file with .kzip extension. Individual .kzip files have a lot of common information, so there will be a post-build consolidation step run to combine them. The consolidated .kzip file is then passed to Kythe backend. The tools to generate .kzip files are provided by Kythe (it calls them 'extractors'). We are going to build them in toolbuilding branches (clang-tools and build-tools) and check them in as binaries into master and other PDK branches: For C++, `prebuilts/clang-tools/linux-x86/bin/cxx_extractor` for Java, `prebuilts/build-tools/common/framework/javac_extractor.jar` Bug: 121267023 Test: 1) When XREF_CORPUS is set, build generates Ninja rules to create .kzip files; 2) When XREF_CORPUS is set, building `xref_cxx`/`xref_java` creates .kzip files; 3) Unless XREF_CORPUS is set, build generates the same Ninja rules as before Change-Id: If957b35d7abc82dbfbb3665980e7c34afe7c789e
2018-11-06 08:49:08 +08:00
kytheFiles: append(android.Paths{}, a.kytheFiles...),
func (a Objects) Append(b Objects) Objects {
return Objects{
objFiles: append(a.objFiles, b.objFiles...),
tidyFiles: append(a.tidyFiles, b.tidyFiles...),
coverageFiles: append(a.coverageFiles, b.coverageFiles...),
sAbiDumpFiles: append(a.sAbiDumpFiles, b.sAbiDumpFiles...),
Support source code cross-referencing for C++ and Java Use Kythe ( to build cross reference for the Android source code. ~generate the input for it during the build. This is done on demand: if XREF_CORPUS environment variable is set, build emits a Ninja rule to generate Kythe input for each compilation rule. It also emits two consolidation rules (`xref_cxx` and `xref_java`), that depend on all Kythe input generation rules for C++ and Java. The value of the XREF_CORPUS environment variable is recorded in the generated files and thus passed to Kythe. For the AOSP master branch it is ``, so the command to build all input for Kythe on that branch is: ``` m xref_cxx xref_java ``` Each Kythe input generation rule generates a single file with .kzip extension. Individual .kzip files have a lot of common information, so there will be a post-build consolidation step run to combine them. The consolidated .kzip file is then passed to Kythe backend. The tools to generate .kzip files are provided by Kythe (it calls them 'extractors'). We are going to build them in toolbuilding branches (clang-tools and build-tools) and check them in as binaries into master and other PDK branches: For C++, `prebuilts/clang-tools/linux-x86/bin/cxx_extractor` for Java, `prebuilts/build-tools/common/framework/javac_extractor.jar` Bug: 121267023 Test: 1) When XREF_CORPUS is set, build generates Ninja rules to create .kzip files; 2) When XREF_CORPUS is set, building `xref_cxx`/`xref_java` creates .kzip files; 3) Unless XREF_CORPUS is set, build generates the same Ninja rules as before Change-Id: If957b35d7abc82dbfbb3665980e7c34afe7c789e
2018-11-06 08:49:08 +08:00
kytheFiles: append(a.kytheFiles, b.kytheFiles...),
// Generate rules for compiling multiple .c, .cpp, or .S files to individual .o files
func transformSourceToObj(ctx android.ModuleContext, subdir string, srcFiles android.Paths,
flags builderFlags, pathDeps android.Paths, cFlagsDeps android.Paths) Objects {
// Source files are one-to-one with tidy, coverage, or kythe files, if enabled.
objFiles := make(android.Paths, len(srcFiles))
var tidyFiles android.Paths
if flags.tidy {
tidyFiles = make(android.Paths, 0, len(srcFiles))
var coverageFiles android.Paths
if flags.gcovCoverage {
coverageFiles = make(android.Paths, 0, len(srcFiles))
Support source code cross-referencing for C++ and Java Use Kythe ( to build cross reference for the Android source code. ~generate the input for it during the build. This is done on demand: if XREF_CORPUS environment variable is set, build emits a Ninja rule to generate Kythe input for each compilation rule. It also emits two consolidation rules (`xref_cxx` and `xref_java`), that depend on all Kythe input generation rules for C++ and Java. The value of the XREF_CORPUS environment variable is recorded in the generated files and thus passed to Kythe. For the AOSP master branch it is ``, so the command to build all input for Kythe on that branch is: ``` m xref_cxx xref_java ``` Each Kythe input generation rule generates a single file with .kzip extension. Individual .kzip files have a lot of common information, so there will be a post-build consolidation step run to combine them. The consolidated .kzip file is then passed to Kythe backend. The tools to generate .kzip files are provided by Kythe (it calls them 'extractors'). We are going to build them in toolbuilding branches (clang-tools and build-tools) and check them in as binaries into master and other PDK branches: For C++, `prebuilts/clang-tools/linux-x86/bin/cxx_extractor` for Java, `prebuilts/build-tools/common/framework/javac_extractor.jar` Bug: 121267023 Test: 1) When XREF_CORPUS is set, build generates Ninja rules to create .kzip files; 2) When XREF_CORPUS is set, building `xref_cxx`/`xref_java` creates .kzip files; 3) Unless XREF_CORPUS is set, build generates the same Ninja rules as before Change-Id: If957b35d7abc82dbfbb3665980e7c34afe7c789e
2018-11-06 08:49:08 +08:00
var kytheFiles android.Paths
if flags.emitXrefs {
kytheFiles = make(android.Paths, 0, len(srcFiles))
// Produce fully expanded flags for use by C tools, C compiles, C++ tools, C++ compiles, and asm compiles
// respectively.
toolingCflags := flags.globalCommonFlags + " " +
flags.globalToolingCFlags + " " +
flags.globalConlyFlags + " " +
flags.localCommonFlags + " " +
flags.localToolingCFlags + " " +
flags.localConlyFlags + " " +
cflags := flags.globalCommonFlags + " " +
flags.globalCFlags + " " +
flags.globalConlyFlags + " " +
flags.localCommonFlags + " " +
flags.localCFlags + " " +
flags.localConlyFlags + " " +
toolingCppflags := flags.globalCommonFlags + " " +
flags.globalToolingCFlags + " " +
flags.globalToolingCppFlags + " " +
flags.localCommonFlags + " " +
flags.localToolingCFlags + " " +
flags.localToolingCppFlags + " " +
cppflags := flags.globalCommonFlags + " " +
flags.globalCFlags + " " +
flags.globalCppFlags + " " +
flags.localCommonFlags + " " +
flags.localCFlags + " " +
flags.localCppFlags + " " +
asflags := flags.globalCommonFlags + " " +
flags.globalAsFlags + " " +
flags.localCommonFlags + " " +
flags.localAsFlags + " " +
var sAbiDumpFiles android.Paths
if flags.sAbiDump {
sAbiDumpFiles = make(android.Paths, 0, len(srcFiles))
cflags += " ${config.NoOverrideClangGlobalCflags}"
toolingCflags += " ${config.NoOverrideClangGlobalCflags}"
cppflags += " ${config.NoOverrideClangGlobalCflags}"
toolingCppflags += " ${config.NoOverrideClangGlobalCflags}"
for i, srcFile := range srcFiles {
objFile := android.ObjPathWithExt(ctx, subdir, srcFile, "o")
objFiles[i] = objFile
// Register compilation build statements. The actual rule used depends on the source file type.
switch srcFile.Ext() {
case ".asm":
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: yasm,
Description: "yasm " + srcFile.Rel(),
Output: objFile,
Input: srcFile,
Implicits: cFlagsDeps,
OrderOnly: pathDeps,
Args: map[string]string{
"asFlags": flags.globalYasmFlags + " " + flags.localYasmFlags,
case ".rc":
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: windres,
Description: "windres " + srcFile.Rel(),
Output: objFile,
Input: srcFile,
Implicits: cFlagsDeps,
OrderOnly: pathDeps,
Args: map[string]string{
"windresCmd": gccCmd(flags.toolchain, "windres"),
"flags": flags.toolchain.WindresFlags(),
case ".o":
objFiles[i] = srcFile
var moduleFlags string
var moduleToolingFlags string
var ccCmd string
tidy := flags.tidy
coverage := flags.gcovCoverage
dump := flags.sAbiDump
rule := cc
Support source code cross-referencing for C++ and Java Use Kythe ( to build cross reference for the Android source code. ~generate the input for it during the build. This is done on demand: if XREF_CORPUS environment variable is set, build emits a Ninja rule to generate Kythe input for each compilation rule. It also emits two consolidation rules (`xref_cxx` and `xref_java`), that depend on all Kythe input generation rules for C++ and Java. The value of the XREF_CORPUS environment variable is recorded in the generated files and thus passed to Kythe. For the AOSP master branch it is ``, so the command to build all input for Kythe on that branch is: ``` m xref_cxx xref_java ``` Each Kythe input generation rule generates a single file with .kzip extension. Individual .kzip files have a lot of common information, so there will be a post-build consolidation step run to combine them. The consolidated .kzip file is then passed to Kythe backend. The tools to generate .kzip files are provided by Kythe (it calls them 'extractors'). We are going to build them in toolbuilding branches (clang-tools and build-tools) and check them in as binaries into master and other PDK branches: For C++, `prebuilts/clang-tools/linux-x86/bin/cxx_extractor` for Java, `prebuilts/build-tools/common/framework/javac_extractor.jar` Bug: 121267023 Test: 1) When XREF_CORPUS is set, build generates Ninja rules to create .kzip files; 2) When XREF_CORPUS is set, building `xref_cxx`/`xref_java` creates .kzip files; 3) Unless XREF_CORPUS is set, build generates the same Ninja rules as before Change-Id: If957b35d7abc82dbfbb3665980e7c34afe7c789e
2018-11-06 08:49:08 +08:00
emitXref := flags.emitXrefs
switch srcFile.Ext() {
case ".s":
if !flags.assemblerWithCpp {
rule = ccNoDeps
case ".S":
ccCmd = "clang"
moduleFlags = asflags
tidy = false
coverage = false
dump = false
Support source code cross-referencing for C++ and Java Use Kythe ( to build cross reference for the Android source code. ~generate the input for it during the build. This is done on demand: if XREF_CORPUS environment variable is set, build emits a Ninja rule to generate Kythe input for each compilation rule. It also emits two consolidation rules (`xref_cxx` and `xref_java`), that depend on all Kythe input generation rules for C++ and Java. The value of the XREF_CORPUS environment variable is recorded in the generated files and thus passed to Kythe. For the AOSP master branch it is ``, so the command to build all input for Kythe on that branch is: ``` m xref_cxx xref_java ``` Each Kythe input generation rule generates a single file with .kzip extension. Individual .kzip files have a lot of common information, so there will be a post-build consolidation step run to combine them. The consolidated .kzip file is then passed to Kythe backend. The tools to generate .kzip files are provided by Kythe (it calls them 'extractors'). We are going to build them in toolbuilding branches (clang-tools and build-tools) and check them in as binaries into master and other PDK branches: For C++, `prebuilts/clang-tools/linux-x86/bin/cxx_extractor` for Java, `prebuilts/build-tools/common/framework/javac_extractor.jar` Bug: 121267023 Test: 1) When XREF_CORPUS is set, build generates Ninja rules to create .kzip files; 2) When XREF_CORPUS is set, building `xref_cxx`/`xref_java` creates .kzip files; 3) Unless XREF_CORPUS is set, build generates the same Ninja rules as before Change-Id: If957b35d7abc82dbfbb3665980e7c34afe7c789e
2018-11-06 08:49:08 +08:00
emitXref = false
case ".c":
ccCmd = "clang"
moduleFlags = cflags
moduleToolingFlags = toolingCflags
case ".cpp", ".cc", ".cxx", ".mm":
ccCmd = "clang++"
moduleFlags = cppflags
moduleToolingFlags = toolingCppflags
case ".h", ".hpp":
ctx.PropertyErrorf("srcs", "Header file %s is not supported, instead use export_include_dirs or local_include_dirs.", srcFile)
ctx.PropertyErrorf("srcs", "File %s has unknown extension. Supported extensions: .s, .S, .c, .cpp, .cc, .cxx, .mm", srcFile)
ccDesc := ccCmd
ccCmd = "${config.ClangBin}/" + ccCmd
var implicitOutputs android.WritablePaths
if coverage {
gcnoFile := android.ObjPathWithExt(ctx, subdir, srcFile, "gcno")
implicitOutputs = append(implicitOutputs, gcnoFile)
coverageFiles = append(coverageFiles, gcnoFile)
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: rule,
Description: ccDesc + " " + srcFile.Rel(),
Output: objFile,
ImplicitOutputs: implicitOutputs,
Input: srcFile,
Implicits: cFlagsDeps,
OrderOnly: pathDeps,
Args: map[string]string{
"cFlags": moduleFlags,
"ccCmd": ccCmd,
// Register post-process build statements (such as for tidy or kythe).
Support source code cross-referencing for C++ and Java Use Kythe ( to build cross reference for the Android source code. ~generate the input for it during the build. This is done on demand: if XREF_CORPUS environment variable is set, build emits a Ninja rule to generate Kythe input for each compilation rule. It also emits two consolidation rules (`xref_cxx` and `xref_java`), that depend on all Kythe input generation rules for C++ and Java. The value of the XREF_CORPUS environment variable is recorded in the generated files and thus passed to Kythe. For the AOSP master branch it is ``, so the command to build all input for Kythe on that branch is: ``` m xref_cxx xref_java ``` Each Kythe input generation rule generates a single file with .kzip extension. Individual .kzip files have a lot of common information, so there will be a post-build consolidation step run to combine them. The consolidated .kzip file is then passed to Kythe backend. The tools to generate .kzip files are provided by Kythe (it calls them 'extractors'). We are going to build them in toolbuilding branches (clang-tools and build-tools) and check them in as binaries into master and other PDK branches: For C++, `prebuilts/clang-tools/linux-x86/bin/cxx_extractor` for Java, `prebuilts/build-tools/common/framework/javac_extractor.jar` Bug: 121267023 Test: 1) When XREF_CORPUS is set, build generates Ninja rules to create .kzip files; 2) When XREF_CORPUS is set, building `xref_cxx`/`xref_java` creates .kzip files; 3) Unless XREF_CORPUS is set, build generates the same Ninja rules as before Change-Id: If957b35d7abc82dbfbb3665980e7c34afe7c789e
2018-11-06 08:49:08 +08:00
if emitXref {
kytheFile := android.ObjPathWithExt(ctx, subdir, srcFile, "kzip")
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: kytheExtract,
Description: "Xref C++ extractor " + srcFile.Rel(),
Output: kytheFile,
Input: srcFile,
Implicits: cFlagsDeps,
OrderOnly: pathDeps,
Args: map[string]string{
"cFlags": moduleFlags,
Support source code cross-referencing for C++ and Java Use Kythe ( to build cross reference for the Android source code. ~generate the input for it during the build. This is done on demand: if XREF_CORPUS environment variable is set, build emits a Ninja rule to generate Kythe input for each compilation rule. It also emits two consolidation rules (`xref_cxx` and `xref_java`), that depend on all Kythe input generation rules for C++ and Java. The value of the XREF_CORPUS environment variable is recorded in the generated files and thus passed to Kythe. For the AOSP master branch it is ``, so the command to build all input for Kythe on that branch is: ``` m xref_cxx xref_java ``` Each Kythe input generation rule generates a single file with .kzip extension. Individual .kzip files have a lot of common information, so there will be a post-build consolidation step run to combine them. The consolidated .kzip file is then passed to Kythe backend. The tools to generate .kzip files are provided by Kythe (it calls them 'extractors'). We are going to build them in toolbuilding branches (clang-tools and build-tools) and check them in as binaries into master and other PDK branches: For C++, `prebuilts/clang-tools/linux-x86/bin/cxx_extractor` for Java, `prebuilts/build-tools/common/framework/javac_extractor.jar` Bug: 121267023 Test: 1) When XREF_CORPUS is set, build generates Ninja rules to create .kzip files; 2) When XREF_CORPUS is set, building `xref_cxx`/`xref_java` creates .kzip files; 3) Unless XREF_CORPUS is set, build generates the same Ninja rules as before Change-Id: If957b35d7abc82dbfbb3665980e7c34afe7c789e
2018-11-06 08:49:08 +08:00
kytheFiles = append(kytheFiles, kytheFile)
if tidy {
tidyFile := android.ObjPathWithExt(ctx, subdir, srcFile, "tidy")
tidyFiles = append(tidyFiles, tidyFile)
rule := clangTidy
if ctx.Config().UseRBE() && ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("RBE_CLANG_TIDY") {
rule = clangTidyRE
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: rule,
Description: "clang-tidy " + srcFile.Rel(),
Output: tidyFile,
Input: srcFile,
// We must depend on objFile, since clang-tidy doesn't
// support exporting dependencies.
Implicit: objFile,
Implicits: cFlagsDeps,
OrderOnly: pathDeps,
Args: map[string]string{
"cFlags": moduleToolingFlags,
"tidyFlags": flags.tidyFlags,
if dump {
sAbiDumpFile := android.ObjPathWithExt(ctx, subdir, srcFile, "sdump")
sAbiDumpFiles = append(sAbiDumpFiles, sAbiDumpFile)
dumpRule := sAbiDump
if ctx.Config().UseRBE() && ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("RBE_ABI_DUMPER") {
dumpRule = sAbiDumpRE
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: dumpRule,
Description: "header-abi-dumper " + srcFile.Rel(),
Output: sAbiDumpFile,
Input: srcFile,
Implicit: objFile,
Implicits: cFlagsDeps,
OrderOnly: pathDeps,
Args: map[string]string{
"cFlags": moduleToolingFlags,
"exportDirs": flags.sAbiFlags,
return Objects{
objFiles: objFiles,
tidyFiles: tidyFiles,
coverageFiles: coverageFiles,
sAbiDumpFiles: sAbiDumpFiles,
Support source code cross-referencing for C++ and Java Use Kythe ( to build cross reference for the Android source code. ~generate the input for it during the build. This is done on demand: if XREF_CORPUS environment variable is set, build emits a Ninja rule to generate Kythe input for each compilation rule. It also emits two consolidation rules (`xref_cxx` and `xref_java`), that depend on all Kythe input generation rules for C++ and Java. The value of the XREF_CORPUS environment variable is recorded in the generated files and thus passed to Kythe. For the AOSP master branch it is ``, so the command to build all input for Kythe on that branch is: ``` m xref_cxx xref_java ``` Each Kythe input generation rule generates a single file with .kzip extension. Individual .kzip files have a lot of common information, so there will be a post-build consolidation step run to combine them. The consolidated .kzip file is then passed to Kythe backend. The tools to generate .kzip files are provided by Kythe (it calls them 'extractors'). We are going to build them in toolbuilding branches (clang-tools and build-tools) and check them in as binaries into master and other PDK branches: For C++, `prebuilts/clang-tools/linux-x86/bin/cxx_extractor` for Java, `prebuilts/build-tools/common/framework/javac_extractor.jar` Bug: 121267023 Test: 1) When XREF_CORPUS is set, build generates Ninja rules to create .kzip files; 2) When XREF_CORPUS is set, building `xref_cxx`/`xref_java` creates .kzip files; 3) Unless XREF_CORPUS is set, build generates the same Ninja rules as before Change-Id: If957b35d7abc82dbfbb3665980e7c34afe7c789e
2018-11-06 08:49:08 +08:00
kytheFiles: kytheFiles,
// Generate a rule for compiling multiple .o files to a static library (.a)
func transformObjToStaticLib(ctx android.ModuleContext,
objFiles android.Paths, wholeStaticLibs android.Paths,
flags builderFlags, outputFile android.ModuleOutPath, deps android.Paths) {
arCmd := "${config.ClangBin}/llvm-ar"
arFlags := ""
if !ctx.Darwin() {
arFlags += " -format=gnu"
if len(wholeStaticLibs) == 0 {
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: ar,
Description: "static link " + outputFile.Base(),
Output: outputFile,
Inputs: objFiles,
Implicits: deps,
Args: map[string]string{
"arFlags": "crsPD" + arFlags,
"arCmd": arCmd,
} else {
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: arWithLibs,
Description: "static link " + outputFile.Base(),
Output: outputFile,
Inputs: append(objFiles, wholeStaticLibs...),
Implicits: deps,
Args: map[string]string{
"arCmd": arCmd,
"arObjFlags": "crsPD" + arFlags,
"arObjs": strings.Join(objFiles.Strings(), " "),
"arLibFlags": "cqsL" + arFlags,
"arLibs": strings.Join(wholeStaticLibs.Strings(), " "),
// Generate a rule for compiling multiple .o files, plus static libraries, whole static libraries,
// and shared libraries, to a shared library (.so) or dynamic executable
func transformObjToDynamicBinary(ctx android.ModuleContext,
objFiles, sharedLibs, staticLibs, lateStaticLibs, wholeStaticLibs, deps android.Paths,
crtBegin, crtEnd android.OptionalPath, groupLate bool, flags builderFlags, outputFile android.WritablePath, implicitOutputs android.WritablePaths) {
ldCmd := "${config.ClangBin}/clang++"
var libFlagsList []string
if len(flags.libFlags) > 0 {
libFlagsList = append(libFlagsList, flags.libFlags)
if len(wholeStaticLibs) > 0 {
if ctx.Host() && ctx.Darwin() {
libFlagsList = append(libFlagsList, android.JoinWithPrefix(wholeStaticLibs.Strings(), "-force_load "))
} else {
libFlagsList = append(libFlagsList, "-Wl,--whole-archive ")
libFlagsList = append(libFlagsList, wholeStaticLibs.Strings()...)
libFlagsList = append(libFlagsList, "-Wl,--no-whole-archive ")
if flags.groupStaticLibs && !ctx.Darwin() && len(staticLibs) > 0 {
libFlagsList = append(libFlagsList, "-Wl,--start-group")
libFlagsList = append(libFlagsList, staticLibs.Strings()...)
if flags.groupStaticLibs && !ctx.Darwin() && len(staticLibs) > 0 {
libFlagsList = append(libFlagsList, "-Wl,--end-group")
if groupLate && !ctx.Darwin() && len(lateStaticLibs) > 0 {
libFlagsList = append(libFlagsList, "-Wl,--start-group")
libFlagsList = append(libFlagsList, lateStaticLibs.Strings()...)
if groupLate && !ctx.Darwin() && len(lateStaticLibs) > 0 {
libFlagsList = append(libFlagsList, "-Wl,--end-group")
for _, lib := range sharedLibs {
libFile := lib.String()
if ctx.Windows() {
libFile = pathtools.ReplaceExtension(libFile, "lib")
libFlagsList = append(libFlagsList, libFile)
deps = append(deps, staticLibs...)
deps = append(deps, lateStaticLibs...)
deps = append(deps, wholeStaticLibs...)
if crtBegin.Valid() {
deps = append(deps, crtBegin.Path(), crtEnd.Path())
rule := ld
args := map[string]string{
"ldCmd": ldCmd,
"crtBegin": crtBegin.String(),
"libFlags": strings.Join(libFlagsList, " "),
"extraLibFlags": flags.extraLibFlags,
"ldFlags": flags.globalLdFlags + " " + flags.localLdFlags,
"crtEnd": crtEnd.String(),
if ctx.Config().UseRBE() && ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("RBE_CXX_LINKS") {
rule = ldRE
args["implicitOutputs"] = strings.Join(implicitOutputs.Strings(), ",")
args["implicitInputs"] = strings.Join(deps.Strings(), ",")
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: rule,
Description: "link " + outputFile.Base(),
Output: outputFile,
ImplicitOutputs: implicitOutputs,
Inputs: objFiles,
Implicits: deps,
Args: args,
// Generate a rule to combine .dump sAbi dump files from multiple source files
// into a single .ldump sAbi dump file
func transformDumpToLinkedDump(ctx android.ModuleContext, sAbiDumps android.Paths, soFile android.Path,
baseName, exportedHeaderFlags string, symbolFile android.OptionalPath,
excludedSymbolVersions, excludedSymbolTags []string) android.OptionalPath {
outputFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, baseName+".lsdump")
implicits := android.Paths{soFile}
symbolFilterStr := "-so " + soFile.String()
if symbolFile.Valid() {
implicits = append(implicits, symbolFile.Path())
symbolFilterStr += " -v " + symbolFile.String()
for _, ver := range excludedSymbolVersions {
symbolFilterStr += " --exclude-symbol-version " + ver
for _, tag := range excludedSymbolTags {
symbolFilterStr += " --exclude-symbol-tag " + tag
rule := sAbiLink
args := map[string]string{
"symbolFilter": symbolFilterStr,
"arch": ctx.Arch().ArchType.Name,
"exportedHeaderFlags": exportedHeaderFlags,
if ctx.Config().UseRBE() && ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("RBE_ABI_LINKER") {
rule = sAbiLinkRE
rbeImplicits := implicits.Strings()
for _, p := range strings.Split(exportedHeaderFlags, " ") {
if len(p) > 2 {
// Exclude the -I prefix.
rbeImplicits = append(rbeImplicits, p[2:])
args["implicitInputs"] = strings.Join(rbeImplicits, ",")
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: rule,
Description: "header-abi-linker " + outputFile.Base(),
Output: outputFile,
Inputs: sAbiDumps,
Implicits: implicits,
Args: args,
return android.OptionalPathForPath(outputFile)
// unzipRefDump registers a build statement to unzip a reference abi dump.
func unzipRefDump(ctx android.ModuleContext, zippedRefDump android.Path, baseName string) android.Path {
outputFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, baseName+"_ref.lsdump")
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: unzipRefSAbiDump,
Description: "gunzip" + outputFile.Base(),
Output: outputFile,
Input: zippedRefDump,
return outputFile
// sourceAbiDiff registers a build statement to compare linked sAbi dump files (.ldump).
func sourceAbiDiff(ctx android.ModuleContext, inputDump android.Path, referenceDump android.Path,
baseName, exportedHeaderFlags string, checkAllApis, isLlndk, isNdk, isVndkExt bool) android.OptionalPath {
outputFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, baseName+".abidiff")
libName := strings.TrimSuffix(baseName, filepath.Ext(baseName))
createReferenceDumpFlags := ""
var extraFlags []string
if checkAllApis {
extraFlags = append(extraFlags, "-check-all-apis")
} else {
extraFlags = append(extraFlags,
if exportedHeaderFlags == "" {
extraFlags = append(extraFlags, "-advice-only")
if isLlndk || isNdk {
createReferenceDumpFlags = "--llndk"
if isLlndk {
// TODO(b/130324828): "-consider-opaque-types-different" should apply to
// both LLNDK and NDK shared libs. However, a known issue in header-abi-diff
// breaks libaaudio. Remove the if-guard after the issue is fixed.
extraFlags = append(extraFlags, "-consider-opaque-types-different")
if isVndkExt {
extraFlags = append(extraFlags, "-allow-extensions")
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: sAbiDiff,
Description: "header-abi-diff " + outputFile.Base(),
Output: outputFile,
Input: inputDump,
Implicit: referenceDump,
Args: map[string]string{
"referenceDump": referenceDump.String(),
"libName": libName,
"arch": ctx.Arch().ArchType.Name,
"extraFlags": strings.Join(extraFlags, " "),
"createReferenceDumpFlags": createReferenceDumpFlags,
return android.OptionalPathForPath(outputFile)
// Generate a rule for extracting a table of contents from a shared library (.so)
func transformSharedObjectToToc(ctx android.ModuleContext, inputFile android.Path,
outputFile android.WritablePath, flags builderFlags) {
var format string
if ctx.Darwin() {
format = "--macho"
} else if ctx.Windows() {
format = "--pe"
} else {
format = "--elf"
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: toc,
Description: "generate toc " + inputFile.Base(),
Output: outputFile,
Input: inputFile,
Args: map[string]string{
"clangBin": "${config.ClangBin}",
"format": format,
// Generate a rule for compiling multiple .o files to a .o using ld partial linking
func transformObjsToObj(ctx android.ModuleContext, objFiles android.Paths,
flags builderFlags, outputFile android.WritablePath, deps android.Paths) {
ldCmd := "${config.ClangBin}/clang++"
rule := partialLd
args := map[string]string{
"ldCmd": ldCmd,
"ldFlags": flags.globalLdFlags + " " + flags.localLdFlags,
if ctx.Config().UseRBE() && ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("RBE_CXX_LINKS") {
rule = partialLdRE
args["inCommaList"] = strings.Join(objFiles.Strings(), ",")
args["implicitInputs"] = strings.Join(deps.Strings(), ",")
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: rule,
Description: "link " + outputFile.Base(),
Output: outputFile,
Inputs: objFiles,
Implicits: deps,
Args: args,
// Generate a rule for running objcopy --prefix-symbols on a binary
func transformBinaryPrefixSymbols(ctx android.ModuleContext, prefix string, inputFile android.Path,
flags builderFlags, outputFile android.WritablePath) {
objcopyCmd := gccCmd(flags.toolchain, "objcopy")
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: prefixSymbols,
Description: "prefix symbols " + outputFile.Base(),
Output: outputFile,
Input: inputFile,
Args: map[string]string{
"objcopyCmd": objcopyCmd,
"prefix": prefix,
// Registers a build statement to invoke `strip` (to discard symbols and data from object files).
func transformStrip(ctx android.ModuleContext, inputFile android.Path,
outputFile android.WritablePath, flags StripFlags) {
crossCompile := gccCmd(flags.Toolchain, "")
args := ""
if flags.StripAddGnuDebuglink {
args += " --add-gnu-debuglink"
if flags.StripKeepMiniDebugInfo {
args += " --keep-mini-debug-info"
if flags.StripKeepSymbols {
args += " --keep-symbols"
if flags.StripKeepSymbolsList != "" {
args += " -k" + flags.StripKeepSymbolsList
if flags.StripKeepSymbolsAndDebugFrame {
args += " --keep-symbols-and-debug-frame"
if flags.StripUseGnuStrip {
args += " --use-gnu-strip"
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: strip,
Description: "strip " + outputFile.Base(),
Output: outputFile,
Input: inputFile,
Args: map[string]string{
"crossCompile": crossCompile,
"args": args,
// Registers build statement to invoke `strip` on darwin architecture.
func transformDarwinStrip(ctx android.ModuleContext, inputFile android.Path,
outputFile android.WritablePath) {
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: darwinStrip,
Description: "strip " + outputFile.Base(),
Output: outputFile,
Input: inputFile,
// Registers build statement to zip one or more coverage files.
func transformCoverageFilesToZip(ctx android.ModuleContext,
inputs Objects, baseName string) android.OptionalPath {
if len(inputs.coverageFiles) > 0 {
outputFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, baseName+".zip")
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: zip,
Description: "zip " + outputFile.Base(),
Inputs: inputs.coverageFiles,
Output: outputFile,
return android.OptionalPathForPath(outputFile)
return android.OptionalPath{}
// Rule to repack an archive (.a) file with a subset of object files.
func transformArchiveRepack(ctx android.ModuleContext, inputFile android.Path,
outputFile android.WritablePath, objects []string) {
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: archiveRepack,
Description: "Repack archive " + outputFile.Base(),
Output: outputFile,
Input: inputFile,
Args: map[string]string{
"objects": strings.Join(objects, " "),
func gccCmd(toolchain config.Toolchain, cmd string) string {
return filepath.Join(toolchain.GccRoot(), "bin", toolchain.GccTriple()+"-"+cmd)