518 lines
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518 lines
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// Copyright 2020 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package soongconfig
import (
var soongConfigProperty = proptools.FieldNameForProperty("soong_config_variables")
// loadSoongConfigModuleTypeDefinition loads module types from an Android.bp file. It caches the
// result so each file is only parsed once.
func Parse(r io.Reader, from string) (*SoongConfigDefinition, []error) {
scope := parser.NewScope(nil)
file, errs := parser.ParseAndEval(from, r, scope)
if len(errs) > 0 {
return nil, errs
mtDef := &SoongConfigDefinition{
ModuleTypes: make(map[string]*ModuleType),
variables: make(map[string]soongConfigVariable),
for _, def := range file.Defs {
switch def := def.(type) {
case *parser.Module:
newErrs := processImportModuleDef(mtDef, def)
if len(newErrs) > 0 {
errs = append(errs, newErrs...)
case *parser.Assignment:
// Already handled via Scope object
panic("unknown definition type")
if len(errs) > 0 {
return nil, errs
for name, moduleType := range mtDef.ModuleTypes {
for _, varName := range moduleType.variableNames {
if v, ok := mtDef.variables[varName]; ok {
moduleType.Variables = append(moduleType.Variables, v)
} else {
return nil, []error{
fmt.Errorf("unknown variable %q in module type %q", varName, name),
return mtDef, nil
func processImportModuleDef(v *SoongConfigDefinition, def *parser.Module) (errs []error) {
switch def.Type {
case "soong_config_module_type":
return processModuleTypeDef(v, def)
case "soong_config_string_variable":
return processStringVariableDef(v, def)
case "soong_config_bool_variable":
return processBoolVariableDef(v, def)
// Unknown module types will be handled when the file is parsed as a normal
// Android.bp file.
return nil
type ModuleTypeProperties struct {
// the name of the new module type. Unlike most modules, this name does not need to be unique,
// although only one module type with any name will be importable into an Android.bp file.
Name string
// the module type that this module type will extend.
Module_type string
// the SOONG_CONFIG_NAMESPACE value from a BoardConfig.mk that this module type will read
// configuration variables from.
Config_namespace string
// the list of SOONG_CONFIG variables that this module type will read
Variables []string
// the list of properties that this module type will extend.
Properties []string
func processModuleTypeDef(v *SoongConfigDefinition, def *parser.Module) (errs []error) {
props := &ModuleTypeProperties{}
_, errs = proptools.UnpackProperties(def.Properties, props)
if len(errs) > 0 {
return errs
if props.Name == "" {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("name property must be set"))
if props.Config_namespace == "" {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("config_namespace property must be set"))
if props.Module_type == "" {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("module_type property must be set"))
if len(errs) > 0 {
return errs
mt := &ModuleType{
affectableProperties: props.Properties,
ConfigNamespace: props.Config_namespace,
BaseModuleType: props.Module_type,
variableNames: props.Variables,
v.ModuleTypes[props.Name] = mt
return nil
type VariableProperties struct {
Name string
type StringVariableProperties struct {
Values []string
func processStringVariableDef(v *SoongConfigDefinition, def *parser.Module) (errs []error) {
stringProps := &StringVariableProperties{}
base, errs := processVariableDef(def, stringProps)
if len(errs) > 0 {
return errs
if len(stringProps.Values) == 0 {
return []error{fmt.Errorf("values property must be set")}
v.variables[base.variable] = &stringVariable{
baseVariable: base,
values: CanonicalizeToProperties(stringProps.Values),
return nil
func processBoolVariableDef(v *SoongConfigDefinition, def *parser.Module) (errs []error) {
base, errs := processVariableDef(def)
if len(errs) > 0 {
return errs
v.variables[base.variable] = &boolVariable{
baseVariable: base,
return nil
func processVariableDef(def *parser.Module,
extraProps ...interface{}) (cond baseVariable, errs []error) {
props := &VariableProperties{}
allProps := append([]interface{}{props}, extraProps...)
_, errs = proptools.UnpackProperties(def.Properties, allProps...)
if len(errs) > 0 {
return baseVariable{}, errs
if props.Name == "" {
return baseVariable{}, []error{fmt.Errorf("name property must be set")}
return baseVariable{
variable: props.Name,
}, nil
type SoongConfigDefinition struct {
ModuleTypes map[string]*ModuleType
variables map[string]soongConfigVariable
// CreateProperties returns a reflect.Value of a newly constructed type that contains the desired
// property layout for the Soong config variables, with each possible value an interface{} that
// contains a nil pointer to another newly constructed type that contains the affectable properties.
// The reflect.Value will be cloned for each call to the Soong config module type's factory method.
// For example, the acme_cc_defaults example above would
// produce a reflect.Value whose type is:
// *struct {
// Soong_config_variables struct {
// Board struct {
// Soc_a interface{}
// Soc_b interface{}
// }
// }
// }
// And whose value is:
// &{
// Soong_config_variables: {
// Board: {
// Soc_a: (*struct{ Cflags []string })(nil),
// Soc_b: (*struct{ Cflags []string })(nil),
// },
// },
// }
func CreateProperties(factory blueprint.ModuleFactory, moduleType *ModuleType) reflect.Value {
var fields []reflect.StructField
_, factoryProps := factory()
affectablePropertiesType := createAffectablePropertiesType(moduleType.affectableProperties, factoryProps)
if affectablePropertiesType == nil {
return reflect.Value{}
for _, c := range moduleType.Variables {
fields = append(fields, reflect.StructField{
Name: proptools.FieldNameForProperty(c.variableProperty()),
Type: c.variableValuesType(),
typ := reflect.StructOf([]reflect.StructField{{
Name: soongConfigProperty,
Type: reflect.StructOf(fields),
props := reflect.New(typ)
structConditions := props.Elem().FieldByName(soongConfigProperty)
for i, c := range moduleType.Variables {
c.initializeProperties(structConditions.Field(i), affectablePropertiesType)
return props
// createAffectablePropertiesType creates a reflect.Type of a struct that has a field for each affectable property
// that exists in factoryProps.
func createAffectablePropertiesType(affectableProperties []string, factoryProps []interface{}) reflect.Type {
affectableProperties = append([]string(nil), affectableProperties...)
var recurse func(prefix string, aps []string) ([]string, reflect.Type)
recurse = func(prefix string, aps []string) ([]string, reflect.Type) {
var fields []reflect.StructField
for len(affectableProperties) > 0 {
p := affectableProperties[0]
if !strings.HasPrefix(affectableProperties[0], prefix) {
affectableProperties = affectableProperties[1:]
nestedProperty := strings.TrimPrefix(p, prefix)
if i := strings.IndexRune(nestedProperty, '.'); i >= 0 {
var nestedType reflect.Type
nestedPrefix := nestedProperty[:i+1]
affectableProperties, nestedType = recurse(prefix+nestedPrefix, affectableProperties)
if nestedType != nil {
nestedFieldName := proptools.FieldNameForProperty(strings.TrimSuffix(nestedPrefix, "."))
fields = append(fields, reflect.StructField{
Name: nestedFieldName,
Type: nestedType,
} else {
typ := typeForPropertyFromPropertyStructs(factoryProps, p)
if typ != nil {
fields = append(fields, reflect.StructField{
Name: proptools.FieldNameForProperty(nestedProperty),
Type: typ,
var typ reflect.Type
if len(fields) > 0 {
typ = reflect.StructOf(fields)
return affectableProperties, typ
affectableProperties, typ := recurse("", affectableProperties)
if len(affectableProperties) > 0 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("didn't handle all affectable properties"))
if typ != nil {
return reflect.PtrTo(typ)
return nil
func typeForPropertyFromPropertyStructs(psList []interface{}, property string) reflect.Type {
for _, ps := range psList {
if typ := typeForPropertyFromPropertyStruct(ps, property); typ != nil {
return typ
return nil
func typeForPropertyFromPropertyStruct(ps interface{}, property string) reflect.Type {
v := reflect.ValueOf(ps)
for len(property) > 0 {
if !v.IsValid() {
return nil
if v.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
if v.IsNil() {
return nil
} else {
v = v.Elem()
if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
if v.IsNil() {
v = reflect.Zero(v.Type().Elem())
} else {
v = v.Elem()
if v.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return nil
if index := strings.IndexRune(property, '.'); index >= 0 {
prefix := property[:index]
property = property[index+1:]
v = v.FieldByName(proptools.FieldNameForProperty(prefix))
} else {
f := v.FieldByName(proptools.FieldNameForProperty(property))
if !f.IsValid() {
return nil
return f.Type()
return nil
// PropertiesToApply returns the applicable properties from a ModuleType that should be applied
// based on SoongConfig values.
func PropertiesToApply(moduleType *ModuleType, props reflect.Value, config SoongConfig) []interface{} {
var ret []interface{}
props = props.Elem().FieldByName(soongConfigProperty)
for i, c := range moduleType.Variables {
if ps := c.PropertiesToApply(config, props.Field(i)); ps != nil {
ret = append(ret, ps)
return ret
type ModuleType struct {
BaseModuleType string
ConfigNamespace string
Variables []soongConfigVariable
affectableProperties []string
variableNames []string
type soongConfigVariable interface {
// variableProperty returns the name of the variable.
variableProperty() string
// conditionalValuesType returns a reflect.Type that contains an interface{} for each possible value.
variableValuesType() reflect.Type
// initializeProperties is passed a reflect.Value of the reflect.Type returned by conditionalValuesType and a
// reflect.Type of the affectable properties, and should initialize each interface{} in the reflect.Value with
// the zero value of the affectable properties type.
initializeProperties(v reflect.Value, typ reflect.Type)
// PropertiesToApply should return one of the interface{} values set by initializeProperties to be applied
// to the module.
PropertiesToApply(config SoongConfig, values reflect.Value) interface{}
type baseVariable struct {
variable string
func (c *baseVariable) variableProperty() string {
return CanonicalizeToProperty(c.variable)
type stringVariable struct {
values []string
func (s *stringVariable) variableValuesType() reflect.Type {
var fields []reflect.StructField
for _, v := range s.values {
fields = append(fields, reflect.StructField{
Name: proptools.FieldNameForProperty(v),
Type: emptyInterfaceType,
return reflect.StructOf(fields)
func (s *stringVariable) initializeProperties(v reflect.Value, typ reflect.Type) {
for i := range s.values {
func (s *stringVariable) PropertiesToApply(config SoongConfig, values reflect.Value) interface{} {
for j, v := range s.values {
if config.String(s.variable) == v {
return values.Field(j).Interface()
return nil
type boolVariable struct {
func (b boolVariable) variableValuesType() reflect.Type {
return emptyInterfaceType
func (b boolVariable) initializeProperties(v reflect.Value, typ reflect.Type) {
func (b boolVariable) PropertiesToApply(config SoongConfig, values reflect.Value) interface{} {
if config.Bool(b.variable) {
return values.Interface()
return nil
func CanonicalizeToProperty(v string) string {
return strings.Map(func(r rune) rune {
switch {
case r >= 'A' && r <= 'Z',
r >= 'a' && r <= 'z',
r >= '0' && r <= '9',
r == '_':
return r
return '_'
}, v)
func CanonicalizeToProperties(values []string) []string {
ret := make([]string, len(values))
for i, v := range values {
ret[i] = CanonicalizeToProperty(v)
return ret
type emptyInterfaceStruct struct {
i interface{}
var emptyInterfaceType = reflect.TypeOf(emptyInterfaceStruct{}).Field(0).Type