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// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package java
// This file contains the module types for compiling Java for Android, and converts the properties
// into the flags and filenames necessary to pass to the Module. The final creation of the rules
// is handled in builder.go
import (
func init() {
android.RegisterModuleType("java_defaults", defaultsFactory)
android.RegisterModuleType("java_library", LibraryFactory)
android.RegisterModuleType("java_library_static", LibraryStaticFactory)
android.RegisterModuleType("java_library_host", LibraryHostFactory)
android.RegisterModuleType("java_binary", BinaryFactory)
android.RegisterModuleType("java_binary_host", BinaryHostFactory)
android.RegisterModuleType("java_test", TestFactory)
android.RegisterModuleType("java_test_helper_library", TestHelperLibraryFactory)
android.RegisterModuleType("java_test_host", TestHostFactory)
android.RegisterModuleType("java_import", ImportFactory)
android.RegisterModuleType("java_import_host", ImportFactoryHost)
android.RegisterModuleType("java_device_for_host", DeviceForHostFactory)
android.RegisterModuleType("java_host_for_device", HostForDeviceFactory)
android.RegisterModuleType("dex_import", DexImportFactory)
android.RegisterSingletonType("logtags", LogtagsSingleton)
// TODO:
// Autogenerated files:
// Renderscript
// Post-jar passes:
// Proguard
// Rmtypedefs
// DroidDoc
// Findbugs
type CompilerProperties struct {
// list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .logtags, .proto,
// or .aidl files.
Srcs []string `android:"path,arch_variant"`
// list of source files that should not be used to build the Java module.
// This is most useful in the arch/multilib variants to remove non-common files
Exclude_srcs []string `android:"path,arch_variant"`
// list of directories containing Java resources
Java_resource_dirs []string `android:"arch_variant"`
// list of directories that should be excluded from java_resource_dirs
Exclude_java_resource_dirs []string `android:"arch_variant"`
// list of files to use as Java resources
Java_resources []string `android:"path,arch_variant"`
// list of files that should be excluded from java_resources and java_resource_dirs
Exclude_java_resources []string `android:"path,arch_variant"`
// list of module-specific flags that will be used for javac compiles
Javacflags []string `android:"arch_variant"`
// list of module-specific flags that will be used for kotlinc compiles
Kotlincflags []string `android:"arch_variant"`
// list of of java libraries that will be in the classpath
Libs []string `android:"arch_variant"`
// list of java libraries that will be compiled into the resulting jar
Static_libs []string `android:"arch_variant"`
// manifest file to be included in resulting jar
Manifest *string `android:"path"`
// if not blank, run jarjar using the specified rules file
Jarjar_rules *string `android:"path,arch_variant"`
// If not blank, set the java version passed to javac as -source and -target
Java_version *string
// If set to true, allow this module to be dexed and installed on devices. Has no
// effect on host modules, which are always considered installable.
Installable *bool
// If set to true, include sources used to compile the module in to the final jar
Include_srcs *bool
// If not empty, classes are restricted to the specified packages and their sub-packages.
// This restriction is checked after applying jarjar rules and including static libs.
Permitted_packages []string
// List of modules to use as annotation processors
Plugins []string
// The number of Java source entries each Javac instance can process
Javac_shard_size *int64
// Add host jdk tools.jar to bootclasspath
Use_tools_jar *bool
Openjdk9 struct {
// List of source files that should only be used when passing -source 1.9
Srcs []string `android:"path"`
// List of javac flags that should only be used when passing -source 1.9
Javacflags []string
// When compiling language level 9+ .java code in packages that are part of
// a system module, patch_module names the module that your sources and
// dependencies should be patched into. The Android runtime currently
// doesn't implement the JEP 261 module system so this option is only
// supported at compile time. It should only be needed to compile tests in
// packages that exist in libcore and which are inconvenient to move
// elsewhere.
Patch_module *string `android:"arch_variant"`
Jacoco struct {
// List of classes to include for instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage
// information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. If unset defaults to all
// classes.
// Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match.
// If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise
// it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
Include_filter []string
// List of classes to exclude from instrumentation with jacoco to collect coverage
// information at runtime when building with coverage enabled. Overrides classes selected
// by the include_filter property.
// Supports '*' as the last character of an entry in the list as a wildcard match.
// If preceded by '.' it matches all classes in the package and subpackages, otherwise
// it matches classes in the package that have the class name as a prefix.
Exclude_filter []string
Errorprone struct {
// List of javac flags that should only be used when running errorprone.
Javacflags []string
Proto struct {
// List of extra options that will be passed to the proto generator.
Output_params []string
Instrument bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
// List of files to include in the META-INF/services folder of the resulting jar.
Services []string `android:"path,arch_variant"`
type CompilerDeviceProperties struct {
// list of module-specific flags that will be used for dex compiles
Dxflags []string `android:"arch_variant"`
// if not blank, set to the version of the sdk to compile against. Defaults to compiling against the current
// sdk if platform_apis is not set.
Sdk_version *string
// if not blank, set the minimum version of the sdk that the compiled artifacts will run against.
// Defaults to sdk_version if not set.
Min_sdk_version *string
// if not blank, set the targetSdkVersion in the AndroidManifest.xml.
// Defaults to sdk_version if not set.
Target_sdk_version *string
// if true, compile against the platform APIs instead of an SDK.
Platform_apis *bool
Aidl struct {
// Top level directories to pass to aidl tool
Include_dirs []string
// Directories rooted at the Android.bp file to pass to aidl tool
Local_include_dirs []string
// directories that should be added as include directories for any aidl sources of modules
// that depend on this module, as well as to aidl for this module.
Export_include_dirs []string
// whether to generate traces (for systrace) for this interface
Generate_traces *bool
// whether to generate Binder#GetTransaction name method.
Generate_get_transaction_name *bool
// If true, export a copy of the module as a -hostdex module for host testing.
Hostdex *bool
Target struct {
Hostdex struct {
// Additional required dependencies to add to -hostdex modules.
Required []string
// If set to true, compile dex regardless of installable. Defaults to false.
Compile_dex *bool
Optimize struct {
// If false, disable all optimization. Defaults to true for android_app and android_test
// modules, false for java_library and java_test modules.
Enabled *bool
// True if the module containing this has it set by default.
EnabledByDefault bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
// If true, optimize for size by removing unused code. Defaults to true for apps,
// false for libraries and tests.
Shrink *bool
// If true, optimize bytecode. Defaults to false.
Optimize *bool
// If true, obfuscate bytecode. Defaults to false.
Obfuscate *bool
// If true, do not use the flag files generated by aapt that automatically keep
// classes referenced by the app manifest. Defaults to false.
No_aapt_flags *bool
// Flags to pass to proguard.
Proguard_flags []string
// Specifies the locations of files containing proguard flags.
Proguard_flags_files []string `android:"path"`
// When targeting 1.9, override the modules to use with --system
System_modules *string
UncompressDex bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
IsSDKLibrary bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
func (me *CompilerDeviceProperties) EffectiveOptimizeEnabled() bool {
return BoolDefault(me.Optimize.Enabled, me.Optimize.EnabledByDefault)
// Module contains the properties and members used by all java module types
type Module struct {
properties CompilerProperties
protoProperties android.ProtoProperties
deviceProperties CompilerDeviceProperties
// jar file containing header classes including static library dependencies, suitable for
// inserting into the bootclasspath/classpath of another compile
headerJarFile android.Path
// jar file containing implementation classes including static library dependencies but no
// resources
implementationJarFile android.Path
// jar file containing only resources including from static library dependencies
resourceJar android.Path
// args and dependencies to package source files into a srcjar
srcJarArgs []string
srcJarDeps android.Paths
// jar file containing implementation classes and resources including static library
// dependencies
implementationAndResourcesJar android.Path
// output file containing classes.dex and resources
dexJarFile android.Path
// output file that contains classes.dex if it should be in the output file
maybeStrippedDexJarFile android.Path
// output file containing uninstrumented classes that will be instrumented by jacoco
jacocoReportClassesFile android.Path
// output file containing mapping of obfuscated names
proguardDictionary android.Path
// output file of the module, which may be a classes jar or a dex jar
outputFile android.Path
extraOutputFiles android.Paths
exportAidlIncludeDirs android.Paths
logtagsSrcs android.Paths
// installed file for binary dependency
installFile android.Path
// list of .java files and srcjars that was passed to javac
compiledJavaSrcs android.Paths
compiledSrcJars android.Paths
// list of extra progurad flag files
extraProguardFlagFiles android.Paths
// manifest file to use instead of properties.Manifest
overrideManifest android.OptionalPath
// list of SDK lib names that this java moudule is exporting
exportedSdkLibs []string
// list of source files, collected from compiledJavaSrcs and compiledSrcJars
// filter out Exclude_srcs, will be used by android.IDEInfo struct
expandIDEInfoCompiledSrcs []string
// expanded Jarjar_rules
expandJarjarRules android.Path
// list of additional targets for checkbuild
additionalCheckedModules android.Paths
// Extra files generated by the module type to be added as java resources.
extraResources android.Paths
func (j *Module) OutputFiles(tag string) (android.Paths, error) {
switch tag {
case "":
return append(android.Paths{j.outputFile}, j.extraOutputFiles...), nil
case ".jar":
return android.Paths{j.implementationAndResourcesJar}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported module reference tag %q", tag)
func (j *Module) DexJarFile() android.Path {
return j.dexJarFile
var _ android.OutputFileProducer = (*Module)(nil)
type Dependency interface {
HeaderJars() android.Paths
ImplementationJars() android.Paths
ResourceJars() android.Paths
ImplementationAndResourcesJars() android.Paths
DexJar() android.Path
AidlIncludeDirs() android.Paths
ExportedSdkLibs() []string
SrcJarArgs() ([]string, android.Paths)
type SdkLibraryDependency interface {
SdkHeaderJars(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, sdkVersion string) android.Paths
SdkImplementationJars(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, sdkVersion string) android.Paths
type SrcDependency interface {
CompiledSrcs() android.Paths
CompiledSrcJars() android.Paths
func (j *Module) CompiledSrcs() android.Paths {
return j.compiledJavaSrcs
func (j *Module) CompiledSrcJars() android.Paths {
return j.compiledSrcJars
var _ SrcDependency = (*Module)(nil)
func InitJavaModule(module android.DefaultableModule, hod android.HostOrDeviceSupported) {
android.InitAndroidArchModule(module, hod, android.MultilibCommon)
type dependencyTag struct {
name string
type jniDependencyTag struct {
target android.Target
var (
staticLibTag = dependencyTag{name: "staticlib"}
libTag = dependencyTag{name: "javalib"}
pluginTag = dependencyTag{name: "plugin"}
bootClasspathTag = dependencyTag{name: "bootclasspath"}
systemModulesTag = dependencyTag{name: "system modules"}
frameworkResTag = dependencyTag{name: "framework-res"}
frameworkApkTag = dependencyTag{name: "framework-apk"}
kotlinStdlibTag = dependencyTag{name: "kotlin-stdlib"}
kotlinAnnotationsTag = dependencyTag{name: "kotlin-annotations"}
proguardRaiseTag = dependencyTag{name: "proguard-raise"}
certificateTag = dependencyTag{name: "certificate"}
instrumentationForTag = dependencyTag{name: "instrumentation_for"}
usesLibTag = dependencyTag{name: "uses-library"}
type sdkDep struct {
useModule, useFiles, useDefaultLibs, invalidVersion bool
modules []string
systemModules string
frameworkResModule string
jars android.Paths
aidl android.OptionalPath
Make sdkDep/decodeSdkDep the source of truth about the sdk Previously, different parts of the build used different sources of information about the SDK (i.e. the default libraries) against which a Java module aimed at the device was built. Some used the sdk_version property, others used the no_standard_libs or no_framework_libs, some used a combination of all three. That lead to inconsistent handling in the code, e.g. some parts treated no_standard_libs: true as implying no_framework_libs: true and others did not, and also in the build files, e.g. some modules specified no_framework_libs: true and sdk_version: "system_current" which makes no sense, or no_standard_libs: true and sdk_version: "core_current" which are inconsistent. This is the first step in a refactoring to simplify the sdk selection process by replacing the no_standard_libs/no_framework_libs properties with some extra options for the sdk_version property. This change consists of: 1) Extra functions sdkContext to access the no_standard_libs and no_framework_libs properties. 2) Extra field/functions in sdkDep to store and access the value of no_standard_libs/no_framework_libs. 3) Changes to decodeSdkDep(...) to pass the values of the no_... properties through to the returned sdkDep. 4) Change all code that accesses the no_... properties directly to call decodeSdkDep(...) to get an sdkDep object and then accessing the values of the no_... properties from there. The accessor functions on sdkDep are called has...() rather than no...() as most callers of the methods invert the value anyway and !no...() is harder to reason about than has...(). The hasFrameworkLibs() function returns true if and only if no_standard_libs and no_framework_libs are false. That is consistent with all but one usage of the no_framework_libs property and that is not affected by it. Bug: 134566750 Test: m droid Change-Id: I196e3304e8bd802fb154e897397b0dd337f868e2 Exempt-From-Owner-Approval: Colin has already given +2 modulo some minor nits and this blocking other changes.
2019-06-07 17:44:37 +08:00
noStandardLibs, noFrameworksLibs bool
func (s sdkDep) hasStandardLibs() bool {
return !s.noStandardLibs
func (s sdkDep) hasFrameworkLibs() bool {
return !s.noStandardLibs && !s.noFrameworksLibs
type jniLib struct {
name string
path android.Path
target android.Target
func (j *Module) shouldInstrument(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) bool {
return && ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("EMMA_INSTRUMENT")
func (j *Module) shouldInstrumentStatic(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) bool {
return j.shouldInstrument(ctx) &&
(ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("EMMA_INSTRUMENT_STATIC") ||
func (j *Module) sdkVersion() string {
return String(j.deviceProperties.Sdk_version)
func (j *Module) minSdkVersion() string {
if j.deviceProperties.Min_sdk_version != nil {
return *j.deviceProperties.Min_sdk_version
return j.sdkVersion()
func (j *Module) targetSdkVersion() string {
if j.deviceProperties.Target_sdk_version != nil {
return *j.deviceProperties.Target_sdk_version
return j.sdkVersion()
func (j *Module) deps(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
if ctx.Device() {
Make sdkDep/decodeSdkDep the source of truth about the sdk Previously, different parts of the build used different sources of information about the SDK (i.e. the default libraries) against which a Java module aimed at the device was built. Some used the sdk_version property, others used the no_standard_libs or no_framework_libs, some used a combination of all three. That lead to inconsistent handling in the code, e.g. some parts treated no_standard_libs: true as implying no_framework_libs: true and others did not, and also in the build files, e.g. some modules specified no_framework_libs: true and sdk_version: "system_current" which makes no sense, or no_standard_libs: true and sdk_version: "core_current" which are inconsistent. This is the first step in a refactoring to simplify the sdk selection process by replacing the no_standard_libs/no_framework_libs properties with some extra options for the sdk_version property. This change consists of: 1) Extra functions sdkContext to access the no_standard_libs and no_framework_libs properties. 2) Extra field/functions in sdkDep to store and access the value of no_standard_libs/no_framework_libs. 3) Changes to decodeSdkDep(...) to pass the values of the no_... properties through to the returned sdkDep. 4) Change all code that accesses the no_... properties directly to call decodeSdkDep(...) to get an sdkDep object and then accessing the values of the no_... properties from there. The accessor functions on sdkDep are called has...() rather than no...() as most callers of the methods invert the value anyway and !no...() is harder to reason about than has...(). The hasFrameworkLibs() function returns true if and only if no_standard_libs and no_framework_libs are false. That is consistent with all but one usage of the no_framework_libs property and that is not affected by it. Bug: 134566750 Test: m droid Change-Id: I196e3304e8bd802fb154e897397b0dd337f868e2 Exempt-From-Owner-Approval: Colin has already given +2 modulo some minor nits and this blocking other changes.
2019-06-07 17:44:37 +08:00
sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(ctx, sdkContext(j))
if sdkDep.hasStandardLibs() {
if sdkDep.useDefaultLibs {
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, bootClasspathTag, config.DefaultBootclasspathLibraries...)
2018-09-11 23:21:05 +08:00
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, systemModulesTag, config.DefaultSystemModules)
Make sdkDep/decodeSdkDep the source of truth about the sdk Previously, different parts of the build used different sources of information about the SDK (i.e. the default libraries) against which a Java module aimed at the device was built. Some used the sdk_version property, others used the no_standard_libs or no_framework_libs, some used a combination of all three. That lead to inconsistent handling in the code, e.g. some parts treated no_standard_libs: true as implying no_framework_libs: true and others did not, and also in the build files, e.g. some modules specified no_framework_libs: true and sdk_version: "system_current" which makes no sense, or no_standard_libs: true and sdk_version: "core_current" which are inconsistent. This is the first step in a refactoring to simplify the sdk selection process by replacing the no_standard_libs/no_framework_libs properties with some extra options for the sdk_version property. This change consists of: 1) Extra functions sdkContext to access the no_standard_libs and no_framework_libs properties. 2) Extra field/functions in sdkDep to store and access the value of no_standard_libs/no_framework_libs. 3) Changes to decodeSdkDep(...) to pass the values of the no_... properties through to the returned sdkDep. 4) Change all code that accesses the no_... properties directly to call decodeSdkDep(...) to get an sdkDep object and then accessing the values of the no_... properties from there. The accessor functions on sdkDep are called has...() rather than no...() as most callers of the methods invert the value anyway and !no...() is harder to reason about than has...(). The hasFrameworkLibs() function returns true if and only if no_standard_libs and no_framework_libs are false. That is consistent with all but one usage of the no_framework_libs property and that is not affected by it. Bug: 134566750 Test: m droid Change-Id: I196e3304e8bd802fb154e897397b0dd337f868e2 Exempt-From-Owner-Approval: Colin has already given +2 modulo some minor nits and this blocking other changes.
2019-06-07 17:44:37 +08:00
if sdkDep.hasFrameworkLibs() {
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, libTag, config.DefaultLibraries...)
} else if sdkDep.useModule {
2018-09-11 23:21:05 +08:00
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, systemModulesTag, sdkDep.systemModules)
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, bootClasspathTag, sdkDep.modules...)
if j.deviceProperties.EffectiveOptimizeEnabled() {
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, proguardRaiseTag, config.DefaultBootclasspathLibraries...)
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, proguardRaiseTag, config.DefaultLibraries...)
} else if j.deviceProperties.System_modules == nil {
`system_modules is required to be set when sdk_version is "none", did you mean "core_platform"`)
2018-09-11 23:21:05 +08:00
} else if *j.deviceProperties.System_modules != "none" {
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, systemModulesTag, *j.deviceProperties.System_modules)
if (ctx.ModuleName() == "framework") || (ctx.ModuleName() == "framework-annotation-proc") {
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, frameworkResTag, "framework-res")
if ctx.ModuleName() == "android_stubs_current" ||
ctx.ModuleName() == "android_system_stubs_current" ||
ctx.ModuleName() == "android_test_stubs_current" {
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, frameworkApkTag, "framework-res")
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, libTag,
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, staticLibTag,
{Mutator: "arch", Variation: ctx.Config().BuildOsCommonVariant},
}, pluginTag,
android.ProtoDeps(ctx, &j.protoProperties)
if j.hasSrcExt(".proto") {
protoDeps(ctx, &j.protoProperties)
if j.hasSrcExt(".kt") {
// TODO(ccross): move this to a mutator pass that can tell if generated sources contain
// Kotlin files
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, kotlinStdlibTag,
"kotlin-stdlib", "kotlin-stdlib-jdk7", "kotlin-stdlib-jdk8")
if len( > 0 {
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, kotlinAnnotationsTag, "kotlin-annotations")
if j.shouldInstrumentStatic(ctx) {
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, staticLibTag, "jacocoagent")
func hasSrcExt(srcs []string, ext string) bool {
for _, src := range srcs {
if filepath.Ext(src) == ext {
return true
return false
func shardPaths(paths android.Paths, shardSize int) []android.Paths {
ret := make([]android.Paths, 0, (len(paths)+shardSize-1)/shardSize)
for len(paths) > shardSize {
ret = append(ret, paths[0:shardSize])
paths = paths[shardSize:]
if len(paths) > 0 {
ret = append(ret, paths)
return ret
func (j *Module) hasSrcExt(ext string) bool {
return hasSrcExt(, ext)
func (j *Module) aidlFlags(ctx android.ModuleContext, aidlPreprocess android.OptionalPath,
aidlIncludeDirs android.Paths) (string, android.Paths) {
aidlIncludes := android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, j.deviceProperties.Aidl.Local_include_dirs)
aidlIncludes = append(aidlIncludes,
android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, j.deviceProperties.Aidl.Export_include_dirs)...)
aidlIncludes = append(aidlIncludes,
android.PathsForSource(ctx, j.deviceProperties.Aidl.Include_dirs)...)
var flags []string
var deps android.Paths
if aidlPreprocess.Valid() {
flags = append(flags, "-p"+aidlPreprocess.String())
deps = append(deps, aidlPreprocess.Path())
} else if len(aidlIncludeDirs) > 0 {
flags = append(flags, android.JoinWithPrefix(aidlIncludeDirs.Strings(), "-I"))
if len(j.exportAidlIncludeDirs) > 0 {
flags = append(flags, android.JoinWithPrefix(j.exportAidlIncludeDirs.Strings(), "-I"))
if len(aidlIncludes) > 0 {
flags = append(flags, android.JoinWithPrefix(aidlIncludes.Strings(), "-I"))
flags = append(flags, "-I"+android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx).String())
if src := android.ExistentPathForSource(ctx, ctx.ModuleDir(), "src"); src.Valid() {
flags = append(flags, "-I"+src.String())
if Bool(j.deviceProperties.Aidl.Generate_traces) {
flags = append(flags, "-t")
if Bool(j.deviceProperties.Aidl.Generate_get_transaction_name) {
flags = append(flags, "--transaction_names")
return strings.Join(flags, " "), deps
type deps struct {
classpath classpath
bootClasspath classpath
processorPath classpath
processorClasses []string
staticJars android.Paths
staticHeaderJars android.Paths
staticResourceJars android.Paths
aidlIncludeDirs android.Paths
srcs android.Paths
srcJars android.Paths
systemModules android.Path
systemModulesDeps android.Paths
aidlPreprocess android.OptionalPath
kotlinStdlib android.Paths
kotlinAnnotations android.Paths
disableTurbine bool
func checkProducesJars(ctx android.ModuleContext, dep android.SourceFileProducer) {
for _, f := range dep.Srcs() {
if f.Ext() != ".jar" {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("genrule %q must generate files ending with .jar to be used as a libs or static_libs dependency",
type linkType int
const (
javaCore linkType = iota
func getLinkType(m *Module, name string) (ret linkType, stubs bool) {
ver := m.sdkVersion()
switch {
case name == "core.current.stubs" || name == "core.platform.api.stubs" ||
name == "stub-annotations" || name == "private-stub-annotations-jar" ||
name == "core-lambda-stubs" || name == "core-generated-annotation-stubs":
return javaCore, true
case ver == "core_current":
return javaCore, false
case name == "android_system_stubs_current":
return javaSystem, true
case strings.HasPrefix(ver, "system_"):
return javaSystem, false
case name == "android_test_stubs_current":
return javaSystem, true
case strings.HasPrefix(ver, "test_"):
return javaPlatform, false
case name == "android_stubs_current":
return javaSdk, true
case ver == "current":
return javaSdk, false
case ver == "" || ver == "none" || ver == "core_platform":
return javaPlatform, false
if _, err := strconv.Atoi(ver); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("expected sdk_version to be a number, got %q", ver))
return javaSdk, false
func checkLinkType(ctx android.ModuleContext, from *Module, to *Library, tag dependencyTag) {
if ctx.Host() {
myLinkType, stubs := getLinkType(from, ctx.ModuleName())
if stubs {
otherLinkType, _ := getLinkType(&to.Module, ctx.OtherModuleName(to))
commonMessage := "Adjust sdk_version: property of the source or target module so that target module is built with the same or smaller API set than the source."
switch myLinkType {
case javaCore:
if otherLinkType != javaCore {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("compiles against core Java API, but dependency %q is compiling against non-core Java APIs."+commonMessage,
case javaSdk:
if otherLinkType != javaCore && otherLinkType != javaSdk {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("compiles against Android API, but dependency %q is compiling against non-public Android API."+commonMessage,
case javaSystem:
if otherLinkType == javaPlatform {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("compiles against system API, but dependency %q is compiling against private API."+commonMessage,
case javaPlatform:
// no restriction on link-type
func (j *Module) collectDeps(ctx android.ModuleContext) deps {
var deps deps
if ctx.Device() {
sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(ctx, sdkContext(j))
if sdkDep.invalidVersion {
} else if sdkDep.useFiles {
// sdkDep.jar is actually equivalent to turbine header.jar.
deps.classpath = append(deps.classpath, sdkDep.jars...)
deps.aidlPreprocess = sdkDep.aidl
} else {
deps.aidlPreprocess = sdkDep.aidl
ctx.VisitDirectDeps(func(module android.Module) {
otherName := ctx.OtherModuleName(module)
tag := ctx.OtherModuleDependencyTag(module)
if _, ok := tag.(*jniDependencyTag); ok {
// Handled by AndroidApp.collectAppDeps
if tag == certificateTag {
// Handled by AndroidApp.collectAppDeps
if to, ok := module.(*Library); ok {
switch tag {
case bootClasspathTag, libTag, staticLibTag:
checkLinkType(ctx, j, to, tag.(dependencyTag))
switch dep := module.(type) {
case SdkLibraryDependency:
switch tag {
case libTag:
deps.classpath = append(deps.classpath, dep.SdkHeaderJars(ctx, j.sdkVersion())...)
// names of sdk libs that are directly depended are exported
j.exportedSdkLibs = append(j.exportedSdkLibs, otherName)
case staticLibTag:
ctx.ModuleErrorf("dependency on java_sdk_library %q can only be in libs", otherName)
case Dependency:
switch tag {
case bootClasspathTag:
deps.bootClasspath = append(deps.bootClasspath, dep.HeaderJars()...)
case libTag, instrumentationForTag:
deps.classpath = append(deps.classpath, dep.HeaderJars()...)
// sdk lib names from dependencies are re-exported
j.exportedSdkLibs = append(j.exportedSdkLibs, dep.ExportedSdkLibs()...)
deps.aidlIncludeDirs = append(deps.aidlIncludeDirs, dep.AidlIncludeDirs()...)
case staticLibTag:
deps.classpath = append(deps.classpath, dep.HeaderJars()...)
deps.staticJars = append(deps.staticJars, dep.ImplementationJars()...)
deps.staticHeaderJars = append(deps.staticHeaderJars, dep.HeaderJars()...)
deps.staticResourceJars = append(deps.staticResourceJars, dep.ResourceJars()...)
// sdk lib names from dependencies are re-exported
j.exportedSdkLibs = append(j.exportedSdkLibs, dep.ExportedSdkLibs()...)
deps.aidlIncludeDirs = append(deps.aidlIncludeDirs, dep.AidlIncludeDirs()...)
case pluginTag:
if plugin, ok := dep.(*Plugin); ok {
deps.processorPath = append(deps.processorPath, dep.ImplementationAndResourcesJars()...)
if plugin.pluginProperties.Processor_class != nil {
deps.processorClasses = append(deps.processorClasses, *plugin.pluginProperties.Processor_class)
deps.disableTurbine = deps.disableTurbine || Bool(plugin.pluginProperties.Generates_api)
} else {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("plugins", "%q is not a java_plugin module", otherName)
case frameworkResTag:
if (ctx.ModuleName() == "framework") || (ctx.ModuleName() == "framework-annotation-proc") {
// framework.jar has a one-off dependency on the and files
// generated by framework-res.apk
deps.srcJars = append(deps.srcJars, dep.(*AndroidApp).aaptSrcJar)
case frameworkApkTag:
if ctx.ModuleName() == "android_stubs_current" ||
ctx.ModuleName() == "android_system_stubs_current" ||
ctx.ModuleName() == "android_test_stubs_current" {
// framework stubs.jar need to depend on framework-res.apk, in order to pull the
// resource files out of there for aapt.
// Normally the package rule runs aapt, which includes the resource,
// but we're not running that in our package rule so just copy in the
// resource files here.
deps.staticResourceJars = append(deps.staticResourceJars, dep.(*AndroidApp).exportPackage)
case kotlinStdlibTag:
deps.kotlinStdlib = append(deps.kotlinStdlib, dep.HeaderJars()...)
case kotlinAnnotationsTag:
deps.kotlinAnnotations = dep.HeaderJars()
case android.SourceFileProducer:
switch tag {
case libTag:
checkProducesJars(ctx, dep)
deps.classpath = append(deps.classpath, dep.Srcs()...)
case staticLibTag:
checkProducesJars(ctx, dep)
deps.classpath = append(deps.classpath, dep.Srcs()...)
deps.staticJars = append(deps.staticJars, dep.Srcs()...)
deps.staticHeaderJars = append(deps.staticHeaderJars, dep.Srcs()...)
switch tag {
case systemModulesTag:
if deps.systemModules != nil {
panic("Found two system module dependencies")
sm := module.(*SystemModules)
if sm.outputDir == nil || len(sm.outputDeps) == 0 {
panic("Missing directory for system module dependency")
deps.systemModules = sm.outputDir
deps.systemModulesDeps = sm.outputDeps
j.exportedSdkLibs = android.FirstUniqueStrings(j.exportedSdkLibs)
return deps
func getJavaVersion(ctx android.ModuleContext, javaVersion string, sdkContext sdkContext) string {
var ret string
v := sdkContext.sdkVersion()
// For PDK builds, use the latest SDK version instead of "current"
if ctx.Config().IsPdkBuild() &&
(v == "" || v == "none" || v == "core_platform" || v == "current") {
sdkVersions := ctx.Config().Get(sdkVersionsKey).([]int)
latestSdkVersion := 0
if len(sdkVersions) > 0 {
latestSdkVersion = sdkVersions[len(sdkVersions)-1]
v = strconv.Itoa(latestSdkVersion)
sdk, err := sdkVersionToNumber(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("sdk_version", "%s", err)
if javaVersion != "" {
ret = javaVersion
} else if ctx.Device() && sdk <= 23 {
ret = "1.7"
} else if ctx.Device() && sdk <= 29 || !ctx.Config().TargetOpenJDK9() {
ret = "1.8"
} else if ctx.Device() &&
sdkContext.sdkVersion() != "" &&
sdkContext.sdkVersion() != "none" &&
sdkContext.sdkVersion() != "core_platform" &&
sdk == android.FutureApiLevel {
// TODO(ccross): once we generate stubs we should be able to use 1.9 for sdk_version: "current"
ret = "1.8"
} else {
ret = "1.9"
return ret
func (j *Module) collectBuilderFlags(ctx android.ModuleContext, deps deps) javaBuilderFlags {
var flags javaBuilderFlags
2018-09-11 23:21:05 +08:00
// javaVersion flag.
flags.javaVersion = getJavaVersion(ctx, String(, sdkContext(j))
// javac flags.
javacFlags :=
2018-09-11 23:21:05 +08:00
if flags.javaVersion == "1.9" {
javacFlags = append(javacFlags,
if ctx.Config().MinimizeJavaDebugInfo() {
// Override the -g flag passed globally to remove local variable debug info to reduce
// disk and memory usage.
javacFlags = append(javacFlags, "-g:source,lines")
if ctx.Config().RunErrorProne() {
if config.ErrorProneClasspath == nil {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("cannot build with Error Prone, missing external/error_prone?")
errorProneFlags := []string{
errorProneFlags = append(errorProneFlags,
flags.errorProneExtraJavacFlags = "${config.ErrorProneFlags} " +
"'" + strings.Join(errorProneFlags, " ") + "'"
flags.errorProneProcessorPath = classpath(android.PathsForSource(ctx, config.ErrorProneClasspath))
// classpath
flags.bootClasspath = append(flags.bootClasspath, deps.bootClasspath...)
flags.classpath = append(flags.classpath, deps.classpath...)
flags.processorPath = append(flags.processorPath, deps.processorPath...)
flags.processor = strings.Join(deps.processorClasses, ",")
2018-09-11 23:21:05 +08:00
if len(flags.bootClasspath) == 0 && ctx.Host() && flags.javaVersion != "1.9" &&
Make sdkDep/decodeSdkDep the source of truth about the sdk Previously, different parts of the build used different sources of information about the SDK (i.e. the default libraries) against which a Java module aimed at the device was built. Some used the sdk_version property, others used the no_standard_libs or no_framework_libs, some used a combination of all three. That lead to inconsistent handling in the code, e.g. some parts treated no_standard_libs: true as implying no_framework_libs: true and others did not, and also in the build files, e.g. some modules specified no_framework_libs: true and sdk_version: "system_current" which makes no sense, or no_standard_libs: true and sdk_version: "core_current" which are inconsistent. This is the first step in a refactoring to simplify the sdk selection process by replacing the no_standard_libs/no_framework_libs properties with some extra options for the sdk_version property. This change consists of: 1) Extra functions sdkContext to access the no_standard_libs and no_framework_libs properties. 2) Extra field/functions in sdkDep to store and access the value of no_standard_libs/no_framework_libs. 3) Changes to decodeSdkDep(...) to pass the values of the no_... properties through to the returned sdkDep. 4) Change all code that accesses the no_... properties directly to call decodeSdkDep(...) to get an sdkDep object and then accessing the values of the no_... properties from there. The accessor functions on sdkDep are called has...() rather than no...() as most callers of the methods invert the value anyway and !no...() is harder to reason about than has...(). The hasFrameworkLibs() function returns true if and only if no_standard_libs and no_framework_libs are false. That is consistent with all but one usage of the no_framework_libs property and that is not affected by it. Bug: 134566750 Test: m droid Change-Id: I196e3304e8bd802fb154e897397b0dd337f868e2 Exempt-From-Owner-Approval: Colin has already given +2 modulo some minor nits and this blocking other changes.
2019-06-07 17:44:37 +08:00
decodeSdkDep(ctx, sdkContext(j)).hasStandardLibs() &&
inList(flags.javaVersion, []string{"1.6", "1.7", "1.8"}) {
// Give host-side tools a version of OpenJDK's standard libraries
// close to what they're targeting. As of Dec 2017, AOSP is only
// bundling OpenJDK 8 and 9, so nothing < 8 is available.
// When building with OpenJDK 8, the following should have no
// effect since those jars would be available by default.
// When building with OpenJDK 9 but targeting a version < 1.8,
// putting them on the bootclasspath means that:
// a) code can't (accidentally) refer to OpenJDK 9 specific APIs
// b) references to existing APIs are not reinterpreted in an
// OpenJDK 9-specific way, eg. calls to subclasses of
// java.nio.Buffer as in http://b/70862583
java8Home := ctx.Config().Getenv("ANDROID_JAVA8_HOME")
flags.bootClasspath = append(flags.bootClasspath,
android.PathForSource(ctx, java8Home, "jre/lib/jce.jar"),
android.PathForSource(ctx, java8Home, "jre/lib/rt.jar"))
if Bool( {
flags.bootClasspath = append(flags.bootClasspath,
android.PathForSource(ctx, java8Home, "lib/tools.jar"))
2018-09-11 23:21:05 +08:00
if != nil && flags.javaVersion == "1.9" {
// Manually specify build directory in case it is not under the repo root.
// (javac doesn't seem to expand into symbolc links when searching for patch-module targets, so
// just adding a symlink under the root doesn't help.)
patchPaths := ".:" + ctx.Config().BuildDir()
classPath := flags.classpath.FormJavaClassPath("")
if classPath != "" {
patchPaths += ":" + classPath
javacFlags = append(javacFlags, "--patch-module="+String("="+patchPaths)
// systemModules
if deps.systemModules != nil {
flags.systemModules = append(flags.systemModules, deps.systemModules)
flags.systemModulesDeps = append(flags.systemModulesDeps, deps.systemModulesDeps...)
// aidl flags.
flags.aidlFlags, flags.aidlDeps = j.aidlFlags(ctx, deps.aidlPreprocess, deps.aidlIncludeDirs)
if len(javacFlags) > 0 {
// optimization.
ctx.Variable(pctx, "javacFlags", strings.Join(javacFlags, " "))
flags.javacFlags = "$javacFlags"
return flags
func (j *Module) compile(ctx android.ModuleContext, aaptSrcJar android.Path) {
j.exportAidlIncludeDirs = android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, j.deviceProperties.Aidl.Export_include_dirs)
deps := j.collectDeps(ctx)
flags := j.collectBuilderFlags(ctx, deps)
2018-09-11 23:21:05 +08:00
if flags.javaVersion == "1.9" { = append(,
srcFiles := android.PathsForModuleSrcExcludes(ctx,,
if hasSrcExt(srcFiles.Strings(), ".proto") {
flags = protoFlags(ctx, &, &j.protoProperties, flags)
srcFiles = j.genSources(ctx, srcFiles, flags)
srcJars := srcFiles.FilterByExt(".srcjar")
srcJars = append(srcJars, deps.srcJars...)
if aaptSrcJar != nil {
srcJars = append(srcJars, aaptSrcJar)
// Collect source files from compiledJavaSrcs, compiledSrcJars and filter out Exclude_srcs
// that IDEInfo struct will use
j.expandIDEInfoCompiledSrcs = append(j.expandIDEInfoCompiledSrcs, srcFiles.Strings()...)
if != nil {
j.expandJarjarRules = android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, *
jarName := ctx.ModuleName() + ".jar"
javaSrcFiles := srcFiles.FilterByExt(".java")
var uniqueSrcFiles android.Paths
set := make(map[string]bool)
for _, v := range javaSrcFiles {
if _, found := set[v.String()]; !found {
set[v.String()] = true
uniqueSrcFiles = append(uniqueSrcFiles, v)
var kotlinJars android.Paths
if srcFiles.HasExt(".kt") {
// user defined kotlin flags.
kotlincFlags :=
CheckKotlincFlags(ctx, kotlincFlags)
// If there are kotlin files, compile them first but pass all the kotlin and java files
// kotlinc will use the java files to resolve types referenced by the kotlin files, but
// won't emit any classes for them.
kotlincFlags = append(kotlincFlags, "-no-stdlib")
if ctx.Device() {
kotlincFlags = append(kotlincFlags, "-no-jdk")
if len(kotlincFlags) > 0 {
// optimization.
ctx.Variable(pctx, "kotlincFlags", strings.Join(kotlincFlags, " "))
flags.kotlincFlags += "$kotlincFlags"
var kotlinSrcFiles android.Paths
kotlinSrcFiles = append(kotlinSrcFiles, uniqueSrcFiles...)
kotlinSrcFiles = append(kotlinSrcFiles, srcFiles.FilterByExt(".kt")...)
flags.classpath = append(flags.classpath, deps.kotlinStdlib...)
flags.classpath = append(flags.classpath, deps.kotlinAnnotations...)
flags.kotlincClasspath = append(flags.kotlincClasspath, flags.bootClasspath...)
flags.kotlincClasspath = append(flags.kotlincClasspath, flags.classpath...)
if len(flags.processorPath) > 0 {
// Use kapt for annotation processing
kaptSrcJar := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "kapt", "kapt-sources.jar")
kotlinKapt(ctx, kaptSrcJar, kotlinSrcFiles, srcJars, flags)
srcJars = append(srcJars, kaptSrcJar)
// Disable annotation processing in javac, it's already been handled by kapt
flags.processorPath = nil
flags.processor = ""
kotlinJar := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "kotlin", jarName)
kotlinCompile(ctx, kotlinJar, kotlinSrcFiles, srcJars, flags)
if ctx.Failed() {
// Make javac rule depend on the kotlinc rule
flags.classpath = append(flags.classpath, kotlinJar)
// Jar kotlin classes into the final jar after javac
kotlinJars = append(kotlinJars, kotlinJar)
kotlinJars = append(kotlinJars, deps.kotlinStdlib...)
jars := append(android.Paths(nil), kotlinJars...)
// Store the list of .java files that was passed to javac
j.compiledJavaSrcs = uniqueSrcFiles
j.compiledSrcJars = srcJars
enable_sharding := false
if ctx.Device() && !ctx.Config().IsEnvFalse("TURBINE_ENABLED") && !deps.disableTurbine {
if != nil && *( > 0 {
enable_sharding = true
// Formerly, there was a check here that prevented annotation processors
// from being used when sharding was enabled, as some annotation processors
// do not function correctly in sharded environments. It was removed to
// allow for the use of annotation processors that do function correctly
// with sharding enabled. See: b/77284273.
j.headerJarFile = j.compileJavaHeader(ctx, uniqueSrcFiles, srcJars, deps, flags, jarName, kotlinJars)
if ctx.Failed() {
if len(uniqueSrcFiles) > 0 || len(srcJars) > 0 {
var extraJarDeps android.Paths
if ctx.Config().RunErrorProne() {
// If error-prone is enabled, add an additional rule to compile the java files into
// a separate set of classes (so that they don't overwrite the normal ones and require
// a rebuild when error-prone is turned off).
// TODO(ccross): Once we always compile with javac9 we may be able to conditionally
// enable error-prone without affecting the output class files.
errorprone := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "errorprone", jarName)
RunErrorProne(ctx, errorprone, uniqueSrcFiles, srcJars, flags)
extraJarDeps = append(extraJarDeps, errorprone)
if enable_sharding {
flags.classpath = append(flags.classpath, j.headerJarFile)
shardSize := int(*(
var shardSrcs []android.Paths
if len(uniqueSrcFiles) > 0 {
shardSrcs = shardPaths(uniqueSrcFiles, shardSize)
for idx, shardSrc := range shardSrcs {
classes := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "javac", jarName+strconv.Itoa(idx))
TransformJavaToClasses(ctx, classes, idx, shardSrc, nil, flags, extraJarDeps)
jars = append(jars, classes)
if len(srcJars) > 0 {
classes := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "javac", jarName+strconv.Itoa(len(shardSrcs)))
TransformJavaToClasses(ctx, classes, len(shardSrcs), nil, srcJars, flags, extraJarDeps)
jars = append(jars, classes)
} else {
classes := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "javac", jarName)
TransformJavaToClasses(ctx, classes, -1, uniqueSrcFiles, srcJars, flags, extraJarDeps)
jars = append(jars, classes)
if ctx.Failed() {
j.srcJarArgs, j.srcJarDeps = resourcePathsToJarArgs(srcFiles), srcFiles
var includeSrcJar android.WritablePath
if Bool( {
includeSrcJar = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, ctx.ModuleName()+".srcjar")
TransformResourcesToJar(ctx, includeSrcJar, j.srcJarArgs, j.srcJarDeps)
dirArgs, dirDeps := ResourceDirsToJarArgs(ctx,,,
fileArgs, fileDeps := ResourceFilesToJarArgs(ctx,,
extraArgs, extraDeps := resourcePathsToJarArgs(j.extraResources), j.extraResources
var resArgs []string
var resDeps android.Paths
resArgs = append(resArgs, dirArgs...)
resDeps = append(resDeps, dirDeps...)
resArgs = append(resArgs, fileArgs...)
resDeps = append(resDeps, fileDeps...)
resArgs = append(resArgs, extraArgs...)
resDeps = append(resDeps, extraDeps...)
if len(resArgs) > 0 {
resourceJar := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "res", jarName)
TransformResourcesToJar(ctx, resourceJar, resArgs, resDeps)
j.resourceJar = resourceJar
if ctx.Failed() {
var resourceJars android.Paths
if j.resourceJar != nil {
resourceJars = append(resourceJars, j.resourceJar)
if Bool( {
resourceJars = append(resourceJars, includeSrcJar)
resourceJars = append(resourceJars, deps.staticResourceJars...)
if len(resourceJars) > 1 {
combinedJar := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "res-combined", jarName)
TransformJarsToJar(ctx, combinedJar, "for resources", resourceJars, android.OptionalPath{},
false, nil, nil)
j.resourceJar = combinedJar
} else if len(resourceJars) == 1 {
j.resourceJar = resourceJars[0]
if len(deps.staticJars) > 0 {
jars = append(jars, deps.staticJars...)
manifest := j.overrideManifest
if !manifest.Valid() && != nil {
manifest = android.OptionalPathForPath(android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, *
services := android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx,
if len(services) > 0 {
servicesJar := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "services", jarName)
var zipargs []string
for _, file := range services {
serviceFile := file.String()
zipargs = append(zipargs, "-C", filepath.Dir(serviceFile), "-f", serviceFile)
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: zip,
Output: servicesJar,
Implicits: services,
Args: map[string]string{
"jarArgs": "-P META-INF/services/ " + strings.Join(proptools.NinjaAndShellEscapeList(zipargs), " "),
jars = append(jars, servicesJar)
// Combine the classes built from sources, any manifests, and any static libraries into
// classes.jar. If there is only one input jar this step will be skipped.
var outputFile android.ModuleOutPath
if len(jars) == 1 && !manifest.Valid() {
if moduleOutPath, ok := jars[0].(android.ModuleOutPath); ok {
// Optimization: skip the combine step if there is nothing to do
// TODO(ccross): this leaves any module-info.class files, but those should only come from
// prebuilt dependencies until we support modules in the platform build, so there shouldn't be
// any if len(jars) == 1.
outputFile = moduleOutPath
} else {
combinedJar := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "combined", jarName)
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: android.Cp,
Input: jars[0],
Output: combinedJar,
outputFile = combinedJar
} else {
combinedJar := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "combined", jarName)
TransformJarsToJar(ctx, combinedJar, "for javac", jars, manifest,
false, nil, nil)
outputFile = combinedJar
// jarjar implementation jar if necessary
if j.expandJarjarRules != nil {
// Transform classes.jar into classes-jarjar.jar
jarjarFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "jarjar", jarName)
TransformJarJar(ctx, jarjarFile, outputFile, j.expandJarjarRules)
outputFile = jarjarFile
// jarjar resource jar if necessary
if j.resourceJar != nil {
resourceJarJarFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "res-jarjar", jarName)
TransformJarJar(ctx, resourceJarJarFile, j.resourceJar, j.expandJarjarRules)
j.resourceJar = resourceJarJarFile
if ctx.Failed() {
// Check package restrictions if necessary.
if len( > 0 {
// Check packages and copy to package-checked file.
pkgckFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "package-check.stamp")
CheckJarPackages(ctx, pkgckFile, outputFile,
j.additionalCheckedModules = append(j.additionalCheckedModules, pkgckFile)
if ctx.Failed() {
j.implementationJarFile = outputFile
if j.headerJarFile == nil {
j.headerJarFile = j.implementationJarFile
if ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("EMMA_INSTRUMENT_FRAMEWORK") {
if inList(ctx.ModuleName(), config.InstrumentFrameworkModules) { = true
if j.shouldInstrument(ctx) {
outputFile = j.instrument(ctx, flags, outputFile, jarName)
// merge implementation jar with resources if necessary
implementationAndResourcesJar := outputFile
if j.resourceJar != nil {
jars := android.Paths{j.resourceJar, implementationAndResourcesJar}
combinedJar := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "withres", jarName)
TransformJarsToJar(ctx, combinedJar, "for resources", jars, manifest,
false, nil, nil)
implementationAndResourcesJar = combinedJar
j.implementationAndResourcesJar = implementationAndResourcesJar
if ctx.Device() && j.hasCode(ctx) &&
(Bool( || Bool(j.deviceProperties.Compile_dex)) {
// Dex compilation
var dexOutputFile android.ModuleOutPath
dexOutputFile = j.compileDex(ctx, flags, outputFile, jarName)
if ctx.Failed() {
if !ctx.Config().UnbundledBuild() {
// Hidden API CSV generation and dex encoding
dexOutputFile = j.hiddenAPI.hiddenAPI(ctx, dexOutputFile, j.implementationJarFile,
// merge dex jar with resources if necessary
if j.resourceJar != nil {
jars := android.Paths{dexOutputFile, j.resourceJar}
combinedJar := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "dex-withres", jarName)
TransformJarsToJar(ctx, combinedJar, "for dex resources", jars, android.OptionalPath{},
false, nil, nil)
if j.deviceProperties.UncompressDex {
combinedAlignedJar := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "dex-withres-aligned", jarName)
TransformZipAlign(ctx, combinedAlignedJar, combinedJar)
dexOutputFile = combinedAlignedJar
} else {
dexOutputFile = combinedJar
j.dexJarFile = dexOutputFile
// Dexpreopting
dexOutputFile = j.dexpreopt(ctx, dexOutputFile)
j.maybeStrippedDexJarFile = dexOutputFile
outputFile = dexOutputFile
if ctx.Failed() {
} else {
outputFile = implementationAndResourcesJar
// Save the output file with no relative path so that it doesn't end up in a subdirectory when used as a resource
j.outputFile = outputFile.WithoutRel()
// Check for invalid kotlinc flags. Only use this for flags explicitly passed by the user,
// since some of these flags may be used internally.
func CheckKotlincFlags(ctx android.ModuleContext, flags []string) {
for _, flag := range flags {
flag = strings.TrimSpace(flag)
if !strings.HasPrefix(flag, "-") {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("kotlincflags", "Flag `%s` must start with `-`", flag)
} else if strings.HasPrefix(flag, "-Xintellij-plugin-root") {
"Bad flag: `%s`, only use internal compiler for consistency.", flag)
} else if inList(flag, config.KotlincIllegalFlags) {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("kotlincflags", "Flag `%s` already used by build system", flag)
} else if flag == "-include-runtime" {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("kotlincflags", "Bad flag: `%s`, do not include runtime.", flag)
} else {
args := strings.Split(flag, " ")
if args[0] == "-kotlin-home" {
"Bad flag: `%s`, kotlin home already set to default (path to kotlinc in the repo).", flag)
func (j *Module) compileJavaHeader(ctx android.ModuleContext, srcFiles, srcJars android.Paths,
deps deps, flags javaBuilderFlags, jarName string, extraJars android.Paths) android.Path {
var jars android.Paths
if len(srcFiles) > 0 || len(srcJars) > 0 {
// Compile java sources into turbine.jar.
turbineJar := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "turbine", jarName)
TransformJavaToHeaderClasses(ctx, turbineJar, srcFiles, srcJars, flags)
if ctx.Failed() {
return nil
jars = append(jars, turbineJar)
jars = append(jars, extraJars...)
// Combine any static header libraries into classes-header.jar. If there is only
// one input jar this step will be skipped.
var headerJar android.Path
jars = append(jars, deps.staticHeaderJars...)
// we cannot skip the combine step for now if there is only one jar
// since we have to strip META-INF/TRANSITIVE dir from turbine.jar
combinedJar := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "turbine-combined", jarName)
TransformJarsToJar(ctx, combinedJar, "for turbine", jars, android.OptionalPath{},
false, nil, []string{"META-INF/TRANSITIVE"})
headerJar = combinedJar
if j.expandJarjarRules != nil {
// Transform classes.jar into classes-jarjar.jar
jarjarFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "turbine-jarjar", jarName)
TransformJarJar(ctx, jarjarFile, headerJar, j.expandJarjarRules)
headerJar = jarjarFile
if ctx.Failed() {
return nil
return headerJar
func (j *Module) instrument(ctx android.ModuleContext, flags javaBuilderFlags,
classesJar android.Path, jarName string) android.ModuleOutPath {
specs := j.jacocoModuleToZipCommand(ctx)
jacocoReportClassesFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "jacoco-report-classes", jarName)
instrumentedJar := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "jacoco", jarName)
jacocoInstrumentJar(ctx, instrumentedJar, jacocoReportClassesFile, classesJar, specs)
j.jacocoReportClassesFile = jacocoReportClassesFile
return instrumentedJar
var _ Dependency = (*Module)(nil)
func (j *Module) HeaderJars() android.Paths {
if j.headerJarFile == nil {
return nil
return android.Paths{j.headerJarFile}
func (j *Module) ImplementationJars() android.Paths {
if j.implementationJarFile == nil {
return nil
return android.Paths{j.implementationJarFile}
func (j *Module) DexJar() android.Path {
return j.dexJarFile
func (j *Module) ResourceJars() android.Paths {
if j.resourceJar == nil {
return nil
return android.Paths{j.resourceJar}
func (j *Module) ImplementationAndResourcesJars() android.Paths {
if j.implementationAndResourcesJar == nil {
return nil
return android.Paths{j.implementationAndResourcesJar}
func (j *Module) AidlIncludeDirs() android.Paths {
// exportAidlIncludeDirs is type android.Paths already
return j.exportAidlIncludeDirs
func (j *Module) ExportedSdkLibs() []string {
// exportedSdkLibs is type []string
return j.exportedSdkLibs
func (j *Module) SrcJarArgs() ([]string, android.Paths) {
return j.srcJarArgs, j.srcJarDeps
var _ logtagsProducer = (*Module)(nil)
func (j *Module) logtags() android.Paths {
return j.logtagsSrcs
// Collect information for opening IDE project files in java/jdeps.go.
func (j *Module) IDEInfo(dpInfo *android.IdeInfo) {
dpInfo.Deps = append(dpInfo.Deps, j.CompilerDeps()...)
dpInfo.Srcs = append(dpInfo.Srcs, j.expandIDEInfoCompiledSrcs...)
dpInfo.SrcJars = append(dpInfo.SrcJars, j.compiledSrcJars.Strings()...)
dpInfo.Aidl_include_dirs = append(dpInfo.Aidl_include_dirs, j.deviceProperties.Aidl.Include_dirs...)
if j.expandJarjarRules != nil {
dpInfo.Jarjar_rules = append(dpInfo.Jarjar_rules, j.expandJarjarRules.String())
func (j *Module) CompilerDeps() []string {
jdeps := []string{}
jdeps = append(jdeps,
jdeps = append(jdeps,
return jdeps
func (j *Module) hasCode(ctx android.ModuleContext) bool {
srcFiles := android.PathsForModuleSrcExcludes(ctx,,
return len(srcFiles) > 0 || len(ctx.GetDirectDepsWithTag(staticLibTag)) > 0
// Java libraries (.jar file)
type Library struct {
func shouldUncompressDex(ctx android.ModuleContext, dexpreopter *dexpreopter) bool {
// Store uncompressed (and do not strip) dex files from boot class path jars.
if inList(ctx.ModuleName(), ctx.Config().BootJars()) {
return true
// Store uncompressed dex files that are preopted on /system.
if !dexpreopter.dexpreoptDisabled(ctx) && (ctx.Host() || !odexOnSystemOther(ctx, dexpreopter.installPath)) {
return true
if ctx.Config().UncompressPrivAppDex() &&
inList(ctx.ModuleName(), ctx.Config().ModulesLoadedByPrivilegedModules()) {
return true
return false
func (j *Library) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
j.dexpreopter.installPath = android.PathForModuleInstall(ctx, "framework", ctx.ModuleName()+".jar")
j.dexpreopter.isSDKLibrary = j.deviceProperties.IsSDKLibrary
j.dexpreopter.isInstallable = Bool(
j.dexpreopter.uncompressedDex = shouldUncompressDex(ctx, &j.dexpreopter)
j.deviceProperties.UncompressDex = j.dexpreopter.uncompressedDex
j.compile(ctx, nil)
if (Bool( || ctx.Host()) && !android.DirectlyInAnyApex(ctx, ctx.ModuleName()) {
j.installFile = ctx.InstallFile(android.PathForModuleInstall(ctx, "framework"),
ctx.ModuleName()+".jar", j.outputFile)
func (j *Library) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
// java_library builds and links sources into a `.jar` file for the device, and possibly for the host as well.
// By default, a java_library has a single variant that produces a `.jar` file containing `.class` files that were
// compiled against the device bootclasspath. This jar is not suitable for installing on a device, but can be used
// as a `static_libs` dependency of another module.
// Specifying `installable: true` will product a `.jar` file containing `classes.dex` files, suitable for installing on
// a device.
// Specifying `host_supported: true` will produce two variants, one compiled against the device bootclasspath and one
// compiled against the host bootclasspath.
func LibraryFactory() android.Module {
module := &Library{}
InitJavaModule(module, android.HostAndDeviceSupported)
return module
// java_library_static is an obsolete alias for java_library.
func LibraryStaticFactory() android.Module {
return LibraryFactory()
// java_library_host builds and links sources into a `.jar` file for the host.
// A java_library_host has a single variant that produces a `.jar` file containing `.class` files that were
// compiled against the host bootclasspath.
func LibraryHostFactory() android.Module {
module := &Library{}
&module.Module.protoProperties) = proptools.BoolPtr(true)
InitJavaModule(module, android.HostSupported)
return module
// Java Tests
type testProperties struct {
// list of compatibility suites (for example "cts", "vts") that the module should be
// installed into.
Test_suites []string `android:"arch_variant"`
// the name of the test configuration (for example "AndroidTest.xml") that should be
// installed with the module.
Test_config *string `android:"path,arch_variant"`
// the name of the test configuration template (for example "AndroidTestTemplate.xml") that
// should be installed with the module.
Test_config_template *string `android:"path,arch_variant"`
// list of files or filegroup modules that provide data that should be installed alongside
// the test
Data []string `android:"path"`
type testHelperLibraryProperties struct {
// list of compatibility suites (for example "cts", "vts") that the module should be
// installed into.
Test_suites []string `android:"arch_variant"`
type Test struct {
testProperties testProperties
testConfig android.Path
data android.Paths
type TestHelperLibrary struct {
testHelperLibraryProperties testHelperLibraryProperties
func (j *Test) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
j.testConfig = tradefed.AutoGenJavaTestConfig(ctx, j.testProperties.Test_config, j.testProperties.Test_config_template, j.testProperties.Test_suites) = android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, j.testProperties.Data)
func (j *TestHelperLibrary) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
// java_test builds a and links sources into a `.jar` file for the device, and possibly for the host as well, and
// creates an `AndroidTest.xml` file to allow running the test with `atest` or a `TEST_MAPPING` file.
// By default, a java_test has a single variant that produces a `.jar` file containing `classes.dex` files that were
// compiled against the device bootclasspath.
// Specifying `host_supported: true` will produce two variants, one compiled against the device bootclasspath and one
// compiled against the host bootclasspath.
func TestFactory() android.Module {
module := &Test{}
&module.testProperties) = proptools.BoolPtr(true)
module.Module.dexpreopter.isTest = true
InitJavaModule(module, android.HostAndDeviceSupported)
return module
// java_test_helper_library creates a java library and makes sure that it is added to the appropriate test suite.
func TestHelperLibraryFactory() android.Module {
module := &TestHelperLibrary{}
&module.testHelperLibraryProperties) = proptools.BoolPtr(true)
module.Module.dexpreopter.isTest = true
InitJavaModule(module, android.HostAndDeviceSupported)
return module
// java_test_host builds a and links sources into a `.jar` file for the host, and creates an `AndroidTest.xml` file to
// allow running the test with `atest` or a `TEST_MAPPING` file.
// A java_test_host has a single variant that produces a `.jar` file containing `.class` files that were
// compiled against the host bootclasspath.
func TestHostFactory() android.Module {
module := &Test{}
&module.testProperties) = proptools.BoolPtr(true)
InitJavaModule(module, android.HostSupported)
return module
// Java Binaries (.jar file plus wrapper script)
type binaryProperties struct {
// installable script to execute the resulting jar
Wrapper *string `android:"path"`
// Name of the class containing main to be inserted into the manifest as Main-Class.
Main_class *string
type Binary struct {
binaryProperties binaryProperties
isWrapperVariant bool
wrapperFile android.Path
binaryFile android.OutputPath
func (j *Binary) HostToolPath() android.OptionalPath {
return android.OptionalPathForPath(j.binaryFile)
func (j *Binary) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
if ctx.Arch().ArchType == android.Common {
// Compile the jar
if j.binaryProperties.Main_class != nil {
if != nil {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("main_class", "main_class cannot be used when manifest is set")
manifestFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "manifest.txt")
GenerateMainClassManifest(ctx, manifestFile, String(j.binaryProperties.Main_class))
j.overrideManifest = android.OptionalPathForPath(manifestFile)
} else {
// Handle the binary wrapper
j.isWrapperVariant = true
if j.binaryProperties.Wrapper != nil {
j.wrapperFile = android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, *j.binaryProperties.Wrapper)
} else {
j.wrapperFile = android.PathForSource(ctx, "build/soong/scripts/")
// Depend on the installed jar so that the wrapper doesn't get executed by
// another build rule before the jar has been installed.
jarFile := ctx.PrimaryModule().(*Binary).installFile
j.binaryFile = ctx.InstallExecutable(android.PathForModuleInstall(ctx, "bin"),
ctx.ModuleName(), j.wrapperFile, jarFile)
func (j *Binary) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
if ctx.Arch().ArchType == android.Common {
// java_binary builds a `.jar` file and a shell script that executes it for the device, and possibly for the host
// as well.
// By default, a java_binary has a single variant that produces a `.jar` file containing `classes.dex` files that were
// compiled against the device bootclasspath.
// Specifying `host_supported: true` will produce two variants, one compiled against the device bootclasspath and one
// compiled against the host bootclasspath.
func BinaryFactory() android.Module {
module := &Binary{}
&module.binaryProperties) = proptools.BoolPtr(true)
android.InitAndroidArchModule(module, android.HostAndDeviceSupported, android.MultilibCommonFirst)
return module
// java_binary_host builds a `.jar` file and a shell script that executes it for the host.
// A java_binary_host has a single variant that produces a `.jar` file containing `.class` files that were
// compiled against the host bootclasspath.
func BinaryHostFactory() android.Module {
module := &Binary{}
&module.binaryProperties) = proptools.BoolPtr(true)
android.InitAndroidArchModule(module, android.HostSupported, android.MultilibCommonFirst)
return module
// Java prebuilts
type ImportProperties struct {
Jars []string `android:"path"`
Sdk_version *string
Installable *bool
// List of shared java libs that this module has dependencies to
Libs []string
// List of files to remove from the jar file(s)
Exclude_files []string
// List of directories to remove from the jar file(s)
Exclude_dirs []string
// if set to true, run Jetifier against .jar file. Defaults to false.
Jetifier *bool
type Import struct {
prebuilt android.Prebuilt
properties ImportProperties
combinedClasspathFile android.Path
exportedSdkLibs []string
func (j *Import) sdkVersion() string {
return String(
func (j *Import) minSdkVersion() string {
return j.sdkVersion()
func (j *Import) Prebuilt() *android.Prebuilt {
return &j.prebuilt
func (j *Import) PrebuiltSrcs() []string {
func (j *Import) Name() string {
return j.prebuilt.Name(j.ModuleBase.Name())
func (j *Import) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, libTag,
func (j *Import) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
jars := android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx,
jarName := ctx.ModuleName() + ".jar"
outputFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "combined", jarName)
TransformJarsToJar(ctx, outputFile, "for prebuilts", jars, android.OptionalPath{},
if Bool( {
inputFile := outputFile
outputFile = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "jetifier", jarName)
TransformJetifier(ctx, outputFile, inputFile)
j.combinedClasspathFile = outputFile
ctx.VisitDirectDeps(func(module android.Module) {
otherName := ctx.OtherModuleName(module)
tag := ctx.OtherModuleDependencyTag(module)
switch dep := module.(type) {
case Dependency:
switch tag {
case libTag, staticLibTag:
// sdk lib names from dependencies are re-exported
j.exportedSdkLibs = append(j.exportedSdkLibs, dep.ExportedSdkLibs()...)
case SdkLibraryDependency:
switch tag {
case libTag:
// names of sdk libs that are directly depended are exported
j.exportedSdkLibs = append(j.exportedSdkLibs, otherName)
j.exportedSdkLibs = android.FirstUniqueStrings(j.exportedSdkLibs)
if Bool( {
ctx.InstallFile(android.PathForModuleInstall(ctx, "framework"),
ctx.ModuleName()+".jar", outputFile)
var _ Dependency = (*Import)(nil)
func (j *Import) HeaderJars() android.Paths {
if j.combinedClasspathFile == nil {
return nil
return android.Paths{j.combinedClasspathFile}
func (j *Import) ImplementationJars() android.Paths {
if j.combinedClasspathFile == nil {
return nil
return android.Paths{j.combinedClasspathFile}
func (j *Import) ResourceJars() android.Paths {
return nil
func (j *Import) ImplementationAndResourcesJars() android.Paths {
if j.combinedClasspathFile == nil {
return nil
return android.Paths{j.combinedClasspathFile}
func (j *Import) DexJar() android.Path {
return nil
func (j *Import) AidlIncludeDirs() android.Paths {
return nil
func (j *Import) ExportedSdkLibs() []string {
return j.exportedSdkLibs
func (j *Import) SrcJarArgs() ([]string, android.Paths) {
return nil, nil
// Add compile time check for interface implementation
var _ android.IDEInfo = (*Import)(nil)
var _ android.IDECustomizedModuleName = (*Import)(nil)
// Collect information for opening IDE project files in java/jdeps.go.
const (
removedPrefix = "prebuilt_"
func (j *Import) IDEInfo(dpInfo *android.IdeInfo) {
dpInfo.Jars = append(dpInfo.Jars, j.PrebuiltSrcs()...)
func (j *Import) IDECustomizedModuleName() string {
// TODO(b/113562217): Extract the base module name from the Import name, often the Import name
// has a prefix "prebuilt_". Remove the prefix explicitly if needed until we find a better
// solution to get the Import name.
name := j.Name()
if strings.HasPrefix(name, removedPrefix) {
name = strings.TrimPrefix(name, removedPrefix)
return name
var _ android.PrebuiltInterface = (*Import)(nil)
// java_import imports one or more `.jar` files into the build graph as if they were built by a java_library module.
// By default, a java_import has a single variant that expects a `.jar` file containing `.class` files that were
// compiled against an Android classpath.
// Specifying `host_supported: true` will produce two variants, one for use as a dependency of device modules and one
// for host modules.
func ImportFactory() android.Module {
module := &Import{}
android.InitPrebuiltModule(module, &
InitJavaModule(module, android.HostAndDeviceSupported)
return module
// java_import imports one or more `.jar` files into the build graph as if they were built by a java_library_host
// module.
// A java_import_host has a single variant that expects a `.jar` file containing `.class` files that were
// compiled against a host bootclasspath.
func ImportFactoryHost() android.Module {
module := &Import{}
android.InitPrebuiltModule(module, &
InitJavaModule(module, android.HostSupported)
return module
// dex_import module
type DexImportProperties struct {
Jars []string
type DexImport struct {
prebuilt android.Prebuilt
properties DexImportProperties
dexJarFile android.Path
maybeStrippedDexJarFile android.Path
func (j *DexImport) Prebuilt() *android.Prebuilt {
return &j.prebuilt
func (j *DexImport) PrebuiltSrcs() []string {
func (j *DexImport) Name() string {
return j.prebuilt.Name(j.ModuleBase.Name())
func (j *DexImport) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
func (j *DexImport) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
if len( != 1 {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("jars", "exactly one jar must be provided")
j.dexpreopter.installPath = android.PathForModuleInstall(ctx, "framework", ctx.ModuleName()+".jar")
j.dexpreopter.isInstallable = true
j.dexpreopter.uncompressedDex = shouldUncompressDex(ctx, &j.dexpreopter)
inputJar := ctx.ExpandSource([0], "jars")
dexOutputFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, ctx.ModuleName()+".jar")
if j.dexpreopter.uncompressedDex {
rule := android.NewRuleBuilder()
temporary := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, ctx.ModuleName()+".jar.unaligned")
// use zip2zip to uncompress classes*.dex files
Tool(ctx.Config().HostToolPath(ctx, "zip2zip")).
FlagWithInput("-i ", inputJar).
FlagWithOutput("-o ", temporary).
FlagWithArg("-0 ", "'classes*.dex'")
// use zipalign to align uncompressed classes*.dex files
Tool(ctx.Config().HostToolPath(ctx, "zipalign")).
rule.Build(pctx, ctx, "uncompress_dex", "uncompress dex")
} else {
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: android.Cp,
Input: inputJar,
Output: dexOutputFile,
j.dexJarFile = dexOutputFile
dexOutputFile = j.dexpreopt(ctx, dexOutputFile)
j.maybeStrippedDexJarFile = dexOutputFile
ctx.InstallFile(android.PathForModuleInstall(ctx, "framework"),
ctx.ModuleName()+".jar", dexOutputFile)
func (j *DexImport) DexJar() android.Path {
return j.dexJarFile
// dex_import imports a `.jar` file containing classes.dex files.
// A dex_import module cannot be used as a dependency of a java_* or android_* module, it can only be installed
// to the device.
func DexImportFactory() android.Module {
module := &DexImport{}
android.InitPrebuiltModule(module, &
InitJavaModule(module, android.DeviceSupported)
return module
// Defaults
type Defaults struct {
// java_defaults provides a set of properties that can be inherited by other java or android modules.
// A module can use the properties from a java_defaults module using `defaults: ["defaults_module_name"]`. Each
// property in the defaults module that exists in the depending module will be prepended to the depending module's
// value for that property.
// Example:
// java_defaults {
// name: "example_defaults",
// srcs: ["common/**/*.java"],
// javacflags: ["-Xlint:all"],
// aaptflags: ["--auto-add-overlay"],
// }
// java_library {
// name: "example",
// defaults: ["example_defaults"],
// srcs: ["example/**/*.java"],
// }
// is functionally identical to:
// java_library {
// name: "example",
// srcs: [
// "common/**/*.java",
// "example/**/*.java",
// ],
// javacflags: ["-Xlint:all"],
// }
func defaultsFactory() android.Module {
return DefaultsFactory()
func DefaultsFactory(props ...interface{}) android.Module {
module := &Defaults{}
return module
var Bool = proptools.Bool
var BoolDefault = proptools.BoolDefault
var String = proptools.String
var inList = android.InList