Merge "Add and update comments in ui/metrics/metrics.go." am: c7ed779e5a am: bc322c2f68

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Change-Id: I9c57a50dffc8828da345c71facd7cc23ade5c918
This commit is contained in:
Patrice Arruda 2020-12-16 21:00:40 +00:00 committed by Automerger Merge Worker
commit 13de04a373
1 changed files with 86 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -12,8 +12,30 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package metrics represents the metrics system for Android Platform Build Systems.
package metrics
// This is the main heart of the metrics system for Android Platform Build Systems.
// The starting of the soong_ui (cmd/soong_ui/main.go), the metrics system is
// initialized by the invocation of New and is then stored in the context
// (ui/build/context.go) to be used throughout the system. During the build
// initialization phase, several functions in this file are invoked to store
// information such as the environment, build configuration and build metadata.
// There are several scoped code that has Begin() and defer End() functions
// that captures the metrics and is them added as a perfInfo into the set
// of the collected metrics. Finally, when soong_ui has finished the build,
// the defer Dump function is invoked to store the collected metrics to the
// raw protobuf file in the $OUT directory.
// There is one additional step that occurs after the raw protobuf file is written.
// If the configuration environment variable ANDROID_ENABLE_METRICS_UPLOAD is
// set with the path, the raw protobuf file is uploaded to the destination. See
// ui/build/upload.go for more details. The filename of the raw protobuf file
// and the list of files to be uploaded is defined in cmd/soong_ui/main.go.
// See ui/metrics/event.go for the explanation of what an event is and how
// the metrics system is a stack based system.
import (
@ -27,21 +49,37 @@ import (
const (
PrimaryNinja = "ninja"
RunKati = "kati"
// Below is a list of names passed in to the Begin tracing functions. These
// names are used to group a set of metrics.
// Setup and tear down of the build systems.
RunSetupTool = "setup"
RunShutdownTool = "shutdown"
RunSoong = "soong"
RunBazel = "bazel"
TestRun = "test"
Total = "total"
// List of build system tools.
RunSoong = "soong"
PrimaryNinja = "ninja"
RunKati = "kati"
RunBazel = "bazel"
// Overall build from building the graph to building the target.
Total = "total"
// Metrics is a struct that stores collected metrics during the course
// of a build which later is dumped to a MetricsBase protobuf file.
// See ui/metrics/metrics_proto/metrics.proto for further details
// on what information is collected.
type Metrics struct {
metrics soong_metrics_proto.MetricsBase
// The protobuf message that is later written to the file.
metrics soong_metrics_proto.MetricsBase
// A list of pending build events.
EventTracer *EventTracer
// New returns a pointer of Metrics to store a set of metrics.
func New() (metrics *Metrics) {
m := &Metrics{
metrics: soong_metrics_proto.MetricsBase{},
@ -50,6 +88,8 @@ func New() (metrics *Metrics) {
return m
// SetTimeMetrics stores performance information from an executed block of
// code.
func (m *Metrics) SetTimeMetrics(perf soong_metrics_proto.PerfInfo) {
switch perf.GetName() {
case RunKati:
@ -67,14 +107,19 @@ func (m *Metrics) SetTimeMetrics(perf soong_metrics_proto.PerfInfo) {
// BuildConfig stores information about the build configuration.
func (m *Metrics) BuildConfig(b *soong_metrics_proto.BuildConfig) {
m.metrics.BuildConfig = b
// SystemResourceInfo stores information related to the host system such
// as total CPU and memory.
func (m *Metrics) SystemResourceInfo(b *soong_metrics_proto.SystemResourceInfo) {
m.metrics.SystemResourceInfo = b
// SetMetadataMetrics sets information about the build such as the target
// product, host architecture and out directory.
func (m *Metrics) SetMetadataMetrics(metadata map[string]string) {
for k, v := range metadata {
switch k {
@ -94,15 +139,15 @@ func (m *Metrics) SetMetadataMetrics(metadata map[string]string) {
m.metrics.TargetBuildVariant = soong_metrics_proto.MetricsBase_ENG.Enum()
m.metrics.TargetArch = m.getArch(v)
m.metrics.TargetArch = arch(v)
m.metrics.TargetArchVariant = proto.String(v)
m.metrics.TargetCpuVariant = proto.String(v)
case "HOST_ARCH":
m.metrics.HostArch = m.getArch(v)
m.metrics.HostArch = arch(v)
case "HOST_2ND_ARCH":
m.metrics.Host_2NdArch = m.getArch(v)
m.metrics.Host_2NdArch = arch(v)
m.metrics.HostOsExtra = proto.String(v)
@ -117,8 +162,10 @@ func (m *Metrics) SetMetadataMetrics(metadata map[string]string) {
func (m *Metrics) getArch(arch string) *soong_metrics_proto.MetricsBase_Arch {
switch arch {
// arch returns the corresponding MetricsBase_Arch based on the string
// parameter.
func arch(a string) *soong_metrics_proto.MetricsBase_Arch {
switch a {
case "arm":
return soong_metrics_proto.MetricsBase_ARM.Enum()
case "arm64":
@ -132,37 +179,51 @@ func (m *Metrics) getArch(arch string) *soong_metrics_proto.MetricsBase_Arch {
// SetBuildDateTime sets the build date and time. The value written
// to the protobuf file is in seconds.
func (m *Metrics) SetBuildDateTime(buildTimestamp time.Time) {
m.metrics.BuildDateTimestamp = proto.Int64(buildTimestamp.UnixNano() / int64(time.Second))
// SetBuildCommand adds the build command specified by the user to the
// list of collected metrics.
func (m *Metrics) SetBuildCommand(cmd []string) {
m.metrics.BuildCommand = proto.String(strings.Join(cmd, " "))
// exports the output to the file at outputPath
func (m *Metrics) Dump(outputPath string) error {
// Dump exports the collected metrics from the executed build to the file at
// out path.
func (m *Metrics) Dump(out string) error {
// ignore the error if the hostname could not be retrieved as it
// is not a critical metric to extract.
if hostname, err := os.Hostname(); err == nil {
m.metrics.Hostname = proto.String(hostname)
m.metrics.HostOs = proto.String(runtime.GOOS)
return writeMessageToFile(&m.metrics, outputPath)
return save(&m.metrics, out)
// SetSoongBuildMetrics sets the metrics collected from the soong_build
// execution.
func (m *Metrics) SetSoongBuildMetrics(metrics *soong_metrics_proto.SoongBuildMetrics) {
m.metrics.SoongBuildMetrics = metrics
// A CriticalUserJourneysMetrics is a struct that contains critical user journey
// metrics. These critical user journeys are defined under cuj/cuj.go file.
type CriticalUserJourneysMetrics struct {
// A list of collected CUJ metrics.
cujs soong_metrics_proto.CriticalUserJourneysMetrics
// NewCriticalUserJourneyMetrics returns a pointer of CriticalUserJourneyMetrics
// to capture CUJs metrics.
func NewCriticalUserJourneysMetrics() *CriticalUserJourneysMetrics {
return &CriticalUserJourneysMetrics{}
// Add adds a set of collected metrics from an executed critical user journey.
func (c *CriticalUserJourneysMetrics) Add(name string, metrics *Metrics) {
c.cujs.Cujs = append(c.cujs.Cujs, &soong_metrics_proto.CriticalUserJourneyMetrics{
Name: proto.String(name),
@ -170,22 +231,25 @@ func (c *CriticalUserJourneysMetrics) Add(name string, metrics *Metrics) {
func (c *CriticalUserJourneysMetrics) Dump(outputPath string) (err error) {
return writeMessageToFile(&c.cujs, outputPath)
// Dump saves the collected CUJs metrics to the raw protobuf file.
func (c *CriticalUserJourneysMetrics) Dump(filename string) (err error) {
return save(&c.cujs, filename)
func writeMessageToFile(pb proto.Message, outputPath string) (err error) {
// save takes a protobuf message, marshals to an array of bytes
// and is then saved to a file.
func save(pb proto.Message, filename string) (err error) {
data, err := proto.Marshal(pb)
if err != nil {
return err
tempPath := outputPath + ".tmp"
err = ioutil.WriteFile(tempPath, []byte(data), 0644)
if err != nil {
tempFilename := filename + ".tmp"
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(tempFilename, []byte(data), 0644 /* rw-r--r-- */); err != nil {
return err
err = os.Rename(tempPath, outputPath)
if err != nil {
if err := os.Rename(tempFilename, filename); err != nil {
return err