Merge changes Icfd32d0a,Icc9ff4d4,Ieee07502,I559eeb1f,Iaf2a6f6d, ...

am: ec90e44ce7

Change-Id: Id04d926cfc57afc73433420815f4705b7b53bf96
This commit is contained in:
Colin Cross 2019-10-29 15:21:04 -07:00 committed by android-build-merger
commit 2513a6efd6
9 changed files with 342 additions and 244 deletions

View File

@ -212,9 +212,9 @@ func TestConfig(buildDir string, env map[string]string) Config {
config := &config{
productVariables: productVariables{
DeviceName: stringPtr("test_device"),
Platform_sdk_version: intPtr(26),
Platform_sdk_version: intPtr(30),
DeviceSystemSdkVersions: []string{"14", "15"},
Platform_systemsdk_versions: []string{"25", "26"},
Platform_systemsdk_versions: []string{"29", "30"},
AAPTConfig: []string{"normal", "large", "xlarge", "hdpi", "xhdpi", "xxhdpi"},
AAPTPreferredConfig: stringPtr("xhdpi"),
AAPTCharacteristics: stringPtr("nosdcard"),

View File

@ -538,6 +538,10 @@ func (a *AARImport) targetSdkVersion() string {
return a.sdkVersion()
func (a *AARImport) javaVersion() string {
return ""
var _ AndroidLibraryDependency = (*AARImport)(nil)
func (a *AARImport) ExportPackage() android.Path {

View File

@ -182,15 +182,16 @@ func init() {
type javaBuilderFlags struct {
javacFlags string
bootClasspath classpath
classpath classpath
processorPath classpath
processor string
systemModules *systemModules
aidlFlags string
aidlDeps android.Paths
javaVersion string
javacFlags string
bootClasspath classpath
classpath classpath
java9Classpath classpath
processorPath classpath
processor string
systemModules *systemModules
aidlFlags string
aidlDeps android.Paths
javaVersion javaVersion
errorProneExtraJavacFlags string
errorProneProcessorPath classpath
@ -239,7 +240,7 @@ func emitXrefRule(ctx android.ModuleContext, xrefFile android.WritablePath, idx
deps = append(deps, srcJars...)
var bootClasspath string
if flags.javaVersion == "1.9" {
if flags.javaVersion.usesJavaModules() {
var systemModuleDeps android.Paths
bootClasspath, systemModuleDeps = flags.systemModules.FormJavaSystemModulesPath(ctx.Device())
deps = append(deps, systemModuleDeps...)
@ -279,7 +280,7 @@ func emitXrefRule(ctx android.ModuleContext, xrefFile android.WritablePath, idx
"bootClasspath": bootClasspath,
"classpath": flags.classpath.FormJavaClassPath("-classpath"),
"javacFlags": flags.javacFlags,
"javaVersion": flags.javaVersion,
"javaVersion": flags.javaVersion.String(),
"outDir": android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "javac", "classes.xref").String(),
"processorpath": flags.processorPath.FormJavaClassPath("-processorpath"),
"processor": processor,
@ -294,18 +295,29 @@ func TransformJavaToHeaderClasses(ctx android.ModuleContext, outputFile android.
var deps android.Paths
deps = append(deps, srcJars...)
deps = append(deps, flags.bootClasspath...)
deps = append(deps, flags.classpath...)
classpath := flags.classpath
var bootClasspath string
if len(flags.bootClasspath) == 0 && ctx.Device() {
// explicitly specify -bootclasspath "" if the bootclasspath is empty to
// ensure java does not fall back to the default bootclasspath.
bootClasspath = `--bootclasspath ""`
if flags.javaVersion.usesJavaModules() {
var systemModuleDeps android.Paths
bootClasspath, systemModuleDeps = flags.systemModules.FormTurbineSystemModulesPath(ctx.Device())
deps = append(deps, systemModuleDeps...)
classpath = append(flags.java9Classpath, classpath...)
} else {
bootClasspath = strings.Join(flags.bootClasspath.FormTurbineClasspath("--bootclasspath "), " ")
deps = append(deps, flags.bootClasspath...)
if len(flags.bootClasspath) == 0 && ctx.Device() {
// explicitly specify -bootclasspath "" if the bootclasspath is empty to
// ensure turbine does not fall back to the default bootclasspath.
bootClasspath = `--bootclasspath ""`
} else {
bootClasspath = strings.Join(flags.bootClasspath.FormTurbineClasspath("--bootclasspath "), " ")
deps = append(deps, classpath...)
deps = append(deps, flags.processorPath...)
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: turbine,
Description: "turbine",
@ -316,9 +328,9 @@ func TransformJavaToHeaderClasses(ctx android.ModuleContext, outputFile android.
"javacFlags": flags.javacFlags,
"bootClasspath": bootClasspath,
"srcJars": strings.Join(srcJars.Strings(), " "),
"classpath": strings.Join(flags.classpath.FormTurbineClasspath("--classpath "), " "),
"classpath": strings.Join(classpath.FormTurbineClasspath("--classpath "), " "),
"outDir": android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "turbine", "classes").String(),
"javaVersion": flags.javaVersion,
"javaVersion": flags.javaVersion.String(),
@ -339,11 +351,14 @@ func transformJavaToClasses(ctx android.ModuleContext, outputFile android.Writab
deps = append(deps, srcJars...)
classpath := flags.classpath
var bootClasspath string
if flags.javaVersion == "1.9" {
if flags.javaVersion.usesJavaModules() {
var systemModuleDeps android.Paths
bootClasspath, systemModuleDeps = flags.systemModules.FormJavaSystemModulesPath(ctx.Device())
deps = append(deps, systemModuleDeps...)
classpath = append(flags.java9Classpath, classpath...)
} else {
deps = append(deps, flags.bootClasspath...)
if len(flags.bootClasspath) == 0 && ctx.Device() {
@ -355,7 +370,7 @@ func transformJavaToClasses(ctx android.ModuleContext, outputFile android.Writab
deps = append(deps, flags.classpath...)
deps = append(deps, classpath...)
deps = append(deps, flags.processorPath...)
processor := "-proc:none"
@ -381,14 +396,14 @@ func transformJavaToClasses(ctx android.ModuleContext, outputFile android.Writab
Args: map[string]string{
"javacFlags": flags.javacFlags,
"bootClasspath": bootClasspath,
"classpath": flags.classpath.FormJavaClassPath("-classpath"),
"classpath": classpath.FormJavaClassPath("-classpath"),
"processorpath": flags.processorPath.FormJavaClassPath("-processorpath"),
"processor": processor,
"srcJars": strings.Join(srcJars.Strings(), " "),
"srcJarDir": android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, intermediatesDir, srcJarDir).String(),
"outDir": android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, intermediatesDir, outDir).String(),
"annoDir": android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, intermediatesDir, annoDir).String(),
"javaVersion": flags.javaVersion,
"javaVersion": flags.javaVersion.String(),
@ -550,9 +565,9 @@ type systemModules struct {
deps android.Paths
// Returns a --system argument in the form javac expects with -source 1.9. If forceEmpty is true,
// returns --system=none if the list is empty to ensure javac does not fall back to the default
// system modules.
// Returns a --system argument in the form javac expects with -source 1.9 and the list of files to
// depend on. If forceEmpty is true, returns --system=none if the list is empty to ensure javac
// does not fall back to the default system modules.
func (x *systemModules) FormJavaSystemModulesPath(forceEmpty bool) (string, android.Paths) {
if x != nil {
return "--system=" + x.dir.String(), x.deps
@ -562,3 +577,16 @@ func (x *systemModules) FormJavaSystemModulesPath(forceEmpty bool) (string, andr
return "", nil
// Returns a --system argument in the form turbine expects with -source 1.9 and the list of files to
// depend on. If forceEmpty is true, returns --bootclasspath "" if the list is empty to ensure turbine
// does not fall back to the default bootclasspath.
func (x *systemModules) FormTurbineSystemModulesPath(forceEmpty bool) (string, android.Paths) {
if x != nil {
return "--system " + x.dir.String(), x.deps
} else if forceEmpty {
return `--bootclasspath ""`, nil
} else {
return "", nil

View File

@ -422,21 +422,16 @@ func (j *Javadoc) targetSdkVersion() string {
func (j *Javadoc) addDeps(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
if ctx.Device() {
sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(ctx, sdkContext(j))
if sdkDep.hasStandardLibs() {
if sdkDep.useDefaultLibs {
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, bootClasspathTag, config.DefaultBootclasspathLibraries...)
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, systemModulesTag, config.DefaultSystemModules)
if sdkDep.hasFrameworkLibs() {
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, libTag, config.DefaultLibraries...)
} else if sdkDep.useModule {
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, systemModulesTag, sdkDep.systemModules)
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, bootClasspathTag, sdkDep.modules...)
if sdkDep.useDefaultLibs {
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, bootClasspathTag, config.DefaultBootclasspathLibraries...)
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, systemModulesTag, config.DefaultSystemModules)
if sdkDep.hasFrameworkLibs() {
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, libTag, config.DefaultLibraries...)
} else if sdkDep.systemModules != "" {
// Add the system modules to both the system modules and bootclasspath.
} else if sdkDep.useModule {
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, bootClasspathTag, sdkDep.bootclasspath...)
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, systemModulesTag, sdkDep.systemModules)
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, bootClasspathTag, sdkDep.systemModules)
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, java9LibTag, sdkDep.java9Classpath...)
@ -511,7 +506,8 @@ func (j *Javadoc) collectDeps(ctx android.ModuleContext) deps {
sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(ctx, sdkContext(j))
if sdkDep.invalidVersion {
} else if sdkDep.useFiles {
deps.bootClasspath = append(deps.bootClasspath, sdkDep.jars...)
@ -544,6 +540,13 @@ func (j *Javadoc) collectDeps(ctx android.ModuleContext) deps {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("depends on non-java module %q", otherName)
case java9LibTag:
switch dep := module.(type) {
case Dependency:
deps.java9Classpath = append(deps.java9Classpath, dep.HeaderJars()...)
ctx.ModuleErrorf("depends on non-java module %q", otherName)
case systemModulesTag:
if deps.systemModules != nil {
panic("Found two system module dependencies")
@ -665,7 +668,7 @@ func (j *Javadoc) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
cmd := javadocSystemModulesCmd(ctx, rule, j.srcFiles, outDir, srcJarDir, srcJarList,
deps.systemModules, deps.classpath, j.sourcepaths)
cmd.FlagWithArg("-source ", javaVersion).
cmd.FlagWithArg("-source ", javaVersion.String()).
@ -1432,12 +1435,12 @@ func (d *Droidstubs) apiToXmlFlags(ctx android.ModuleContext, cmd *android.RuleB
func metalavaCmd(ctx android.ModuleContext, rule *android.RuleBuilder, javaVersion string, srcs android.Paths,
func metalavaCmd(ctx android.ModuleContext, rule *android.RuleBuilder, javaVersion javaVersion, srcs android.Paths,
srcJarList android.Path, bootclasspath, classpath classpath, sourcepaths android.Paths) *android.RuleBuilderCommand {
cmd := rule.Command().BuiltTool(ctx, "metalava").
FlagWithArg("-encoding ", "UTF-8").
FlagWithArg("-source ", javaVersion).
FlagWithArg("-source ", javaVersion.String()).
FlagWithRspFileInputList("@", srcs).
FlagWithInput("@", srcJarList)

View File

@ -140,10 +140,10 @@ type CompilerProperties struct {
Use_tools_jar *bool
Openjdk9 struct {
// List of source files that should only be used when passing -source 1.9
// List of source files that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
Srcs []string `android:"path"`
// List of javac flags that should only be used when passing -source 1.9
// List of javac flags that should only be used when passing -source 1.9 or higher
Javacflags []string
@ -433,6 +433,7 @@ type jniDependencyTag struct {
var (
staticLibTag = dependencyTag{name: "staticlib"}
libTag = dependencyTag{name: "javalib"}
java9LibTag = dependencyTag{name: "java9lib"}
pluginTag = dependencyTag{name: "plugin"}
bootClasspathTag = dependencyTag{name: "bootclasspath"}
systemModulesTag = dependencyTag{name: "system modules"}
@ -461,12 +462,16 @@ type checkVendorModuleContext interface {
type sdkDep struct {
useModule, useFiles, useDefaultLibs, invalidVersion bool
modules []string
// The modules that will be added to the bootclasspath when targeting 1.8 or lower
bootclasspath []string
// The default system modules to use. Will be an empty string if no system
// modules are to be used.
systemModules string
// The modules that will be added ot the classpath when targeting 1.9 or higher
java9Classpath []string
frameworkResModule string
jars android.Paths
@ -524,26 +529,22 @@ func (j *Module) targetSdkVersion() string {
func (j *Module) deps(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
if ctx.Device() {
sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(ctx, sdkContext(j))
if sdkDep.hasStandardLibs() {
if sdkDep.useDefaultLibs {
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, bootClasspathTag, config.DefaultBootclasspathLibraries...)
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, systemModulesTag, config.DefaultSystemModules)
if sdkDep.hasFrameworkLibs() {
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, libTag, config.DefaultLibraries...)
} else if sdkDep.useModule {
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, systemModulesTag, sdkDep.systemModules)
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, bootClasspathTag, sdkDep.modules...)
if j.deviceProperties.EffectiveOptimizeEnabled() {
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, proguardRaiseTag, config.DefaultBootclasspathLibraries...)
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, proguardRaiseTag, config.DefaultLibraries...)
if sdkDep.useDefaultLibs {
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, bootClasspathTag, config.DefaultBootclasspathLibraries...)
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, systemModulesTag, config.DefaultSystemModules)
if sdkDep.hasFrameworkLibs() {
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, libTag, config.DefaultLibraries...)
} else if sdkDep.systemModules != "" {
// Add the system modules to both the system modules and bootclasspath.
} else if sdkDep.useModule {
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, bootClasspathTag, sdkDep.bootclasspath...)
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, systemModulesTag, sdkDep.systemModules)
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, bootClasspathTag, sdkDep.systemModules)
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, java9LibTag, sdkDep.java9Classpath...)
if j.deviceProperties.EffectiveOptimizeEnabled() && sdkDep.hasStandardLibs() {
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, proguardRaiseTag, config.DefaultBootclasspathLibraries...)
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, proguardRaiseTag, config.DefaultLibraries...)
if ctx.ModuleName() == "android_stubs_current" ||
ctx.ModuleName() == "android_system_stubs_current" ||
ctx.ModuleName() == "android_test_stubs_current" {
@ -635,6 +636,7 @@ func (j *Module) aidlFlags(ctx android.ModuleContext, aidlPreprocess android.Opt
type deps struct {
classpath classpath
java9Classpath classpath
bootClasspath classpath
processorPath classpath
processorClasses []string
@ -744,7 +746,8 @@ func (j *Module) collectDeps(ctx android.ModuleContext) deps {
if ctx.Device() {
sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(ctx, sdkContext(j))
if sdkDep.invalidVersion {
} else if sdkDep.useFiles {
// sdkDep.jar is actually equivalent to turbine header.jar.
deps.classpath = append(deps.classpath, sdkDep.jars...)
@ -792,6 +795,8 @@ func (j *Module) collectDeps(ctx android.ModuleContext) deps {
// sdk lib names from dependencies are re-exported
j.exportedSdkLibs = append(j.exportedSdkLibs, dep.ExportedSdkLibs()...)
deps.aidlIncludeDirs = append(deps.aidlIncludeDirs, dep.AidlIncludeDirs()...)
case java9LibTag:
deps.java9Classpath = append(deps.java9Classpath, dep.HeaderJars()...)
case staticLibTag:
deps.classpath = append(deps.classpath, dep.HeaderJars()...)
deps.staticJars = append(deps.staticJars, dep.ImplementationJars()...)
@ -865,8 +870,7 @@ func (j *Module) collectDeps(ctx android.ModuleContext) deps {
return deps
func getJavaVersion(ctx android.ModuleContext, javaVersion string, sdkContext sdkContext) string {
var ret string
func getJavaVersion(ctx android.ModuleContext, javaVersion string, sdkContext sdkContext) javaVersion {
v := sdkContext.sdkVersion()
// For PDK builds, use the latest SDK version instead of "current"
if ctx.Config().IsPdkBuild() &&
@ -884,41 +888,65 @@ func getJavaVersion(ctx android.ModuleContext, javaVersion string, sdkContext sd
ctx.PropertyErrorf("sdk_version", "%s", err)
if javaVersion != "" {
ret = normalizeJavaVersion(ctx, javaVersion)
return normalizeJavaVersion(ctx, javaVersion)
} else if ctx.Device() && sdk <= 23 {
ret = "1.7"
} else if ctx.Device() && sdk <= 29 {
ret = "1.8"
} else if ctx.Device() &&
sdkContext.sdkVersion() != "" &&
sdkContext.sdkVersion() != "none" &&
sdkContext.sdkVersion() != "core_platform" &&
sdk == android.FutureApiLevel {
// TODO(ccross): once we generate stubs we should be able to use 1.9 for sdk_version: "current"
ret = "1.8"
} else if ctx.Device() && ctx.Config().UnbundledBuildUsePrebuiltSdks() {
// TODO(b/142896162): once we have prebuilt system modules we can use 1.9 for unbundled builds
} else {
ret = "1.9"
return ret
func normalizeJavaVersion(ctx android.ModuleContext, javaVersion string) string {
type javaVersion int
const (
func (v javaVersion) String() string {
switch v {
return "1.6"
return "1.7"
return "1.8"
return "1.9"
return "unsupported"
// Returns true if javac targeting this version uses system modules instead of a bootclasspath.
func (v javaVersion) usesJavaModules() bool {
return v >= 9
func normalizeJavaVersion(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, javaVersion string) javaVersion {
switch javaVersion {
case "1.6", "6":
return "1.6"
case "1.7", "7":
return "1.7"
case "1.8", "8":
return "1.8"
case "1.9", "9":
return "1.9"
case "10", "11":
ctx.PropertyErrorf("java_version", "Java language levels above 9 are not supported")
return "unsupported"
ctx.PropertyErrorf("java_version", "Unrecognized Java language level")
return "unrecognized"
@ -931,7 +959,7 @@ func (j *Module) collectBuilderFlags(ctx android.ModuleContext, deps deps) javaB
// javac flags.
javacFlags :=
if flags.javaVersion == "1.9" {
if flags.javaVersion.usesJavaModules() {
javacFlags = append(javacFlags,
if ctx.Config().MinimizeJavaDebugInfo() {
@ -959,13 +987,13 @@ func (j *Module) collectBuilderFlags(ctx android.ModuleContext, deps deps) javaB
// classpath
flags.bootClasspath = append(flags.bootClasspath, deps.bootClasspath...)
flags.classpath = append(flags.classpath, deps.classpath...)
flags.java9Classpath = append(flags.java9Classpath, deps.java9Classpath...)
flags.processorPath = append(flags.processorPath, deps.processorPath...)
flags.processor = strings.Join(deps.processorClasses, ",")
if len(flags.bootClasspath) == 0 && ctx.Host() && flags.javaVersion != "1.9" &&
decodeSdkDep(ctx, sdkContext(j)).hasStandardLibs() &&
inList(flags.javaVersion, []string{"1.6", "1.7", "1.8"}) {
if len(flags.bootClasspath) == 0 && ctx.Host() && !flags.javaVersion.usesJavaModules() &&
decodeSdkDep(ctx, sdkContext(j)).hasStandardLibs() {
// Give host-side tools a version of OpenJDK's standard libraries
// close to what they're targeting. As of Dec 2017, AOSP is only
// bundling OpenJDK 8 and 9, so nothing < 8 is available.
@ -989,7 +1017,7 @@ func (j *Module) collectBuilderFlags(ctx android.ModuleContext, deps deps) javaB
if != nil && flags.javaVersion == "1.9" {
if != nil && flags.javaVersion.usesJavaModules() {
// Manually specify build directory in case it is not under the repo root.
// (javac doesn't seem to expand into symbolc links when searching for patch-module targets, so
// just adding a symlink under the root doesn't help.)
@ -1022,7 +1050,7 @@ func (j *Module) compile(ctx android.ModuleContext, aaptSrcJar android.Path) {
deps := j.collectDeps(ctx)
flags := j.collectBuilderFlags(ctx, deps)
if flags.javaVersion == "1.9" {
if flags.javaVersion.usesJavaModules() { = append(,
srcFiles := android.PathsForModuleSrcExcludes(ctx,,

View File

@ -148,9 +148,9 @@ func testContext(bp string, fs map[string][]byte) *android.TestContext {
"prebuilts/sdk/17/public/android.jar": nil,
"prebuilts/sdk/17/public/framework.aidl": nil,
"prebuilts/sdk/17/system/android.jar": nil,
"prebuilts/sdk/25/public/android.jar": nil,
"prebuilts/sdk/25/public/framework.aidl": nil,
"prebuilts/sdk/25/system/android.jar": nil,
"prebuilts/sdk/29/public/android.jar": nil,
"prebuilts/sdk/29/public/framework.aidl": nil,
"prebuilts/sdk/29/system/android.jar": nil,
"prebuilts/sdk/current/core/android.jar": nil,
"prebuilts/sdk/current/public/android.jar": nil,
"prebuilts/sdk/current/public/framework.aidl": nil,

View File

@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ func kotlinKapt(ctx android.ModuleContext, outputFile android.WritablePath,
encodedJavacFlags := kaptEncodeFlags([][2]string{
{"-source", flags.javaVersion},
{"-target", flags.javaVersion},
{"-source", flags.javaVersion.String()},
{"-target", flags.javaVersion.String()},
kotlinName := filepath.Join(ctx.ModuleDir(), ctx.ModuleSubDir(), ctx.ModuleName())

View File

@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ func decodeSdkDep(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, sdkContext sdkContext) sdkDep {
if (!jarPath.Valid() || !aidlPath.Valid()) && ctx.Config().AllowMissingDependencies() {
return sdkDep{
invalidVersion: true,
modules: []string{fmt.Sprintf("sdk_%s_%s_android", api, v)},
bootclasspath: []string{fmt.Sprintf("sdk_%s_%s_android", api, v)},
@ -144,20 +144,14 @@ func decodeSdkDep(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, sdkContext sdkContext) sdkDep {
toModule := func(m, r string, aidl android.Path) sdkDep {
ret := sdkDep{
return sdkDep{
useModule: true,
modules: []string{m, config.DefaultLambdaStubsLibrary},
systemModules: m + "_system_modules",
bootclasspath: []string{m, config.DefaultLambdaStubsLibrary},
systemModules: "core-current-stubs-system-modules",
java9Classpath: []string{m},
frameworkResModule: r,
aidl: android.OptionalPathForPath(aidl),
if m == "core.current.stubs" {
ret.systemModules = "core-current-stubs-system-modules"
// core_current does not include framework classes.
ret.noFrameworksLibs = true
return ret
// Ensures that the specificed system SDK version is one of BOARD_SYSTEMSDK_VERSIONS (for vendor apks)
@ -192,13 +186,16 @@ func decodeSdkDep(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, sdkContext sdkContext) sdkDep {
`system_modules is required to be set to a non-empty value when sdk_version is "none", did you mean sdk_version: "core_platform"?`)
} else if systemModules == "none" {
// Normalize no system modules to an empty string.
systemModules = ""
return sdkDep{
noStandardLibs: true,
return sdkDep{
useModule: true,
noStandardLibs: true,
systemModules: systemModules,
bootclasspath: []string{systemModules},
case "core_platform":
return sdkDep{

View File

@ -28,174 +28,188 @@ import (
func TestClasspath(t *testing.T) {
var classpathTestcases = []struct {
name string
unbundled bool
pdk bool
moduleType string
host android.OsClass
properties string
bootclasspath []string
system string
classpath []string
aidl string
name string
unbundled bool
pdk bool
moduleType string
host android.OsClass
properties string
// for java 8
bootclasspath []string
java8classpath []string
// for java 9
system string
java9classpath []string
forces8 bool // if set, javac will always be called with java 8 arguments
aidl string
name: "default",
bootclasspath: config.DefaultBootclasspathLibraries,
system: config.DefaultSystemModules,
classpath: config.DefaultLibraries,
aidl: "-Iframework/aidl",
name: "default",
bootclasspath: config.DefaultBootclasspathLibraries,
system: config.DefaultSystemModules,
java8classpath: config.DefaultLibraries,
java9classpath: config.DefaultLibraries,
aidl: "-Iframework/aidl",
name: `sdk_version:"core_platform"`,
properties: `sdk_version:"core_platform"`,
bootclasspath: config.DefaultBootclasspathLibraries,
system: config.DefaultSystemModules,
classpath: []string{},
aidl: "",
name: `sdk_version:"core_platform"`,
properties: `sdk_version:"core_platform"`,
bootclasspath: config.DefaultBootclasspathLibraries,
system: config.DefaultSystemModules,
java8classpath: []string{},
aidl: "",
name: "blank sdk version",
properties: `sdk_version: "",`,
bootclasspath: config.DefaultBootclasspathLibraries,
system: config.DefaultSystemModules,
classpath: config.DefaultLibraries,
aidl: "-Iframework/aidl",
name: "blank sdk version",
properties: `sdk_version: "",`,
bootclasspath: config.DefaultBootclasspathLibraries,
system: config.DefaultSystemModules,
java8classpath: config.DefaultLibraries,
java9classpath: config.DefaultLibraries,
aidl: "-Iframework/aidl",
name: "sdk v25",
properties: `sdk_version: "25",`,
bootclasspath: []string{`""`},
system: "bootclasspath", // special value to tell 1.9 test to expect bootclasspath
classpath: []string{"prebuilts/sdk/25/public/android.jar", "prebuilts/sdk/tools/core-lambda-stubs.jar"},
aidl: "-pprebuilts/sdk/25/public/framework.aidl",
name: "sdk v29",
properties: `sdk_version: "29",`,
bootclasspath: []string{`""`},
forces8: true,
java8classpath: []string{"prebuilts/sdk/29/public/android.jar", "prebuilts/sdk/tools/core-lambda-stubs.jar"},
aidl: "-pprebuilts/sdk/29/public/framework.aidl",
name: "current",
properties: `sdk_version: "current",`,
bootclasspath: []string{"android_stubs_current", "core-lambda-stubs"},
system: "bootclasspath", // special value to tell 1.9 test to expect bootclasspath
aidl: "-p" + buildDir + "/framework.aidl",
name: "current",
properties: `sdk_version: "current",`,
bootclasspath: []string{"android_stubs_current", "core-lambda-stubs"},
system: "core-current-stubs-system-modules",
java9classpath: []string{"android_stubs_current"},
aidl: "-p" + buildDir + "/framework.aidl",
name: "system_current",
properties: `sdk_version: "system_current",`,
bootclasspath: []string{"android_system_stubs_current", "core-lambda-stubs"},
system: "bootclasspath", // special value to tell 1.9 test to expect bootclasspath
aidl: "-p" + buildDir + "/framework.aidl",
name: "system_current",
properties: `sdk_version: "system_current",`,
bootclasspath: []string{"android_system_stubs_current", "core-lambda-stubs"},
system: "core-current-stubs-system-modules",
java9classpath: []string{"android_system_stubs_current"},
aidl: "-p" + buildDir + "/framework.aidl",
name: "system_25",
properties: `sdk_version: "system_25",`,
bootclasspath: []string{`""`},
system: "bootclasspath", // special value to tell 1.9 test to expect bootclasspath
classpath: []string{"prebuilts/sdk/25/system/android.jar", "prebuilts/sdk/tools/core-lambda-stubs.jar"},
aidl: "-pprebuilts/sdk/25/public/framework.aidl",
name: "system_29",
properties: `sdk_version: "system_29",`,
bootclasspath: []string{`""`},
forces8: true,
java8classpath: []string{"prebuilts/sdk/29/system/android.jar", "prebuilts/sdk/tools/core-lambda-stubs.jar"},
aidl: "-pprebuilts/sdk/29/public/framework.aidl",
name: "test_current",
properties: `sdk_version: "test_current",`,
bootclasspath: []string{"android_test_stubs_current", "core-lambda-stubs"},
system: "bootclasspath", // special value to tell 1.9 test to expect bootclasspath
aidl: "-p" + buildDir + "/framework.aidl",
name: "test_current",
properties: `sdk_version: "test_current",`,
bootclasspath: []string{"android_test_stubs_current", "core-lambda-stubs"},
system: "core-current-stubs-system-modules",
java9classpath: []string{"android_test_stubs_current"},
aidl: "-p" + buildDir + "/framework.aidl",
name: "core_current",
properties: `sdk_version: "core_current",`,
bootclasspath: []string{"core.current.stubs", "core-lambda-stubs"},
system: "bootclasspath", // special value to tell 1.9 test to expect bootclasspath
name: "core_current",
properties: `sdk_version: "core_current",`,
bootclasspath: []string{"core.current.stubs", "core-lambda-stubs"},
system: "core-current-stubs-system-modules",
java9classpath: []string{"core.current.stubs"},
name: "nostdlib",
properties: `sdk_version: "none", system_modules: "none"`,
system: "none",
bootclasspath: []string{`""`},
classpath: []string{},
name: "nostdlib",
properties: `sdk_version: "none", system_modules: "none"`,
system: "none",
bootclasspath: []string{`""`},
java8classpath: []string{},
name: "nostdlib system_modules",
properties: `sdk_version: "none", system_modules: "core-platform-api-stubs-system-modules"`,
system: "core-platform-api-stubs-system-modules",
bootclasspath: []string{"core-platform-api-stubs-system-modules-lib"},
classpath: []string{},
name: "nostdlib system_modules",
properties: `sdk_version: "none", system_modules: "core-platform-api-stubs-system-modules"`,
system: "core-platform-api-stubs-system-modules",
bootclasspath: []string{"core-platform-api-stubs-system-modules-lib"},
java8classpath: []string{},
name: "host default",
moduleType: "java_library_host",
properties: ``,
host: android.Host,
bootclasspath: []string{"jdk8/jre/lib/jce.jar", "jdk8/jre/lib/rt.jar"},
classpath: []string{},
name: "host default",
moduleType: "java_library_host",
properties: ``,
host: android.Host,
bootclasspath: []string{"jdk8/jre/lib/jce.jar", "jdk8/jre/lib/rt.jar"},
java8classpath: []string{},
name: "host supported default",
host: android.Host,
properties: `host_supported: true,`,
classpath: []string{},
bootclasspath: []string{"jdk8/jre/lib/jce.jar", "jdk8/jre/lib/rt.jar"},
name: "host supported default",
host: android.Host,
properties: `host_supported: true,`,
java8classpath: []string{},
bootclasspath: []string{"jdk8/jre/lib/jce.jar", "jdk8/jre/lib/rt.jar"},
name: "host supported nostdlib",
host: android.Host,
properties: `host_supported: true, sdk_version: "none", system_modules: "none"`,
classpath: []string{},
name: "host supported nostdlib",
host: android.Host,
properties: `host_supported: true, sdk_version: "none", system_modules: "none"`,
java8classpath: []string{},
name: "unbundled sdk v25",
unbundled: true,
properties: `sdk_version: "25",`,
bootclasspath: []string{`""`},
system: "bootclasspath", // special value to tell 1.9 test to expect bootclasspath
classpath: []string{"prebuilts/sdk/25/public/android.jar", "prebuilts/sdk/tools/core-lambda-stubs.jar"},
aidl: "-pprebuilts/sdk/25/public/framework.aidl",
name: "unbundled sdk v29",
unbundled: true,
properties: `sdk_version: "29",`,
bootclasspath: []string{`""`},
forces8: true,
java8classpath: []string{"prebuilts/sdk/29/public/android.jar", "prebuilts/sdk/tools/core-lambda-stubs.jar"},
aidl: "-pprebuilts/sdk/29/public/framework.aidl",
name: "unbundled current",
unbundled: true,
properties: `sdk_version: "current",`,
bootclasspath: []string{`""`},
system: "bootclasspath", // special value to tell 1.9 test to expect bootclasspath
classpath: []string{"prebuilts/sdk/current/public/android.jar", "prebuilts/sdk/tools/core-lambda-stubs.jar"},
aidl: "-pprebuilts/sdk/current/public/framework.aidl",
name: "unbundled current",
unbundled: true,
properties: `sdk_version: "current",`,
bootclasspath: []string{`""`},
forces8: true,
java8classpath: []string{"prebuilts/sdk/current/public/android.jar", "prebuilts/sdk/tools/core-lambda-stubs.jar"},
aidl: "-pprebuilts/sdk/current/public/framework.aidl",
name: "pdk default",
pdk: true,
bootclasspath: []string{`""`},
system: "bootclasspath", // special value to tell 1.9 test to expect bootclasspath
classpath: []string{"prebuilts/sdk/25/public/android.jar", "prebuilts/sdk/tools/core-lambda-stubs.jar"},
aidl: "-pprebuilts/sdk/25/public/framework.aidl",
name: "pdk default",
pdk: true,
bootclasspath: []string{`""`},
forces8: true,
java8classpath: []string{"prebuilts/sdk/29/public/android.jar", "prebuilts/sdk/tools/core-lambda-stubs.jar"},
aidl: "-pprebuilts/sdk/29/public/framework.aidl",
name: "pdk current",
pdk: true,
properties: `sdk_version: "current",`,
bootclasspath: []string{`""`},
system: "bootclasspath", // special value to tell 1.9 test to expect bootclasspath
classpath: []string{"prebuilts/sdk/25/public/android.jar", "prebuilts/sdk/tools/core-lambda-stubs.jar"},
aidl: "-pprebuilts/sdk/25/public/framework.aidl",
name: "pdk current",
pdk: true,
properties: `sdk_version: "current",`,
bootclasspath: []string{`""`},
forces8: true,
java8classpath: []string{"prebuilts/sdk/29/public/android.jar", "prebuilts/sdk/tools/core-lambda-stubs.jar"},
aidl: "-pprebuilts/sdk/29/public/framework.aidl",
name: "pdk 25",
pdk: true,
properties: `sdk_version: "25",`,
bootclasspath: []string{`""`},
system: "bootclasspath", // special value to tell 1.9 test to expect bootclasspath
classpath: []string{"prebuilts/sdk/25/public/android.jar", "prebuilts/sdk/tools/core-lambda-stubs.jar"},
aidl: "-pprebuilts/sdk/25/public/framework.aidl",
name: "pdk 29",
pdk: true,
properties: `sdk_version: "29",`,
bootclasspath: []string{`""`},
forces8: true,
java8classpath: []string{"prebuilts/sdk/29/public/android.jar", "prebuilts/sdk/tools/core-lambda-stubs.jar"},
aidl: "-pprebuilts/sdk/29/public/framework.aidl",
@ -235,7 +249,8 @@ func TestClasspath(t *testing.T) {
bootclasspath := convertModulesToPaths(testcase.bootclasspath)
classpath := convertModulesToPaths(testcase.classpath)
java8classpath := convertModulesToPaths(testcase.java8classpath)
java9classpath := convertModulesToPaths(testcase.java9classpath)
bc := ""
var bcDeps []string
@ -246,18 +261,20 @@ func TestClasspath(t *testing.T) {
c := ""
if len(classpath) > 0 {
c = "-classpath " + strings.Join(classpath, ":")
j8c := ""
if len(java8classpath) > 0 {
j8c = "-classpath " + strings.Join(java8classpath, ":")
j9c := ""
if len(java9classpath) > 0 {
j9c = "-classpath " + strings.Join(java9classpath, ":")
system := ""
var systemDeps []string
if testcase.system == "none" {
system = "--system=none"
} else if testcase.system == "bootclasspath" {
system = bc
systemDeps = bcDeps
} else if testcase.system != "" {
system = "--system=" + filepath.Join(buildDir, ".intermediates", testcase.system, "android_common", "system")
// The module-relative parts of these paths are hardcoded in system_modules.go:
@ -280,7 +297,7 @@ func TestClasspath(t *testing.T) {
got := javac.Args["bootClasspath"]
expected := ""
if isJava8 {
if isJava8 || testcase.forces8 {
expected = bc
deps = append(deps, bcDeps...)
} else {
@ -291,11 +308,17 @@ func TestClasspath(t *testing.T) {
t.Errorf("bootclasspath expected %q != got %q", expected, got)
got = javac.Args["classpath"]
if got != c {
t.Errorf("classpath expected %q != got %q", c, got)
if isJava8 || testcase.forces8 {
expected = j8c
deps = append(deps, java8classpath...)
} else {
expected = j9c
deps = append(deps, java9classpath...)
got = javac.Args["classpath"]
if got != expected {
t.Errorf("classpath expected %q != got %q", expected, got)
deps = append(deps, classpath...)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(javac.Implicits.Strings(), deps) {
t.Errorf("implicits expected %q != got %q", deps, javac.Implicits.Strings())
@ -366,8 +389,23 @@ func TestClasspath(t *testing.T) {
checkClasspath(t, ctx, true /* isJava8 */)
// TODO(b/142896162): Add a with PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME=REL, javac -source 9 -target 9, when that all works.
// Test again with PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME=REL, javac -source 9 -target 9
t.Run("REL + Java language level 9", func(t *testing.T) {
config := testConfig(nil)
config.TestProductVariables.Platform_sdk_codename = proptools.StringPtr("REL")
config.TestProductVariables.Platform_sdk_final = proptools.BoolPtr(true)
if testcase.unbundled {
config.TestProductVariables.Unbundled_build = proptools.BoolPtr(true)
if testcase.pdk {
config.TestProductVariables.Pdk = proptools.BoolPtr(true)
ctx := testContext(bp, nil)
run(t, ctx, config)
checkClasspath(t, ctx, false /* isJava8 */)