Merge changes Idc01d3cc,I644db99c am: 379f36b6e5
Original change: Change-Id: I174a0e255bb43f98f2c23571e5f8a73549ab2278
This commit is contained in:
@ -26,16 +26,9 @@ import (
// Fixture
// =======
// These determine the environment within which a test can be run. Fixtures are mutable and are
// created by FixtureFactory instances and mutated by FixturePreparer instances. They are created by
// first creating a base Fixture (which is essentially empty) and then applying FixturePreparer
// instances to it to modify the environment.
// FixtureFactory (deprecated)
// ===========================
// These are responsible for creating fixtures. Factories are immutable and are intended to be
// initialized once and reused to create multiple fixtures. Each factory has a list of fixture
// preparers that prepare a fixture for running a test. Factories can also be used to create other
// factories by extending them with additional fixture preparers.
// created and mutated by FixturePreparer instances. They are created by first creating a base
// Fixture (which is essentially empty) and then applying FixturePreparer instances to it to modify
// the environment.
// FixturePreparer
// ===============
@ -169,77 +162,6 @@ import (
// PrepareForApex,
// )
// // FixtureFactory instances have been deprecated, this remains for informational purposes to
// // help explain some of the existing code but will be removed along with FixtureFactory.
// var javaFixtureFactory = android.NewFixtureFactory(
// PrepareForIntegrationTestWithJava,
// FixtureRegisterWithContext(func(ctx android.RegistrationContext) {
// ctx.RegisterModuleType("test_module", testModule)
// }),
// javaMockFS.AddToFixture(),
// ...
// }
// func TestJavaStuff(t *testing.T) {
// result := javaFixtureFactory.RunTest(t,
// android.FixtureWithRootAndroidBp(`java_library {....}`),
// android.MockFS{...}.AddToFixture(),
// )
// ... test result ...
// }
// package cc
// var PrepareForTestWithCC = GroupFixturePreparers(
// android.PrepareForArchMutator,
// android.prepareForPrebuilts,
// FixtureRegisterWithContext(RegisterRequiredBuildComponentsForTest),
// ...
// )
// package apex
// var PrepareForApex = GroupFixturePreparers(
// ...
// )
// Use modules and mutators from java, cc and apex. Any duplicate preparers (like
// android.PrepareForArchMutator) will be automatically deduped.
// var apexFixtureFactory = android.NewFixtureFactory(
// PrepareForJava,
// PrepareForCC,
// PrepareForApex,
// )
// Factory for Fixture objects.
// This is configured with a set of FixturePreparer objects that are used to
// initialize each Fixture instance this creates.
// deprecated: Use FixturePreparer instead.
type FixtureFactory interface {
// Create a new FixtureFactory that will apply the supplied preparers.
// The buildDirSupplier is a pointer to the package level buildDir variable that is initialized by
// the package level setUp method. It has to be a pointer to the variable as the variable will not
// have been initialized at the time the factory is created. If it is nil then a test specific
// temporary directory will be created instead.
// deprecated: The functionality provided by FixtureFactory will be merged into FixturePreparer
func NewFixtureFactory(buildDirSupplier *string, preparers ...FixturePreparer) FixtureFactory {
f := &fixtureFactory{
buildDirSupplier: buildDirSupplier,
compositeFixturePreparer: compositeFixturePreparer{
preparers: dedupAndFlattenPreparers(nil, preparers),
return f
// A set of mock files to add to the mock file system.
type MockFS map[string][]byte
@ -445,15 +367,6 @@ type FixturePreparer interface {
// Return the flattened and deduped list of simpleFixturePreparer pointers.
list() []*simpleFixturePreparer
// Creates a copy of this instance and adds some additional preparers.
// Before the preparers are used they are combined with the preparers provided when the factory
// was created, any groups of preparers are flattened, and the list is deduped so that each
// preparer is only used once. See the file documentation in android/fixture.go for more details.
// deprecated: Use GroupFixturePreparers() instead.
Extend(preparers ...FixturePreparer) FixturePreparer
// Create a Fixture.
Fixture(t *testing.T) Fixture
@ -734,17 +647,12 @@ func (b *baseFixturePreparer) initBaseFixturePreparer(self FixturePreparer) {
b.self = self
func (b *baseFixturePreparer) Extend(preparers ...FixturePreparer) FixturePreparer {
all := dedupAndFlattenPreparers(b.self.list(), preparers)
return newFixturePreparer(all)
func (b *baseFixturePreparer) Fixture(t *testing.T) Fixture {
return createFixture(t, t.TempDir(), b.self.list())
func (b *baseFixturePreparer) ExtendWithErrorHandler(errorHandler FixtureErrorHandler) FixturePreparer {
return b.self.Extend(newSimpleFixturePreparer(func(fixture *fixture) {
return GroupFixturePreparers(b.self, newSimpleFixturePreparer(func(fixture *fixture) {
fixture.errorHandler = errorHandler
@ -782,46 +690,6 @@ func (b *baseFixturePreparer) RunTestWithConfig(t *testing.T, config Config) *Te
return fixture.RunTest()
var _ FixtureFactory = (*fixtureFactory)(nil)
type fixtureFactory struct {
buildDirSupplier *string
// Override to preserve the buildDirSupplier.
func (f *fixtureFactory) Extend(preparers ...FixturePreparer) FixturePreparer {
// If there is no buildDirSupplier then just use the default implementation.
if f.buildDirSupplier == nil {
return f.baseFixturePreparer.Extend(preparers...)
all := dedupAndFlattenPreparers(f.preparers, preparers)
// Create a new factory which uses the same buildDirSupplier as the previous one.
extendedFactory := &fixtureFactory{
buildDirSupplier: f.buildDirSupplier,
compositeFixturePreparer: compositeFixturePreparer{
preparers: all,
return extendedFactory
func (f *fixtureFactory) Fixture(t *testing.T) Fixture {
// If there is no buildDirSupplier then just use the default implementation.
if f.buildDirSupplier == nil {
return f.baseFixturePreparer.Fixture(t)
// Retrieve the buildDir from the supplier.
buildDir := *f.buildDirSupplier
return createFixture(t, buildDir, f.preparers)
type fixture struct {
// The preparers used to create this fixture.
preparers []*simpleFixturePreparer
@ -936,10 +804,10 @@ func (r *TestResult) NormalizePathsForTesting(paths Paths) []string {
// that produced this result.
// e.g. assuming that this result was created by running:
// factory.Extend(preparer1, preparer2).RunTest(t, preparer3, preparer4)
// GroupFixturePreparers(preparer1, preparer2, preparer3).RunTest(t)
// Then this method will be equivalent to running:
// GroupFixturePreparers(preparer1, preparer2, preparer3, preparer4)
// GroupFixturePreparers(preparer1, preparer2, preparer3)
// This is intended for use by tests whose output is Android.bp files to verify that those files
// are valid, e.g. tests of the snapshots produced by the sdk module type.
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ func TestFixtureDedup(t *testing.T) {
group := GroupFixturePreparers(preparer1, preparer2, preparer1, preparer1Then2)
extension := group.Extend(preparer4, preparer2)
extension := GroupFixturePreparers(group, preparer4, preparer2)
GroupFixturePreparers(extension, preparer1, preparer2, preparer2Then1, preparer3).Fixture(t)
@ -670,7 +670,8 @@ func TestGenruleAllowMissingDependencies(t *testing.T) {
cmd: "cat $(in) > $(out)",
result := prepareForGenRuleTest.Extend(
result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
func(config android.Config, ctx *android.TestContext) {
config.TestProductVariables.Allow_missing_dependencies = proptools.BoolPtr(true)
@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ var hiddenApiFixtureFactory = android.GroupFixturePreparers(
prepareForJavaTest, PrepareForTestWithHiddenApiBuildComponents)
func TestHiddenAPISingleton(t *testing.T) {
result := hiddenApiFixtureFactory.Extend(
result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
).RunTestWithBp(t, `
java_library {
@ -56,7 +57,8 @@ func TestHiddenAPISingleton(t *testing.T) {
func TestHiddenAPIIndexSingleton(t *testing.T) {
result := hiddenApiFixtureFactory.Extend(
result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
fixtureSetBootJarsProductVariable("platform:foo", "platform:bar"),
@ -115,7 +117,8 @@ func TestHiddenAPISingletonWithSourceAndPrebuiltPreferredButNoDex(t *testing.T)
" replaced by the prebuilt module \"prebuilt_foo\" but unfortunately it does not provide a" +
" suitable boot dex jar"
RunTestWithBp(t, `
@ -134,7 +137,8 @@ func TestHiddenAPISingletonWithSourceAndPrebuiltPreferredButNoDex(t *testing.T)
func TestHiddenAPISingletonWithPrebuilt(t *testing.T) {
result := hiddenApiFixtureFactory.Extend(
result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
).RunTestWithBp(t, `
java_import {
@ -151,7 +155,8 @@ func TestHiddenAPISingletonWithPrebuilt(t *testing.T) {
func TestHiddenAPISingletonWithPrebuiltUseSource(t *testing.T) {
result := hiddenApiFixtureFactory.Extend(
result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
).RunTestWithBp(t, `
java_library {
@ -178,7 +183,8 @@ func TestHiddenAPISingletonWithPrebuiltUseSource(t *testing.T) {
func TestHiddenAPISingletonWithPrebuiltOverrideSource(t *testing.T) {
result := hiddenApiFixtureFactory.Extend(
result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
).RunTestWithBp(t, `
java_library {
@ -236,7 +242,8 @@ func TestHiddenAPISingletonSdks(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
result := hiddenApiFixtureFactory.Extend(
result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
android.FixtureModifyProductVariables(func(variables android.FixtureProductVariables) {
variables.Always_use_prebuilt_sdks = proptools.BoolPtr(tc.unbundledBuild)
@ -286,7 +293,8 @@ func TestHiddenAPISingletonWithPrebuiltCsvFile(t *testing.T) {
// Where to find the prebuilt hiddenapi files:
prebuiltHiddenApiDir := "path/to/prebuilt/hiddenapi"
result := hiddenApiFixtureFactory.Extend(
result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
).RunTestWithBp(t, `
@ -402,14 +402,16 @@ func TestClasspath(t *testing.T) {
// Test again with PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME=REL, javac -source 8 -target 8
t.Run("REL + Java language level 8", func(t *testing.T) {
result := fixtureFactory.Extend(prepareWithPlatformVersionRel).RunTestWithBp(t, bpJava8)
result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
fixtureFactory, prepareWithPlatformVersionRel).RunTestWithBp(t, bpJava8)
checkClasspath(t, result, true /* isJava8 */)
// Test again with PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME=REL, javac -source 9 -target 9
t.Run("REL + Java language level 9", func(t *testing.T) {
result := fixtureFactory.Extend(prepareWithPlatformVersionRel).RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
fixtureFactory, prepareWithPlatformVersionRel).RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
checkClasspath(t, result, false /* isJava8 */)
@ -28,9 +28,10 @@ import (
// testProjectJson run the generation of rust-project.json. It returns the raw
// content of the generated file.
func testProjectJson(t *testing.T, bp string) []byte {
result := prepareForRustTest.
Extend(android.FixtureMergeEnv(map[string]string{"SOONG_GEN_RUST_PROJECT": "1"})).
RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
android.FixtureMergeEnv(map[string]string{"SOONG_GEN_RUST_PROJECT": "1"}),
).RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
// The JSON file is generated via WriteFileToOutputDir. Therefore, it
// won't appear in the Output of the TestingSingleton. Manually verify
Reference in New Issue