Merge changes Iaab7a588,I7bc1d1f3
am: f6df17afd1
Change-Id: Ia257b3a4a6afcce134057c4eaa5a79e54b336513
This commit is contained in:
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ func (a *AndroidApp) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
publicResourcesFile, proguardOptionsFile, aaptJavaFileList :=
CreateResourceJavaFiles(ctx, aaptRJavaFlags, aaptDeps)
a.aaptJavaFileList = aaptJavaFileList
a.ExtraSrcLists = append(a.ExtraSrcLists, aaptJavaFileList)
// TODO(ccross): export aapt generated java files as a src jar
if a.appProperties.Export_package_resources {
aaptPackageFlags := append([]string(nil), aaptFlags...)
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ var (
Command: `rm -rf "$outDir" "$annoDir" && mkdir -p "$outDir" "$annoDir" && ` +
`${config.JavacWrapper}${config.JavacCmd} ${config.JavacHeapFlags} ${config.CommonJdkFlags} ` +
`$javacFlags $bootClasspath $classpath ` +
`$javacFlags $sourcepath $bootClasspath $classpath ` +
`-source $javaVersion -target $javaVersion ` +
`-d $outDir -s $annoDir @$out.rsp && ` +
`${config.SoongZipCmd} -jar -o $out -C $outDir -D $outDir`,
@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ var (
Rspfile: "$out.rsp",
RspfileContent: "$in",
"javacFlags", "bootClasspath", "classpath", "outDir", "annoDir", "javaVersion")
"javacFlags", "sourcepath", "bootClasspath", "classpath", "outDir", "annoDir", "javaVersion")
errorprone = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("errorprone",
Command: `rm -rf "$outDir" "$annoDir" && mkdir -p "$outDir" "$annoDir" && ` +
`${config.ErrorProneCmd} ` +
`$javacFlags $bootClasspath $classpath ` +
`$javacFlags $sourcepath $bootClasspath $classpath ` +
`-source $javaVersion -target $javaVersion ` +
`-d $outDir -s $annoDir @$out.rsp && ` +
`${config.SoongZipCmd} -jar -o $out -C $outDir -D $outDir`,
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ var (
Rspfile: "$out.rsp",
RspfileContent: "$in",
"javacFlags", "bootClasspath", "classpath", "outDir", "annoDir", "javaVersion")
"javacFlags", "sourcepath", "bootClasspath", "classpath", "outDir", "annoDir", "javaVersion")
jar = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("jar",
@ -135,49 +135,41 @@ type javaBuilderFlags struct {
protoOutFlag string
func TransformJavaToClasses(ctx android.ModuleContext, srcFiles, srcFileLists android.Paths,
flags javaBuilderFlags, deps android.Paths) android.ModuleOutPath {
func TransformJavaToClasses(ctx android.ModuleContext, outputFile android.WritablePath,
srcFiles android.Paths, srcJars classpath,
flags javaBuilderFlags, deps android.Paths) {
return transformJavaToClasses(ctx, srcFiles, srcFileLists, flags, deps,
"classes-compiled.jar", "", "javac", javac)
transformJavaToClasses(ctx, outputFile, srcFiles, srcJars, flags, deps,
"", "javac", javac)
func RunErrorProne(ctx android.ModuleContext, srcFiles, srcFileLists android.Paths,
flags javaBuilderFlags) android.Path {
func RunErrorProne(ctx android.ModuleContext, outputFile android.WritablePath,
srcFiles android.Paths, srcJars classpath,
flags javaBuilderFlags) {
if config.ErrorProneJar == "" {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("cannot build with Error Prone, missing external/error_prone?")
return nil
return transformJavaToClasses(ctx, srcFiles, srcFileLists, flags, nil,
"classes-errorprone.list", "-errorprone", "errorprone", errorprone)
transformJavaToClasses(ctx, outputFile, srcFiles, srcJars, flags, nil,
"-errorprone", "errorprone", errorprone)
// transformJavaToClasses takes source files and converts them to a jar containing .class files.
// srcFiles is a list of paths to sources, srcFileLists is a list of paths to files that contain
// paths to sources. There is no dependency on the sources passed through srcFileLists, those
// must be added through the deps argument, which contains a list of paths that should be added
// as implicit dependencies. flags contains various command line flags to be passed to the
// compiler.
// srcFiles is a list of paths to sources, srcJars is a list of paths to jar files that contain
// sources. flags contains various command line flags to be passed to the compiler.
// This method may be used for different compilers, including javac and Error Prone. The rule
// argument specifies which command line to use and desc sets the description of the rule that will
// be printed at build time. The stem argument provides the file name of the output jar, and
// suffix will be appended to various intermediate files and directories to avoid collisions when
// this function is called twice in the same module directory.
func transformJavaToClasses(ctx android.ModuleContext, srcFiles, srcFileLists android.Paths,
flags javaBuilderFlags, deps android.Paths, stem, suffix, desc string,
rule blueprint.Rule) android.ModuleOutPath {
func transformJavaToClasses(ctx android.ModuleContext, outputFile android.WritablePath,
srcFiles android.Paths, srcJars classpath,
flags javaBuilderFlags, deps android.Paths,
intermediatesSuffix, desc string, rule blueprint.Rule) {
outputFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, stem)
javacFlags := flags.javacFlags
if len(srcFileLists) > 0 {
javacFlags += " " + android.JoinWithPrefix(srcFileLists.Strings(), "@")
deps = append(deps, srcFileLists...)
deps = append(deps, srcJars...)
var bootClasspath string
if flags.javaVersion == "1.9" {
@ -197,22 +189,19 @@ func transformJavaToClasses(ctx android.ModuleContext, srcFiles, srcFileLists an
Inputs: srcFiles,
Implicits: deps,
Args: map[string]string{
"javacFlags": javacFlags,
"javacFlags": flags.javacFlags,
"bootClasspath": bootClasspath,
"sourcepath": srcJars.JavaSourcepath(),
"classpath": flags.classpath.JavaClasspath(),
"outDir": android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "classes"+suffix).String(),
"annoDir": android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "anno"+suffix).String(),
"outDir": android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "classes"+intermediatesSuffix).String(),
"annoDir": android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "anno"+intermediatesSuffix).String(),
"javaVersion": flags.javaVersion,
return outputFile
func TransformResourcesToJar(ctx android.ModuleContext, jarArgs []string,
deps android.Paths) android.Path {
outputFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "res.jar")
func TransformResourcesToJar(ctx android.ModuleContext, outputFile android.WritablePath,
jarArgs []string, deps android.Paths) {
ctx.ModuleBuild(pctx, android.ModuleBuildParams{
Rule: jar,
@ -223,18 +212,10 @@ func TransformResourcesToJar(ctx android.ModuleContext, jarArgs []string,
"jarArgs": strings.Join(jarArgs, " "),
return outputFile
func TransformJarsToJar(ctx android.ModuleContext, stem string, jars android.Paths,
manifest android.OptionalPath, stripDirs bool) android.Path {
outputFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, stem)
if len(jars) == 1 && !manifest.Valid() {
return jars[0]
func TransformJarsToJar(ctx android.ModuleContext, outputFile android.WritablePath,
jars android.Paths, manifest android.OptionalPath, stripDirs bool) {
var deps android.Paths
@ -258,14 +239,11 @@ func TransformJarsToJar(ctx android.ModuleContext, stem string, jars android.Pat
"jarArgs": strings.Join(jarArgs, " "),
return outputFile
func TransformDesugar(ctx android.ModuleContext, classesJar android.Path,
flags javaBuilderFlags) android.Path {
func TransformDesugar(ctx android.ModuleContext, outputFile android.WritablePath,
classesJar android.Path, flags javaBuilderFlags) {
outputFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "classes-desugar.jar")
dumpDir := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "desugar_dumped_classes")
javaFlags := ""
@ -294,17 +272,14 @@ func TransformDesugar(ctx android.ModuleContext, classesJar android.Path,
"desugarFlags": flags.desugarFlags,
return outputFile
// Converts a classes.jar file to classes*.dex, then combines the dex files with any resources
// in the classes.jar file into a dex jar.
func TransformClassesJarToDexJar(ctx android.ModuleContext, stem string, classesJar android.Path,
flags javaBuilderFlags) android.Path {
func TransformClassesJarToDexJar(ctx android.ModuleContext, outputFile android.WritablePath,
classesJar android.Path, flags javaBuilderFlags) {
outDir := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "dex")
outputFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, stem)
ctx.ModuleBuild(pctx, android.ModuleBuildParams{
Rule: dx,
@ -316,12 +291,10 @@ func TransformClassesJarToDexJar(ctx android.ModuleContext, stem string, classes
"outDir": outDir.String(),
return outputFile
func TransformJarJar(ctx android.ModuleContext, classesJar android.Path, rulesFile android.Path) android.ModuleOutPath {
outputFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "classes-jarjar.jar")
func TransformJarJar(ctx android.ModuleContext, outputFile android.WritablePath,
classesJar android.Path, rulesFile android.Path) {
ctx.ModuleBuild(pctx, android.ModuleBuildParams{
Rule: jarjar,
Description: "jarjar",
@ -332,12 +305,20 @@ func TransformJarJar(ctx android.ModuleContext, classesJar android.Path, rulesFi
"rulesFile": rulesFile.String(),
return outputFile
type classpath []android.Path
// Returns a -sourcepath argument in the form javac expects. If the list is empty returns
// -sourcepath "" to ensure javac does not fall back to searching the classpath for sources.
func (x *classpath) JavaSourcepath() string {
if len(*x) > 0 {
return "-sourcepath " + strings.Join(x.Strings(), ":")
} else {
return `-sourcepath ""`
// Returns a -classpath argument in the form java or javac expects
func (x *classpath) JavaClasspath() string {
if len(*x) > 0 {
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ func genLogtags(ctx android.ModuleContext, logtagsFile android.Path) android.Pat
func (j *Module) genSources(ctx android.ModuleContext, srcFiles android.Paths,
flags javaBuilderFlags) (android.Paths, android.Paths) {
flags javaBuilderFlags) (android.Paths, classpath) {
var protoFiles android.Paths
outSrcFiles := make(android.Paths, 0, len(srcFiles))
@ -106,16 +106,17 @@ func (j *Module) genSources(ctx android.ModuleContext, srcFiles android.Paths,
var outSrcFileLists android.Paths
var outSrcJars classpath
if len(protoFiles) > 0 {
protoFileList := genProto(ctx, protoFiles,
protoSrcJar := android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "proto.src.jar")
genProto(ctx, protoSrcJar, protoFiles,
flags.protoFlags, flags.protoOutFlag, "")
outSrcFileLists = append(outSrcFileLists, protoFileList)
outSrcJars = append(outSrcJars, protoSrcJar)
return outSrcFiles, outSrcFileLists
return outSrcFiles, outSrcJars
func LogtagsSingleton() blueprint.Singleton {
@ -169,9 +169,9 @@ type Module struct {
logtagsSrcs android.Paths
// filelists of extra source files that should be included in the javac command line,
// jars containing source files that should be included in the javac command line,
// for example generated by aapt for android apps
ExtraSrcLists android.Paths
ExtraSrcJars android.Paths
// installed file for binary dependency
installFile android.Path
@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ type deps struct {
staticJars android.Paths
staticJarResources android.Paths
aidlIncludeDirs android.Paths
srcFileLists android.Paths
srcJars android.Paths
systemModules android.Path
aidlPreprocess android.OptionalPath
@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ func (j *Module) collectDeps(ctx android.ModuleContext) deps {
if ctx.ModuleName() == "framework" {
// framework.jar has a one-off dependency on the and files
// generated by framework-res.apk
deps.srcFileLists = append(deps.srcFileLists, module.(*AndroidApp).aaptJavaFileList)
// TODO(ccross): aapt java files should go in a src jar
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown dependency %q for %q", otherName, ctx.ModuleName()))
@ -483,13 +483,12 @@ func (j *Module) compile(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
flags = protoFlags(ctx, &j.protoProperties, flags)
var srcFileLists android.Paths
var srcJars classpath
srcFiles, srcJars = j.genSources(ctx, srcFiles, flags)
srcFiles, srcFileLists = j.genSources(ctx, srcFiles, flags)
srcJars = append(srcJars, deps.srcJars...)
srcFileLists = append(srcFileLists, deps.srcFileLists...)
srcFileLists = append(srcFileLists, j.ExtraSrcLists...)
srcJars = append(srcJars, j.ExtraSrcJars...)
var jars android.Paths
@ -501,12 +500,14 @@ func (j *Module) compile(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
// a rebuild when error-prone is turned off).
// TODO(ccross): Once we always compile with javac9 we may be able to conditionally
// enable error-prone without affecting the output class files.
errorprone := RunErrorProne(ctx, srcFiles, srcFileLists, flags)
errorprone := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "classes-errorprone.list")
RunErrorProne(ctx, errorprone, srcFiles, srcJars, flags)
extraJarDeps = append(extraJarDeps, errorprone)
// Compile java sources into .class files
classes := TransformJavaToClasses(ctx, srcFiles, srcFileLists, flags, extraJarDeps)
classes := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "classes-compiled.jar")
TransformJavaToClasses(ctx, classes, srcFiles, srcJars, flags, extraJarDeps)
if ctx.Failed() {
@ -533,7 +534,8 @@ func (j *Module) compile(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
if len(resArgs) > 0 {
resourceJar := TransformResourcesToJar(ctx, resArgs, resDeps)
resourceJar := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "res.jar")
TransformResourcesToJar(ctx, resourceJar, resArgs, resDeps)
if ctx.Failed() {
@ -548,12 +550,23 @@ func (j *Module) compile(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
// Combine the classes built from sources, any manifests, and any static libraries into
// classes.jar. If there is only one input jar this step will be skipped.
outputFile := TransformJarsToJar(ctx, "classes.jar", jars, manifest, false)
var outputFile android.Path
if len(jars) == 1 && !manifest.Valid() {
// Optimization: skip the combine step if there is nothing to do
outputFile = jars[0]
} else {
combinedJar := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "classes.jar")
TransformJarsToJar(ctx, combinedJar, jars, manifest, false)
outputFile = combinedJar
if != nil {
jarjar_rules := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, *
// Transform classes.jar into classes-jarjar.jar
outputFile = TransformJarJar(ctx, outputFile, jarjar_rules)
jarjarFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "classes-jarjar.jar")
TransformJarJar(ctx, jarjarFile, outputFile, jarjar_rules)
outputFile = jarjarFile
if ctx.Failed() {
@ -609,13 +622,17 @@ func (j *Module) compile(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
flags.desugarFlags = strings.Join(desugarFlags, " ")
desugarJar := TransformDesugar(ctx, outputFile, flags)
desugarJar := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "classes-desugar.jar")
TransformDesugar(ctx, desugarJar, outputFile, flags)
outputFile = desugarJar
if ctx.Failed() {
// Compile classes.jar into classes.dex and then javalib.jar
outputFile = TransformClassesJarToDexJar(ctx, "javalib.jar", desugarJar, flags)
javalibJar := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "javalib.jar")
TransformClassesJarToDexJar(ctx, javalibJar, desugarJar, flags)
outputFile = javalibJar
if ctx.Failed() {
@ -790,7 +807,9 @@ func (j *Import) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
func (j *Import) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
j.classpathFiles = android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx,
j.combinedClasspathFile = TransformJarsToJar(ctx, "classes.jar", j.classpathFiles, android.OptionalPath{}, false)
outputFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "classes.jar")
TransformJarsToJar(ctx, outputFile, j.classpathFiles, android.OptionalPath{}, false)
j.combinedClasspathFile = outputFile
var _ Dependency = (*Import)(nil)
@ -30,20 +30,21 @@ var (
Command: `rm -rf $outDir && mkdir -p $outDir && ` +
`$protocCmd $protoOut=$protoOutFlags:$outDir $protoFlags $in && ` +
`find $outDir -name "*.java" > $out`,
CommandDeps: []string{"$protocCmd"},
`${config.SoongZipCmd} -jar -o $out -C $outDir -D $outDir`,
CommandDeps: []string{
}, "protoFlags", "protoOut", "protoOutFlags", "outDir")
func genProto(ctx android.ModuleContext, protoFiles android.Paths,
protoFlags string, protoOut, protoOutFlags string) android.WritablePath {
protoFileList := android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "proto.filelist")
func genProto(ctx android.ModuleContext, outputSrcJar android.WritablePath,
protoFiles android.Paths, protoFlags string, protoOut, protoOutFlags string) {
ctx.ModuleBuild(pctx, android.ModuleBuildParams{
Rule: proto,
Description: "protoc " + protoFiles[0].Rel(),
Output: protoFileList,
Output: outputSrcJar,
Inputs: protoFiles,
Args: map[string]string{
"outDir": android.ProtoDir(ctx).String(),
@ -52,8 +53,6 @@ func genProto(ctx android.ModuleContext, protoFiles android.Paths,
"protoFlags": protoFlags,
return protoFileList
func protoDeps(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext, p *android.ProtoProperties) {
Reference in New Issue