Split out osMutator from archMutator

Split the archMutator into two mutators, osMutator to create
android/linux/darwin variants, and archMutator to then further
split them into arm/arm64, etc.  When combined with alias
variants in Blueprint this will allow us to depend on the
"android" variant without having to know what architectures
were used to build it.

Test: m checkbuild
Change-Id: I0f51d60fc440cf5ae503904ce7849ec797af5fe2
This commit is contained in:
Colin Cross 2019-10-16 11:07:20 -07:00
parent 158eeb7701
commit a195f91471
3 changed files with 206 additions and 140 deletions

View File

@ -705,7 +705,11 @@ type Target struct {
func (target Target) String() string {
return target.ArchVariation()
return target.OsVariation() + "_" + target.ArchVariation()
func (target Target) OsVariation() string {
return target.Os.String()
func (target Target) ArchVariation() string {
@ -715,15 +719,70 @@ func (target Target) ArchVariation() string {
variation += target.Arch.String()
return target.Os.String() + "_" + variation
return variation
func (target Target) Variations() []blueprint.Variation {
return []blueprint.Variation{
{Mutator: "os", Variation: target.OsVariation()},
{Mutator: "arch", Variation: target.ArchVariation()},
func osMutator(mctx BottomUpMutatorContext) {
var module Module
var ok bool
if module, ok = mctx.Module().(Module); !ok {
base := module.base()
if !base.ArchSpecific() {
osClasses := base.OsClassSupported()
var moduleOSList []OsType
for _, os := range osTypeList {
supportedClass := false
for _, osClass := range osClasses {
if os.Class == osClass {
supportedClass = true
if !supportedClass {
if len(mctx.Config().Targets[os]) == 0 {
moduleOSList = append(moduleOSList, os)
if len(moduleOSList) == 0 {
base.commonProperties.Enabled = boolPtr(false)
osNames := make([]string, len(moduleOSList))
for i, os := range moduleOSList {
osNames[i] = os.String()
modules := mctx.CreateVariations(osNames...)
for i, m := range modules {
m.(Module).base().commonProperties.CompileOS = moduleOSList[i]
// archMutator splits a module into a variant for each Target requested by the module. Target selection
// for a module is in three levels, OsClass, mulitlib, and then Target.
// OsClass selection is determined by:
@ -761,84 +820,63 @@ func archMutator(mctx BottomUpMutatorContext) {
var moduleTargets []Target
moduleMultiTargets := make(map[int][]Target)
primaryModules := make(map[int]bool)
osClasses := base.OsClassSupported()
os := base.commonProperties.CompileOS
osTargets := mctx.Config().Targets[os]
for _, os := range osTypeList {
supportedClass := false
for _, osClass := range osClasses {
if os.Class == osClass {
supportedClass = true
// Filter NativeBridge targets unless they are explicitly supported
if os == Android && !Bool(base.commonProperties.Native_bridge_supported) {
var targets []Target
for _, t := range osTargets {
if !t.NativeBridge {
targets = append(targets, t)
if !supportedClass {
osTargets := mctx.Config().Targets[os]
if len(osTargets) == 0 {
osTargets = targets
// Filter NativeBridge targets unless they are explicitly supported
if os == Android && !Bool(base.commonProperties.Native_bridge_supported) {
var targets []Target
for _, t := range osTargets {
if !t.NativeBridge {
targets = append(targets, t)
// only the primary arch in the recovery partition
if os == Android && module.InstallInRecovery() {
osTargets = []Target{osTargets[0]}
osTargets = targets
prefer32 := false
if base.prefer32 != nil {
prefer32 = base.prefer32(mctx, base, os.Class)
// only the primary arch in the recovery partition
if os == Android && module.InstallInRecovery() {
osTargets = []Target{osTargets[0]}
multilib, extraMultilib := decodeMultilib(base, os.Class)
targets, err := decodeMultilibTargets(multilib, osTargets, prefer32)
if err != nil {
mctx.ModuleErrorf("%s", err.Error())
prefer32 := false
if base.prefer32 != nil {
prefer32 = base.prefer32(mctx, base, os.Class)
multilib, extraMultilib := decodeMultilib(base, os.Class)
targets, err := decodeMultilibTargets(multilib, osTargets, prefer32)
var multiTargets []Target
if extraMultilib != "" {
multiTargets, err = decodeMultilibTargets(extraMultilib, osTargets, prefer32)
if err != nil {
mctx.ModuleErrorf("%s", err.Error())
var multiTargets []Target
if extraMultilib != "" {
multiTargets, err = decodeMultilibTargets(extraMultilib, osTargets, prefer32)
if err != nil {
mctx.ModuleErrorf("%s", err.Error())
if len(targets) > 0 {
primaryModules[len(moduleTargets)] = true
moduleMultiTargets[len(moduleTargets)] = multiTargets
moduleTargets = append(moduleTargets, targets...)
if len(moduleTargets) == 0 {
if len(targets) == 0 {
base.commonProperties.Enabled = boolPtr(false)
targetNames := make([]string, len(moduleTargets))
targetNames := make([]string, len(targets))
for i, target := range moduleTargets {
targetNames[i] = target.String()
for i, target := range targets {
targetNames[i] = target.ArchVariation()
modules := mctx.CreateVariations(targetNames...)
for i, m := range modules {
m.(Module).base().SetTarget(moduleTargets[i], moduleMultiTargets[i], primaryModules[i])
m.(Module).base().commonProperties.CompileTarget = targets[i]
m.(Module).base().commonProperties.CompileMultiTargets = multiTargets
if i == 0 {
m.(Module).base().commonProperties.CompilePrimary = true
@ -1065,6 +1103,100 @@ func (m *ModuleBase) appendProperties(ctx BottomUpMutatorContext,
return ret
// Rewrite the module's properties structs to contain os-specific values.
func (m *ModuleBase) setOSProperties(ctx BottomUpMutatorContext) {
os := m.commonProperties.CompileOS
for i := range m.generalProperties {
genProps := m.generalProperties[i]
if m.archProperties[i] == nil {
for _, archProperties := range m.archProperties[i] {
archPropValues := reflect.ValueOf(archProperties).Elem()
targetProp := archPropValues.FieldByName("Target")
// Handle host-specific properties in the form:
// target: {
// host: {
// key: value,
// },
// },
if os.Class == Host || os.Class == HostCross {
field := "Host"
prefix := "target.host"
m.appendProperties(ctx, genProps, targetProp, field, prefix)
// Handle target OS generalities of the form:
// target: {
// bionic: {
// key: value,
// },
// }
if os.Linux() {
field := "Linux"
prefix := "target.linux"
m.appendProperties(ctx, genProps, targetProp, field, prefix)
if os.Bionic() {
field := "Bionic"
prefix := "target.bionic"
m.appendProperties(ctx, genProps, targetProp, field, prefix)
// Handle target OS properties in the form:
// target: {
// linux_glibc: {
// key: value,
// },
// not_windows: {
// key: value,
// },
// android {
// key: value,
// },
// },
field := os.Field
prefix := "target." + os.Name
m.appendProperties(ctx, genProps, targetProp, field, prefix)
if (os.Class == Host || os.Class == HostCross) && os != Windows {
field := "Not_windows"
prefix := "target.not_windows"
m.appendProperties(ctx, genProps, targetProp, field, prefix)
// Handle 64-bit device properties in the form:
// target {
// android64 {
// key: value,
// },
// android32 {
// key: value,
// },
// },
// WARNING: this is probably not what you want to use in your blueprints file, it selects
// options for all targets on a device that supports 64-bit binaries, not just the targets
// that are being compiled for 64-bit. Its expected use case is binaries like linker and
// debuggerd that need to know when they are a 32-bit process running on a 64-bit device
if os.Class == Device {
if ctx.Config().Android64() {
field := "Android64"
prefix := "target.android64"
m.appendProperties(ctx, genProps, targetProp, field, prefix)
} else {
field := "Android32"
prefix := "target.android32"
m.appendProperties(ctx, genProps, targetProp, field, prefix)
// Rewrite the module's properties structs to contain arch-specific values.
func (m *ModuleBase) setArchProperties(ctx BottomUpMutatorContext) {
arch := m.Arch()
@ -1082,9 +1214,6 @@ func (m *ModuleBase) setArchProperties(ctx BottomUpMutatorContext) {
multilibProp := archPropValues.FieldByName("Multilib")
targetProp := archPropValues.FieldByName("Target")
var field string
var prefix string
// Handle arch-specific properties in the form:
// arch: {
// arm64: {
@ -1149,68 +1278,32 @@ func (m *ModuleBase) setArchProperties(ctx BottomUpMutatorContext) {
m.appendProperties(ctx, genProps, multilibProp, field, prefix)
// Handle host-specific properties in the form:
// Handle combined OS-feature and arch specific properties in the form:
// target: {
// host: {
// key: value,
// },
// },
if os.Class == Host || os.Class == HostCross {
field = "Host"
prefix = "target.host"
m.appendProperties(ctx, genProps, targetProp, field, prefix)
// Handle target OS generalities of the form:
// target: {
// bionic: {
// key: value,
// },
// bionic_x86: {
// key: value,
// },
// }
if os.Linux() {
field = "Linux"
prefix = "target.linux"
if os.Linux() && arch.ArchType != Common {
field := "Linux_" + arch.ArchType.Name
prefix := "target.linux_" + arch.ArchType.Name
m.appendProperties(ctx, genProps, targetProp, field, prefix)
if arch.ArchType != Common {
field = "Linux_" + arch.ArchType.Name
prefix = "target.linux_" + arch.ArchType.Name
m.appendProperties(ctx, genProps, targetProp, field, prefix)
if os.Bionic() {
field = "Bionic"
prefix = "target.bionic"
if os.Bionic() && arch.ArchType != Common {
field := "Bionic_" + t.Name
prefix := "target.bionic_" + t.Name
m.appendProperties(ctx, genProps, targetProp, field, prefix)
if arch.ArchType != Common {
field = "Bionic_" + t.Name
prefix = "target.bionic_" + t.Name
m.appendProperties(ctx, genProps, targetProp, field, prefix)
// Handle target OS properties in the form:
// Handle combined OS and arch specific properties in the form:
// target: {
// linux_glibc: {
// key: value,
// },
// not_windows: {
// key: value,
// },
// linux_glibc_x86: {
// key: value,
// },
// linux_glibc_arm: {
// key: value,
// },
// android {
// key: value,
// },
// android_arm {
// key: value,
// },
@ -1218,46 +1311,23 @@ func (m *ModuleBase) setArchProperties(ctx BottomUpMutatorContext) {
// key: value,
// },
// },
field = os.Field
prefix = "target." + os.Name
m.appendProperties(ctx, genProps, targetProp, field, prefix)
if arch.ArchType != Common {
field = os.Field + "_" + t.Name
prefix = "target." + os.Name + "_" + t.Name
field := os.Field + "_" + t.Name
prefix := "target." + os.Name + "_" + t.Name
m.appendProperties(ctx, genProps, targetProp, field, prefix)
if (os.Class == Host || os.Class == HostCross) && os != Windows {
field := "Not_windows"
prefix := "target.not_windows"
m.appendProperties(ctx, genProps, targetProp, field, prefix)
// Handle 64-bit device properties in the form:
// Handle arm on x86 properties in the form:
// target {
// android64 {
// arm_on_x86 {
// key: value,
// },
// android32 {
// arm_on_x86_64 {
// key: value,
// },
// },
// WARNING: this is probably not what you want to use in your blueprints file, it selects
// options for all targets on a device that supports 64-bit binaries, not just the targets
// that are being compiled for 64-bit. Its expected use case is binaries like linker and
// debuggerd that need to know when they are a 32-bit process running on a 64-bit device
// TODO(ccross): is this still necessary with native bridge?
if os.Class == Device {
if ctx.Config().Android64() {
field := "Android64"
prefix := "target.android64"
m.appendProperties(ctx, genProps, targetProp, field, prefix)
} else {
field := "Android32"
prefix := "target.android32"
m.appendProperties(ctx, genProps, targetProp, field, prefix)
if (arch.ArchType == X86 && (hasArmAbi(arch) ||
hasArmAndroidArch(ctx.Config().Targets[Android]))) ||
(arch.ArchType == Arm &&

View File

@ -417,6 +417,7 @@ type commonProperties struct {
} `android:"arch_variant"`
// Set by TargetMutator
CompileOS OsType `blueprint:"mutated"`
CompileTarget Target `blueprint:"mutated"`
CompileMultiTargets []Target `blueprint:"mutated"`
CompilePrimary bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
@ -719,12 +720,6 @@ func (m *ModuleBase) visibility() []string {
func (m *ModuleBase) SetTarget(target Target, multiTargets []Target, primary bool) {
m.commonProperties.CompileTarget = target
m.commonProperties.CompileMultiTargets = multiTargets
m.commonProperties.CompilePrimary = primary
func (m *ModuleBase) Target() Target {
return m.commonProperties.CompileTarget

View File

@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ var preArch = []RegisterMutatorFunc{
func registerArchMutator(ctx RegisterMutatorsContext) {
ctx.BottomUp("os", osMutator).Parallel()
ctx.BottomUp("arch", archMutator).Parallel()
ctx.TopDown("arch_hooks", archHookMutator).Parallel()