Merge "Add checks for double_loadable dependencies" am: f14277fc3a
am: 4b75790b30
Change-Id: I55a480df1a035ff80531a86e0dcd0f535b088bf4
This commit is contained in:
@ -132,11 +132,15 @@ type TopDownMutatorContext interface {
VisitDepsDepthFirst(visit func(Module))
VisitDepsDepthFirstIf(pred func(Module) bool, visit func(Module))
WalkDeps(visit func(Module, Module) bool)
// GetWalkPath is supposed to be called in visit function passed in WalkDeps()
// and returns a top-down dependency path from a start module to current child module.
GetWalkPath() []Module
type androidTopDownMutatorContext struct {
walkPath []Module
type AndroidBottomUpMutator func(BottomUpMutatorContext)
@ -287,10 +291,16 @@ func (a *androidTopDownMutatorContext) VisitDepsDepthFirstIf(pred func(Module) b
func (a *androidTopDownMutatorContext) WalkDeps(visit func(Module, Module) bool) {
a.walkPath = []Module{a.Module()}
a.TopDownMutatorContext.WalkDeps(func(child, parent blueprint.Module) bool {
childAndroidModule, _ := child.(Module)
parentAndroidModule, _ := parent.(Module)
if childAndroidModule != nil && parentAndroidModule != nil {
// record walkPath before visit
for a.walkPath[len(a.walkPath)-1] != parentAndroidModule {
a.walkPath = a.walkPath[0 : len(a.walkPath)-1]
a.walkPath = append(a.walkPath, childAndroidModule)
return visit(childAndroidModule, parentAndroidModule)
} else {
return false
@ -298,6 +308,10 @@ func (a *androidTopDownMutatorContext) WalkDeps(visit func(Module, Module) bool)
func (a *androidTopDownMutatorContext) GetWalkPath() []Module {
return a.walkPath
func (a *androidTopDownMutatorContext) AppendProperties(props ...interface{}) {
for _, p := range props {
err := proptools.AppendMatchingProperties(a.Module().base().customizableProperties,
@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ func init() {
ctx.TopDown("lto_deps", ltoDepsMutator)
ctx.BottomUp("lto", ltoMutator).Parallel()
ctx.TopDown("double_loadable", checkDoubleLoadableLibraries).Parallel()
@ -1469,30 +1471,44 @@ func checkLinkType(ctx android.ModuleContext, from *Module, to *Module, tag depe
// Tests whether the dependent library is okay to be double loaded inside a single process.
// If a library is a member of VNDK and at the same time dependencies of an LLNDK library,
// it is subject to be double loaded. Such lib should be explicitly marked as double_loaded: true
// If a library has a vendor variant and is a (transitive) dependency of an LLNDK library,
// it is subject to be double loaded. Such lib should be explicitly marked as double_loadable: true
// or as vndk-sp (vndk: { enabled: true, support_system_process: true}).
func checkDoubleLoadableLibries(ctx android.ModuleContext, from *Module, to *Module) {
if _, ok := from.linker.(*libraryDecorator); !ok {
func checkDoubleLoadableLibraries(ctx android.TopDownMutatorContext) {
check := func(child, parent android.Module) bool {
to, ok := child.(*Module)
if !ok {
// follow thru cc.Defaults, etc.
return true
if inList(ctx.ModuleName(), llndkLibraries) ||
(from.useVndk() && Bool(from.VendorProperties.Double_loadable)) {
_, depIsLlndk := to.linker.(*llndkStubDecorator)
depIsVndkSp := false
if to.vndkdep != nil && to.vndkdep.isVndkSp() {
depIsVndkSp = true
if lib, ok := to.linker.(*libraryDecorator); !ok || !lib.shared() {
return false
depIsVndk := false
if to.vndkdep != nil && to.vndkdep.isVndk() {
depIsVndk = true
// if target lib has no vendor variant, keep checking dependency graph
if !to.hasVendorVariant() {
return true
depIsDoubleLoadable := Bool(to.VendorProperties.Double_loadable)
if !depIsLlndk && !depIsVndkSp && !depIsDoubleLoadable && depIsVndk {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("links VNDK library %q that isn't double loadable (not also LL-NDK, "+
"VNDK-SP, or explicitly marked as 'double_loadable').",
if to.isVndkSp() || inList(child.Name(), llndkLibraries) || Bool(to.VendorProperties.Double_loadable) {
return false
var stringPath []string
for _, m := range ctx.GetWalkPath() {
stringPath = append(stringPath, m.Name())
ctx.ModuleErrorf("links a library %q which is not LL-NDK, "+
"VNDK-SP, or explicitly marked as 'double_loadable:true'. "+
"(dependency: %s)", ctx.OtherModuleName(to), strings.Join(stringPath, " -> "))
return false
if module, ok := ctx.Module().(*Module); ok {
if lib, ok := module.linker.(*libraryDecorator); ok && lib.shared() {
if inList(ctx.ModuleName(), llndkLibraries) || Bool(module.VendorProperties.Double_loadable) {
@ -1648,7 +1664,6 @@ func (c *Module) depsToPaths(ctx android.ModuleContext) PathDeps {
checkLinkType(ctx, c, ccDep, t)
checkDoubleLoadableLibries(ctx, c, ccDep)
var ptr *android.Paths
@ -71,6 +71,9 @@ func createTestContext(t *testing.T, config android.Config, bp string, os androi
ctx.BottomUp("version", VersionMutator).Parallel()
ctx.BottomUp("begin", BeginMutator).Parallel()
ctx.PostDepsMutators(func(ctx android.RegisterMutatorsContext) {
ctx.TopDown("double_loadable", checkDoubleLoadableLibraries).Parallel()
// add some modules that are required by the compiler and/or linker
@ -428,6 +431,309 @@ func TestVndkDepError(t *testing.T) {
nocrt: true,
// Check whether an error is emitted when a VNDK lib depends on a non-VNDK lib.
testCcError(t, "module \".*\" variant \".*\": \\(.*\\) should not link to \".*\"", `
cc_library {
name: "libvndk",
vendor_available: true,
vndk: {
enabled: true,
shared_libs: ["libnonvndk"],
nocrt: true,
cc_library {
name: "libnonvndk",
vendor_available: true,
nocrt: true,
// Check whether an error is emitted when a VNDK-private lib depends on a non-VNDK lib.
testCcError(t, "module \".*\" variant \".*\": \\(.*\\) should not link to \".*\"", `
cc_library {
name: "libvndkprivate",
vendor_available: false,
vndk: {
enabled: true,
shared_libs: ["libnonvndk"],
nocrt: true,
cc_library {
name: "libnonvndk",
vendor_available: true,
nocrt: true,
// Check whether an error is emitted when a VNDK-sp lib depends on a non-VNDK lib.
testCcError(t, "module \".*\" variant \".*\": \\(.*\\) should not link to \".*\"", `
cc_library {
name: "libvndksp",
vendor_available: true,
vndk: {
enabled: true,
support_system_process: true,
shared_libs: ["libnonvndk"],
nocrt: true,
cc_library {
name: "libnonvndk",
vendor_available: true,
nocrt: true,
// Check whether an error is emitted when a VNDK-sp-private lib depends on a non-VNDK lib.
testCcError(t, "module \".*\" variant \".*\": \\(.*\\) should not link to \".*\"", `
cc_library {
name: "libvndkspprivate",
vendor_available: false,
vndk: {
enabled: true,
support_system_process: true,
shared_libs: ["libnonvndk"],
nocrt: true,
cc_library {
name: "libnonvndk",
vendor_available: true,
nocrt: true,
func TestDoubleLoadbleDep(t *testing.T) {
// okay to link : LLNDK -> double_loadable VNDK
testCc(t, `
cc_library {
name: "libllndk",
shared_libs: ["libdoubleloadable"],
llndk_library {
name: "libllndk",
symbol_file: "",
cc_library {
name: "libdoubleloadable",
vendor_available: true,
vndk: {
enabled: true,
double_loadable: true,
// okay to link : LLNDK -> VNDK-SP
testCc(t, `
cc_library {
name: "libllndk",
shared_libs: ["libvndksp"],
llndk_library {
name: "libllndk",
symbol_file: "",
cc_library {
name: "libvndksp",
vendor_available: true,
vndk: {
enabled: true,
support_system_process: true,
// okay to link : double_loadable -> double_loadable
testCc(t, `
cc_library {
name: "libdoubleloadable1",
shared_libs: ["libdoubleloadable2"],
vendor_available: true,
double_loadable: true,
cc_library {
name: "libdoubleloadable2",
vendor_available: true,
double_loadable: true,
// okay to link : double_loadable VNDK -> double_loadable VNDK private
testCc(t, `
cc_library {
name: "libdoubleloadable",
vendor_available: true,
vndk: {
enabled: true,
double_loadable: true,
shared_libs: ["libnondoubleloadable"],
cc_library {
name: "libnondoubleloadable",
vendor_available: false,
vndk: {
enabled: true,
double_loadable: true,
// okay to link : LLNDK -> core-only -> vendor_available & double_loadable
testCc(t, `
cc_library {
name: "libllndk",
shared_libs: ["libcoreonly"],
llndk_library {
name: "libllndk",
symbol_file: "",
cc_library {
name: "libcoreonly",
shared_libs: ["libvendoravailable"],
// indirect dependency of LLNDK
cc_library {
name: "libvendoravailable",
vendor_available: true,
double_loadable: true,
func TestDoubleLoadableDepError(t *testing.T) {
// Check whether an error is emitted when a LLNDK depends on a non-double_loadable VNDK lib.
testCcError(t, "module \".*\" variant \".*\": link.* \".*\" which is not LL-NDK, VNDK-SP, .*double_loadable", `
cc_library {
name: "libllndk",
shared_libs: ["libnondoubleloadable"],
llndk_library {
name: "libllndk",
symbol_file: "",
cc_library {
name: "libnondoubleloadable",
vendor_available: true,
vndk: {
enabled: true,
// Check whether an error is emitted when a LLNDK depends on a non-double_loadable vendor_available lib.
testCcError(t, "module \".*\" variant \".*\": link.* \".*\" which is not LL-NDK, VNDK-SP, .*double_loadable", `
cc_library {
name: "libllndk",
no_libgcc: true,
shared_libs: ["libnondoubleloadable"],
llndk_library {
name: "libllndk",
symbol_file: "",
cc_library {
name: "libnondoubleloadable",
vendor_available: true,
// Check whether an error is emitted when a double_loadable lib depends on a non-double_loadable vendor_available lib.
testCcError(t, "module \".*\" variant \".*\": link.* \".*\" which is not LL-NDK, VNDK-SP, .*double_loadable", `
cc_library {
name: "libdoubleloadable",
vendor_available: true,
double_loadable: true,
shared_libs: ["libnondoubleloadable"],
cc_library {
name: "libnondoubleloadable",
vendor_available: true,
// Check whether an error is emitted when a double_loadable lib depends on a non-double_loadable VNDK lib.
testCcError(t, "module \".*\" variant \".*\": link.* \".*\" which is not LL-NDK, VNDK-SP, .*double_loadable", `
cc_library {
name: "libdoubleloadable",
vendor_available: true,
double_loadable: true,
shared_libs: ["libnondoubleloadable"],
cc_library {
name: "libnondoubleloadable",
vendor_available: true,
vndk: {
enabled: true,
// Check whether an error is emitted when a double_loadable VNDK depends on a non-double_loadable VNDK private lib.
testCcError(t, "module \".*\" variant \".*\": link.* \".*\" which is not LL-NDK, VNDK-SP, .*double_loadable", `
cc_library {
name: "libdoubleloadable",
vendor_available: true,
vndk: {
enabled: true,
double_loadable: true,
shared_libs: ["libnondoubleloadable"],
cc_library {
name: "libnondoubleloadable",
vendor_available: false,
vndk: {
enabled: true,
// Check whether an error is emitted when a LLNDK depends on a non-double_loadable indirectly.
testCcError(t, "module \".*\" variant \".*\": link.* \".*\" which is not LL-NDK, VNDK-SP, .*double_loadable", `
cc_library {
name: "libllndk",
shared_libs: ["libcoreonly"],
llndk_library {
name: "libllndk",
symbol_file: "",
cc_library {
name: "libcoreonly",
shared_libs: ["libvendoravailable"],
// indirect dependency of LLNDK
cc_library {
name: "libvendoravailable",
vendor_available: true,
func TestVndkMustNotBeProductSpecific(t *testing.T) {
Reference in New Issue