Add support for CMakefile generation
Test: Manually generated CMakeLists.txt for gui/ui/aapt2. Change-Id: I7dedc300c1e50b8e39bc58091b650c0bbe2c62da
This commit is contained in:
@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ bootstrap_go_package {
@ -27,10 +27,6 @@ import (
// compare the contents of the environment variables, rewriting the file if necessary to cause
// a manifest regeneration.
func init() {
RegisterSingletonType("env", EnvSingleton)
func EnvSingleton() blueprint.Singleton {
return &envSingleton{}
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ func NewContext() *blueprint.Context {
ctx.RegisterSingletonType("env", EnvSingleton)
return ctx
@ -269,6 +269,9 @@ type Module struct {
cachedToolchain config.Toolchain
subAndroidMkOnce map[subAndroidMkProvider]bool
// Flags used to compile this module
flags Flags
func (c *Module) Init() (blueprint.Module, []interface{}) {
@ -462,6 +465,13 @@ func (c *Module) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(actx android.ModuleContext) {
flags.CppFlags, _ = filterList(flags.CppFlags, config.IllegalFlags)
flags.ConlyFlags, _ = filterList(flags.ConlyFlags, config.IllegalFlags)
deps := c.depsToPaths(ctx)
if ctx.Failed() {
flags.GlobalFlags = append(flags.GlobalFlags, deps.Flags...)
c.flags = flags
// Optimization to reduce size of
// Replace the long list of flags for each file with a module-local variable
ctx.Variable(pctx, "cflags", strings.Join(flags.CFlags, " "))
@ -471,13 +481,6 @@ func (c *Module) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(actx android.ModuleContext) {
flags.CppFlags = []string{"$cppflags"}
flags.AsFlags = []string{"$asflags"}
deps := c.depsToPaths(ctx)
if ctx.Failed() {
flags.GlobalFlags = append(flags.GlobalFlags, deps.Flags...)
var objs Objects
if c.compiler != nil {
objs = c.compiler.compile(ctx, flags, deps)
@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
package cc
import (
// This singleton generates CMakeLists.txt files. It does so for each blueprint Android.bp resulting in a cc.Module
// when either make, mm, mma, mmm or mmma is called. CMakeLists.txt files are generated in a separate folder
// structure (see variable CLionOutputProjectsDirectory for root).
func init() {
android.RegisterSingletonType("cmakelists_generator", cMakeListsGeneratorSingleton)
func cMakeListsGeneratorSingleton() blueprint.Singleton {
return &cmakelistsGeneratorSingleton{}
type cmakelistsGeneratorSingleton struct{}
const (
cMakeListsFilename = "CMakeLists.txt"
cLionAggregateProjectsDirectory = "development" + string(os.PathSeparator) + "ide" + string(os.PathSeparator) + "clion"
cLionOutputProjectsDirectory = "out" + string(os.PathSeparator) + cLionAggregateProjectsDirectory
minimumCMakeVersionSupported = "3.5"
// Environment variables used to modify behavior of this singleton.
envVariableGenerateCMakeLists = "SOONG_GEN_CMAKEFILES"
envVariableGenerateDebugInfo = "SOONG_GEN_CMAKEFILES_DEBUG"
envVariableTrue = "1"
// Instruct generator to trace how header include path and flags were generated.
// This is done to ease investigating bug reports.
var outputDebugInfo = false
func (c *cmakelistsGeneratorSingleton) GenerateBuildActions(ctx blueprint.SingletonContext) {
if getEnvVariable(envVariableGenerateCMakeLists, ctx) != envVariableTrue {
outputDebugInfo = (getEnvVariable(envVariableGenerateDebugInfo, ctx) == envVariableTrue)
ctx.VisitAllModules(func(module blueprint.Module) {
if ccModule, ok := module.(*Module); ok {
if compiledModule, ok := ccModule.compiler.(CompiledInterface); ok {
generateCLionProject(compiledModule, ctx, ccModule)
// Link all handmade CMakeLists.txt aggregate from
// BASE/development/ide/clion to
// BASE/out/development/ide/clion.
dir := filepath.Join(getAndroidSrcRootDirectory(ctx), cLionAggregateProjectsDirectory)
filepath.Walk(dir, linkAggregateCMakeListsFiles)
func getEnvVariable(name string, ctx blueprint.SingletonContext) string {
// Using android.Config.Getenv instead of os.getEnv to guarantee soong will
// re-run in case this environment variable changes.
return ctx.Config().(android.Config).Getenv(name)
func exists(path string) bool {
_, err := os.Stat(path)
if err == nil {
return true
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false
return true
func linkAggregateCMakeListsFiles(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if info == nil {
return nil
dst := strings.Replace(path, cLionAggregateProjectsDirectory, cLionOutputProjectsDirectory, 1)
if info.IsDir() {
// This is a directory to create
os.MkdirAll(dst, os.ModePerm)
} else {
// This is a file to link
os.Symlink(path, dst)
return nil
func generateCLionProject(compiledModule CompiledInterface, ctx blueprint.SingletonContext, ccModule *Module) {
srcs := compiledModule.Srcs()
if len(srcs) == 0 {
// Ensure the directory hosting the cmakelists.txt exists
clionproject_location := getCMakeListsForModule(ccModule, ctx)
projectDir := path.Dir(clionproject_location)
os.MkdirAll(projectDir, os.ModePerm)
// Create cmakelists.txt
f, _ := os.Create(filepath.Join(projectDir, cMakeListsFilename))
defer f.Close()
// Header.
f.WriteString("# To improve project view in Clion :\n")
f.WriteString("# Tools > CMake > Change Project Root \n\n")
f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("cmake_minimum_required(VERSION %s)\n", minimumCMakeVersionSupported))
f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("project(%s)\n", ccModule.ModuleBase.Name()))
f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("set(ANDROID_ROOT %s)\n\n", getAndroidSrcRootDirectory(ctx)))
if ccModule.flags.Clang {
pathToCC, _ := evalVariable(ctx, "${config.ClangBin}/")
f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER \"%s%s\")\n", buildCMakePath(pathToCC), "clang"))
f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER \"%s%s\")\n", buildCMakePath(pathToCC), "clang++"))
} else {
toolchain := config.FindToolchain(ccModule.Os(), ccModule.Arch())
root, _ := evalVariable(ctx, toolchain.GccRoot())
triple, _ := evalVariable(ctx, toolchain.GccTriple())
pathToCC := filepath.Join(root, "bin", triple+"-")
f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER \"%s%s\")\n", buildCMakePath(pathToCC), "gcc"))
f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER \"%s%s\")\n", buildCMakePath(pathToCC), "g++"))
// Add all sources to the project.
f.WriteString(" SOURCE_FILES\n")
for _, src := range srcs {
f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" ${ANDROID_ROOT}/%s\n", src.String()))
// Add all header search path and compiler parameters (-D, -W, -f, -XXXX)
f.WriteString("\n# GLOBAL FLAGS:\n")
globalParameters := parseCompilerParameters(ccModule.flags.GlobalFlags, ctx, f)
translateToCMake(globalParameters, f, true, true)
f.WriteString("\n# CFLAGS:\n")
cParameters := parseCompilerParameters(ccModule.flags.CFlags, ctx, f)
translateToCMake(cParameters, f, true, true)
f.WriteString("\n# C ONLY FLAGS:\n")
cOnlyParameters := parseCompilerParameters(ccModule.flags.ConlyFlags, ctx, f)
translateToCMake(cOnlyParameters, f, true, false)
f.WriteString("\n# CPP FLAGS:\n")
cppParameters := parseCompilerParameters(ccModule.flags.CppFlags, ctx, f)
translateToCMake(cppParameters, f, false, true)
// Add project executable.
f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\nadd_executable(%s ${SOURCE_FILES})\n", ccModule.ModuleBase.Name()))
func translateToCMake(c compilerParameters, f *os.File, cflags bool, cppflags bool) {
writeAllSystemDirectories(c.systemHeaderSearchPath, f)
writeAllIncludeDirectories(c.headerSearchPath, f)
if cflags {
writeAllFlags(c.flags, f, "CMAKE_C_FLAGS")
if cppflags {
writeAllFlags(c.flags, f, "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS")
if c.sysroot != "" {
f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("include_directories(SYSTEM \"%s\")\n", buildCMakePath(path.Join(c.sysroot, "usr", "include"))))
func buildCMakePath(p string) string {
if path.IsAbs(p) {
return p
return fmt.Sprintf("${ANDROID_ROOT}/%s", p)
func writeAllIncludeDirectories(includes map[string]bool, f *os.File) {
for include := range includes {
f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("include_directories(\"%s\")\n", buildCMakePath(include)))
func writeAllSystemDirectories(includes map[string]bool, f *os.File) {
for include := range includes {
f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("include_directories(SYSTEM \"%s\")\n", buildCMakePath(include)))
func writeAllFlags(flags []string, f *os.File, tag string) {
for _, flag := range flags {
f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("set(%s \"${%s} %s\")\n", tag, tag, flag))
type parameterType int
const (
headerSearchPath parameterType = iota
type compilerParameters struct {
headerSearchPath map[string]bool
systemHeaderSearchPath map[string]bool
flags []string
sysroot string
func makeCompilerParameters() compilerParameters {
return compilerParameters{
headerSearchPath: make(map[string]bool),
systemHeaderSearchPath: make(map[string]bool),
flags: make([]string, 0),
sysroot: "",
func categorizeParameter(parameter string) parameterType {
if strings.HasPrefix(parameter, "-I") {
return headerSearchPath
if strings.HasPrefix(parameter, "$") {
return variable
if strings.HasPrefix(parameter, "-isystem") {
return systemHeaderSearchPath
if strings.HasPrefix(parameter, "-isysroot") {
return systemRoot
if strings.HasPrefix(parameter, "--sysroot") {
return systemRoot
return flag
func parseCompilerParameters(params []string, ctx blueprint.SingletonContext, f *os.File) compilerParameters {
var compilerParameters = makeCompilerParameters()
for i, str := range params {
f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("# Raw param [%d] = '%s'\n", i, str))
for i := 0; i < len(params); i++ {
param := params[i]
if param == "" {
switch categorizeParameter(param) {
case headerSearchPath:
compilerParameters.headerSearchPath[strings.TrimPrefix(param, "-I")] = true
case variable:
if evaluated, error := evalVariable(ctx, param); error == nil {
if outputDebugInfo {
f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("# variable %s = '%s'\n", param, evaluated))
paramsFromVar := parseCompilerParameters(strings.Split(evaluated, " "), ctx, f)
concatenateParams(&compilerParameters, paramsFromVar)
} else {
if outputDebugInfo {
f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("# variable %s could NOT BE RESOLVED\n", param))
case systemHeaderSearchPath:
if i < len(params)-1 {
compilerParameters.systemHeaderSearchPath[params[i+1]] = true
} else if outputDebugInfo {
f.WriteString("# Found a header search path marker with no path")
i = i + 1
case flag:
compilerParameters.flags = append(compilerParameters.flags, param)
case systemRoot:
if i < len(params)-1 {
compilerParameters.sysroot = params[i+1]
} else if outputDebugInfo {
f.WriteString("# Found a system root path marker with no path")
i = i + 1
return compilerParameters
func concatenateParams(c1 *compilerParameters, c2 compilerParameters) {
concatenateMaps(c1.headerSearchPath, c2.headerSearchPath)
concatenateMaps(c1.systemHeaderSearchPath, c2.systemHeaderSearchPath)
if c2.sysroot != "" {
c1.sysroot = c2.sysroot
c1.flags = append(c1.flags, c2.flags...)
func evalVariable(ctx blueprint.SingletonContext, str string) (string, error) {
evaluated, err := ctx.Eval(pctx, str)
if err == nil {
return evaluated, nil
return "", err
// Concatenate two maps into one. Results are stored in first operand.
func concatenateMaps(map1 map[string]bool, map2 map[string]bool) {
for key, value := range map2 {
map1[key] = value
func getCMakeListsForModule(module *Module, ctx blueprint.SingletonContext) string {
return filepath.Join(getAndroidSrcRootDirectory(ctx),
func getAndroidSrcRootDirectory(ctx blueprint.SingletonContext) string {
srcPath, _ := filepath.Abs(android.PathForSource(ctx).String())
return srcPath
@ -123,10 +123,20 @@ type baseCompiler struct {
Properties BaseCompilerProperties
Proto ProtoProperties
deps android.Paths
srcs android.Paths
flags builderFlags
var _ compiler = (*baseCompiler)(nil)
type CompiledInterface interface {
Srcs() android.Paths
func (compiler *baseCompiler) Srcs() android.Paths {
return compiler.srcs
func (compiler *baseCompiler) appendCflags(flags []string) {
compiler.Properties.Cflags = append(compiler.Properties.Cflags, flags...)
@ -429,6 +439,9 @@ func (compiler *baseCompiler) compile(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags, deps PathD
compiler.deps = pathDeps
// Save src, buildFlags and context
compiler.srcs = srcs
// Compile files listed in c.Properties.Srcs into objects
objs := compileObjs(ctx, buildFlags, "", srcs, compiler.deps)
Reference in New Issue