Merge "Add tests for bazel_handler" am: 4f3e58c031
am: 3e66c23ea0
Original change: Change-Id: I24b75ad53e990c54674630eec53b085bffbd0d9b
This commit is contained in:
@ -89,16 +89,24 @@ type BazelContext interface {
BuildStatementsToRegister() []bazel.BuildStatement
// A context object which tracks queued requests that need to be made to Bazel,
// and their results after the requests have been made.
type bazelContext struct {
type bazelRunner interface {
issueBazelCommand(paths *bazelPaths, runName bazel.RunName, command bazelCommand, extraFlags ...string) (string, string, error)
type bazelPaths struct {
homeDir string
bazelPath string
outputBase string
workspaceDir string
buildDir string
metricsDir string
// A context object which tracks queued requests that need to be made to Bazel,
// and their results after the requests have been made.
type bazelContext struct {
paths *bazelPaths
requests map[cqueryKey]bool // cquery requests that have not yet been issued to Bazel
requestMutex sync.Mutex // requests can be written in parallel
@ -228,42 +236,56 @@ func NewBazelContext(c *config) (BazelContext, error) {
return noopBazelContext{}, nil
bazelCtx := bazelContext{buildDir: c.buildDir, requests: make(map[cqueryKey]bool)}
p, err := bazelPathsFromConfig(c)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &bazelContext{
bazelRunner: &builtinBazelRunner{},
paths: p,
requests: make(map[cqueryKey]bool),
}, nil
func bazelPathsFromConfig(c *config) (*bazelPaths, error) {
p := bazelPaths{
buildDir: c.buildDir,
missingEnvVars := []string{}
if len(c.Getenv("BAZEL_HOME")) > 1 {
bazelCtx.homeDir = c.Getenv("BAZEL_HOME")
p.homeDir = c.Getenv("BAZEL_HOME")
} else {
missingEnvVars = append(missingEnvVars, "BAZEL_HOME")
if len(c.Getenv("BAZEL_PATH")) > 1 {
bazelCtx.bazelPath = c.Getenv("BAZEL_PATH")
p.bazelPath = c.Getenv("BAZEL_PATH")
} else {
missingEnvVars = append(missingEnvVars, "BAZEL_PATH")
if len(c.Getenv("BAZEL_OUTPUT_BASE")) > 1 {
bazelCtx.outputBase = c.Getenv("BAZEL_OUTPUT_BASE")
p.outputBase = c.Getenv("BAZEL_OUTPUT_BASE")
} else {
missingEnvVars = append(missingEnvVars, "BAZEL_OUTPUT_BASE")
if len(c.Getenv("BAZEL_WORKSPACE")) > 1 {
bazelCtx.workspaceDir = c.Getenv("BAZEL_WORKSPACE")
p.workspaceDir = c.Getenv("BAZEL_WORKSPACE")
} else {
missingEnvVars = append(missingEnvVars, "BAZEL_WORKSPACE")
if len(c.Getenv("BAZEL_METRICS_DIR")) > 1 {
bazelCtx.metricsDir = c.Getenv("BAZEL_METRICS_DIR")
p.metricsDir = c.Getenv("BAZEL_METRICS_DIR")
} else {
missingEnvVars = append(missingEnvVars, "BAZEL_METRICS_DIR")
if len(missingEnvVars) > 0 {
return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("missing required env vars to use bazel: %s", missingEnvVars))
} else {
return &bazelCtx, nil
return &p, nil
func (context *bazelContext) BazelMetricsDir() string {
return context.metricsDir
func (p *bazelPaths) BazelMetricsDir() string {
return p.metricsDir
func (context *bazelContext) BazelEnabled() bool {
@ -296,17 +318,40 @@ func pwdPrefix() string {
return ""
type bazelCommand struct {
command string
// query or label
expression string
type mockBazelRunner struct {
bazelCommandResults map[bazelCommand]string
commands []bazelCommand
func (r *mockBazelRunner) issueBazelCommand(paths *bazelPaths,
runName bazel.RunName,
command bazelCommand,
extraFlags ...string) (string, string, error) {
r.commands = append(r.commands, command)
if ret, ok := r.bazelCommandResults[command]; ok {
return ret, "", nil
return "", "", nil
type builtinBazelRunner struct{}
// Issues the given bazel command with given build label and additional flags.
// Returns (stdout, stderr, error). The first and second return values are strings
// containing the stdout and stderr of the run command, and an error is returned if
// the invocation returned an error code.
func (context *bazelContext) issueBazelCommand(runName bazel.RunName, command string, labels []string,
func (r *builtinBazelRunner) issueBazelCommand(paths *bazelPaths, runName bazel.RunName, command bazelCommand,
extraFlags ...string) (string, string, error) {
cmdFlags := []string{"--output_base=" + context.outputBase, command}
cmdFlags = append(cmdFlags, labels...)
cmdFlags = append(cmdFlags, "--package_path=%workspace%/"+context.intermediatesDir())
cmdFlags = append(cmdFlags, "--profile="+shared.BazelMetricsFilename(context, runName))
cmdFlags := []string{"--output_base=" + paths.outputBase, command.command}
cmdFlags = append(cmdFlags, command.expression)
cmdFlags = append(cmdFlags, "--package_path=%workspace%/"+paths.intermediatesDir())
cmdFlags = append(cmdFlags, "--profile="+shared.BazelMetricsFilename(paths, runName))
// Set default platforms to canonicalized values for mixed builds requests.
// If these are set in the bazelrc, they will have values that are
@ -328,9 +373,9 @@ func (context *bazelContext) issueBazelCommand(runName bazel.RunName, command st
cmdFlags = append(cmdFlags, "--experimental_repository_disable_download")
cmdFlags = append(cmdFlags, extraFlags...)
bazelCmd := exec.Command(context.bazelPath, cmdFlags...)
bazelCmd.Dir = context.workspaceDir
bazelCmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), "HOME="+context.homeDir, pwdPrefix(),
bazelCmd := exec.Command(paths.bazelPath, cmdFlags...)
bazelCmd.Dir = paths.workspaceDir
bazelCmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), "HOME="+paths.homeDir, pwdPrefix(),
// Disables local host detection of gcc; toolchain information is defined
// explicitly in BUILD files.
@ -367,7 +412,7 @@ local_repository(
path = "%[1]s/build/bazel/bazel_skylib",
return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(formatString, context.workspaceDir))
return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(formatString, context.paths.workspaceDir))
func (context *bazelContext) mainBzlFileContents() []byte {
@ -577,8 +622,8 @@ def format(target):
// Returns a workspace-relative path containing build-related metadata required
// for interfacing with Bazel. Example: out/soong/bazel.
func (context *bazelContext) intermediatesDir() string {
return filepath.Join(context.buildDir, "bazel")
func (p *bazelPaths) intermediatesDir() string {
return filepath.Join(p.buildDir, "bazel")
// Issues commands to Bazel to receive results for all cquery requests
@ -590,7 +635,7 @@ func (context *bazelContext) InvokeBazel() error {
var cqueryErr string
var err error
intermediatesDirPath := absolutePath(context.intermediatesDir())
intermediatesDirPath := absolutePath(context.paths.intermediatesDir())
if _, err := os.Stat(intermediatesDirPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
err = os.Mkdir(intermediatesDirPath, 0777)
@ -599,38 +644,38 @@ func (context *bazelContext) InvokeBazel() error {
return err
err = ioutil.WriteFile(
absolutePath(filepath.Join(context.intermediatesDir(), "main.bzl")),
filepath.Join(intermediatesDirPath, "main.bzl"),
context.mainBzlFileContents(), 0666)
if err != nil {
return err
err = ioutil.WriteFile(
absolutePath(filepath.Join(context.intermediatesDir(), "BUILD.bazel")),
filepath.Join(intermediatesDirPath, "BUILD.bazel"),
context.mainBuildFileContents(), 0666)
if err != nil {
return err
cqueryFileRelpath := filepath.Join(context.intermediatesDir(), "buildroot.cquery")
cqueryFileRelpath := filepath.Join(context.paths.intermediatesDir(), "buildroot.cquery")
err = ioutil.WriteFile(
context.cqueryStarlarkFileContents(), 0666)
if err != nil {
return err
workspaceFileRelpath := filepath.Join(context.intermediatesDir(), "WORKSPACE.bazel")
err = ioutil.WriteFile(
filepath.Join(intermediatesDirPath, "WORKSPACE.bazel"),
context.workspaceFileContents(), 0666)
if err != nil {
return err
buildrootLabel := "//:buildroot"
cqueryOutput, cqueryErr, err = context.issueBazelCommand(bazel.CqueryBuildRootRunName, "cquery",
[]string{fmt.Sprintf("kind(rule, deps(%s))", buildrootLabel)},
cqueryOutput, cqueryErr, err = context.issueBazelCommand(
bazelCommand{"cquery", fmt.Sprintf("kind(rule, deps(%s))", buildrootLabel)},
err = ioutil.WriteFile(
absolutePath(filepath.Join(context.intermediatesDir(), "cquery.out")),
err = ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(intermediatesDirPath, "cquery.out"),
[]byte(cqueryOutput), 0666)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -661,11 +706,13 @@ func (context *bazelContext) InvokeBazel() error {
// TODO(cparsons): Use --target_pattern_file to avoid command line limits.
var aqueryOutput string
aqueryOutput, _, err = context.issueBazelCommand(bazel.AqueryBuildRootRunName, "aquery",
[]string{fmt.Sprintf("deps(%s)", buildrootLabel),
// Use jsonproto instead of proto; actual proto parsing would require a dependency on Bazel's
// proto sources, which would add a number of unnecessary dependencies.
aqueryOutput, _, err = context.issueBazelCommand(
bazelCommand{"aquery", fmt.Sprintf("deps(%s)", buildrootLabel)},
// Use jsonproto instead of proto; actual proto parsing would require a dependency on Bazel's
// proto sources, which would add a number of unnecessary dependencies.
if err != nil {
return err
@ -679,8 +726,10 @@ func (context *bazelContext) InvokeBazel() error {
// Issue a build command of the phony root to generate symlink forests for dependencies of the
// Bazel build. This is necessary because aquery invocations do not generate this symlink forest,
// but some of symlinks may be required to resolve source dependencies of the build.
_, _, err = context.issueBazelCommand(bazel.BazelBuildPhonyRootRunName, "build",
_, _, err = context.issueBazelCommand(
bazelCommand{"build", "//:phonyroot"})
if err != nil {
return err
@ -696,7 +745,7 @@ func (context *bazelContext) BuildStatementsToRegister() []bazel.BuildStatement
func (context *bazelContext) OutputBase() string {
return context.outputBase
return context.paths.outputBase
// Singleton used for registering BUILD file ninja dependencies (needed
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
package android
import (
func TestRequestResultsAfterInvokeBazel(t *testing.T) {
label := "//foo:bar"
arch := Arm64
bazelContext, _ := testBazelContext(t, map[bazelCommand]string{
bazelCommand{command: "cquery", expression: "kind(rule, deps(//:buildroot))"}: `@sourceroot//foo:bar|arm64>>out/foo/bar.txt`,
g, ok := bazelContext.GetOutputFiles(label, arch)
if ok {
t.Errorf("Did not expect cquery results prior to running InvokeBazel(), but got %s", g)
err := bazelContext.InvokeBazel()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Did not expect error invoking Bazel, but got %s", err)
g, ok = bazelContext.GetOutputFiles(label, arch)
if !ok {
t.Errorf("Expected cquery results after running InvokeBazel(), but got none")
} else if w := []string{"out/foo/bar.txt"}; !reflect.DeepEqual(w, g) {
t.Errorf("Expected output %s, got %s", w, g)
func TestInvokeBazelWritesBazelFiles(t *testing.T) {
bazelContext, baseDir := testBazelContext(t, map[bazelCommand]string{})
err := bazelContext.InvokeBazel()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Did not expect error invoking Bazel, but got %s", err)
if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(baseDir, "bazel", "main.bzl")); os.IsNotExist(err) {
t.Errorf("Expected main.bzl to exist, but it does not")
} else if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unexpected error stating main.bzl %s", err)
if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(baseDir, "bazel", "BUILD.bazel")); os.IsNotExist(err) {
t.Errorf("Expected BUILD.bazel to exist, but it does not")
} else if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unexpected error stating BUILD.bazel %s", err)
if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(baseDir, "bazel", "WORKSPACE.bazel")); os.IsNotExist(err) {
t.Errorf("Expected WORKSPACE.bazel to exist, but it does not")
} else if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unexpected error stating WORKSPACE.bazel %s", err)
func TestInvokeBazelPopulatesBuildStatements(t *testing.T) {
bazelContext, _ := testBazelContext(t, map[bazelCommand]string{
bazelCommand{command: "aquery", expression: "deps(//:buildroot)"}: `
"artifacts": [{
"id": 1,
"pathFragmentId": 1
}, {
"id": 2,
"pathFragmentId": 2
"actions": [{
"targetId": 1,
"actionKey": "x",
"mnemonic": "x",
"arguments": ["touch", "foo"],
"inputDepSetIds": [1],
"outputIds": [1],
"primaryOutputId": 1
"depSetOfFiles": [{
"id": 1,
"directArtifactIds": [1, 2]
"pathFragments": [{
"id": 1,
"label": "one"
}, {
"id": 2,
"label": "two"
err := bazelContext.InvokeBazel()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Did not expect error invoking Bazel, but got %s", err)
got := bazelContext.BuildStatementsToRegister()
if want := 1; len(got) != want {
t.Errorf("Expected %d registered build statements, got %#v", want, got)
func testBazelContext(t *testing.T, bazelCommandResults map[bazelCommand]string) (*bazelContext, string) {
p := bazelPaths{
buildDir: t.TempDir(),
outputBase: "outputbase",
workspaceDir: "workspace_dir",
aqueryCommand := bazelCommand{command: "aquery", expression: "deps(//:buildroot)"}
if _, exists := bazelCommandResults[aqueryCommand]; !exists {
bazelCommandResults[aqueryCommand] = "{}\n"
runner := &mockBazelRunner{bazelCommandResults: bazelCommandResults}
return &bazelContext{
bazelRunner: runner,
paths: &p,
requests: map[cqueryKey]bool{},
}, p.buildDir
Reference in New Issue