Refactor the routine for creating apexFile

This change is to make it easier to add new fields to the struct.
transitiveDep field is added to distinguish apexFiles coming from
transitive dependencies of the APEX. We will later use the info to
reduce the size of bundled APEXes by replacing the transitive deps with
symlinks to the corresponding files in the system partition outside of
the APEX.

Bug: 144533348
Test: m

Change-Id: I283859f2f2f1b5cfb3025569f168ba8569b22bb9
This commit is contained in:
Jiyong Park 2019-11-18 15:39:01 +09:00
parent 66905ed6cf
commit f653b05d55
3 changed files with 130 additions and 120 deletions

View File

@ -370,20 +370,6 @@ type overridableProperties struct {
Apps []string
type apexFileClass int
const (
etc apexFileClass = iota
type apexPackaging int
const (
@ -415,6 +401,20 @@ func (a apexPackaging) name() string {
type apexFileClass int
const (
etc apexFileClass = iota
func (class apexFileClass) NameInMake() string {
switch class {
case etc:
@ -441,13 +441,30 @@ func (class apexFileClass) NameInMake() string {
// apexFile represents a file in an APEX bundle
type apexFile struct {
builtFile android.Path
moduleName string
installDir string
class apexFileClass
module android.Module
symlinks []string
// list of symlinks that will be created in installDir that point to this apexFile
symlinks []string
transitiveDep bool
func newApexFile(builtFile android.Path, moduleName string, installDir string, class apexFileClass, module android.Module) apexFile {
return apexFile{
builtFile: builtFile,
moduleName: moduleName,
installDir: installDir,
class: class,
module: module,
func (af *apexFile) Ok() bool {
return af.builtFile != nil || af.builtFile.String() == ""
type apexBundle struct {
@ -761,9 +778,11 @@ func (a *apexBundle) HideFromMake() { = true
func getCopyManifestForNativeLibrary(ccMod *cc.Module, config android.Config, handleSpecialLibs bool) (fileToCopy android.Path, dirInApex string) {
// TODO(jiyong) move apexFileFor* close to the apexFile type definition
func apexFileForNativeLibrary(ccMod *cc.Module, config android.Config, handleSpecialLibs bool) apexFile {
// Decide the APEX-local directory by the multilib of the library
// In the future, we may query this to the module.
var dirInApex string
switch ccMod.Arch().ArchType.Multilib {
case "lib32":
dirInApex = "lib"
@ -788,83 +807,84 @@ func getCopyManifestForNativeLibrary(ccMod *cc.Module, config android.Config, ha
dirInApex = filepath.Join(dirInApex, "bionic")
fileToCopy = ccMod.OutputFile().Path()
fileToCopy := ccMod.OutputFile().Path()
return newApexFile(fileToCopy, ccMod.Name(), dirInApex, nativeSharedLib, ccMod)
func getCopyManifestForExecutable(cc *cc.Module) (fileToCopy android.Path, dirInApex string) {
dirInApex = filepath.Join("bin", cc.RelativeInstallPath())
func apexFileForExecutable(cc *cc.Module) apexFile {
dirInApex := filepath.Join("bin", cc.RelativeInstallPath())
if cc.Target().NativeBridge == android.NativeBridgeEnabled {
dirInApex = filepath.Join(dirInApex, cc.Target().NativeBridgeRelativePath)
fileToCopy = cc.OutputFile().Path()
fileToCopy := cc.OutputFile().Path()
af := newApexFile(fileToCopy, cc.Name(), dirInApex, nativeExecutable, cc)
af.symlinks = cc.Symlinks()
return af
func getCopyManifestForPyBinary(py *python.Module) (fileToCopy android.Path, dirInApex string) {
dirInApex = "bin"
fileToCopy = py.HostToolPath().Path()
func apexFileForPyBinary(py *python.Module) apexFile {
dirInApex := "bin"
fileToCopy := py.HostToolPath().Path()
return newApexFile(fileToCopy, py.Name(), dirInApex, pyBinary, py)
func getCopyManifestForGoBinary(ctx android.ModuleContext, gb bootstrap.GoBinaryTool) (fileToCopy android.Path, dirInApex string) {
dirInApex = "bin"
func apexFileForGoBinary(ctx android.ModuleContext, depName string, gb bootstrap.GoBinaryTool) apexFile {
dirInApex := "bin"
s, err := filepath.Rel(android.PathForOutput(ctx).String(), gb.InstallPath())
if err != nil {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("Unable to use compiled binary at %s", gb.InstallPath())
return apexFile{}
fileToCopy = android.PathForOutput(ctx, s)
fileToCopy := android.PathForOutput(ctx, s)
// NB: Since go binaries are static we don't need the module for anything here, which is
// good since the go tool is a blueprint.Module not an android.Module like we would
// normally use.
return newApexFile(fileToCopy, depName, dirInApex, goBinary, nil)
func getCopyManifestForShBinary(sh *android.ShBinary) (fileToCopy android.Path, dirInApex string) {
dirInApex = filepath.Join("bin", sh.SubDir())
fileToCopy = sh.OutputFile()
func apexFileForShBinary(sh *android.ShBinary) apexFile {
dirInApex := filepath.Join("bin", sh.SubDir())
fileToCopy := sh.OutputFile()
af := newApexFile(fileToCopy, sh.Name(), dirInApex, shBinary, sh)
af.symlinks = sh.Symlinks()
return af
func getCopyManifestForJavaLibrary(java *java.Library) (fileToCopy android.Path, dirInApex string) {
dirInApex = "javalib"
fileToCopy = java.DexJarFile()
func apexFileForJavaLibrary(java *java.Library) apexFile {
dirInApex := "javalib"
fileToCopy := java.DexJarFile()
return newApexFile(fileToCopy, java.Name(), dirInApex, javaSharedLib, java)
func getCopyManifestForPrebuiltJavaLibrary(java *java.Import) (fileToCopy android.Path, dirInApex string) {
dirInApex = "javalib"
func apexFileForPrebuiltJavaLibrary(java *java.Import) apexFile {
dirInApex := "javalib"
// The output is only one, but for some reason, ImplementationJars returns Paths, not Path
implJars := java.ImplementationJars()
if len(implJars) != 1 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("java.ImplementationJars() must return single Path, but got: %s",
strings.Join(implJars.Strings(), ", ")))
fileToCopy = implJars[0]
fileToCopy := implJars[0]
return newApexFile(fileToCopy, java.Name(), dirInApex, javaSharedLib, java)
func getCopyManifestForPrebuiltEtc(prebuilt android.PrebuiltEtcModule) (fileToCopy android.Path, dirInApex string) {
dirInApex = filepath.Join("etc", prebuilt.SubDir())
fileToCopy = prebuilt.OutputFile()
func apexFileForPrebuiltEtc(prebuilt android.PrebuiltEtcModule, depName string) apexFile {
dirInApex := filepath.Join("etc", prebuilt.SubDir())
fileToCopy := prebuilt.OutputFile()
return newApexFile(fileToCopy, depName, dirInApex, etc, prebuilt)
func getCopyManifestForAndroidApp(app *java.AndroidApp, pkgName string) (fileToCopy android.Path, dirInApex string) {
func apexFileForAndroidApp(aapp interface {
Privileged() bool
OutputFile() android.Path
}, pkgName string) apexFile {
appDir := "app"
if app.Privileged() {
if aapp.Privileged() {
appDir = "priv-app"
dirInApex = filepath.Join(appDir, pkgName)
fileToCopy = app.OutputFile()
func getCopyManifestForAndroidAppImport(app *java.AndroidAppImport, pkgName string) (fileToCopy android.Path, dirInApex string) {
appDir := "app"
if app.Privileged() {
appDir = "priv-app"
dirInApex = filepath.Join(appDir, pkgName)
fileToCopy = app.OutputFile()
dirInApex := filepath.Join(appDir, pkgName)
fileToCopy := aapp.OutputFile()
return newApexFile(fileToCopy, aapp.Name(), dirInApex, app, aapp)
// Context "decorator", overriding the InstallBypassMake method to always reply `true`.
@ -877,8 +897,6 @@ func (c *flattenedApexContext) InstallBypassMake() bool {
func (a *apexBundle) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
filesInfo := []apexFile{}
buildFlattenedAsDefault := ctx.Config().FlattenApex() && !ctx.Config().UnbundledBuild()
switch {
case imageApex:
@ -939,68 +957,67 @@ func (a *apexBundle) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
providedNativeSharedLibs = append(providedNativeSharedLibs,
var filesInfo []apexFile
ctx.WalkDepsBlueprint(func(child, parent blueprint.Module) bool {
depTag := ctx.OtherModuleDependencyTag(child)
depName := ctx.OtherModuleName(child)
if _, ok := parent.(*apexBundle); ok {
// direct dependencies
if _, isDirectDep := parent.(*apexBundle); isDirectDep {
switch depTag {
case sharedLibTag:
if cc, ok := child.(*cc.Module); ok {
if cc.HasStubsVariants() {
provideNativeLibs = append(provideNativeLibs, cc.OutputFile().Path().Base())
fileToCopy, dirInApex := getCopyManifestForNativeLibrary(cc, ctx.Config(), handleSpecialLibs)
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFile{fileToCopy, depName, dirInApex, nativeSharedLib, cc, nil})
return true
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFileForNativeLibrary(cc, ctx.Config(), handleSpecialLibs))
return true // track transitive dependencies
} else {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("native_shared_libs", "%q is not a cc_library or cc_library_shared module", depName)
case executableTag:
if cc, ok := child.(*cc.Module); ok {
fileToCopy, dirInApex := getCopyManifestForExecutable(cc)
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFile{fileToCopy, depName, dirInApex, nativeExecutable, cc, cc.Symlinks()})
return true
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFileForExecutable(cc))
return true // track transitive dependencies
} else if sh, ok := child.(*android.ShBinary); ok {
fileToCopy, dirInApex := getCopyManifestForShBinary(sh)
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFile{fileToCopy, depName, dirInApex, shBinary, sh, sh.Symlinks()})
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFileForShBinary(sh))
} else if py, ok := child.(*python.Module); ok && py.HostToolPath().Valid() {
fileToCopy, dirInApex := getCopyManifestForPyBinary(py)
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFile{fileToCopy, depName, dirInApex, pyBinary, py, nil})
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFileForPyBinary(py))
} else if gb, ok := child.(bootstrap.GoBinaryTool); ok && a.Host() {
fileToCopy, dirInApex := getCopyManifestForGoBinary(ctx, gb)
// NB: Since go binaries are static we don't need the module for anything here, which is
// good since the go tool is a blueprint.Module not an android.Module like we would
// normally use.
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFile{fileToCopy, depName, dirInApex, goBinary, nil, nil})
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFileForGoBinary(ctx, depName, gb))
} else {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("binaries", "%q is neither cc_binary, (embedded) py_binary, (host) blueprint_go_binary, (host) bootstrap_go_binary, nor sh_binary", depName)
case javaLibTag:
if javaLib, ok := child.(*java.Library); ok {
fileToCopy, dirInApex := getCopyManifestForJavaLibrary(javaLib)
if fileToCopy == nil {
af := apexFileForJavaLibrary(javaLib)
if !af.Ok() {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("java_libs", "%q is not configured to be compiled into dex", depName)
} else {
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFile{fileToCopy, depName, dirInApex, javaSharedLib, javaLib, nil})
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, af)
return true // track transitive dependencies
return true
} else if javaLib, ok := child.(*java.Import); ok {
fileToCopy, dirInApex := getCopyManifestForPrebuiltJavaLibrary(javaLib)
if fileToCopy == nil {
af := apexFileForPrebuiltJavaLibrary(javaLib)
if !af.Ok() {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("java_libs", "%q does not have a jar output", depName)
} else {
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFile{fileToCopy, depName, dirInApex, javaSharedLib, javaLib, nil})
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, af)
return true
} else {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("java_libs", "%q of type %q is not supported", depName, ctx.OtherModuleType(child))
case androidAppTag:
pkgName := ctx.DeviceConfig().OverridePackageNameFor(depName)
if ap, ok := child.(*java.AndroidApp); ok {
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFileForAndroidApp(ap, pkgName))
return true // track transitive dependencies
} else if ap, ok := child.(*java.AndroidAppImport); ok {
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFileForAndroidApp(ap, pkgName))
} else {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("apps", "%q is not an android_app module", depName)
case prebuiltTag:
if prebuilt, ok := child.(android.PrebuiltEtcModule); ok {
fileToCopy, dirInApex := getCopyManifestForPrebuiltEtc(prebuilt)
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFile{fileToCopy, depName, dirInApex, etc, prebuilt, nil})
return true
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFileForPrebuiltEtc(prebuilt, depName))
} else {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("prebuilts", "%q is not a prebuilt_etc module", depName)
@ -1016,10 +1033,10 @@ func (a *apexBundle) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
return true
} else {
// Single-output test module (where `test_per_src: false`).
fileToCopy, dirInApex := getCopyManifestForExecutable(ccTest)
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFile{fileToCopy, depName, dirInApex, nativeTest, ccTest, nil})
af := apexFileForExecutable(ccTest)
af.class = nativeTest
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, af)
return true
} else {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("tests", "%q is not a cc module", depName)
@ -1027,15 +1044,14 @@ func (a *apexBundle) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
if key, ok := child.(*apexKey); ok {
a.private_key_file = key.private_key_file
a.public_key_file = key.public_key_file
return false
} else {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("key", "%q is not an apex_key module", depName)
return false
case certificateTag:
if dep, ok := child.(*java.AndroidAppCertificate); ok {
a.container_certificate_file = dep.Certificate.Pem
a.container_private_key_file = dep.Certificate.Key
return false
} else {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("certificate dependency %q must be an android_app_certificate module", depName)
@ -1045,17 +1061,6 @@ func (a *apexBundle) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
if prebuilt, ok := child.(*Prebuilt); ok && prebuilt.isForceDisabled() {
a.prebuiltFileToDelete = prebuilt.InstallFilename()
case androidAppTag:
if ap, ok := child.(*java.AndroidApp); ok {
fileToCopy, dirInApex := getCopyManifestForAndroidApp(ap, ctx.DeviceConfig().OverridePackageNameFor(depName))
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFile{fileToCopy, depName, dirInApex, app, ap, nil})
return true
} else if ap, ok := child.(*java.AndroidAppImport); ok {
fileToCopy, dirInApex := getCopyManifestForAndroidAppImport(ap, ctx.DeviceConfig().OverridePackageNameFor(depName))
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFile{fileToCopy, depName, dirInApex, app, ap, nil})
} else {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("apps", "%q is not an android_app module", depName)
} else if !a.vndkApex {
// indirect dependencies
@ -1084,23 +1089,26 @@ func (a *apexBundle) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
// Don't track further
return false
fileToCopy, dirInApex := getCopyManifestForNativeLibrary(cc, ctx.Config(), handleSpecialLibs)
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFile{fileToCopy, depName, dirInApex, nativeSharedLib, cc, nil})
return true
af := apexFileForNativeLibrary(cc, ctx.Config(), handleSpecialLibs)
af.transitiveDep = true
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, af)
return true // track transitive dependencies
} else if cc.IsTestPerSrcDepTag(depTag) {
if cc, ok := child.(*cc.Module); ok {
fileToCopy, dirInApex := getCopyManifestForExecutable(cc)
af := apexFileForExecutable(cc)
// Handle modules created as `test_per_src` variations of a single test module:
// use the name of the generated test binary (`fileToCopy`) instead of the name
// of the original test module (`depName`, shared by all `test_per_src`
// variations of that module).
moduleName := filepath.Base(fileToCopy.String())
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFile{fileToCopy, moduleName, dirInApex, nativeTest, cc, nil})
return true
af.moduleName = filepath.Base(af.builtFile.String())
af.transitiveDep = true
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, af)
return true // track transitive dependencies
} else if java.IsJniDepTag(depTag) {
// Do nothing for JNI dep. JNI libraries are always embedded in APK-in-APEX.
return true
} else if am.CanHaveApexVariants() && am.IsInstallableToApex() {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("unexpected tag %q for indirect dependency %q", depTag, depName)
@ -1117,7 +1125,8 @@ func (a *apexBundle) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
dirInApex := filepath.Join("javalib", arch.String())
for _, f := range files {
localModule := "javalib_" + arch.String() + "_" + filepath.Base(f.String())
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFile{f, localModule, dirInApex, etc, nil, nil})
af := newApexFile(f, localModule, dirInApex, etc, nil)
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, af)

View File

@ -2994,10 +2994,11 @@ func TestOverrideApex(t *testing.T) {
var builder strings.Builder
data.Custom(&builder, name, "TARGET_", "", data)
androidMk := builder.String()
ensureContains(t, androidMk, "LOCAL_MODULE := app.override_myapex")
ensureContains(t, androidMk, "LOCAL_MODULE := override_app.override_myapex")
ensureContains(t, androidMk, "LOCAL_MODULE := apex_manifest.pb.override_myapex")
ensureContains(t, androidMk, "LOCAL_MODULE_STEM := override_myapex.apex")
ensureNotContains(t, androidMk, "LOCAL_MODULE := app.myapex")
ensureNotContains(t, androidMk, "LOCAL_MODULE := override_app.myapex")
ensureNotContains(t, androidMk, "LOCAL_MODULE := apex_manifest.pb.myapex")
ensureNotContains(t, androidMk, "LOCAL_MODULE_STEM := myapex.apex")

View File

@ -501,8 +501,8 @@ func (a *apexBundle) buildFilesInfo(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
if a.installable() {
// For flattened APEX, do nothing but make sure that apex_manifest.json and apex_pubkey are also copied along
// with other ordinary files.
a.filesInfo = append(a.filesInfo, apexFile{a.manifestJsonOut, "apex_manifest.json." + a.Name() + a.suffix, ".", etc, nil, nil})
a.filesInfo = append(a.filesInfo, apexFile{a.manifestPbOut, "apex_manifest.pb." + a.Name() + a.suffix, ".", etc, nil, nil})
a.filesInfo = append(a.filesInfo, newApexFile(a.manifestJsonOut, "apex_manifest.json."+a.Name()+a.suffix, ".", etc, nil))
a.filesInfo = append(a.filesInfo, newApexFile(a.manifestPbOut, "apex_manifest.pb."+a.Name()+a.suffix, ".", etc, nil))
// rename to apex_pubkey
copiedPubkey := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "apex_pubkey")
@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ func (a *apexBundle) buildFilesInfo(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
Input: a.public_key_file,
Output: copiedPubkey,
a.filesInfo = append(a.filesInfo, apexFile{copiedPubkey, "apex_pubkey." + a.Name() + a.suffix, ".", etc, nil, nil})
a.filesInfo = append(a.filesInfo, newApexFile(copiedPubkey, "apex_pubkey."+a.Name()+a.suffix, ".", etc, nil))
if == flattenedApex {
apexName := proptools.StringDefault(, a.Name())