Previously, when writing to generatedContents \n characters were
quoted (replaced with \\n) so as to allow them to be preserved through
ninja/rsp/bash and were unquoted (replaced \\n with \n) just before
redirecting to the output file. That meant that any code which wanted
to access the contents for other purposes, e.g. testing had to unquote
This change moves the quoting to be part of the code that generates the
ninja rule which simplifies any other code that has to access the
Without quoting the generated Android.bp files are not formatted
properly, are all on one line and completely unreadable.
Bug: 156286550
Test: m art-module-sdk and check generated Android.bp file to make sure
it is properly formatted.
Change-Id: I768c3b96ed08a3daf251730e2a10d9d72338c49a
Refactoring in preparation for follow up changes.
* Adds a new AssertErrorMessageEquals() helper method.
* Improved error reporting in the accessor and added name to
extractorProperty to ensure meaningful errors are reported.
* Added String() string method to propertiesContainer.
* Reports errors using the field name as the errors are not really
fixable by developers and it is more meaningful to the build team.
Bug: 155628860
Test: m nothing
Change-Id: I5c5b8436bcbc39e4e7cd35df2577b2dac53e702a
Minor refactoring of checkMergeZip(string) -> checkMergeZips(...string)
to allow testing of multiple merge zips.
Bug: 153443117
Test: m nothing
Change-Id: I8db00f611ced15f8476ba16f2834a72e8c913596
This change also added support for excluding properties from common
value extraction by using a struct tag of `sdk:"keep"` That was needed
to prevent the fields in SdkMemberPropertiesBase from having their
values cleared.
The purpose of this change is to make it easier to share functionality
across sdk member types.
Bug: 142935992
Test: m nothing
Change-Id: Ie5160a8f854056920e411801ca20721eab7c8578
Updates the member snapshot creation code to support multiple os types.
It basically sorts the variants by os type, then applies the code to
optimize the arch properties and then it optimizes the properties that
are common across architectures and extracts any properties that are
common across os types.
The java and cc member types needed to be modified to make the location
of the generated files within the snapshot os type dependent when there
is more than one os type. That was done by adding an OsPrefix() method
to the SdkMemberPropertiesBase which returns the os prefix to use when
there is > 1 os type and otherwise returns an empty string.
Added three tests, one for cc shared libraries, one for cc binary and
one for java header libraries.
Bug: 150451422
Test: m nothing
Change-Id: I08f5fbdd7852b06c9a9a2f1cfdc364338a3d5bac
Previously, while sdk tests would pass the sdk code would often fail
in androidmk processing. This change makes the tests more realistic
and will catch the errors earlier.
Bug: 142935992
Test: m nothing
Change-Id: Ifd0b2d7cf24e941c919f6b6e0beb2403a67d4308
Following how NDK also creates its own install path.
Bug: 142935992
Test: cc_sdk_test.go, java_sdk_test.go
Change-Id: I98a3656903f37f6d7c90e6cf609431b2461a6161
Adds a CommonOS variant for sdk that depends on the os specific
variants and is used to generate a single sdk for multiple OsTypes,
e.g. host linux and android.
At the minute the member types only support a single OsType but the
basic mechanism for managing the CommonOS variant and collating the
variants across all of them is there.
The only visible effect of this change is that the location of the
generated snapshot is changed, it is no longer os specific and instead
is in the same location irrespective of which os it is built for.
A lot of tests needed to be changed to specify "common_os" as the
variant type instead of the specific os type. As that is the same across
all tests it is hard coded in CheckSnapshot method.
Test: m nothing
Bug: 150451422
Change-Id: If36be39b06d6910453649f7c288c2d34f688b2f4
Makes the tests more realistic as they cover what happens when an sdk
OS specific variant is disabled (Windows is disabled by default). This
will allow issues around disabled variants to be detected early during
Soong bootstrapping.
Test: m nothing
Change-Id: I7ec47dbca52e38750166d755daf706aadea12d15
Move the NDK modules defined in app_test.go into cc/testing.go in
preparation for using sdk_version: "current" in more tests.
Test: all soong tests
Change-Id: I80bc31225fb4562fce42781219cefbbd6affae06
Adds an SdkMemberType implementation for java_system_modules. It
specifies that java_system_modules can be used with sdk as well as
module_exports, and also that the libs property should be included
as transitive members in the sdk.
It also adds support for treating appropriate tagged properties in
the snapshot prebuilts module as references to sdk members so that
they are correctly transformed when creating the versioned modules.
Bug: 142940300
Test: m nothing
Change-Id: Ic10b5a6d5b92b6018334fe876f06feaf79cc55e9
Changes prebuilt_stubs_sources to generate a .srcjar from its input
instead of just exposing the srcs it is given. This ensures that it can
be used as a drop in replacement for a droidstubs module.
Updates the test for prebuilt_stubs_sources to be more representative
of the actual use made of it by sdk snapshot which outputs a directory
not a glob pattern. Added some documentation of the
prebuilts_stubs_sources srcs property to make it clear that it is
supposed to be a set of directories.
Extracts common code from sdk/testing.go for normalizing path/paths
for testing.
Bug: 143678475
Test: m conscrypt-module-sdk conscrypt-module-host-sdk conscrypt-module-test-sdk
unzip those in place of external/conscrypt
build core-current-stubs-source which expects it to provide a .srcjar.
Change-Id: I8204a022557a9b0b45e19eac79ecba98ff95213d
This fixes an issue that arises when deduping cc build component
registration code.
The sanitize_runtime_deps and sanitize_runtime post deps mutators were
not previously added when running cc tests. That meant the tests were
not actually testing the same behavior as at runtime.
Adding the mutators breaks the TestFuzzTarget test as the mutator adds
libclang_rt.ubsan_standalone-aarch64-android as a dependency of libc++
and the former is not available.
This fixes the test by adding the missing dependency as a cc prebuilt
shared library.
Test: m checkbuild
Bug: 146540677
Change-Id: Ie13c7e6fcefef7d9cb1cc5364be3dc563ce40de5
The cc.GatherRequiredDepsForTest() method returns some default module
definitions that are required when using cc module types like
cc_library. Previously, the registration of the module types and
mutators needed to process those default definitions was duplicated
in the test config initialization.
This change removes that duplicated code and replaces it with calls
to cc.RegisterRequiredBuildComponentsForTest(ctx) which registers all
the required build components.
Test: m checkbuild
Bug: 146540677
Change-Id: I80b6913c5691ff164ce9d308b9e1da24940f2d42
Some tests were changed as they were using the wrong name for the
droiddoc_exported_dir module type.
Test: m checkbuild
Bug: 146540677
Change-Id: If57404760d2df3757c93e237696359355cf0c96e
The registration of module types and singletons is duplicated between
init() functions that register them for use in the build runtime and
test context creation code that registers them for testing.
This is a proof of concept for a mechanism that will allow the code
to be shared. It defines a RegistrationContext interface that is
implemented by both the TestContext and the new initRegistrationContext
type. An instance of the the latter is available through the
InitRegistrationContext variable.
The intent is that the registration of the module types and singleton
types will be extracted from the init() function into a separate
function that takes a RegistrationContext parameter. That method is
called from init() passing in the InitRegistrationContext and from a
test passing in the TestContext. Something like this:
func init() {
func RegisterBuildComponents(ctx android.RegistrationContext) {
A test would do something like this:
ctx := android.NewTestContext()
Test: m nothing
Change-Id: I97173cabb6d6cf7ce98fdb5f73418438b1997b35
The filesystem object was available through ModuleContext.Fs(), but
gives too much access to the filesystem without enforicing correct
dependencies. In order to support sandboxing the soong_build
process move the filesystem into the Config. The next change will
make it private.
Bug: 146437378
Test: all Soong tests
Change-Id: I5d3ae9108f120fd335b21efd612aefa078378813
Parameterized the cc.librarySdkMemberType to allow it to support
both static and shared libraries. Created two instances, one for shared
and one for static libraries. A follow up change will add support for
libraries that can be both.
Added *librarySdkMemberType to nativeMemberInfo as information from
there is needed when generating the snapshot.
Made organizeVariants() func a method of *librarySdkMemberType so that
it can initialize the new field. Moved it to be with all the other
methods of that type.
Added host and device tests for the new module type.
Bug: 142918168
Test: m nothing
Change-Id: I00b1e8424b9d81f7d15edc4883971d10668ec2cc
Exports visibility and package mutator registration functions so they
can be used in sdk testing. Updates sdk test to support visibility and
package modules.
Adds EffectiveVisibility(...)[]string function to make the effective
visibility rules available to sdk snapshot creation.
Extracts compositeRule.Strings() []string from compositeRule.String()
method so that it can be used by above func.
Adds visibility property to sdk snapshot and prebuilt modules along
with a test to ensure it works properly.
Adds dir parameter to CheckSnapshot so that it can check the snapshot
generated for a non-root package. That is required in order to ensure
that visibility of :__subpackages__ on a source module in package
<pkg> is resolved to an effective visibility of
//<pkg>:__subpackages__ on its corresponding prebuilt.
Test: m conscrypt-module-sdk
Bug: 143678475
Change-Id: Icaacac5b9c04726d28e6fec93e49715ac45df7f4
Move the ImageMutator to be registered just after the archMutator
in preparation for moving it between osMutator and archMutator.
Requries updating variants in a few tests that now run the
Bug: 142286466
Test: no change to
Test: all soong tests
Change-Id: Ia9d2a7bc0e225bedec3c9a83ea04f471a931bf47
Adds TestHelper to provide general test helper functionality for use by
any test.
Adds testSdkResult, composed with TestHelper that encapsulates the
result of processing and sdk {..} definition and provides specialized
support for testing the build rules.
Dedups the analysis of the sdk build rules, and improves it to extract
more information, and in different forms. That is represented by the
snapshotBuildInfo struct.
Adds a CheckSnapshot() method which checks the snapshot for a specified
sdk version. It takes a list of functions that can each perform a check
on a specific facet of the supplied snapshotBuildInfo.
Methods are provided for tests to use to check the following facets:
* Generated Android.bp contents.
* Copy rules
* Merge zip inputs
This approach makes it possible for each test to customize what is
being checked without either duplicating functionality, causing a
proliferation of specialized forms of the CheckSnapshot method for
different types of tests or adding arguments for every possible check
that any test would need which would lead to lots of churn to existing
tests when new arguments are added.
The main testing improvement is for CheckSnapshot() to actually try and
load the Android.bp that is generated. In order to do that it was
necessary to create a mock filesystem populated with information from
the build rules, i.e. the destination files from every Cp command as
well as the destination directory from every repackage zip command.
That helps detect a number of sources of errors:
* Failing to copy a file/directory that is mentioned in the generated
Android.bp file.
* Invalid properties.
* Invalid format of the .bp file.
* Integrity issues within the .bp file.
Bug: 143678475
Test: m conscrypt-module-sdk
Change-Id: I4d3fe18f86698186d18e7e8b32d2e319183f7f0c