
509 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package main
import (
var numJobs = flag.Int("j", 0, "number of parallel jobs [0=autodetect]")
var keepArtifacts = flag.Bool("keep", false, "keep archives of artifacts")
var incremental = flag.Bool("incremental", false, "run in incremental mode (saving intermediates)")
var outDir = flag.String("out", "", "path to store output directories (defaults to tmpdir under $OUT when empty)")
var alternateResultDir = flag.Bool("dist", false, "write select results to $DIST_DIR (or <out>/dist when empty)")
var onlyConfig = flag.Bool("only-config", false, "Only run product config (not Soong or Kati)")
var onlySoong = flag.Bool("only-soong", false, "Only run product config and Soong (not Kati)")
var buildVariant = flag.String("variant", "eng", "build variant to use")
var skipProducts = flag.String("skip-products", "", "comma-separated list of products to skip (known failures, etc)")
var includeProducts = flag.String("products", "", "comma-separated list of products to build")
var shardCount = flag.Int("shard-count", 1, "split the products into multiple shards (to spread the build onto multiple machines, etc)")
var shard = flag.Int("shard", 1, "1-indexed shard to execute")
const errorLeadingLines = 20
const errorTrailingLines = 20
func errMsgFromLog(filename string) string {
if filename == "" {
return ""
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return ""
lines := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(string(data)), "\n")
if len(lines) > errorLeadingLines+errorTrailingLines+1 {
lines[errorLeadingLines] = fmt.Sprintf("... skipping %d lines ...",
lines = append(lines[:errorLeadingLines+1],
var buf strings.Builder
for _, line := range lines {
buf.WriteString("> ")
return buf.String()
// TODO(b/70370883): This tool uses a lot of open files -- over the default
// soft limit of 1024 on some systems. So bump up to the hard limit until I fix
// the algorithm.
func setMaxFiles(log logger.Logger) {
var limits syscall.Rlimit
err := syscall.Getrlimit(syscall.RLIMIT_NOFILE, &limits)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Failed to get file limit:", err)
log.Verbosef("Current file limits: %d soft, %d hard", limits.Cur, limits.Max)
if limits.Cur == limits.Max {
limits.Cur = limits.Max
err = syscall.Setrlimit(syscall.RLIMIT_NOFILE, &limits)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Failed to increase file limit:", err)
func inList(str string, list []string) bool {
for _, other := range list {
if str == other {
return true
return false
func copyFile(from, to string) error {
fromFile, err := os.Open(from)
if err != nil {
return err
defer fromFile.Close()
toFile, err := os.Create(to)
if err != nil {
return err
defer toFile.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(toFile, fromFile)
return err
type mpContext struct {
Context context.Context
Logger logger.Logger
Status status.ToolStatus
Tracer tracer.Tracer
Finder *finder.Finder
Config build.Config
LogsDir string
func main() {
stdio := terminal.StdioImpl{}
output := terminal.NewStatusOutput(stdio.Stdout(), "", false,
log := logger.New(output)
defer log.Cleanup()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
trace := tracer.New(log)
defer trace.Close()
stat := &status.Status{}
defer stat.Finish()
var failures failureCount
build.SetupSignals(log, cancel, func() {
buildCtx := build.Context{ContextImpl: &build.ContextImpl{
Context: ctx,
Logger: log,
Tracer: trace,
Writer: output,
Status: stat,
args := ""
if *alternateResultDir {
args = "dist"
config := build.NewConfig(buildCtx, args)
if *outDir == "" {
name := "multiproduct"
if !*incremental {
name += "-" + time.Now().Format("20060102150405")
*outDir = filepath.Join(config.OutDir(), name)
// Ensure the empty files exist in the output directory
// containing our output directory too. This is mostly for
// safety, but also triggers the ninja_build file so that our
// build servers know that they can parse the output as if it
// was ninja output.
build.SetupOutDir(buildCtx, config)
if err := os.MkdirAll(*outDir, 0777); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to create tempdir: %v", err)
config.Environment().Set("OUT_DIR", *outDir)
log.Println("Output directory:", *outDir)
logsDir := filepath.Join(config.OutDir(), "logs")
os.MkdirAll(logsDir, 0777)
build.SetupOutDir(buildCtx, config)
os.MkdirAll(config.LogsDir(), 0777)
log.SetOutput(filepath.Join(config.LogsDir(), "soong.log"))
trace.SetOutput(filepath.Join(config.LogsDir(), "build.trace"))
var jobs = *numJobs
if jobs < 1 {
jobs = runtime.NumCPU() / 4
ramGb := int(config.TotalRAM() / 1024 / 1024 / 1024)
if ramJobs := ramGb / 20; ramGb > 0 && jobs > ramJobs {
jobs = ramJobs
if jobs < 1 {
jobs = 1
log.Verbosef("Using %d parallel jobs", jobs)
finder := build.NewSourceFinder(buildCtx, config)
defer finder.Shutdown()
build.FindSources(buildCtx, config, finder)
vars, err := build.DumpMakeVars(buildCtx, config, nil, []string{"all_named_products"})
if err != nil {
var productsList []string
allProducts := strings.Fields(vars["all_named_products"])
if *includeProducts != "" {
missingProducts := []string{}
for _, product := range strings.Split(*includeProducts, ",") {
if inList(product, allProducts) {
productsList = append(productsList, product)
} else {
missingProducts = append(missingProducts, product)
if len(missingProducts) > 0 {
log.Fatalf("Products don't exist: %s\n", missingProducts)
} else {
productsList = allProducts
finalProductsList := make([]string, 0, len(productsList))
skipList := strings.Split(*skipProducts, ",")
skipProduct := func(p string) bool {
for _, s := range skipList {
if p == s {
return true
return false
for _, product := range productsList {
if !skipProduct(product) {
finalProductsList = append(finalProductsList, product)
} else {
log.Verbose("Skipping: ", product)
if *shard < 1 {
log.Fatalf("--shard value must be >= 1, not %d\n", *shard)
} else if *shardCount < 1 {
log.Fatalf("--shard-count value must be >= 1, not %d\n", *shardCount)
} else if *shard > *shardCount {
log.Fatalf("--shard (%d) must not be greater than --shard-count (%d)\n", *shard,
} else if *shardCount > 1 {
finalProductsList = splitList(finalProductsList, *shardCount)[*shard-1]
log.Verbose("Got product list: ", finalProductsList)
s := buildCtx.Status.StartTool()
mpCtx := &mpContext{
Context: ctx,
Logger: log,
Status: s,
Tracer: trace,
Finder: finder,
Config: config,
LogsDir: logsDir,
products := make(chan string, len(productsList))
go func() {
defer close(products)
for _, product := range finalProductsList {
products <- product
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < jobs; i++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for {
select {
case product := <-products:
if product == "" {
buildProduct(mpCtx, product)
if *alternateResultDir {
args := zip.ZipArgs{
FileArgs: []zip.FileArg{
{GlobDir: logsDir, SourcePrefixToStrip: logsDir},
OutputFilePath: filepath.Join(config.RealDistDir(), ""),
NumParallelJobs: runtime.NumCPU(),
CompressionLevel: 5,
if err := zip.Zip(args); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error zipping logs: %v", err)
if failures == 1 {
log.Fatal("1 failure")
} else if failures > 1 {
log.Fatalf("%d failures", failures)
} else {
fmt.Fprintln(output, "Success")
func buildProduct(mpctx *mpContext, product string) {
var stdLog string
outDir := filepath.Join(mpctx.Config.OutDir(), product)
logsDir := filepath.Join(mpctx.LogsDir, product)
if err := os.MkdirAll(outDir, 0777); err != nil {
mpctx.Logger.Fatalf("Error creating out directory: %v", err)
if err := os.MkdirAll(logsDir, 0777); err != nil {
mpctx.Logger.Fatalf("Error creating log directory: %v", err)
stdLog = filepath.Join(logsDir, "std.log")
f, err := os.Create(stdLog)
if err != nil {
mpctx.Logger.Fatalf("Error creating std.log: %v", err)
defer f.Close()
log := logger.New(f)
defer log.Cleanup()
log.SetOutput(filepath.Join(logsDir, "soong.log"))
action := &status.Action{
Description: product,
Outputs: []string{product},
defer logger.Recover(func(err error) {
Action: action,
Error: err,
Output: errMsgFromLog(stdLog),
ctx := build.Context{ContextImpl: &build.ContextImpl{
Context: mpctx.Context,
Logger: log,
Tracer: mpctx.Tracer,
Writer: f,
Thread: mpctx.Tracer.NewThread(product),
Status: &status.Status{},
ctx.Status.AddOutput(terminal.NewStatusOutput(ctx.Writer, "", false,
args := append([]string(nil), flag.Args()...)
args = append(args, "--skip-soong-tests")
config := build.NewConfig(ctx, args...)
config.Environment().Set("OUT_DIR", outDir)
if !*keepArtifacts {
config.Environment().Set("EMPTY_NINJA_FILE", "true")
build.FindSources(ctx, config, mpctx.Finder)
config.Lunch(ctx, product, *buildVariant)
defer func() {
if *keepArtifacts {
args := zip.ZipArgs{
FileArgs: []zip.FileArg{
GlobDir: outDir,
SourcePrefixToStrip: outDir,
OutputFilePath: filepath.Join(mpctx.Config.OutDir(), product+".zip"),
NumParallelJobs: runtime.NumCPU(),
CompressionLevel: 5,
if err := zip.Zip(args); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error zipping artifacts: %v", err)
if !*incremental {
buildWhat := build.BuildProductConfig
if !*onlyConfig {
buildWhat |= build.BuildSoong
if !*onlySoong {
buildWhat |= build.BuildKati
before := time.Now()
build.Build(ctx, config, buildWhat)
// Save std_full.log if Kati re-read the makefiles
if buildWhat&build.BuildKati != 0 {
if after, err := os.Stat(config.KatiBuildNinjaFile()); err == nil && after.ModTime().After(before) {
err := copyFile(stdLog, filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(stdLog), "std_full.log"))
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error copying log file: %s", err)
Action: action,
type failureCount int
func (f *failureCount) StartAction(action *status.Action, counts status.Counts) {}
func (f *failureCount) FinishAction(result status.ActionResult, counts status.Counts) {
if result.Error != nil {
*f += 1
func (f *failureCount) Message(level status.MsgLevel, message string) {
if level >= status.ErrorLvl {
*f += 1
func (f *failureCount) Flush() {}
func (f *failureCount) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
// discard writes
return len(p), nil
func splitList(list []string, shardCount int) (ret [][]string) {
each := len(list) / shardCount
extra := len(list) % shardCount
for i := 0; i < shardCount; i++ {
count := each
if extra > 0 {
count += 1
extra -= 1
ret = append(ret, list[:count])
list = list[count:]