
1438 lines
42 KiB

// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cc
// This file contains the module types for compiling C/C++ for Android, and converts the properties
// into the flags and filenames necessary to pass to the compiler. The final creation of the rules
// is handled in builder.go
import (
func init() {
android.RegisterModuleType("cc_defaults", defaultsFactory)
android.PreDepsMutators(func(ctx android.RegisterMutatorsContext) {
ctx.BottomUp("image", vendorMutator).Parallel()
ctx.BottomUp("link", linkageMutator).Parallel()
ctx.BottomUp("vndk", vndkMutator).Parallel()
ctx.BottomUp("ndk_api", ndkApiMutator).Parallel()
ctx.BottomUp("test_per_src", testPerSrcMutator).Parallel()
ctx.BottomUp("begin", beginMutator).Parallel()
android.PostDepsMutators(func(ctx android.RegisterMutatorsContext) {
ctx.TopDown("asan_deps", sanitizerDepsMutator(asan))
ctx.BottomUp("asan", sanitizerMutator(asan)).Parallel()
ctx.TopDown("cfi_deps", sanitizerDepsMutator(cfi))
ctx.BottomUp("cfi", sanitizerMutator(cfi)).Parallel()
ctx.TopDown("tsan_deps", sanitizerDepsMutator(tsan))
ctx.BottomUp("tsan", sanitizerMutator(tsan)).Parallel()
ctx.BottomUp("coverage", coverageLinkingMutator).Parallel()
ctx.TopDown("vndk_deps", sabiDepsMutator)
ctx.TopDown("lto_deps", ltoDepsMutator)
ctx.BottomUp("lto", ltoMutator).Parallel()
type Deps struct {
SharedLibs, LateSharedLibs []string
StaticLibs, LateStaticLibs, WholeStaticLibs []string
HeaderLibs []string
ReexportSharedLibHeaders, ReexportStaticLibHeaders, ReexportHeaderLibHeaders []string
ObjFiles []string
GeneratedSources []string
GeneratedHeaders []string
ReexportGeneratedHeaders []string
CrtBegin, CrtEnd string
LinkerScript string
type PathDeps struct {
// Paths to .so files
SharedLibs, LateSharedLibs android.Paths
// Paths to the dependencies to use for .so files (.so.toc files)
SharedLibsDeps, LateSharedLibsDeps android.Paths
// Paths to .a files
StaticLibs, LateStaticLibs, WholeStaticLibs android.Paths
// Paths to .o files
Objs Objects
StaticLibObjs Objects
WholeStaticLibObjs Objects
// Paths to generated source files
GeneratedSources android.Paths
GeneratedHeaders android.Paths
Flags, ReexportedFlags []string
ReexportedFlagsDeps android.Paths
// Paths to crt*.o files
CrtBegin, CrtEnd android.OptionalPath
LinkerScript android.OptionalPath
type Flags struct {
GlobalFlags []string // Flags that apply to C, C++, and assembly source files
ArFlags []string // Flags that apply to ar
AsFlags []string // Flags that apply to assembly source files
CFlags []string // Flags that apply to C and C++ source files
ToolingCFlags []string // Flags that apply to C and C++ source files parsed by clang LibTooling tools
ConlyFlags []string // Flags that apply to C source files
CppFlags []string // Flags that apply to C++ source files
ToolingCppFlags []string // Flags that apply to C++ source files parsed by clang LibTooling tools
YaccFlags []string // Flags that apply to Yacc source files
protoFlags []string // Flags that apply to proto source files
aidlFlags []string // Flags that apply to aidl source files
rsFlags []string // Flags that apply to renderscript source files
LdFlags []string // Flags that apply to linker command lines
libFlags []string // Flags to add libraries early to the link order
TidyFlags []string // Flags that apply to clang-tidy
SAbiFlags []string // Flags that apply to header-abi-dumper
YasmFlags []string // Flags that apply to yasm assembly source files
// Global include flags that apply to C, C++, and assembly source files
// These must be after any module include flags, which will be in GlobalFlags.
SystemIncludeFlags []string
Toolchain config.Toolchain
Clang bool
Tidy bool
Coverage bool
SAbiDump bool
RequiredInstructionSet string
DynamicLinker string
CFlagsDeps android.Paths // Files depended on by compiler flags
LdFlagsDeps android.Paths // Files depended on by linker flags
GroupStaticLibs bool
type ObjectLinkerProperties struct {
// names of other cc_object modules to link into this module using partial linking
Objs []string `android:"arch_variant"`
// if set, add an extra objcopy --prefix-symbols= step
Prefix_symbols *string
// Properties used to compile all C or C++ modules
type BaseProperties struct {
// compile module with clang instead of gcc
Clang *bool `android:"arch_variant"`
// Minimum sdk version supported when compiling against the ndk
Sdk_version *string
AndroidMkSharedLibs []string `blueprint:"mutated"`
HideFromMake bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
PreventInstall bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
UseVndk bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
type VendorProperties struct {
// whether this module should be allowed to be directly depended by other
// modules with `vendor: true`, `proprietary: true`, or `vendor_available:true`.
// If set to true, two variants will be built separately, one like
// normal, and the other limited to the set of libraries and headers
// that are exposed to /vendor modules.
// The vendor variant may be used with a different (newer) /system,
// so it shouldn't have any unversioned runtime dependencies, or
// make assumptions about the system that may not be true in the
// future.
// If set to false, this module becomes inaccessible from /vendor modules.
// Default value is true when vndk: {enabled: true} or vendor: true.
// Nothing happens if BOARD_VNDK_VERSION isn't set in the
Vendor_available *bool
type UnusedProperties struct {
Tags []string
type ModuleContextIntf interface {
static() bool
staticBinary() bool
clang() bool
toolchain() config.Toolchain
useSdk() bool
sdkVersion() string
useVndk() bool
isVndk() bool
isVndkSp() bool
createVndkSourceAbiDump() bool
selectedStl() string
baseModuleName() string
type ModuleContext interface {
type BaseModuleContext interface {
type DepsContext interface {
type feature interface {
begin(ctx BaseModuleContext)
deps(ctx DepsContext, deps Deps) Deps
flags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags
props() []interface{}
type compiler interface {
compilerInit(ctx BaseModuleContext)
compilerDeps(ctx DepsContext, deps Deps) Deps
compilerFlags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags
compilerProps() []interface{}
compile(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags, deps PathDeps) Objects
type linker interface {
linkerInit(ctx BaseModuleContext)
linkerDeps(ctx DepsContext, deps Deps) Deps
linkerFlags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags
linkerProps() []interface{}
link(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags, deps PathDeps, objs Objects) android.Path
type installer interface {
installerProps() []interface{}
install(ctx ModuleContext, path android.Path)
inData() bool
inSanitizerDir() bool
hostToolPath() android.OptionalPath
type dependencyTag struct {
name string
library bool
reexportFlags bool
var (
sharedDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "shared", library: true}
sharedExportDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "shared", library: true, reexportFlags: true}
lateSharedDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "late shared", library: true}
staticDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "static", library: true}
staticExportDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "static", library: true, reexportFlags: true}
lateStaticDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "late static", library: true}
wholeStaticDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "whole static", library: true, reexportFlags: true}
headerDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "header", library: true}
headerExportDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "header", library: true, reexportFlags: true}
genSourceDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "gen source"}
genHeaderDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "gen header"}
genHeaderExportDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "gen header", reexportFlags: true}
objDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "obj"}
crtBeginDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "crtbegin"}
crtEndDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "crtend"}
linkerScriptDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "linker script"}
reuseObjTag = dependencyTag{name: "reuse objects"}
ndkStubDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "ndk stub", library: true}
ndkLateStubDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "ndk late stub", library: true}
// Module contains the properties and members used by all C/C++ module types, and implements
// the blueprint.Module interface. It delegates to compiler, linker, and installer interfaces
// to construct the output file. Behavior can be customized with a Customizer interface
type Module struct {
Properties BaseProperties
VendorProperties VendorProperties
unused UnusedProperties
// initialize before calling Init
hod android.HostOrDeviceSupported
multilib android.Multilib
// delegates, initialize before calling Init
features []feature
compiler compiler
linker linker
installer installer
stl *stl
sanitize *sanitize
coverage *coverage
sabi *sabi
vndkdep *vndkdep
lto *lto
pgo *pgo
androidMkSharedLibDeps []string
outputFile android.OptionalPath
cachedToolchain config.Toolchain
subAndroidMkOnce map[subAndroidMkProvider]bool
// Flags used to compile this module
flags Flags
// When calling a linker, if module A depends on module B, then A must precede B in its command
// line invocation. staticDepsInLinkOrder stores the proper ordering of all of the transitive
// deps of this module
staticDepsInLinkOrder android.Paths
func (c *Module) Init() android.Module {
c.AddProperties(&c.Properties, &c.VendorProperties, &c.unused)
if c.compiler != nil {
if c.linker != nil {
if c.installer != nil {
if c.stl != nil {
if c.sanitize != nil {
if c.coverage != nil {
if c.sabi != nil {
if c.vndkdep != nil {
if c.lto != nil {
if c.pgo != nil {
for _, feature := range c.features {
android.InitAndroidArchModule(c, c.hod, c.multilib)
return c
// Returns true for dependency roots (binaries)
// TODO(ccross): also handle dlopenable libraries
func (c *Module) isDependencyRoot() bool {
if root, ok := c.linker.(interface {
isDependencyRoot() bool
}); ok {
return root.isDependencyRoot()
return false
func (c *Module) useVndk() bool {
return c.Properties.UseVndk
func (c *Module) isVndk() bool {
if c.vndkdep != nil {
return c.vndkdep.isVndk()
return false
// Returns true only when this module is configured to have core and vendor
// variants.
func (c *Module) hasVendorVariant() bool {
return c.isVndk() || Bool(c.VendorProperties.Vendor_available)
type baseModuleContext struct {
type depsContext struct {
type moduleContext struct {
func (ctx *moduleContext) InstallOnVendorPartition() bool {
return ctx.ModuleContext.InstallOnVendorPartition() || (ctx.mod.useVndk() && !ctx.mod.isVndk())
type moduleContextImpl struct {
mod *Module
ctx BaseModuleContext
func (ctx *moduleContextImpl) clang() bool {
return ctx.mod.clang(ctx.ctx)
func (ctx *moduleContextImpl) toolchain() config.Toolchain {
return ctx.mod.toolchain(ctx.ctx)
func (ctx *moduleContextImpl) static() bool {
return ctx.mod.static()
func (ctx *moduleContextImpl) staticBinary() bool {
if static, ok := ctx.mod.linker.(interface {
staticBinary() bool
}); ok {
return static.staticBinary()
return false
func (ctx *moduleContextImpl) useSdk() bool {
if ctx.ctx.Device() && !ctx.useVndk() {
return String(ctx.mod.Properties.Sdk_version) != ""
return false
func (ctx *moduleContextImpl) sdkVersion() string {
if ctx.ctx.Device() {
if ctx.useVndk() {
return "current"
} else {
return String(ctx.mod.Properties.Sdk_version)
return ""
func (ctx *moduleContextImpl) isVndk() bool {
return ctx.mod.isVndk()
func (ctx *moduleContextImpl) useVndk() bool {
return ctx.mod.useVndk()
func (ctx *moduleContextImpl) isVndkSp() bool {
if vndk := ctx.mod.vndkdep; vndk != nil {
return vndk.isVndkSp()
return false
// Create source abi dumps if the module belongs to the list of VndkLibraries.
func (ctx *moduleContextImpl) createVndkSourceAbiDump() bool {
return ctx.ctx.Device() && ((ctx.useVndk() && ctx.isVndk()) || inList(ctx.baseModuleName(), llndkLibraries))
func (ctx *moduleContextImpl) selectedStl() string {
if stl := ctx.mod.stl; stl != nil {
return stl.Properties.SelectedStl
return ""
func (ctx *moduleContextImpl) baseModuleName() string {
return ctx.mod.ModuleBase.BaseModuleName()
func newBaseModule(hod android.HostOrDeviceSupported, multilib android.Multilib) *Module {
return &Module{
hod: hod,
multilib: multilib,
func newModule(hod android.HostOrDeviceSupported, multilib android.Multilib) *Module {
module := newBaseModule(hod, multilib)
module.features = []feature{
module.stl = &stl{}
module.sanitize = &sanitize{}
module.coverage = &coverage{}
module.sabi = &sabi{}
module.vndkdep = &vndkdep{}
module.lto = &lto{}
module.pgo = &pgo{}
return module
func (c *Module) Prebuilt() *android.Prebuilt {
if p, ok := c.linker.(prebuiltLinkerInterface); ok {
return p.prebuilt()
return nil
func (c *Module) Name() string {
name := c.ModuleBase.Name()
if p, ok := c.linker.(interface {
Name(string) string
}); ok {
name = p.Name(name)
return name
// orderDeps reorders dependencies into a list such that if module A depends on B, then
// A will precede B in the resultant list.
// This is convenient for passing into a linker.
func orderDeps(directDeps []android.Path, transitiveDeps map[android.Path][]android.Path) (orderedAllDeps []android.Path, orderedDeclaredDeps []android.Path) {
// If A depends on B, then
// Every list containing A will also contain B later in the list
// So, after concatenating all lists, the final instance of B will have come from the same
// original list as the final instance of A
// So, the final instance of B will be later in the concatenation than the final A
// So, keeping only the final instance of A and of B ensures that A is earlier in the output
// list than B
for _, dep := range directDeps {
orderedAllDeps = append(orderedAllDeps, dep)
orderedAllDeps = append(orderedAllDeps, transitiveDeps[dep]...)
orderedAllDeps = android.LastUniquePaths(orderedAllDeps)
// We don't want to add any new dependencies into directDeps (to allow the caller to
// intentionally exclude or replace any unwanted transitive dependencies), so we limit the
// resultant list to only what the caller has chosen to include in directDeps
_, orderedDeclaredDeps = android.FilterPathList(orderedAllDeps, directDeps)
return orderedAllDeps, orderedDeclaredDeps
func orderStaticModuleDeps(module *Module, deps []*Module) (results []android.Path) {
// make map of transitive dependencies
transitiveStaticDepNames := make(map[android.Path][]android.Path, len(deps))
for _, dep := range deps {
transitiveStaticDepNames[dep.outputFile.Path()] = dep.staticDepsInLinkOrder
// get the output file for each declared dependency
depFiles := []android.Path{}
for _, dep := range deps {
depFiles = append(depFiles, dep.outputFile.Path())
// reorder the dependencies based on transitive dependencies
module.staticDepsInLinkOrder, results = orderDeps(depFiles, transitiveStaticDepNames)
return results
func (c *Module) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(actx android.ModuleContext) {
ctx := &moduleContext{
ModuleContext: actx,
moduleContextImpl: moduleContextImpl{
mod: c,
ctx.ctx = ctx
flags := Flags{
Toolchain: c.toolchain(ctx),
Clang: c.clang(ctx),
if c.compiler != nil {
flags = c.compiler.compilerFlags(ctx, flags)
if c.linker != nil {
flags = c.linker.linkerFlags(ctx, flags)
if c.stl != nil {
flags = c.stl.flags(ctx, flags)
if c.sanitize != nil {
flags = c.sanitize.flags(ctx, flags)
if c.coverage != nil {
flags = c.coverage.flags(ctx, flags)
if c.lto != nil {
flags = c.lto.flags(ctx, flags)
if c.pgo != nil {
flags = c.pgo.flags(ctx, flags)
for _, feature := range c.features {
flags = feature.flags(ctx, flags)
if ctx.Failed() {
flags.CFlags, _ = filterList(flags.CFlags, config.IllegalFlags)
flags.CppFlags, _ = filterList(flags.CppFlags, config.IllegalFlags)
flags.ConlyFlags, _ = filterList(flags.ConlyFlags, config.IllegalFlags)
deps := c.depsToPaths(ctx)
if ctx.Failed() {
flags.GlobalFlags = append(flags.GlobalFlags, deps.Flags...)
c.flags = flags
// We need access to all the flags seen by a source file.
if c.sabi != nil {
flags = c.sabi.flags(ctx, flags)
// Optimization to reduce size of
// Replace the long list of flags for each file with a module-local variable
ctx.Variable(pctx, "cflags", strings.Join(flags.CFlags, " "))
ctx.Variable(pctx, "cppflags", strings.Join(flags.CppFlags, " "))
ctx.Variable(pctx, "asflags", strings.Join(flags.AsFlags, " "))
flags.CFlags = []string{"$cflags"}
flags.CppFlags = []string{"$cppflags"}
flags.AsFlags = []string{"$asflags"}
var objs Objects
if c.compiler != nil {
objs = c.compiler.compile(ctx, flags, deps)
if ctx.Failed() {
if c.linker != nil {
outputFile :=, flags, deps, objs)
if ctx.Failed() {
c.outputFile = android.OptionalPathForPath(outputFile)
if c.installer != nil && !c.Properties.PreventInstall && c.outputFile.Valid() {
c.installer.install(ctx, c.outputFile.Path())
if ctx.Failed() {
func (c *Module) toolchain(ctx BaseModuleContext) config.Toolchain {
if c.cachedToolchain == nil {
c.cachedToolchain = config.FindToolchain(ctx.Os(), ctx.Arch())
return c.cachedToolchain
func (c *Module) begin(ctx BaseModuleContext) {
if c.compiler != nil {
if c.linker != nil {
if c.stl != nil {
if c.sanitize != nil {
if c.coverage != nil {
if c.sabi != nil {
if c.vndkdep != nil {
if c.lto != nil {
if c.pgo != nil {
for _, feature := range c.features {
if ctx.useSdk() {
version, err := normalizeNdkApiLevel(ctx, ctx.sdkVersion(), ctx.Arch())
if err != nil {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("sdk_version", err.Error())
c.Properties.Sdk_version = StringPtr(version)
func (c *Module) deps(ctx DepsContext) Deps {
deps := Deps{}
if c.compiler != nil {
deps = c.compiler.compilerDeps(ctx, deps)
// Add the PGO dependency (the clang_rt.profile runtime library), which
// sometimes depends on symbols from libgcc, before libgcc gets added
// in linkerDeps().
if c.pgo != nil {
deps = c.pgo.deps(ctx, deps)
if c.linker != nil {
deps = c.linker.linkerDeps(ctx, deps)
if c.stl != nil {
deps = c.stl.deps(ctx, deps)
if c.sanitize != nil {
deps = c.sanitize.deps(ctx, deps)
if c.coverage != nil {
deps = c.coverage.deps(ctx, deps)
if c.sabi != nil {
deps = c.sabi.deps(ctx, deps)
if c.vndkdep != nil {
deps = c.vndkdep.deps(ctx, deps)
if c.lto != nil {
deps = c.lto.deps(ctx, deps)
for _, feature := range c.features {
deps = feature.deps(ctx, deps)
deps.WholeStaticLibs = android.LastUniqueStrings(deps.WholeStaticLibs)
deps.StaticLibs = android.LastUniqueStrings(deps.StaticLibs)
deps.LateStaticLibs = android.LastUniqueStrings(deps.LateStaticLibs)
deps.SharedLibs = android.LastUniqueStrings(deps.SharedLibs)
deps.LateSharedLibs = android.LastUniqueStrings(deps.LateSharedLibs)
deps.HeaderLibs = android.LastUniqueStrings(deps.HeaderLibs)
for _, lib := range deps.ReexportSharedLibHeaders {
if !inList(lib, deps.SharedLibs) {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("export_shared_lib_headers", "Shared library not in shared_libs: '%s'", lib)
for _, lib := range deps.ReexportStaticLibHeaders {
if !inList(lib, deps.StaticLibs) {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("export_static_lib_headers", "Static library not in static_libs: '%s'", lib)
for _, lib := range deps.ReexportHeaderLibHeaders {
if !inList(lib, deps.HeaderLibs) {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("export_header_lib_headers", "Header library not in header_libs: '%s'", lib)
for _, gen := range deps.ReexportGeneratedHeaders {
if !inList(gen, deps.GeneratedHeaders) {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("export_generated_headers", "Generated header module not in generated_headers: '%s'", gen)
return deps
func (c *Module) beginMutator(actx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
ctx := &baseModuleContext{
BaseContext: actx,
moduleContextImpl: moduleContextImpl{
mod: c,
ctx.ctx = ctx
func (c *Module) DepsMutator(actx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
if !c.Enabled() {
ctx := &depsContext{
BottomUpMutatorContext: actx,
moduleContextImpl: moduleContextImpl{
mod: c,
ctx.ctx = ctx
deps := c.deps(ctx)
variantNdkLibs := []string{}
variantLateNdkLibs := []string{}
if ctx.Os() == android.Android {
version := ctx.sdkVersion()
// rewriteNdkLibs takes a list of names of shared libraries and scans it for three types
// of names:
// 1. Name of an NDK library that refers to a prebuilt module.
// For each of these, it adds the name of the prebuilt module (which will be in
// prebuilts/ndk) to the list of nonvariant libs.
// 2. Name of an NDK library that refers to an ndk_library module.
// For each of these, it adds the name of the ndk_library module to the list of
// variant libs.
// 3. Anything else (so anything that isn't an NDK library).
// It adds these to the nonvariantLibs list.
// The caller can then know to add the variantLibs dependencies differently from the
// nonvariantLibs
rewriteNdkLibs := func(list []string) (nonvariantLibs []string, variantLibs []string) {
variantLibs = []string{}
nonvariantLibs = []string{}
for _, entry := range list {
if ctx.useSdk() && inList(entry, ndkPrebuiltSharedLibraries) {
if !inList(entry, ndkMigratedLibs) {
nonvariantLibs = append(nonvariantLibs, entry+".ndk."+version)
} else {
variantLibs = append(variantLibs, entry+ndkLibrarySuffix)
} else if ctx.useVndk() && inList(entry, llndkLibraries) {
nonvariantLibs = append(nonvariantLibs, entry+llndkLibrarySuffix)
} else {
nonvariantLibs = append(nonvariantLibs, entry)
return nonvariantLibs, variantLibs
deps.SharedLibs, variantNdkLibs = rewriteNdkLibs(deps.SharedLibs)
deps.LateSharedLibs, variantLateNdkLibs = rewriteNdkLibs(deps.LateSharedLibs)
deps.ReexportSharedLibHeaders, _ = rewriteNdkLibs(deps.ReexportSharedLibHeaders)
for _, lib := range deps.HeaderLibs {
depTag := headerDepTag
if inList(lib, deps.ReexportHeaderLibHeaders) {
depTag = headerExportDepTag
actx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, depTag, lib)
actx.AddVariationDependencies([]blueprint.Variation{{"link", "static"}}, wholeStaticDepTag,
for _, lib := range deps.StaticLibs {
depTag := staticDepTag
if inList(lib, deps.ReexportStaticLibHeaders) {
depTag = staticExportDepTag
actx.AddVariationDependencies([]blueprint.Variation{{"link", "static"}}, depTag, lib)
actx.AddVariationDependencies([]blueprint.Variation{{"link", "static"}}, lateStaticDepTag,
for _, lib := range deps.SharedLibs {
depTag := sharedDepTag
if inList(lib, deps.ReexportSharedLibHeaders) {
depTag = sharedExportDepTag
actx.AddVariationDependencies([]blueprint.Variation{{"link", "shared"}}, depTag, lib)
actx.AddVariationDependencies([]blueprint.Variation{{"link", "shared"}}, lateSharedDepTag,
actx.AddDependency(c, genSourceDepTag, deps.GeneratedSources...)
for _, gen := range deps.GeneratedHeaders {
depTag := genHeaderDepTag
if inList(gen, deps.ReexportGeneratedHeaders) {
depTag = genHeaderExportDepTag
actx.AddDependency(c, depTag, gen)
actx.AddDependency(c, objDepTag, deps.ObjFiles...)
if deps.CrtBegin != "" {
actx.AddDependency(c, crtBeginDepTag, deps.CrtBegin)
if deps.CrtEnd != "" {
actx.AddDependency(c, crtEndDepTag, deps.CrtEnd)
if deps.LinkerScript != "" {
actx.AddDependency(c, linkerScriptDepTag, deps.LinkerScript)
version := ctx.sdkVersion()
{"ndk_api", version}, {"link", "shared"}}, ndkStubDepTag, variantNdkLibs...)
{"ndk_api", version}, {"link", "shared"}}, ndkLateStubDepTag, variantLateNdkLibs...)
func beginMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
if c, ok := ctx.Module().(*Module); ok && c.Enabled() {
func (c *Module) clang(ctx BaseModuleContext) bool {
clang := Bool(c.Properties.Clang)
if c.Properties.Clang == nil {
if ctx.Host() {
clang = true
if ctx.Device() && ctx.AConfig().DeviceUsesClang() {
clang = true
if !c.toolchain(ctx).ClangSupported() {
clang = false
return clang
// Whether a module can link to another module, taking into
// account NDK linking.
func checkLinkType(ctx android.ModuleContext, from *Module, to *Module) {
if from.Target().Os != android.Android {
// Host code is not restricted
if from.Properties.UseVndk {
// Though vendor code is limited by the vendor mutator,
// each vendor-available module needs to check
// link-type for VNDK.
if from.vndkdep != nil {
from.vndkdep.vndkCheckLinkType(ctx, to)
if String(from.Properties.Sdk_version) == "" {
// Platform code can link to anything
if _, ok := to.linker.(*toolchainLibraryDecorator); ok {
// These are always allowed
if _, ok := to.linker.(*ndkPrebuiltLibraryLinker); ok {
// These are allowed, but they don't set sdk_version
if _, ok := to.linker.(*ndkPrebuiltStlLinker); ok {
// These are allowed, but they don't set sdk_version
if _, ok := to.linker.(*stubDecorator); ok {
// These aren't real libraries, but are the stub shared libraries that are included in
// the NDK.
if String(to.Properties.Sdk_version) == "" {
// NDK code linking to platform code is never okay.
ctx.ModuleErrorf("depends on non-NDK-built library %q",
// At this point we know we have two NDK libraries, but we need to
// check that we're not linking against anything built against a higher
// API level, as it is only valid to link against older or equivalent
// APIs.
if String(from.Properties.Sdk_version) == "current" {
// Current can link against anything.
} else if String(to.Properties.Sdk_version) == "current" {
// Current can't be linked against by anything else.
ctx.ModuleErrorf("links %q built against newer API version %q",
ctx.OtherModuleName(to), "current")
fromApi, err := strconv.Atoi(String(from.Properties.Sdk_version))
if err != nil {
"Invalid sdk_version value (must be int): %q",
toApi, err := strconv.Atoi(String(to.Properties.Sdk_version))
if err != nil {
"Invalid sdk_version value (must be int): %q",
if toApi > fromApi {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("links %q built against newer API version %q",
ctx.OtherModuleName(to), String(to.Properties.Sdk_version))
// Convert dependencies to paths. Returns a PathDeps containing paths
func (c *Module) depsToPaths(ctx android.ModuleContext) PathDeps {
var depPaths PathDeps
directStaticDeps := []*Module{}
ctx.VisitDirectDeps(func(dep android.Module) {
depName := ctx.OtherModuleName(dep)
depTag := ctx.OtherModuleDependencyTag(dep)
ccDep, _ := dep.(*Module)
if ccDep == nil {
// handling for a few module types that aren't cc Module but that are also supported
switch depTag {
case android.DefaultsDepTag, android.SourceDepTag:
// Nothing to do
case genSourceDepTag:
if genRule, ok := dep.(genrule.SourceFileGenerator); ok {
depPaths.GeneratedSources = append(depPaths.GeneratedSources,
} else {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("module %q is not a gensrcs or genrule", depName)
// Support exported headers from a generated_sources dependency
case genHeaderDepTag, genHeaderExportDepTag:
if genRule, ok := dep.(genrule.SourceFileGenerator); ok {
depPaths.GeneratedHeaders = append(depPaths.GeneratedHeaders,
flags := includeDirsToFlags(genRule.GeneratedHeaderDirs())
depPaths.Flags = append(depPaths.Flags, flags)
if depTag == genHeaderExportDepTag {
depPaths.ReexportedFlags = append(depPaths.ReexportedFlags, flags)
depPaths.ReexportedFlagsDeps = append(depPaths.ReexportedFlagsDeps,
// Add these re-exported flags to help header-abi-dumper to infer the abi exported by a library.
c.sabi.Properties.ReexportedIncludeFlags = append(c.sabi.Properties.ReexportedIncludeFlags, flags)
} else {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("module %q is not a genrule", depName)
case linkerScriptDepTag:
if genRule, ok := dep.(genrule.SourceFileGenerator); ok {
files := genRule.GeneratedSourceFiles()
if len(files) == 1 {
depPaths.LinkerScript = android.OptionalPathForPath(files[0])
} else if len(files) > 1 {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("module %q can only generate a single file if used for a linker script", depName)
} else {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("module %q is not a genrule", depName)
ctx.ModuleErrorf("depends on non-cc module %q", depName)
if dep.Target().Os != ctx.Os() {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("OS mismatch between %q and %q", ctx.ModuleName(), depName)
if dep.Target().Arch.ArchType != ctx.Arch().ArchType {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("Arch mismatch between %q and %q", ctx.ModuleName(), depName)
// re-exporting flags
if depTag == reuseObjTag {
if l, ok := ccDep.compiler.(libraryInterface); ok {
objs, flags, deps := l.reuseObjs()
depPaths.Objs = depPaths.Objs.Append(objs)
depPaths.ReexportedFlags = append(depPaths.ReexportedFlags, flags...)
depPaths.ReexportedFlagsDeps = append(depPaths.ReexportedFlagsDeps, deps...)
if t, ok := depTag.(dependencyTag); ok && t.library {
if i, ok := ccDep.linker.(exportedFlagsProducer); ok {
flags := i.exportedFlags()
deps := i.exportedFlagsDeps()
depPaths.Flags = append(depPaths.Flags, flags...)
depPaths.GeneratedHeaders = append(depPaths.GeneratedHeaders, deps...)
if t.reexportFlags {
depPaths.ReexportedFlags = append(depPaths.ReexportedFlags, flags...)
depPaths.ReexportedFlagsDeps = append(depPaths.ReexportedFlagsDeps, deps...)
// Add these re-exported flags to help header-abi-dumper to infer the abi exported by a library.
// Re-exported shared library headers must be included as well since they can help us with type information
// about template instantiations (instantiated from their headers).
c.sabi.Properties.ReexportedIncludeFlags = append(c.sabi.Properties.ReexportedIncludeFlags, flags...)
checkLinkType(ctx, c, ccDep)
var ptr *android.Paths
var depPtr *android.Paths
linkFile := ccDep.outputFile
depFile := android.OptionalPath{}
switch depTag {
case ndkStubDepTag, sharedDepTag, sharedExportDepTag:
ptr = &depPaths.SharedLibs
depPtr = &depPaths.SharedLibsDeps
depFile = ccDep.linker.(libraryInterface).toc()
case lateSharedDepTag, ndkLateStubDepTag:
ptr = &depPaths.LateSharedLibs
depPtr = &depPaths.LateSharedLibsDeps
depFile = ccDep.linker.(libraryInterface).toc()
case staticDepTag, staticExportDepTag:
ptr = nil
directStaticDeps = append(directStaticDeps, ccDep)
case lateStaticDepTag:
ptr = &depPaths.LateStaticLibs
case wholeStaticDepTag:
ptr = &depPaths.WholeStaticLibs
staticLib, ok := ccDep.linker.(libraryInterface)
if !ok || !staticLib.static() {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("module %q not a static library", depName)
if missingDeps := staticLib.getWholeStaticMissingDeps(); missingDeps != nil {
postfix := " (required by " + ctx.OtherModuleName(dep) + ")"
for i := range missingDeps {
missingDeps[i] += postfix
depPaths.WholeStaticLibObjs = depPaths.WholeStaticLibObjs.Append(staticLib.objs())
case headerDepTag:
// Nothing
case objDepTag:
depPaths.Objs.objFiles = append(depPaths.Objs.objFiles, linkFile.Path())
case crtBeginDepTag:
depPaths.CrtBegin = linkFile
case crtEndDepTag:
depPaths.CrtEnd = linkFile
switch depTag {
case staticDepTag, staticExportDepTag, lateStaticDepTag:
staticLib, ok := ccDep.linker.(libraryInterface)
if !ok || !staticLib.static() {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("module %q not a static library", depName)
// When combining coverage files for shared libraries and executables, coverage files
// in static libraries act as if they were whole static libraries. The same goes for
// source based Abi dump files.
depPaths.StaticLibObjs.coverageFiles = append(depPaths.StaticLibObjs.coverageFiles,
depPaths.StaticLibObjs.sAbiDumpFiles = append(depPaths.StaticLibObjs.sAbiDumpFiles,
if ptr != nil {
if !linkFile.Valid() {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("module %q missing output file", depName)
*ptr = append(*ptr, linkFile.Path())
if depPtr != nil {
dep := depFile
if !dep.Valid() {
dep = linkFile
*depPtr = append(*depPtr, dep.Path())
// Export the shared libs to Make.
switch depTag {
case sharedDepTag, sharedExportDepTag, lateSharedDepTag:
libName := strings.TrimSuffix(depName, llndkLibrarySuffix)
libName = strings.TrimPrefix(libName, "prebuilt_")
isLLndk := inList(libName, llndkLibraries)
var makeLibName string
bothVendorAndCoreVariantsExist := ccDep.hasVendorVariant() || isLLndk
if c.useVndk() && bothVendorAndCoreVariantsExist {
// The vendor module in Make will have been renamed to not conflict with the core
// module, so update the dependency name here accordingly.
makeLibName = libName + vendorSuffix
} else {
makeLibName = libName
// Note: the order of libs in this list is not important because
// they merely serve as Make dependencies and do not affect this lib itself.
c.Properties.AndroidMkSharedLibs = append(c.Properties.AndroidMkSharedLibs, makeLibName)
// use the ordered dependencies as this module's dependencies
depPaths.StaticLibs = append(depPaths.StaticLibs, orderStaticModuleDeps(c, directStaticDeps)...)
// Dedup exported flags from dependencies
depPaths.Flags = android.FirstUniqueStrings(depPaths.Flags)
depPaths.GeneratedHeaders = android.FirstUniquePaths(depPaths.GeneratedHeaders)
depPaths.ReexportedFlags = android.FirstUniqueStrings(depPaths.ReexportedFlags)
depPaths.ReexportedFlagsDeps = android.FirstUniquePaths(depPaths.ReexportedFlagsDeps)
if c.sabi != nil {
c.sabi.Properties.ReexportedIncludeFlags = android.FirstUniqueStrings(c.sabi.Properties.ReexportedIncludeFlags)
return depPaths
func (c *Module) InstallInData() bool {
if c.installer == nil {
return false
return c.installer.inData()
func (c *Module) InstallInSanitizerDir() bool {
if c.installer == nil {
return false
if c.sanitize != nil && c.sanitize.inSanitizerDir() {
return true
return c.installer.inSanitizerDir()
func (c *Module) HostToolPath() android.OptionalPath {
if c.installer == nil {
return android.OptionalPath{}
return c.installer.hostToolPath()
func (c *Module) IntermPathForModuleOut() android.OptionalPath {
return c.outputFile
func (c *Module) Srcs() android.Paths {
if c.outputFile.Valid() {
return android.Paths{c.outputFile.Path()}
return android.Paths{}
func (c *Module) static() bool {
if static, ok := c.linker.(interface {
static() bool
}); ok {
return static.static()
return false
// Defaults
type Defaults struct {
func (*Defaults) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
func (d *Defaults) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
func defaultsFactory() android.Module {
return DefaultsFactory()
func DefaultsFactory(props ...interface{}) android.Module {
module := &Defaults{}
return module
const (
// coreMode is the variant used for framework-private libraries, or
// SDK libraries. (which framework-private libraries can use)
coreMode = "core"
// vendorMode is the variant used for /vendor code that compiles
// against the VNDK.
vendorMode = "vendor"
func squashVendorSrcs(m *Module) {
if lib, ok := m.compiler.(*libraryDecorator); ok {
lib.baseCompiler.Properties.Srcs = append(lib.baseCompiler.Properties.Srcs,
lib.baseCompiler.Properties.Exclude_srcs = append(lib.baseCompiler.Properties.Exclude_srcs,
func vendorMutator(mctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
if mctx.Os() != android.Android {
if genrule, ok := mctx.Module().(*genrule.Module); ok {
if props, ok := genrule.Extra.(*VendorProperties); ok {
if !mctx.DeviceConfig().CompileVndk() {
} else if Bool(props.Vendor_available) {
mctx.CreateVariations(coreMode, vendorMode)
} else if mctx.InstallOnVendorPartition() {
} else {
m, ok := mctx.Module().(*Module)
if !ok {
// Sanity check
if m.VendorProperties.Vendor_available != nil && mctx.InstallOnVendorPartition() {
"doesn't make sense at the same time as `vendor: true` or `proprietary: true`")
if vndk := m.vndkdep; vndk != nil {
if vndk.isVndk() && m.VendorProperties.Vendor_available == nil {
"vendor_available must be set to either true or false when `vndk: {enabled: true}`")
if !vndk.isVndk() && vndk.isVndkSp() {
"must set `enabled: true` to set `support_system_process: true`")
if !mctx.DeviceConfig().CompileVndk() {
// If the device isn't compiling against the VNDK, we always
// use the core mode.
} else if _, ok := m.linker.(*llndkStubDecorator); ok {
// LL-NDK stubs only exist in the vendor variant, since the
// real libraries will be used in the core variant.
} else if _, ok := m.linker.(*llndkHeadersDecorator); ok {
// ... and LL-NDK headers as well
} else if m.hasVendorVariant() {
// This will be available in both /system and /vendor
// or a /system directory that is available to vendor.
mod := mctx.CreateVariations(coreMode, vendorMode)
vendor := mod[1].(*Module)
vendor.Properties.UseVndk = true
} else if mctx.InstallOnVendorPartition() && String(m.Properties.Sdk_version) == "" {
// This will be available in /vendor only
mod := mctx.CreateVariations(vendorMode)
vendor := mod[0].(*Module)
vendor.Properties.UseVndk = true
} else {
// This is either in /system (or similar: /data), or is a
// modules built with the NDK. Modules built with the NDK
// will be restricted using the existing link type checks.
func getCurrentNdkPrebuiltVersion(ctx DepsContext) string {
if ctx.AConfig().PlatformSdkVersionInt() > config.NdkMaxPrebuiltVersionInt {
return strconv.Itoa(config.NdkMaxPrebuiltVersionInt)
return ctx.AConfig().PlatformSdkVersion()
var Bool = proptools.Bool
var BoolPtr = proptools.BoolPtr
var String = proptools.String
var StringPtr = proptools.StringPtr