
355 lines
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// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cc
import (
type sanitizerType int
func init() {
pctx.StaticVariable("clangAsanLibDir", "${clangPath}/lib64/clang/3.8/lib/linux")
const (
asan sanitizerType = iota + 1
func (t sanitizerType) String() string {
switch t {
case asan:
return "asan"
case tsan:
return "tsan"
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown sanitizerType %d", t))
type SanitizeProperties struct {
// enable AddressSanitizer, ThreadSanitizer, or UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer
Sanitize struct {
Never bool `android:"arch_variant"`
// main sanitizers
Address bool `android:"arch_variant"`
Thread bool `android:"arch_variant"`
// local sanitizers
Undefined bool `android:"arch_variant"`
All_undefined bool `android:"arch_variant"`
Misc_undefined []string `android:"arch_variant"`
Coverage bool `android:"arch_variant"`
SafeStack bool `android:"arch_variant"`
// value to pass to -fsantitize-recover=
Recover []string
// value to pass to -fsanitize-blacklist
Blacklist *string
} `android:"arch_variant"`
SanitizerEnabled bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
SanitizeDep bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
InData bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
type sanitize struct {
Properties SanitizeProperties
func (sanitize *sanitize) props() []interface{} {
return []interface{}{&sanitize.Properties}
func (sanitize *sanitize) begin(ctx BaseModuleContext) {
// Don't apply sanitizers to NDK code.
if ctx.sdk() {
sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.Never = true
// Never always wins.
if sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.Never {
if ctx.ContainsProperty("sanitize") {
sanitize.Properties.SanitizerEnabled = true
var globalSanitizers []string
if ctx.clang() {
if ctx.Host() {
globalSanitizers = ctx.AConfig().SanitizeHost()
} else {
globalSanitizers = ctx.AConfig().SanitizeDevice()
// The sanitizer specified by the environment wins over the module.
if len(globalSanitizers) > 0 {
// wipe the enabled sanitizers
sanitize.Properties = SanitizeProperties{}
var found bool
if found, globalSanitizers = removeFromList("undefined", globalSanitizers); found {
sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.All_undefined = true
} else if found, globalSanitizers = removeFromList("default-ub", globalSanitizers); found {
sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.Undefined = true
if found, globalSanitizers = removeFromList("address", globalSanitizers); found {
sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.Address = true
if found, globalSanitizers = removeFromList("thread", globalSanitizers); found {
sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.Thread = true
if found, globalSanitizers = removeFromList("coverage", globalSanitizers); found {
sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.Coverage = true
if found, globalSanitizers = removeFromList("safe-stack", globalSanitizers); found {
sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.SafeStack = true
if len(globalSanitizers) > 0 {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("unknown global sanitizer option %s", globalSanitizers[0])
sanitize.Properties.SanitizerEnabled = true
if !ctx.toolchain().Is64Bit() {
// TSAN and SafeStack are not supported on 32-bit architectures
sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.Thread = false
sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.SafeStack = false
// TODO(ccross): error for compile_multilib = "32"?
if sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.Coverage {
if !sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.Address {
ctx.ModuleErrorf(`Use of "coverage" also requires "address"`)
func (sanitize *sanitize) deps(ctx BaseModuleContext, deps Deps) Deps {
if !sanitize.Properties.SanitizerEnabled { // || c.static() {
return deps
if ctx.Device() {
deps.SharedLibs = append(deps.SharedLibs, "libdl")
if sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.Address {
deps.StaticLibs = append(deps.StaticLibs, "libasan")
return deps
func (sanitize *sanitize) flags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags {
if !sanitize.Properties.SanitizerEnabled {
return flags
if !ctx.clang() {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("Use of sanitizers requires clang")
var sanitizers []string
if sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.All_undefined {
sanitizers = append(sanitizers, "undefined")
if ctx.Device() {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("ubsan is not yet supported on the device")
} else {
if sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.Undefined {
sanitizers = append(sanitizers,
// TODO(danalbert): The following checks currently have compiler performance issues.
// TODO(danalbert): Fix UB in libc++'s __tree so we can turn this on.
// "object-size",
sanitizers = append(sanitizers, sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.Misc_undefined...)
if sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.Address {
if ctx.Arch().ArchType == common.Arm {
// Frame pointer based unwinder in ASan requires ARM frame setup.
// TODO: put in flags?
flags.RequiredInstructionSet = "arm"
flags.CFlags = append(flags.CFlags, "-fno-omit-frame-pointer")
flags.LdFlags = append(flags.LdFlags, "-Wl,-u,__asan_preinit")
// ASan runtime library must be the first in the link order.
runtimeLibrary := ctx.toolchain().AddressSanitizerRuntimeLibrary()
if runtimeLibrary != "" {
flags.libFlags = append([]string{"${clangAsanLibDir}/" + runtimeLibrary}, flags.libFlags...)
if ctx.Host() {
// -nodefaultlibs (provided with libc++) prevents the driver from linking
// libraries needed with -fsanitize=address. http://b/18650275 (WAI)
flags.LdFlags = append(flags.LdFlags, "-lm", "-lpthread")
flags.LdFlags = append(flags.LdFlags, "-Wl,--no-as-needed")
} else {
flags.CFlags = append(flags.CFlags, "-mllvm", "-asan-globals=0")
flags.DynamicLinker = "/system/bin/linker_asan"
if flags.Toolchain.Is64Bit() {
flags.DynamicLinker += "64"
sanitizers = append(sanitizers, "address")
if sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.Coverage {
flags.CFlags = append(flags.CFlags, "-fsanitize-coverage=edge,indirect-calls,8bit-counters,trace-cmp")
if sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.SafeStack {
sanitizers = append(sanitizers, "safe-stack")
if sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.Recover != nil {
flags.CFlags = append(flags.CFlags, "-fsanitize-recover="+
strings.Join(sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.Recover, ","))
if len(sanitizers) > 0 {
sanitizeArg := "-fsanitize=" + strings.Join(sanitizers, ",")
flags.CFlags = append(flags.CFlags, sanitizeArg)
if ctx.Host() {
flags.CFlags = append(flags.CFlags, "-fno-sanitize-recover=all")
flags.LdFlags = append(flags.LdFlags, sanitizeArg)
flags.LdFlags = append(flags.LdFlags, "-lrt", "-ldl")
} else {
if !sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.Address {
flags.CFlags = append(flags.CFlags, "-fsanitize-trap=all", "-ftrap-function=abort")
blacklist := common.OptionalPathForModuleSrc(ctx, sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.Blacklist)
if blacklist.Valid() {
flags.CFlags = append(flags.CFlags, "-fsanitize-blacklist="+blacklist.String())
flags.CFlagsDeps = append(flags.CFlagsDeps, blacklist.Path())
return flags
func (sanitize *sanitize) inData() bool {
return sanitize.Properties.InData
func (sanitize *sanitize) Sanitizer(t sanitizerType) bool {
if sanitize == nil {
return false
switch t {
case asan:
return sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.Address
case tsan:
return sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.Thread
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown sanitizerType %d", t))
func (sanitize *sanitize) SetSanitizer(t sanitizerType, b bool) {
switch t {
case asan:
sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.Address = b
case tsan:
sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.Thread = b
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown sanitizerType %d", t))
if b {
sanitize.Properties.SanitizerEnabled = true
// Propagate asan requirements down from binaries
func sanitizerDepsMutator(t sanitizerType) func(common.AndroidTopDownMutatorContext) {
return func(mctx common.AndroidTopDownMutatorContext) {
if c, ok := mctx.Module().(*Module); ok && c.sanitize.Sanitizer(t) {
mctx.VisitDepsDepthFirst(func(module blueprint.Module) {
if d, ok := mctx.Module().(*Module); ok && c.sanitize != nil &&
!c.sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.Never {
d.sanitize.Properties.SanitizeDep = true
// Create asan variants for modules that need them
func sanitizerMutator(t sanitizerType) func(common.AndroidBottomUpMutatorContext) {
return func(mctx common.AndroidBottomUpMutatorContext) {
if c, ok := mctx.Module().(*Module); ok && c.sanitize != nil {
if d, ok := c.linker.(baseLinkerInterface); ok && d.isDependencyRoot() && c.sanitize.Sanitizer(t) {
modules := mctx.CreateVariations(t.String())
modules[0].(*Module).sanitize.SetSanitizer(t, true)
if mctx.AConfig().EmbeddedInMake() {
modules[0].(*Module).sanitize.Properties.InData = true
} else if c.sanitize.Properties.SanitizeDep {
if mctx.AConfig().EmbeddedInMake() {
modules := mctx.CreateVariations(t.String())
modules[0].(*Module).sanitize.SetSanitizer(t, true)
modules[0].(*Module).sanitize.Properties.InData = true
} else {
modules := mctx.CreateVariations("", t.String())
modules[0].(*Module).sanitize.SetSanitizer(t, false)
modules[1].(*Module).sanitize.SetSanitizer(t, true)
modules[1].(*Module).appendVariantName("_" + t.String())
modules[0].(*Module).sanitize.Properties.SanitizeDep = false
modules[1].(*Module).sanitize.Properties.SanitizeDep = false
c.sanitize.Properties.SanitizeDep = false