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// Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// The dexpreopt package converts a global dexpreopt config and a module dexpreopt config into rules to perform
// dexpreopting.
// It is used in two places; in the dexpeopt_gen binary for modules defined in Make, and directly linked into Soong.
// For Make modules it is built into the dexpreopt_gen binary, which is executed as a Make rule using global config and
// module config specified in JSON files. The binary writes out two shell scripts, only updating them if they have
// changed. One script takes an APK or JAR as an input and produces a zip file containing any outputs of preopting,
// in the location they should be on the device. The Make build rules will unzip the zip file into $(PRODUCT_OUT) when
// installing the APK, which will install the preopt outputs into $(PRODUCT_OUT)/system or $(PRODUCT_OUT)/system_other
// as necessary. The zip file may be empty if preopting was disabled for any reason.
// The intermediate shell scripts allow changes to this package or to the global config to regenerate the shell scripts
// but only require re-executing preopting if the script has changed.
// For Soong modules this package is linked directly into Soong and run from the java package. It generates the same
// commands as for make, using athe same global config JSON file used by make, but using a module config structure
// provided by Soong. The generated commands are then converted into Soong rule and written directly to the ninja file,
// with no extra shell scripts involved.
package dexpreopt
import (
const SystemPartition = "/system/"
const SystemOtherPartition = "/system_other/"
var DexpreoptRunningInSoong = false
// GenerateDexpreoptRule generates a set of commands that will preopt a module based on a GlobalConfig and a
// ModuleConfig. The produced files and their install locations will be available through rule.Installs().
func GenerateDexpreoptRule(ctx android.BuilderContext, globalSoong *GlobalSoongConfig,
global *GlobalConfig, module *ModuleConfig) (rule *android.RuleBuilder, err error) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
if _, ok := r.(runtime.Error); ok {
} else if e, ok := r.(error); ok {
err = e
rule = nil
} else {
rule = android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
generateProfile := module.ProfileClassListing.Valid() && !global.DisableGenerateProfile
generateBootProfile := module.ProfileBootListing.Valid() && !global.DisableGenerateProfile
var profile android.WritablePath
if generateProfile {
profile = profileCommand(ctx, globalSoong, global, module, rule)
if generateBootProfile {
bootProfileCommand(ctx, globalSoong, global, module, rule)
if !dexpreoptDisabled(ctx, global, module) {
if valid, err := validateClassLoaderContext(module.ClassLoaderContexts); err != nil {
android.ReportPathErrorf(ctx, err.Error())
} else if valid {
appImage := (generateProfile || module.ForceCreateAppImage || global.DefaultAppImages) &&
generateDM := shouldGenerateDM(module, global)
for archIdx, _ := range module.Archs {
dexpreoptCommand(ctx, globalSoong, global, module, rule, archIdx, profile, appImage, generateDM)
return rule, nil
func dexpreoptDisabled(ctx android.PathContext, global *GlobalConfig, module *ModuleConfig) bool {
if contains(global.DisablePreoptModules, module.Name) {
return true
// Don't preopt individual boot jars, they will be preopted together.
if global.BootJars.ContainsJar(module.Name) {
return true
// Don't preopt system server jars that are updatable.
if global.UpdatableSystemServerJars.ContainsJar(module.Name) {
return true
// If OnlyPreoptBootImageAndSystemServer=true and module is not in boot class path skip
// Also preopt system server jars since selinux prevents system server from loading anything from
// /data. If we don't do this they will need to be extracted which is not favorable for RAM usage
// or performance. If PreoptExtractedApk is true, we ignore the only preopt boot image options.
if global.OnlyPreoptBootImageAndSystemServer && !global.BootJars.ContainsJar(module.Name) &&
!contains(global.SystemServerJars, module.Name) && !module.PreoptExtractedApk {
return true
return false
func profileCommand(ctx android.PathContext, globalSoong *GlobalSoongConfig, global *GlobalConfig,
module *ModuleConfig, rule *android.RuleBuilder) android.WritablePath {
profilePath := module.BuildPath.InSameDir(ctx, "profile.prof")
profileInstalledPath := module.DexLocation + ".prof"
if !module.ProfileIsTextListing {
rule.Command().FlagWithOutput("touch ", profilePath)
cmd := rule.Command().
if module.ProfileIsTextListing {
// The profile is a test listing of classes (used for framework jars).
// We need to generate the actual binary profile before being able to compile.
cmd.FlagWithInput("--create-profile-from=", module.ProfileClassListing.Path())
} else {
// The profile is binary profile (used for apps). Run it through profman to
// ensure the profile keys match the apk.
FlagWithInput("--profile-file=", module.ProfileClassListing.Path())
FlagWithInput("--apk=", module.DexPath).
FlagWithOutput("--reference-profile-file=", profilePath)
if !module.ProfileIsTextListing {
cmd.Text(fmt.Sprintf(`|| echo "Profile out of date for %s"`, module.DexPath))
rule.Install(profilePath, profileInstalledPath)
return profilePath
func bootProfileCommand(ctx android.PathContext, globalSoong *GlobalSoongConfig, global *GlobalConfig,
module *ModuleConfig, rule *android.RuleBuilder) android.WritablePath {
profilePath := module.BuildPath.InSameDir(ctx, "profile.bprof")
profileInstalledPath := module.DexLocation + ".bprof"
if !module.ProfileIsTextListing {
rule.Command().FlagWithOutput("touch ", profilePath)
cmd := rule.Command().
// The profile is a test listing of methods.
// We need to generate the actual binary profile.
cmd.FlagWithInput("--create-profile-from=", module.ProfileBootListing.Path())
FlagWithInput("--apk=", module.DexPath).
FlagWithOutput("--reference-profile-file=", profilePath)
if !module.ProfileIsTextListing {
cmd.Text(fmt.Sprintf(`|| echo "Profile out of date for %s"`, module.DexPath))
rule.Install(profilePath, profileInstalledPath)
return profilePath
func dexpreoptCommand(ctx android.PathContext, globalSoong *GlobalSoongConfig, global *GlobalConfig,
module *ModuleConfig, rule *android.RuleBuilder, archIdx int, profile android.WritablePath,
appImage bool, generateDM bool) {
arch := module.Archs[archIdx]
// HACK: make soname in Soong-generated .odex files match Make.
base := filepath.Base(module.DexLocation)
if filepath.Ext(base) == ".jar" {
base = "javalib.jar"
} else if filepath.Ext(base) == ".apk" {
base = "package.apk"
toOdexPath := func(path string) string {
return filepath.Join(
pathtools.ReplaceExtension(filepath.Base(path), "odex"))
odexPath := module.BuildPath.InSameDir(ctx, "oat", arch.String(), pathtools.ReplaceExtension(base, "odex"))
odexInstallPath := toOdexPath(module.DexLocation)
if odexOnSystemOther(module, global) {
odexInstallPath = filepath.Join(SystemOtherPartition, odexInstallPath)
vdexPath := odexPath.ReplaceExtension(ctx, "vdex")
vdexInstallPath := pathtools.ReplaceExtension(odexInstallPath, "vdex")
invocationPath := odexPath.ReplaceExtension(ctx, "invocation")
systemServerJars := NonUpdatableSystemServerJars(ctx, global)
rule.Command().FlagWithArg("mkdir -p ", filepath.Dir(odexPath.String()))
rule.Command().FlagWithOutput("rm -f ", odexPath)
if jarIndex := android.IndexList(module.Name, systemServerJars); jarIndex >= 0 {
// System server jars should be dexpreopted together: class loader context of each jar
// should include all preceding jars on the system server classpath.
var clcHost android.Paths
var clcTarget []string
for _, lib := range systemServerJars[:jarIndex] {
clcHost = append(clcHost, SystemServerDexJarHostPath(ctx, lib))
clcTarget = append(clcTarget, filepath.Join("/system/framework", lib+".jar"))
// Copy the system server jar to a predefined location where dex2oat will find it.
dexPathHost := SystemServerDexJarHostPath(ctx, module.Name)
rule.Command().Text("mkdir -p").Flag(filepath.Dir(dexPathHost.String()))
rule.Command().Text("cp -f").Input(module.DexPath).Output(dexPathHost)
checkSystemServerOrder(ctx, jarIndex)
Text("class_loader_context_arg=--class-loader-context=PCL[" + strings.Join(clcHost.Strings(), ":") + "]").
Text("stored_class_loader_context_arg=--stored-class-loader-context=PCL[" + strings.Join(clcTarget, ":") + "]")
} else if module.EnforceUsesLibraries {
// Generate command that saves target SDK version in a shell variable.
if module.ManifestPath != nil {
} else {
// No manifest to extract targetSdkVersion from, hope that DexJar is an APK
Flag("dump badging").
Text(`| grep "targetSdkVersion" | sed -n "s/targetSdkVersion:'\(.*\)'/\1/p"`).
// Generate command that saves host and target class loader context in shell variables.
clc, paths := ComputeClassLoaderContext(module.ClassLoaderContexts)
Text("if ! test -s ").Input(module.EnforceUsesLibrariesStatusFile).
Text(` ; then eval "$(`).Tool(globalSoong.ConstructContext).
Text(` --target-sdk-version ${target_sdk_version}`).
Text(`)" ; fi`)
} else {
// Other libraries or APKs for which the exact <uses-library> list is unknown.
// Pass special class loader context to skip the classpath and collision check.
// This will get removed once LOCAL_USES_LIBRARIES is enforced.
// Right now LOCAL_USES_LIBRARIES is opt in, for the case where it's not specified we still default
// to the &.
// Devices that do not have a product partition use a symlink from /product to /system/product.
// Because on-device dexopt will see dex locations starting with /product, we change the paths
// to mimic this behavior.
dexLocationArg := module.DexLocation
if strings.HasPrefix(dexLocationArg, "/system/product/") {
dexLocationArg = strings.TrimPrefix(dexLocationArg, "/system")
cmd := rule.Command().
FlagWithOutput("--write-invocation-to=", invocationPath).ImplicitOutput(invocationPath).
Flag("--runtime-arg").FlagWithArg("-Xms", global.Dex2oatXms).
Flag("--runtime-arg").FlagWithArg("-Xmx", global.Dex2oatXmx).
Flag("--runtime-arg").FlagWithInputList("-Xbootclasspath:", module.PreoptBootClassPathDexFiles, ":").
Flag("--runtime-arg").FlagWithList("-Xbootclasspath-locations:", module.PreoptBootClassPathDexLocations, ":").
FlagWithArg("--boot-image=", strings.Join(module.DexPreoptImageLocations, ":")).Implicits(module.DexPreoptImagesDeps[archIdx].Paths()).
FlagWithInput("--dex-file=", module.DexPath).
FlagWithArg("--dex-location=", dexLocationArg).
FlagWithOutput("--oat-file=", odexPath).ImplicitOutput(vdexPath).
// Pass an empty directory, dex2oat shouldn't be reading arbitrary files
FlagWithArg("--android-root=", global.EmptyDirectory).
FlagWithArg("--instruction-set=", arch.String()).
FlagWithArg("--instruction-set-variant=", global.CpuVariant[arch]).
FlagWithArg("--instruction-set-features=", global.InstructionSetFeatures[arch]).
FlagWithArg("--no-inline-from=", "core-oj.jar")
var preoptFlags []string
if len(module.PreoptFlags) > 0 {
preoptFlags = module.PreoptFlags
} else if len(global.PreoptFlags) > 0 {
preoptFlags = global.PreoptFlags
if len(preoptFlags) > 0 {
cmd.Text(strings.Join(preoptFlags, " "))
if module.UncompressedDex {
cmd.FlagWithArg("--copy-dex-files=", "false")
if !android.PrefixInList(preoptFlags, "--compiler-filter=") {
var compilerFilter string
if contains(global.SystemServerJars, module.Name) {
// Jars of system server, use the product option if it is set, speed otherwise.
if global.SystemServerCompilerFilter != "" {
compilerFilter = global.SystemServerCompilerFilter
} else {
compilerFilter = "speed"
} else if contains(global.SpeedApps, module.Name) || contains(global.SystemServerApps, module.Name) {
// Apps loaded into system server, and apps the product default to being compiled with the
// 'speed' compiler filter.
compilerFilter = "speed"
} else if profile != nil {
// For non system server jars, use speed-profile when we have a profile.
compilerFilter = "speed-profile"
} else if global.DefaultCompilerFilter != "" {
compilerFilter = global.DefaultCompilerFilter
} else {
compilerFilter = "quicken"
if module.EnforceUsesLibraries {
// If the verify_uses_libraries check failed (in this case status file contains a
// non-empty error message), then use "verify" compiler filter to avoid compiling any
// code (it would be rejected on device because of a class loader context mismatch).
cmd.Text("--compiler-filter=$(if test -s ").
Text(" ; then echo verify ; else echo " + compilerFilter + " ; fi)")
} else {
cmd.FlagWithArg("--compiler-filter=", compilerFilter)
if generateDM {
cmd.FlagWithArg("--copy-dex-files=", "false")
dmPath := module.BuildPath.InSameDir(ctx, "generated.dm")
dmInstalledPath := pathtools.ReplaceExtension(module.DexLocation, "dm")
tmpPath := module.BuildPath.InSameDir(ctx, "primary.vdex")
rule.Command().Text("cp -f").Input(vdexPath).Output(tmpPath)
FlagWithArg("-L", "9").
FlagWithOutput("-o", dmPath).
rule.Install(dmPath, dmInstalledPath)
// By default, emit debug info.
debugInfo := true
if global.NoDebugInfo {
// If the global setting suppresses mini-debug-info, disable it.
debugInfo = false
if contains(global.SystemServerJars, module.Name) {
if global.AlwaysSystemServerDebugInfo {
debugInfo = true
} else if global.NeverSystemServerDebugInfo {
debugInfo = false
} else {
if global.AlwaysOtherDebugInfo {
debugInfo = true
} else if global.NeverOtherDebugInfo {
debugInfo = false
// Never enable on eng.
if global.IsEng {
debugInfo = false
if debugInfo {
} else {
// Set the compiler reason to 'prebuilt' to identify the oat files produced
// during the build, as opposed to compiled on the device.
cmd.FlagWithArg("--compilation-reason=", "prebuilt")
if appImage {
appImagePath := odexPath.ReplaceExtension(ctx, "art")
appImageInstallPath := pathtools.ReplaceExtension(odexInstallPath, "art")
cmd.FlagWithOutput("--app-image-file=", appImagePath).
FlagWithArg("--image-format=", "lz4")
if !global.DontResolveStartupStrings {
cmd.FlagWithArg("--resolve-startup-const-strings=", "true")
rule.Install(appImagePath, appImageInstallPath)
if profile != nil {
cmd.FlagWithInput("--profile-file=", profile)
rule.Install(odexPath, odexInstallPath)
rule.Install(vdexPath, vdexInstallPath)
func shouldGenerateDM(module *ModuleConfig, global *GlobalConfig) bool {
// Generating DM files only makes sense for verify, avoid doing for non verify compiler filter APKs.
// No reason to use a dm file if the dex is already uncompressed.
return global.GenerateDMFiles && !module.UncompressedDex &&
contains(module.PreoptFlags, "--compiler-filter=verify")
func OdexOnSystemOtherByName(name string, dexLocation string, global *GlobalConfig) bool {
if !global.HasSystemOther {
return false
if global.SanitizeLite {
return false
if contains(global.SpeedApps, name) || contains(global.SystemServerApps, name) {
return false
for _, f := range global.PatternsOnSystemOther {
if makefileMatch(filepath.Join(SystemPartition, f), dexLocation) {
return true
return false
func odexOnSystemOther(module *ModuleConfig, global *GlobalConfig) bool {
return OdexOnSystemOtherByName(module.Name, module.DexLocation, global)
// PathToLocation converts .../system/framework/arm64/boot.art to .../system/framework/boot.art
func PathToLocation(path android.Path, arch android.ArchType) string {
pathArch := filepath.Base(filepath.Dir(path.String()))
if pathArch != arch.String() {
panic(fmt.Errorf("last directory in %q must be %q", path, arch.String()))
return filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(filepath.Dir(path.String())), filepath.Base(path.String()))
func makefileMatch(pattern, s string) bool {
percent := strings.IndexByte(pattern, '%')
switch percent {
case -1:
return pattern == s
case len(pattern) - 1:
return strings.HasPrefix(s, pattern[:len(pattern)-1])
panic(fmt.Errorf("unsupported makefile pattern %q", pattern))
var nonUpdatableSystemServerJarsKey = android.NewOnceKey("nonUpdatableSystemServerJars")
// TODO: eliminate the superficial global config parameter by moving global config definition
// from java subpackage to dexpreopt.
func NonUpdatableSystemServerJars(ctx android.PathContext, global *GlobalConfig) []string {
return ctx.Config().Once(nonUpdatableSystemServerJarsKey, func() interface{} {
return android.RemoveListFromList(global.SystemServerJars, global.UpdatableSystemServerJars.CopyOfJars())
// A predefined location for the system server dex jars. This is needed in order to generate
// class loader context for dex2oat, as the path to the jar in the Soong module may be unknown
// at that time (Soong processes the jars in dependency order, which may be different from the
// the system server classpath order).
func SystemServerDexJarHostPath(ctx android.PathContext, jar string) android.OutputPath {
if DexpreoptRunningInSoong {
// Soong module, just use the default output directory $OUT/soong.
return android.PathForOutput(ctx, "system_server_dexjars", jar+".jar")
} else {
// Make module, default output directory is $OUT (passed via the "null config" created
// by dexpreopt_gen). Append Soong subdirectory to match Soong module paths.
return android.PathForOutput(ctx, "soong", "system_server_dexjars", jar+".jar")
// Check the order of jars on the system server classpath and give a warning/error if a jar precedes
// one of its dependencies. This is not an error, but a missed optimization, as dexpreopt won't
// have the dependency jar in the class loader context, and it won't be able to resolve any
// references to its classes and methods.
func checkSystemServerOrder(ctx android.PathContext, jarIndex int) {
mctx, isModule := ctx.(android.ModuleContext)
if isModule {
config := GetGlobalConfig(ctx)
jars := NonUpdatableSystemServerJars(ctx, config)
mctx.WalkDeps(func(dep android.Module, parent android.Module) bool {
depIndex := android.IndexList(dep.Name(), jars)
if jarIndex < depIndex && !config.BrokenSuboptimalOrderOfSystemServerJars {
jar := jars[jarIndex]
dep := jars[depIndex]
mctx.ModuleErrorf("non-optimal order of jars on the system server classpath:"+
" '%s' precedes its dependency '%s', so dexpreopt is unable to resolve any"+
" references from '%s' to '%s'.\n", jar, dep, jar, dep)
return true
// Returns path to a file containing the reult of verify_uses_libraries check (empty if the check
// has succeeded, or an error message if it failed).
func UsesLibrariesStatusFile(ctx android.ModuleContext) android.WritablePath {
return android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "enforce_uses_libraries.status")
func contains(l []string, s string) bool {
for _, e := range l {
if e == s {
return true
return false
var copyOf = android.CopyOf