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// Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cc
// This file contains singletons to capture vendor and recovery snapshot. They consist of prebuilt
// modules under AOSP so older vendor and recovery can be built with a newer system in a single
// source tree.
import (
var vendorSnapshotSingleton = snapshotSingleton{
false, /* fake */
var vendorFakeSnapshotSingleton = snapshotSingleton{
true, /* fake */
var recoverySnapshotSingleton = snapshotSingleton{
false, /* fake */
func VendorSnapshotSingleton() android.Singleton {
return &vendorSnapshotSingleton
func VendorFakeSnapshotSingleton() android.Singleton {
return &vendorFakeSnapshotSingleton
func RecoverySnapshotSingleton() android.Singleton {
return &recoverySnapshotSingleton
type snapshotSingleton struct {
// Name, e.g., "vendor", "recovery", "ramdisk".
name string
// Make variable that points to the snapshot file, e.g.,
makeVar string
// Path to the snapshot zip file.
snapshotZipFile android.OptionalPath
// Whether the image supports VNDK extension modules.
supportsVndkExt bool
// Implementation of the image interface specific to the image
// associated with this snapshot (e.g., specific to the vendor image,
// recovery image, etc.).
image snapshotImage
// Whether this singleton is for fake snapshot or not.
// Fake snapshot is a snapshot whose prebuilt binaries and headers are empty.
// It is much faster to generate, and can be used to inspect dependencies.
fake bool
var (
// Modules under following directories are ignored. They are OEM's and vendor's
// proprietary modules(device/, kernel/, vendor/, and hardware/).
vendorProprietaryDirs = []string{
// Modules under following directories are ignored. They are OEM's and vendor's
// proprietary modules(device/, kernel/, vendor/, and hardware/).
recoveryProprietaryDirs = []string{
// Modules under following directories are included as they are in AOSP,
// although hardware/ and kernel/ are normally for vendor's own.
aospDirsUnderProprietary = []string{
// Determine if a dir under source tree is an SoC-owned proprietary directory, such as
// device/, vendor/, etc.
func isVendorProprietaryPath(dir string) bool {
return isProprietaryPath(dir, vendorProprietaryDirs)
func isRecoveryProprietaryPath(dir string) bool {
return isProprietaryPath(dir, recoveryProprietaryDirs)
// Determine if a dir under source tree is an SoC-owned proprietary directory, such as
// device/, vendor/, etc.
func isProprietaryPath(dir string, proprietaryDirs []string) bool {
for _, p := range proprietaryDirs {
if strings.HasPrefix(dir, p) {
// filter out AOSP defined directories, e.g. hardware/interfaces/
aosp := false
for _, p := range aospDirsUnderProprietary {
if strings.HasPrefix(dir, p) {
aosp = true
if !aosp {
return true
return false
func isVendorProprietaryModule(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) bool {
// Any module in a vendor proprietary path is a vendor proprietary
// module.
if isVendorProprietaryPath(ctx.ModuleDir()) {
return true
// However if the module is not in a vendor proprietary path, it may
// still be a vendor proprietary module. This happens for cc modules
// that are excluded from the vendor snapshot, and it means that the
// vendor has assumed control of the framework-provided module.
if c, ok := ctx.Module().(*Module); ok {
if c.ExcludeFromVendorSnapshot() {
return true
return false
func isRecoveryProprietaryModule(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) bool {
// Any module in a vendor proprietary path is a vendor proprietary
// module.
if isRecoveryProprietaryPath(ctx.ModuleDir()) {
return true
// However if the module is not in a vendor proprietary path, it may
// still be a vendor proprietary module. This happens for cc modules
// that are excluded from the vendor snapshot, and it means that the
// vendor has assumed control of the framework-provided module.
if c, ok := ctx.Module().(*Module); ok {
if c.ExcludeFromRecoverySnapshot() {
return true
return false
// Determines if the module is a candidate for snapshot.
func isSnapshotAware(cfg android.DeviceConfig, m *Module, inProprietaryPath bool, apexInfo android.ApexInfo, image snapshotImage) bool {
if !m.Enabled() || m.Properties.HideFromMake {
return false
// When android/prebuilt.go selects between source and prebuilt, it sets
// HideFromMake on the other one to avoid duplicate install rules in make.
if m.IsHideFromMake() {
return false
// skip proprietary modules, but (for the vendor snapshot only)
// include all VNDK (static)
if inProprietaryPath && (!image.includeVndk() || !m.IsVndk()) {
return false
// If the module would be included based on its path, check to see if
// the module is marked to be excluded. If so, skip it.
if image.excludeFromSnapshot(m) {
return false
if m.Target().Os.Class != android.Device {
return false
if m.Target().NativeBridge == android.NativeBridgeEnabled {
return false
// the module must be installed in target image
if !apexInfo.IsForPlatform() || m.isSnapshotPrebuilt() || !image.inImage(m)() {
return false
// skip kernel_headers which always depend on vendor
if _, ok := m.linker.(*kernelHeadersDecorator); ok {
return false
// skip llndk_library and llndk_headers which are backward compatible
if m.IsLlndk() {
return false
if _, ok := m.linker.(*llndkStubDecorator); ok {
return false
if _, ok := m.linker.(*llndkHeadersDecorator); ok {
return false
// If we are using directed snapshot AND we have to exclude this module, skip this
if image.excludeFromDirectedSnapshot(cfg, m.BaseModuleName()) {
return false
// Libraries
if l, ok := m.linker.(snapshotLibraryInterface); ok {
if m.sanitize != nil {
// scs and hwasan export both sanitized and unsanitized variants for static and header
// Always use unsanitized variants of them.
for _, t := range []SanitizerType{scs, hwasan} {
if !l.shared() && m.sanitize.isSanitizerEnabled(t) {
return false
// cfi also exports both variants. But for static, we capture both.
// This is because cfi static libraries can't be linked from non-cfi modules,
// and vice versa. This isn't the case for scs and hwasan sanitizers.
if !l.static() && !l.shared() && m.sanitize.isSanitizerEnabled(cfi) {
return false
if l.static() {
return m.outputFile.Valid() && proptools.BoolDefault(image.available(m), true)
if l.shared() {
if !m.outputFile.Valid() {
return false
if image.includeVndk() {
if !m.IsVndk() {
return true
return m.IsVndkExt()
return true
// Binaries and Objects
if m.binary() || m.object() {
return m.outputFile.Valid() && proptools.BoolDefault(image.available(m), true)
return false
// This is to be saved as .json files, which is for development/vendor_snapshot/update.py.
// These flags become Android.bp snapshot module properties.
type snapshotJsonFlags struct {
ModuleName string `json:",omitempty"`
RelativeInstallPath string `json:",omitempty"`
// library flags
ExportedDirs []string `json:",omitempty"`
ExportedSystemDirs []string `json:",omitempty"`
ExportedFlags []string `json:",omitempty"`
Sanitize string `json:",omitempty"`
SanitizeMinimalDep bool `json:",omitempty"`
SanitizeUbsanDep bool `json:",omitempty"`
// binary flags
Symlinks []string `json:",omitempty"`
// dependencies
SharedLibs []string `json:",omitempty"`
RuntimeLibs []string `json:",omitempty"`
Required []string `json:",omitempty"`
// extra config files
InitRc []string `json:",omitempty"`
VintfFragments []string `json:",omitempty"`
func (c *snapshotSingleton) GenerateBuildActions(ctx android.SingletonContext) {
if !c.image.shouldGenerateSnapshot(ctx) {
var snapshotOutputs android.Paths
Vendor snapshot zipped artifacts directory structure:
(.so shared libraries)
(.a static libraries)
(header only libraries)
(executable binaries)
(.o object files)
(.so shared libraries)
(.a static libraries)
(header only libraries)
(executable binaries)
(.o object files)
(notice files, e.g. libbase.txt)
(config files, e.g. init.rc files, vintf_fragments.xml files, etc.)
(header files of same directory structure with source tree)
snapshotDir := c.name + "-snapshot"
if c.fake {
// If this is a fake snapshot singleton, place all files under fake/ subdirectory to avoid
// collision with real snapshot files
snapshotDir = filepath.Join("fake", snapshotDir)
snapshotArchDir := filepath.Join(snapshotDir, ctx.DeviceConfig().DeviceArch())
includeDir := filepath.Join(snapshotArchDir, "include")
configsDir := filepath.Join(snapshotArchDir, "configs")
noticeDir := filepath.Join(snapshotArchDir, "NOTICE_FILES")
installedNotices := make(map[string]bool)
installedConfigs := make(map[string]bool)
var headers android.Paths
copyFile := copyFileRule
if c.fake {
// All prebuilt binaries and headers are installed by copyFile function. This makes a fake
// snapshot just touch prebuilts and headers, rather than installing real files.
copyFile = func(ctx android.SingletonContext, path android.Path, out string) android.OutputPath {
return writeStringToFileRule(ctx, "", out)
// installSnapshot function copies prebuilt file (.so, .a, or executable) and json flag file.
// For executables, init_rc and vintf_fragments files are also copied.
installSnapshot := func(m *Module) android.Paths {
targetArch := "arch-" + m.Target().Arch.ArchType.String()
if m.Target().Arch.ArchVariant != "" {
targetArch += "-" + m.Target().Arch.ArchVariant
var ret android.Paths
prop := snapshotJsonFlags{}
// Common properties among snapshots.
prop.ModuleName = ctx.ModuleName(m)
if c.supportsVndkExt && m.IsVndkExt() {
// vndk exts are installed to /vendor/lib(64)?/vndk(-sp)?
if m.isVndkSp() {
prop.RelativeInstallPath = "vndk-sp"
} else {
prop.RelativeInstallPath = "vndk"
} else {
prop.RelativeInstallPath = m.RelativeInstallPath()
prop.RuntimeLibs = m.Properties.SnapshotRuntimeLibs
prop.Required = m.RequiredModuleNames()
for _, path := range m.InitRc() {
prop.InitRc = append(prop.InitRc, filepath.Join("configs", path.Base()))
for _, path := range m.VintfFragments() {
prop.VintfFragments = append(prop.VintfFragments, filepath.Join("configs", path.Base()))
// install config files. ignores any duplicates.
for _, path := range append(m.InitRc(), m.VintfFragments()...) {
out := filepath.Join(configsDir, path.Base())
if !installedConfigs[out] {
installedConfigs[out] = true
ret = append(ret, copyFile(ctx, path, out))
var propOut string
if l, ok := m.linker.(snapshotLibraryInterface); ok {
exporterInfo := ctx.ModuleProvider(m, FlagExporterInfoProvider).(FlagExporterInfo)
// library flags
prop.ExportedFlags = exporterInfo.Flags
for _, dir := range exporterInfo.IncludeDirs {
prop.ExportedDirs = append(prop.ExportedDirs, filepath.Join("include", dir.String()))
for _, dir := range exporterInfo.SystemIncludeDirs {
prop.ExportedSystemDirs = append(prop.ExportedSystemDirs, filepath.Join("include", dir.String()))
// shared libs dependencies aren't meaningful on static or header libs
if l.shared() {
prop.SharedLibs = m.Properties.SnapshotSharedLibs
if l.static() && m.sanitize != nil {
prop.SanitizeMinimalDep = m.sanitize.Properties.MinimalRuntimeDep || enableMinimalRuntime(m.sanitize)
prop.SanitizeUbsanDep = m.sanitize.Properties.UbsanRuntimeDep || enableUbsanRuntime(m.sanitize)
var libType string
if l.static() {
libType = "static"
} else if l.shared() {
libType = "shared"
} else {
libType = "header"
var stem string
// install .a or .so
if libType != "header" {
libPath := m.outputFile.Path()
stem = libPath.Base()
if l.static() && m.sanitize != nil && m.sanitize.isSanitizerEnabled(cfi) {
// both cfi and non-cfi variant for static libraries can exist.
// attach .cfi to distinguish between cfi and non-cfi.
// e.g. libbase.a -> libbase.cfi.a
ext := filepath.Ext(stem)
stem = strings.TrimSuffix(stem, ext) + ".cfi" + ext
prop.Sanitize = "cfi"
prop.ModuleName += ".cfi"
snapshotLibOut := filepath.Join(snapshotArchDir, targetArch, libType, stem)
ret = append(ret, copyFile(ctx, libPath, snapshotLibOut))
} else {
stem = ctx.ModuleName(m)
propOut = filepath.Join(snapshotArchDir, targetArch, libType, stem+".json")
} else if m.binary() {
// binary flags
prop.Symlinks = m.Symlinks()
prop.SharedLibs = m.Properties.SnapshotSharedLibs
// install bin
binPath := m.outputFile.Path()
snapshotBinOut := filepath.Join(snapshotArchDir, targetArch, "binary", binPath.Base())
ret = append(ret, copyFile(ctx, binPath, snapshotBinOut))
propOut = snapshotBinOut + ".json"
} else if m.object() {
// object files aren't installed to the device, so their names can conflict.
// Use module name as stem.
objPath := m.outputFile.Path()
snapshotObjOut := filepath.Join(snapshotArchDir, targetArch, "object",
ret = append(ret, copyFile(ctx, objPath, snapshotObjOut))
propOut = snapshotObjOut + ".json"
} else {
ctx.Errorf("unknown module %q in vendor snapshot", m.String())
return nil
j, err := json.Marshal(prop)
if err != nil {
ctx.Errorf("json marshal to %q failed: %#v", propOut, err)
return nil
ret = append(ret, writeStringToFileRule(ctx, string(j), propOut))
return ret
ctx.VisitAllModules(func(module android.Module) {
m, ok := module.(*Module)
if !ok {
moduleDir := ctx.ModuleDir(module)
inProprietaryPath := c.image.isProprietaryPath(moduleDir)
apexInfo := ctx.ModuleProvider(module, android.ApexInfoProvider).(android.ApexInfo)
if c.image.excludeFromSnapshot(m) {
if inProprietaryPath {
// Error: exclude_from_vendor_snapshot applies
// to framework-path modules only.
ctx.Errorf("module %q in vendor proprietary path %q may not use \"exclude_from_vendor_snapshot: true\"", m.String(), moduleDir)
if Bool(c.image.available(m)) {
// Error: may not combine "vendor_available:
// true" with "exclude_from_vendor_snapshot:
// true".
"module %q may not use both \""+
"_available: true\" and \"exclude_from_vendor_snapshot: true\"",
if !isSnapshotAware(ctx.DeviceConfig(), m, inProprietaryPath, apexInfo, c.image) {
// installSnapshot installs prebuilts and json flag files
snapshotOutputs = append(snapshotOutputs, installSnapshot(m)...)
// just gather headers and notice files here, because they are to be deduplicated
if l, ok := m.linker.(snapshotLibraryInterface); ok {
headers = append(headers, l.snapshotHeaders()...)
if len(m.NoticeFiles()) > 0 {
noticeName := ctx.ModuleName(m) + ".txt"
noticeOut := filepath.Join(noticeDir, noticeName)
// skip already copied notice file
if !installedNotices[noticeOut] {
installedNotices[noticeOut] = true
snapshotOutputs = append(snapshotOutputs, combineNoticesRule(ctx, m.NoticeFiles(), noticeOut))
// install all headers after removing duplicates
for _, header := range android.FirstUniquePaths(headers) {
snapshotOutputs = append(snapshotOutputs, copyFile(ctx, header, filepath.Join(includeDir, header.String())))
// All artifacts are ready. Sort them to normalize ninja and then zip.
sort.Slice(snapshotOutputs, func(i, j int) bool {
return snapshotOutputs[i].String() < snapshotOutputs[j].String()
zipPath := android.PathForOutput(
zipRule := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
// filenames in rspfile from FlagWithRspFileInputList might be single-quoted. Remove it with tr
snapshotOutputList := android.PathForOutput(
FlagWithArg("-d ", "\\'").
FlagWithRspFileInputList("< ", snapshotOutputs).
FlagWithOutput("> ", snapshotOutputList)
FlagWithOutput("-o ", zipPath).
FlagWithArg("-C ", android.PathForOutput(ctx, snapshotDir).String()).
FlagWithInput("-l ", snapshotOutputList)
zipRule.Build(zipPath.String(), c.name+" snapshot "+zipPath.String())
c.snapshotZipFile = android.OptionalPathForPath(zipPath)
func (c *snapshotSingleton) MakeVars(ctx android.MakeVarsContext) {