753 lines
19 KiB
753 lines
19 KiB
// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package main
import (
soongZip "android/soong/zip"
// Input zip: we can open it, close it, and obtain an array of entries
type InputZip interface {
Name() string
Open() error
Close() error
Entries() []*zip.File
IsOpen() bool
// An entry that can be written to the output zip
type ZipEntryContents interface {
String() string
IsDir() bool
CRC32() uint32
Size() uint64
WriteToZip(dest string, zw *zip.Writer) error
// a ZipEntryFromZip is a ZipEntryContents that pulls its content from another zip
// identified by the input zip and the index of the entry in its entries array
type ZipEntryFromZip struct {
inputZip InputZip
index int
name string
isDir bool
crc32 uint32
size uint64
func NewZipEntryFromZip(inputZip InputZip, entryIndex int) *ZipEntryFromZip {
fi := inputZip.Entries()[entryIndex]
newEntry := ZipEntryFromZip{inputZip: inputZip,
index: entryIndex,
name: fi.Name,
isDir: fi.FileInfo().IsDir(),
crc32: fi.CRC32,
size: fi.UncompressedSize64,
return &newEntry
func (ze ZipEntryFromZip) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s!%s", ze.inputZip.Name(), ze.name)
func (ze ZipEntryFromZip) IsDir() bool {
return ze.isDir
func (ze ZipEntryFromZip) CRC32() uint32 {
return ze.crc32
func (ze ZipEntryFromZip) Size() uint64 {
return ze.size
func (ze ZipEntryFromZip) WriteToZip(dest string, zw *zip.Writer) error {
if err := ze.inputZip.Open(); err != nil {
return err
return zw.CopyFrom(ze.inputZip.Entries()[ze.index], dest)
// a ZipEntryFromBuffer is a ZipEntryContents that pulls its content from a []byte
type ZipEntryFromBuffer struct {
fh *zip.FileHeader
content []byte
func (be ZipEntryFromBuffer) String() string {
return "internal buffer"
func (be ZipEntryFromBuffer) IsDir() bool {
return be.fh.FileInfo().IsDir()
func (be ZipEntryFromBuffer) CRC32() uint32 {
return crc32.ChecksumIEEE(be.content)
func (be ZipEntryFromBuffer) Size() uint64 {
return uint64(len(be.content))
func (be ZipEntryFromBuffer) WriteToZip(dest string, zw *zip.Writer) error {
w, err := zw.CreateHeader(be.fh)
if err != nil {
return err
if !be.IsDir() {
_, err = w.Write(be.content)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Processing state.
type OutputZip struct {
outputWriter *zip.Writer
stripDirEntries bool
emulateJar bool
sortEntries bool
ignoreDuplicates bool
excludeDirs []string
excludeFiles []string
sourceByDest map[string]ZipEntryContents
func NewOutputZip(outputWriter *zip.Writer, sortEntries, emulateJar, stripDirEntries, ignoreDuplicates bool) *OutputZip {
return &OutputZip{
outputWriter: outputWriter,
stripDirEntries: stripDirEntries,
emulateJar: emulateJar,
sortEntries: sortEntries,
sourceByDest: make(map[string]ZipEntryContents, 0),
ignoreDuplicates: ignoreDuplicates,
func (oz *OutputZip) setExcludeDirs(excludeDirs []string) {
oz.excludeDirs = make([]string, len(excludeDirs))
for i, dir := range excludeDirs {
oz.excludeDirs[i] = filepath.Clean(dir)
func (oz *OutputZip) setExcludeFiles(excludeFiles []string) {
oz.excludeFiles = excludeFiles
// Adds an entry with given name whose source is given ZipEntryContents. Returns old ZipEntryContents
// if entry with given name already exists.
func (oz *OutputZip) addZipEntry(name string, source ZipEntryContents) (ZipEntryContents, error) {
if existingSource, exists := oz.sourceByDest[name]; exists {
return existingSource, nil
oz.sourceByDest[name] = source
// Delay writing an entry if entries need to be rearranged.
if oz.emulateJar || oz.sortEntries {
return nil, nil
return nil, source.WriteToZip(name, oz.outputWriter)
// Adds an entry for the manifest (META-INF/MANIFEST.MF from the given file
func (oz *OutputZip) addManifest(manifestPath string) error {
if !oz.stripDirEntries {
if _, err := oz.addZipEntry(jar.MetaDir, ZipEntryFromBuffer{jar.MetaDirFileHeader(), nil}); err != nil {
return err
contents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(manifestPath)
if err == nil {
fh, buf, err := jar.ManifestFileContents(contents)
if err == nil {
_, err = oz.addZipEntry(jar.ManifestFile, ZipEntryFromBuffer{fh, buf})
return err
// Adds an entry with given name and contents read from given file
func (oz *OutputZip) addZipEntryFromFile(name string, path string) error {
buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err == nil {
fh := &zip.FileHeader{
Name: name,
Method: zip.Store,
UncompressedSize64: uint64(len(buf)),
_, err = oz.addZipEntry(name, ZipEntryFromBuffer{fh, buf})
return err
func (oz *OutputZip) addEmptyEntry(entry string) error {
var emptyBuf []byte
fh := &zip.FileHeader{
Name: entry,
Method: zip.Store,
UncompressedSize64: uint64(len(emptyBuf)),
_, err := oz.addZipEntry(entry, ZipEntryFromBuffer{fh, emptyBuf})
return err
// Returns true if given entry is to be excluded
func (oz *OutputZip) isEntryExcluded(name string) bool {
for _, dir := range oz.excludeDirs {
dir = filepath.Clean(dir)
patterns := []string{
dir + "/", // the directory itself
dir + "/**/*", // files recursively in the directory
dir + "/**/*/", // directories recursively in the directory
for _, pattern := range patterns {
match, err := pathtools.Match(pattern, name)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", err.Error(), pattern))
if match {
if oz.emulateJar {
// When merging jar files, don't strip META-INF/MANIFEST.MF even if stripping META-INF is
// requested.
// TODO(ccross): which files does this affect?
if name != jar.MetaDir && name != jar.ManifestFile {
return true
return true
for _, pattern := range oz.excludeFiles {
match, err := pathtools.Match(pattern, name)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", err.Error(), pattern))
if match {
return true
return false
// Creates a zip entry whose contents is an entry from the given input zip.
func (oz *OutputZip) copyEntry(inputZip InputZip, index int) error {
entry := NewZipEntryFromZip(inputZip, index)
if oz.stripDirEntries && entry.IsDir() {
return nil
existingEntry, err := oz.addZipEntry(entry.name, entry)
if err != nil {
return err
if existingEntry == nil {
return nil
// File types should match
if existingEntry.IsDir() != entry.IsDir() {
return fmt.Errorf("Directory/file mismatch at %v from %v and %v\n",
entry.name, existingEntry, entry)
if oz.ignoreDuplicates ||
// Skip manifest and module info files that are not from the first input file
(oz.emulateJar && entry.name == jar.ManifestFile || entry.name == jar.ModuleInfoClass) ||
// Identical entries
(existingEntry.CRC32() == entry.CRC32() && existingEntry.Size() == entry.Size()) ||
// Directory entries
entry.IsDir() {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("Duplicate path %v found in %v and %v\n", entry.name, existingEntry, inputZip.Name())
func (oz *OutputZip) entriesArray() []string {
entries := make([]string, len(oz.sourceByDest))
i := 0
for entry := range oz.sourceByDest {
entries[i] = entry
return entries
func (oz *OutputZip) jarSorted() []string {
entries := oz.entriesArray()
sort.SliceStable(entries, func(i, j int) bool { return jar.EntryNamesLess(entries[i], entries[j]) })
return entries
func (oz *OutputZip) alphanumericSorted() []string {
entries := oz.entriesArray()
return entries
func (oz *OutputZip) writeEntries(entries []string) error {
for _, entry := range entries {
source, _ := oz.sourceByDest[entry]
if err := source.WriteToZip(entry, oz.outputWriter); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (oz *OutputZip) getUninitializedPythonPackages(inputZips []InputZip) ([]string, error) {
// the runfiles packages needs to be populated with "__init__.py".
// the runfiles dirs have been treated as packages.
allPackages := make(map[string]bool)
initedPackages := make(map[string]bool)
getPackage := func(path string) string {
ret := filepath.Dir(path)
// filepath.Dir("abc") -> "." and filepath.Dir("/abc") -> "/".
if ret == "." || ret == "/" {
return ""
return ret
// put existing __init__.py files to a set first. This set is used for preventing
// generated __init__.py files from overwriting existing ones.
for _, inputZip := range inputZips {
if err := inputZip.Open(); err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, file := range inputZip.Entries() {
pyPkg := getPackage(file.Name)
if filepath.Base(file.Name) == "__init__.py" {
if _, found := initedPackages[pyPkg]; found {
panic(fmt.Errorf("found __init__.py path duplicates during pars merging: %q", file.Name))
initedPackages[pyPkg] = true
for pyPkg != "" {
if _, found := allPackages[pyPkg]; found {
allPackages[pyPkg] = true
pyPkg = getPackage(pyPkg)
noInitPackages := make([]string, 0)
for pyPkg := range allPackages {
if _, found := initedPackages[pyPkg]; !found {
noInitPackages = append(noInitPackages, pyPkg)
return noInitPackages, nil
// An InputZip owned by the InputZipsManager. Opened ManagedInputZip's are chained in the open order.
type ManagedInputZip struct {
owner *InputZipsManager
realInputZip InputZip
older *ManagedInputZip
newer *ManagedInputZip
// Maintains the array of ManagedInputZips, keeping track of open input ones. When an InputZip is opened,
// may close some other InputZip to limit the number of open ones.
type InputZipsManager struct {
inputZips []*ManagedInputZip
nOpenZips int
maxOpenZips int
openInputZips *ManagedInputZip
func (miz *ManagedInputZip) unlink() {
olderMiz := miz.older
newerMiz := miz.newer
if newerMiz.older != miz || olderMiz.newer != miz {
panic(fmt.Errorf("removing %p:%#v: broken list between %p:%#v and %p:%#v",
miz, miz, newerMiz, newerMiz, olderMiz, olderMiz))
olderMiz.newer = newerMiz
newerMiz.older = olderMiz
miz.newer = nil
miz.older = nil
func (miz *ManagedInputZip) link(olderMiz *ManagedInputZip) {
if olderMiz.newer != nil || olderMiz.older != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("inputZip is already open"))
oldOlderMiz := miz.older
if oldOlderMiz.newer != miz {
panic(fmt.Errorf("broken list between %p:%#v and %p:%#v", miz, miz, oldOlderMiz, oldOlderMiz))
miz.older = olderMiz
olderMiz.older = oldOlderMiz
oldOlderMiz.newer = olderMiz
olderMiz.newer = miz
func NewInputZipsManager(nInputZips, maxOpenZips int) *InputZipsManager {
if maxOpenZips < 3 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("open zips limit should be above 3"))
// In the dummy element .older points to the most recently opened InputZip, and .newer points to the oldest.
head := new(ManagedInputZip)
head.older = head
head.newer = head
return &InputZipsManager{
inputZips: make([]*ManagedInputZip, 0, nInputZips),
maxOpenZips: maxOpenZips,
openInputZips: head,
// InputZip factory
func (izm *InputZipsManager) Manage(inz InputZip) InputZip {
iz := &ManagedInputZip{owner: izm, realInputZip: inz}
izm.inputZips = append(izm.inputZips, iz)
return iz
// Opens or reopens ManagedInputZip.
func (izm *InputZipsManager) reopen(miz *ManagedInputZip) error {
if miz.realInputZip.IsOpen() {
if miz != izm.openInputZips {
return nil
if izm.nOpenZips >= izm.maxOpenZips {
if err := izm.close(izm.openInputZips.older); err != nil {
return err
if err := miz.realInputZip.Open(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (izm *InputZipsManager) close(miz *ManagedInputZip) error {
if miz.IsOpen() {
err := miz.realInputZip.Close()
return err
return nil
// Checks that openInputZips deque is valid
func (izm *InputZipsManager) checkOpenZipsDeque() {
nReallyOpen := 0
el := izm.openInputZips
for {
elNext := el.older
if elNext.newer != el {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Element:\n %p: %v\nNext:\n %p %v", el, el, elNext, elNext))
if elNext == izm.openInputZips {
el = elNext
if !el.IsOpen() {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Found unopened element"))
if nReallyOpen > izm.nOpenZips {
panic(fmt.Errorf("found %d open zips, should be %d", nReallyOpen, izm.nOpenZips))
if nReallyOpen > izm.nOpenZips {
panic(fmt.Errorf("found %d open zips, should be %d", nReallyOpen, izm.nOpenZips))
func (miz *ManagedInputZip) Name() string {
return miz.realInputZip.Name()
func (miz *ManagedInputZip) Open() error {
return miz.owner.reopen(miz)
func (miz *ManagedInputZip) Close() error {
return miz.owner.close(miz)
func (miz *ManagedInputZip) IsOpen() bool {
return miz.realInputZip.IsOpen()
func (miz *ManagedInputZip) Entries() []*zip.File {
if !miz.IsOpen() {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%s: is not open", miz.Name()))
return miz.realInputZip.Entries()
// Actual processing.
func mergeZips(inputZips []InputZip, writer *zip.Writer, manifest, pyMain string,
sortEntries, emulateJar, emulatePar, stripDirEntries, ignoreDuplicates bool,
excludeFiles, excludeDirs []string, zipsToNotStrip map[string]bool) error {
out := NewOutputZip(writer, sortEntries, emulateJar, stripDirEntries, ignoreDuplicates)
if manifest != "" {
if err := out.addManifest(manifest); err != nil {
return err
if pyMain != "" {
if err := out.addZipEntryFromFile("__main__.py", pyMain); err != nil {
return err
if emulatePar {
noInitPackages, err := out.getUninitializedPythonPackages(inputZips)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, uninitializedPyPackage := range noInitPackages {
if err = out.addEmptyEntry(filepath.Join(uninitializedPyPackage, "__init__.py")); err != nil {
return err
// Finally, add entries from all the input zips.
for _, inputZip := range inputZips {
_, copyFully := zipsToNotStrip[inputZip.Name()]
if err := inputZip.Open(); err != nil {
return err
for i, entry := range inputZip.Entries() {
if copyFully || !out.isEntryExcluded(entry.Name) {
if err := out.copyEntry(inputZip, i); err != nil {
return err
// Unless we need to rearrange the entries, the input zip can now be closed.
if !(emulateJar || sortEntries) {
if err := inputZip.Close(); err != nil {
return err
if emulateJar {
return out.writeEntries(out.jarSorted())
} else if sortEntries {
return out.writeEntries(out.alphanumericSorted())
return nil
// Process command line
type fileList []string
func (f *fileList) String() string {
return `""`
func (f *fileList) Set(name string) error {
*f = append(*f, filepath.Clean(name))
return nil
type zipsToNotStripSet map[string]bool
func (s zipsToNotStripSet) String() string {
return `""`
func (s zipsToNotStripSet) Set(path string) error {
s[path] = true
return nil
var (
sortEntries = flag.Bool("s", false, "sort entries (defaults to the order from the input zip files)")
emulateJar = flag.Bool("j", false, "sort zip entries using jar ordering (META-INF first)")
emulatePar = flag.Bool("p", false, "merge zip entries based on par format")
excludeDirs fileList
excludeFiles fileList
zipsToNotStrip = make(zipsToNotStripSet)
stripDirEntries = flag.Bool("D", false, "strip directory entries from the output zip file")
manifest = flag.String("m", "", "manifest file to insert in jar")
pyMain = flag.String("pm", "", "__main__.py file to insert in par")
prefix = flag.String("prefix", "", "A file to prefix to the zip file")
ignoreDuplicates = flag.Bool("ignore-duplicates", false, "take each entry from the first zip it exists in and don't warn")
func init() {
flag.Var(&excludeDirs, "stripDir", "directories to be excluded from the output zip, accepts wildcards")
flag.Var(&excludeFiles, "stripFile", "files to be excluded from the output zip, accepts wildcards")
flag.Var(&zipsToNotStrip, "zipToNotStrip", "the input zip file which is not applicable for stripping")
type FileInputZip struct {
name string
reader *zip.ReadCloser
func (fiz *FileInputZip) Name() string {
return fiz.name
func (fiz *FileInputZip) Close() error {
if fiz.IsOpen() {
reader := fiz.reader
fiz.reader = nil
return reader.Close()
return nil
func (fiz *FileInputZip) Entries() []*zip.File {
if !fiz.IsOpen() {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%s: is not open", fiz.Name()))
return fiz.reader.File
func (fiz *FileInputZip) IsOpen() bool {
return fiz.reader != nil
func (fiz *FileInputZip) Open() error {
if fiz.IsOpen() {
return nil
var err error
fiz.reader, err = zip.OpenReader(fiz.Name())
return err
func main() {
flag.Usage = func() {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "usage: merge_zips [-jpsD] [-m manifest] [--prefix script] [-pm __main__.py] OutputZip [inputs...]")
// parse args
args := flag.Args()
if len(args) < 1 {
outputPath := args[0]
inputs := make([]string, 0)
for _, input := range args[1:] {
if input[0] == '@' {
bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(input[1:])
if err != nil {
inputs = append(inputs, soongZip.ReadRespFile(bytes)...)
inputs = append(inputs, input)
// make writer
outputZip, err := os.Create(outputPath)
if err != nil {
defer outputZip.Close()
var offset int64
if *prefix != "" {
prefixFile, err := os.Open(*prefix)
if err != nil {
offset, err = io.Copy(outputZip, prefixFile)
if err != nil {
writer := zip.NewWriter(outputZip)
defer func() {
err := writer.Close()
if err != nil {
if *manifest != "" && !*emulateJar {
log.Fatal(errors.New("must specify -j when specifying a manifest via -m"))
if *pyMain != "" && !*emulatePar {
log.Fatal(errors.New("must specify -p when specifying a Python __main__.py via -pm"))
// do merge
inputZipsManager := NewInputZipsManager(len(inputs), 1000)
inputZips := make([]InputZip, len(inputs))
for i, input := range inputs {
inputZips[i] = inputZipsManager.Manage(&FileInputZip{name: input})
err = mergeZips(inputZips, writer, *manifest, *pyMain, *sortEntries, *emulateJar, *emulatePar,
*stripDirEntries, *ignoreDuplicates, []string(excludeFiles), []string(excludeDirs),
if err != nil {