163 lines
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Executable File
163 lines
5.6 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Unit tests for manifest_fixer_test.py."""
import StringIO
import sys
import unittest
from xml.dom import minidom
import manifest_fixer
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
class CompareVersionGtTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Unit tests for compare_version_gt function."""
def test_sdk(self):
"""Test comparing sdk versions."""
self.assertTrue(manifest_fixer.compare_version_gt('28', '27'))
self.assertFalse(manifest_fixer.compare_version_gt('27', '28'))
self.assertFalse(manifest_fixer.compare_version_gt('28', '28'))
def test_codename(self):
"""Test comparing codenames."""
self.assertTrue(manifest_fixer.compare_version_gt('Q', 'P'))
self.assertFalse(manifest_fixer.compare_version_gt('P', 'Q'))
self.assertFalse(manifest_fixer.compare_version_gt('Q', 'Q'))
def test_sdk_codename(self):
"""Test comparing sdk versions with codenames."""
self.assertTrue(manifest_fixer.compare_version_gt('Q', '28'))
self.assertFalse(manifest_fixer.compare_version_gt('28', 'Q'))
def test_compare_numeric(self):
"""Test that numbers are compared in numeric and not lexicographic order."""
self.assertTrue(manifest_fixer.compare_version_gt('18', '8'))
class RaiseMinSdkVersionTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Unit tests for raise_min_sdk_version function."""
def raise_min_sdk_version_test(self, input_manifest, min_sdk_version):
doc = minidom.parseString(input_manifest)
manifest_fixer.raise_min_sdk_version(doc, min_sdk_version)
output = StringIO.StringIO()
manifest_fixer.write_xml(output, doc)
return output.getvalue()
manifest_tmpl = (
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n'
'<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">\n'
def uses_sdk(self, v, extra=''):
if extra:
extra = ' ' + extra
return ' <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="%s"%s/>\n' % (v, extra)
def test_no_uses_sdk(self):
"""Tests inserting a uses-sdk element into a manifest."""
manifest_input = self.manifest_tmpl % ''
expected = self.manifest_tmpl % self.uses_sdk('28')
output = self.raise_min_sdk_version_test(manifest_input, '28')
self.assertEqual(output, expected)
def test_no_min(self):
"""Tests inserting a minSdkVersion attribute into a uses-sdk element."""
manifest_input = self.manifest_tmpl % ' <uses-sdk extra="foo"/>\n'
expected = self.manifest_tmpl % self.uses_sdk('28', 'extra="foo"')
output = self.raise_min_sdk_version_test(manifest_input, '28')
self.assertEqual(output, expected)
def test_raise_min(self):
"""Tests inserting a minSdkVersion attribute into a uses-sdk element."""
manifest_input = self.manifest_tmpl % self.uses_sdk('27')
expected = self.manifest_tmpl % self.uses_sdk('28')
output = self.raise_min_sdk_version_test(manifest_input, '28')
self.assertEqual(output, expected)
def test_raise(self):
"""Tests raising a minSdkVersion attribute."""
manifest_input = self.manifest_tmpl % self.uses_sdk('27')
expected = self.manifest_tmpl % self.uses_sdk('28')
output = self.raise_min_sdk_version_test(manifest_input, '28')
self.assertEqual(output, expected)
def test_no_raise_min(self):
"""Tests a minSdkVersion that doesn't need raising."""
manifest_input = self.manifest_tmpl % self.uses_sdk('28')
expected = manifest_input
output = self.raise_min_sdk_version_test(manifest_input, '27')
self.assertEqual(output, expected)
def test_raise_codename(self):
"""Tests raising a minSdkVersion attribute to a codename."""
manifest_input = self.manifest_tmpl % self.uses_sdk('28')
expected = self.manifest_tmpl % self.uses_sdk('P')
output = self.raise_min_sdk_version_test(manifest_input, 'P')
self.assertEqual(output, expected)
def test_no_raise_codename(self):
"""Tests a minSdkVersion codename that doesn't need raising."""
manifest_input = self.manifest_tmpl % self.uses_sdk('P')
expected = manifest_input
output = self.raise_min_sdk_version_test(manifest_input, '28')
self.assertEqual(output, expected)
def test_extra(self):
"""Tests that extra attributes and elements are maintained."""
manifest_input = self.manifest_tmpl % (
' <!-- comment -->\n'
' <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="27" extra="foo"/>\n'
' <application/>\n')
expected = self.manifest_tmpl % (
' <!-- comment -->\n'
' <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="28" extra="foo"/>\n'
' <application/>\n')
output = self.raise_min_sdk_version_test(manifest_input, '28')
self.assertEqual(output, expected)
def test_indent(self):
"""Tests that an inserted element copies the existing indentation."""
manifest_input = self.manifest_tmpl % ' <!-- comment -->\n'
expected = self.manifest_tmpl % (
' <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="28"/>\n'
' <!-- comment -->\n')
output = self.raise_min_sdk_version_test(manifest_input, '28')
self.assertEqual(output, expected)
if __name__ == '__main__':