
358 lines
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// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package main
import (
// A command represents an operation to be executed in the soong build
// system.
type command struct {
// the flag name (must have double dashes)
flag string
// description for the flag (to display when running help)
description string
// Creates the build configuration based on the args and build context.
config func(ctx build.Context, args ...string) build.Config
// Returns what type of IO redirection this Command requires.
stdio func() terminal.StdioInterface
// run the command
run func(ctx build.Context, config build.Config, args []string, logsDir string)
const makeModeFlagName = "--make-mode"
// list of supported commands (flags) supported by soong ui
var commands []command = []command{
flag: makeModeFlagName,
description: "build the modules by the target name (i.e. soong_docs)",
config: func(ctx build.Context, args ...string) build.Config {
return build.NewConfig(ctx, args...)
stdio: func() terminal.StdioInterface {
return terminal.StdioImpl{}
run: make,
}, {
flag: "--dumpvar-mode",
description: "print the value of the legacy make variable VAR to stdout",
config: dumpVarConfig,
stdio: customStdio,
run: dumpVar,
}, {
flag: "--dumpvars-mode",
description: "dump the values of one or more legacy make variables, in shell syntax",
config: dumpVarConfig,
stdio: customStdio,
run: dumpVars,
// indexList returns the index of first found s. -1 is return if s is not
// found.
func indexList(s string, list []string) int {
for i, l := range list {
if l == s {
return i
return -1
// inList returns true if one or more of s is in the list.
func inList(s string, list []string) bool {
return indexList(s, list) != -1
// Main execution of soong_ui. The command format is as follows:
// soong_ui <command> [<arg 1> <arg 2> ... <arg n>]
// Command is the type of soong_ui execution. Only one type of
// execution is specified. The args are specific to the command.
func main() {
c, args := getCommand(os.Args)
if c == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "The `soong` native UI is not yet available.\n")
writer := terminal.NewWriter(c.stdio())
defer writer.Finish()
log := logger.New(writer)
defer log.Cleanup()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
trace := tracer.New(log)
defer trace.Close()
met := metrics.New()
stat := &status.Status{}
defer stat.Finish()
stat.AddOutput(terminal.NewStatusOutput(writer, os.Getenv("NINJA_STATUS"),
build.SetupSignals(log, cancel, func() {
buildCtx := build.Context{ContextImpl: &build.ContextImpl{
Context: ctx,
Logger: log,
Metrics: met,
Tracer: trace,
Writer: writer,
Status: stat,
config := c.config(buildCtx, args...)
build.SetupOutDir(buildCtx, config)
logsDir := config.OutDir()
if config.Dist() {
logsDir = filepath.Join(config.DistDir(), "logs")
os.MkdirAll(logsDir, 0777)
log.SetOutput(filepath.Join(logsDir, "soong.log"))
trace.SetOutput(filepath.Join(logsDir, "build.trace"))
stat.AddOutput(status.NewVerboseLog(log, filepath.Join(logsDir, "verbose.log")))
stat.AddOutput(status.NewErrorLog(log, filepath.Join(logsDir, "error.log")))
defer met.Dump(filepath.Join(logsDir, "build_metrics"))
if start, ok := os.LookupEnv("TRACE_BEGIN_SOONG"); ok {
if !strings.HasSuffix(start, "N") {
if start_time, err := strconv.ParseUint(start, 10, 64); err == nil {
log.Verbosef("Took %dms to start up.",
time.Since(time.Unix(0, int64(start_time))).Nanoseconds()/time.Millisecond.Nanoseconds())
buildCtx.CompleteTrace(metrics.RunSetupTool, "startup", start_time, uint64(time.Now().UnixNano()))
if executable, err := os.Executable(); err == nil {
trace.ImportMicrofactoryLog(filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(executable), "."+filepath.Base(executable)+".trace"))
f := build.NewSourceFinder(buildCtx, config)
defer f.Shutdown()
build.FindSources(buildCtx, config, f), config, args, logsDir)
func dumpVar(ctx build.Context, config build.Config, args []string, _ string) {
flags := flag.NewFlagSet("dumpvar", flag.ExitOnError)
flags.Usage = func() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "usage: %s --dumpvar-mode [--abs] <VAR>\n\n", os.Args[0])
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "In dumpvar mode, print the value of the legacy make variable VAR to stdout")
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "")
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "'report_config' is a special case that prints the human-readable config banner")
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "from the beginning of the build.")
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "")
abs := flags.Bool("abs", false, "Print the absolute path of the value")
if flags.NArg() != 1 {
varName := flags.Arg(0)
if varName == "report_config" {
varData, err := build.DumpMakeVars(ctx, config, nil, build.BannerVars)
if err != nil {
} else {
varData, err := build.DumpMakeVars(ctx, config, nil, []string{varName})
if err != nil {
if *abs {
var res []string
for _, path := range strings.Fields(varData[varName]) {
if abs, err := filepath.Abs(path); err == nil {
res = append(res, abs)
} else {
ctx.Fatalln("Failed to get absolute path of", path, err)
fmt.Println(strings.Join(res, " "))
} else {
func dumpVars(ctx build.Context, config build.Config, args []string, _ string) {
flags := flag.NewFlagSet("dumpvars", flag.ExitOnError)
flags.Usage = func() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "usage: %s --dumpvars-mode [--vars=\"VAR VAR ...\"]\n\n", os.Args[0])
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "In dumpvars mode, dump the values of one or more legacy make variables, in")
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "shell syntax. The resulting output may be sourced directly into a shell to")
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "set corresponding shell variables.")
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "")
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "'report_config' is a special case that dumps a variable containing the")
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "human-readable config banner from the beginning of the build.")
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "")
varsStr := flags.String("vars", "", "Space-separated list of variables to dump")
absVarsStr := flags.String("abs-vars", "", "Space-separated list of variables to dump (using absolute paths)")
varPrefix := flags.String("var-prefix", "", "String to prepend to all variable names when dumping")
absVarPrefix := flags.String("abs-var-prefix", "", "String to prepent to all absolute path variable names when dumping")
if flags.NArg() != 0 {
vars := strings.Fields(*varsStr)
absVars := strings.Fields(*absVarsStr)
allVars := append([]string{}, vars...)
allVars = append(allVars, absVars...)
if i := indexList("report_config", allVars); i != -1 {
allVars = append(allVars[:i], allVars[i+1:]...)
allVars = append(allVars, build.BannerVars...)
if len(allVars) == 0 {
varData, err := build.DumpMakeVars(ctx, config, nil, allVars)
if err != nil {
for _, name := range vars {
if name == "report_config" {
fmt.Printf("%sreport_config='%s'\n", *varPrefix, build.Banner(varData))
} else {
fmt.Printf("%s%s='%s'\n", *varPrefix, name, varData[name])
for _, name := range absVars {
var res []string
for _, path := range strings.Fields(varData[name]) {
abs, err := filepath.Abs(path)
if err != nil {
ctx.Fatalln("Failed to get absolute path of", path, err)
res = append(res, abs)
fmt.Printf("%s%s='%s'\n", *absVarPrefix, name, strings.Join(res, " "))
func customStdio() terminal.StdioInterface {
return terminal.NewCustomStdio(os.Stdin, os.Stderr, os.Stderr)
// dumpVarConfig does not require any arguments to be parsed by the NewConfig.
func dumpVarConfig(ctx build.Context, args ...string) build.Config {
return build.NewConfig(ctx)
func make(ctx build.Context, config build.Config, _ []string, logsDir string) {
if config.IsVerbose() {
writer := ctx.Writer
writer.Print("! The argument `showcommands` is no longer supported.")
writer.Print("! Instead, the verbose log is always written to a compressed file in the output dir:")
writer.Print(fmt.Sprintf("! gzip -cd %s/verbose.log.gz | less -R", logsDir))
writer.Print("! Older versions are saved in verbose.log.#.gz files")
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
toBuild := build.BuildAll
if config.Checkbuild() {
toBuild |= build.RunBuildTests
build.Build(ctx, config, toBuild)
// getCommand finds the appropriate command based on args[1] flag. args[0]
// is the soong_ui filename.
func getCommand(args []string) (*command, []string) {
if len(args) < 2 {
return nil, args
for _, c := range commands {
if c.flag == args[1] {
return &c, args[2:]
// special case for --make-mode: if soong_ui was called from
// build/make/core/, the makeparallel with --ninja
// option specified puts the -j<num> before --make-mode.
// TODO: Remove this hack once it has been fixed.
if c.flag == makeModeFlagName {
if inList(makeModeFlagName, args) {
return &c, args[1:]
// command not found
return nil, args