
337 lines
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// Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package dexpreopt
import (
// GlobalConfig stores the configuration for dex preopting set by the product
type GlobalConfig struct {
DefaultNoStripping bool // don't strip dex files by default
DisablePreopt bool // disable preopt for all modules
DisablePreoptModules []string // modules with preopt disabled by product-specific config
OnlyPreoptBootImageAndSystemServer bool // only preopt jars in the boot image or system server
GenerateApexImage bool // generate an extra boot image only containing jars from the runtime apex
UseApexImage bool // use the apex image by default
HasSystemOther bool // store odex files that match PatternsOnSystemOther on the system_other partition
PatternsOnSystemOther []string // patterns (using '%' to denote a prefix match) to put odex on the system_other partition
DisableGenerateProfile bool // don't generate profiles
ProfileDir string // directory to find profiles in
BootJars []string // modules for jars that form the boot class path
RuntimeApexJars []string // modules for jars that are in the runtime apex
ProductUpdatableBootModules []string
ProductUpdatableBootLocations []string
SystemServerJars []string // jars that form the system server
SystemServerApps []string // apps that are loaded into system server
SpeedApps []string // apps that should be speed optimized
PreoptFlags []string // global dex2oat flags that should be used if no module-specific dex2oat flags are specified
DefaultCompilerFilter string // default compiler filter to pass to dex2oat, overridden by --compiler-filter= in module-specific dex2oat flags
SystemServerCompilerFilter string // default compiler filter to pass to dex2oat for system server jars
GenerateDMFiles bool // generate Dex Metadata files
NeverAllowStripping bool // whether stripping should not be done - used as build time check to make sure dex files are always available
NoDebugInfo bool // don't generate debug info by default
DontResolveStartupStrings bool // don't resolve string literals loaded during application startup.
AlwaysSystemServerDebugInfo bool // always generate mini debug info for system server modules (overrides NoDebugInfo=true)
NeverSystemServerDebugInfo bool // never generate mini debug info for system server modules (overrides NoDebugInfo=false)
AlwaysOtherDebugInfo bool // always generate mini debug info for non-system server modules (overrides NoDebugInfo=true)
NeverOtherDebugInfo bool // never generate mini debug info for non-system server modules (overrides NoDebugInfo=true)
MissingUsesLibraries []string // libraries that may be listed in OptionalUsesLibraries but will not be installed by the product
IsEng bool // build is a eng variant
SanitizeLite bool // build is the second phase of a SANITIZE_LITE build
DefaultAppImages bool // build app images (TODO: .art files?) by default
Dex2oatXmx string // max heap size for dex2oat
Dex2oatXms string // initial heap size for dex2oat
EmptyDirectory string // path to an empty directory
CpuVariant map[android.ArchType]string // cpu variant for each architecture
InstructionSetFeatures map[android.ArchType]string // instruction set for each architecture
// Only used for boot image
DirtyImageObjects android.OptionalPath // path to a dirty-image-objects file
PreloadedClasses android.OptionalPath // path to a preloaded-classes file
BootImageProfiles android.Paths // path to a boot-image-profile.txt file
UseProfileForBootImage bool // whether a profile should be used to compile the boot image
BootFlags string // extra flags to pass to dex2oat for the boot image
Dex2oatImageXmx string // max heap size for dex2oat for the boot image
Dex2oatImageXms string // initial heap size for dex2oat for the boot image
Tools Tools // paths to tools possibly used by the generated commands
// Tools contains paths to tools possibly used by the generated commands. If you add a new tool here you MUST add it
// to the order-only dependency list in DEXPREOPT_GEN_DEPS.
type Tools struct {
Profman android.Path
Dex2oat android.Path
Aapt android.Path
SoongZip android.Path
Zip2zip android.Path
VerifyUsesLibraries android.Path
ConstructContext android.Path
type ModuleConfig struct {
Name string
DexLocation string // dex location on device
BuildPath android.OutputPath
DexPath android.Path
UncompressedDex bool
HasApkLibraries bool
PreoptFlags []string
ProfileClassListing android.OptionalPath
ProfileIsTextListing bool
EnforceUsesLibraries bool
OptionalUsesLibraries []string
UsesLibraries []string
LibraryPaths map[string]android.Path
Archs []android.ArchType
DexPreoptImages []android.Path
PreoptBootClassPathDexFiles android.Paths // file paths of boot class path files
PreoptBootClassPathDexLocations []string // virtual locations of boot class path files
PreoptExtractedApk bool // Overrides OnlyPreoptModules
NoCreateAppImage bool
ForceCreateAppImage bool
PresignedPrebuilt bool
NoStripping bool
StripInputPath android.Path
StripOutputPath android.WritablePath
func constructPath(ctx android.PathContext, path string) android.Path {
buildDirPrefix := ctx.Config().BuildDir() + "/"
if path == "" {
return nil
} else if strings.HasPrefix(path, buildDirPrefix) {
return android.PathForOutput(ctx, strings.TrimPrefix(path, buildDirPrefix))
} else {
return android.PathForSource(ctx, path)
func constructPaths(ctx android.PathContext, paths []string) android.Paths {
var ret android.Paths
for _, path := range paths {
ret = append(ret, constructPath(ctx, path))
return ret
func constructPathMap(ctx android.PathContext, paths map[string]string) map[string]android.Path {
ret := map[string]android.Path{}
for key, path := range paths {
ret[key] = constructPath(ctx, path)
return ret
func constructWritablePath(ctx android.PathContext, path string) android.WritablePath {
if path == "" {
return nil
return constructPath(ctx, path).(android.WritablePath)
// LoadGlobalConfig reads the global dexpreopt.config file into a GlobalConfig struct. It is used directly in Soong
// and in dexpreopt_gen called from Make to read the $OUT/dexpreopt.config written by Make.
func LoadGlobalConfig(ctx android.PathContext, path string) (GlobalConfig, []byte, error) {
type GlobalJSONConfig struct {
// Copies of entries in GlobalConfig that are not constructable without extra parameters. They will be
// used to construct the real value manually below.
DirtyImageObjects string
PreloadedClasses string
BootImageProfiles []string
Tools struct {
Profman string
Dex2oat string
Aapt string
SoongZip string
Zip2zip string
VerifyUsesLibraries string
ConstructContext string
config := GlobalJSONConfig{}
data, err := loadConfig(ctx, path, &config)
if err != nil {
return config.GlobalConfig, nil, err
// Construct paths that require a PathContext.
config.GlobalConfig.DirtyImageObjects = android.OptionalPathForPath(constructPath(ctx, config.DirtyImageObjects))
config.GlobalConfig.PreloadedClasses = android.OptionalPathForPath(constructPath(ctx, config.PreloadedClasses))
config.GlobalConfig.BootImageProfiles = constructPaths(ctx, config.BootImageProfiles)
config.GlobalConfig.Tools.Profman = constructPath(ctx, config.Tools.Profman)
config.GlobalConfig.Tools.Dex2oat = constructPath(ctx, config.Tools.Dex2oat)
config.GlobalConfig.Tools.Aapt = constructPath(ctx, config.Tools.Aapt)
config.GlobalConfig.Tools.SoongZip = constructPath(ctx, config.Tools.SoongZip)
config.GlobalConfig.Tools.Zip2zip = constructPath(ctx, config.Tools.Zip2zip)
config.GlobalConfig.Tools.VerifyUsesLibraries = constructPath(ctx, config.Tools.VerifyUsesLibraries)
config.GlobalConfig.Tools.ConstructContext = constructPath(ctx, config.Tools.ConstructContext)
return config.GlobalConfig, data, nil
// LoadModuleConfig reads a per-module dexpreopt.config file into a ModuleConfig struct. It is not used in Soong, which
// receives a ModuleConfig struct directly from java/dexpreopt.go. It is used in dexpreopt_gen called from oMake to
// read the module dexpreopt.config written by Make.
func LoadModuleConfig(ctx android.PathContext, path string) (ModuleConfig, error) {
type ModuleJSONConfig struct {
// Copies of entries in ModuleConfig that are not constructable without extra parameters. They will be
// used to construct the real value manually below.
BuildPath string
DexPath string
ProfileClassListing string
LibraryPaths map[string]string
DexPreoptImages []string
PreoptBootClassPathDexFiles []string
StripInputPath string
StripOutputPath string
config := ModuleJSONConfig{}
_, err := loadConfig(ctx, path, &config)
if err != nil {
return config.ModuleConfig, err
// Construct paths that require a PathContext.
config.ModuleConfig.BuildPath = constructPath(ctx, config.BuildPath).(android.OutputPath)
config.ModuleConfig.DexPath = constructPath(ctx, config.DexPath)
config.ModuleConfig.ProfileClassListing = android.OptionalPathForPath(constructPath(ctx, config.ProfileClassListing))
config.ModuleConfig.LibraryPaths = constructPathMap(ctx, config.LibraryPaths)
config.ModuleConfig.DexPreoptImages = constructPaths(ctx, config.DexPreoptImages)
config.ModuleConfig.PreoptBootClassPathDexFiles = constructPaths(ctx, config.PreoptBootClassPathDexFiles)
config.ModuleConfig.StripInputPath = constructPath(ctx, config.StripInputPath)
config.ModuleConfig.StripOutputPath = constructWritablePath(ctx, config.StripOutputPath)
return config.ModuleConfig, nil
func loadConfig(ctx android.PathContext, path string, config interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
r, err := ctx.Fs().Open(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer r.Close()
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = json.Unmarshal(data, config)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return data, nil
func GlobalConfigForTests(ctx android.PathContext) GlobalConfig {
return GlobalConfig{
DefaultNoStripping: false,
DisablePreopt: false,
DisablePreoptModules: nil,
OnlyPreoptBootImageAndSystemServer: false,
HasSystemOther: false,
PatternsOnSystemOther: nil,
DisableGenerateProfile: false,
ProfileDir: "",
BootJars: nil,
RuntimeApexJars: nil,
ProductUpdatableBootModules: nil,
ProductUpdatableBootLocations: nil,
SystemServerJars: nil,
SystemServerApps: nil,
SpeedApps: nil,
PreoptFlags: nil,
DefaultCompilerFilter: "",
SystemServerCompilerFilter: "",
GenerateDMFiles: false,
NeverAllowStripping: false,
NoDebugInfo: false,
DontResolveStartupStrings: false,
AlwaysSystemServerDebugInfo: false,
NeverSystemServerDebugInfo: false,
AlwaysOtherDebugInfo: false,
NeverOtherDebugInfo: false,
MissingUsesLibraries: nil,
IsEng: false,
SanitizeLite: false,
DefaultAppImages: false,
Dex2oatXmx: "",
Dex2oatXms: "",
EmptyDirectory: "empty_dir",
CpuVariant: nil,
InstructionSetFeatures: nil,
DirtyImageObjects: android.OptionalPath{},
PreloadedClasses: android.OptionalPath{},
BootImageProfiles: nil,
UseProfileForBootImage: false,
BootFlags: "",
Dex2oatImageXmx: "",
Dex2oatImageXms: "",
Tools: Tools{
Profman: android.PathForTesting("profman"),
Dex2oat: android.PathForTesting("dex2oat"),
Aapt: android.PathForTesting("aapt"),
SoongZip: android.PathForTesting("soong_zip"),
Zip2zip: android.PathForTesting("zip2zip"),
VerifyUsesLibraries: android.PathForTesting(""),
ConstructContext: android.PathForTesting(""),