
479 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cc
import (
type LibraryCompilerProperties struct {
Static struct {
Srcs []string `android:"arch_variant"`
Exclude_srcs []string `android:"arch_variant"`
Cflags []string `android:"arch_variant"`
} `android:"arch_variant"`
Shared struct {
Srcs []string `android:"arch_variant"`
Exclude_srcs []string `android:"arch_variant"`
Cflags []string `android:"arch_variant"`
} `android:"arch_variant"`
type FlagExporterProperties struct {
// list of directories relative to the Blueprints file that will
// be added to the include path using -I for any module that links against this module
Export_include_dirs []string `android:"arch_variant"`
type LibraryLinkerProperties struct {
Static struct {
Enabled *bool `android:"arch_variant"`
Whole_static_libs []string `android:"arch_variant"`
Static_libs []string `android:"arch_variant"`
Shared_libs []string `android:"arch_variant"`
} `android:"arch_variant"`
Shared struct {
Enabled *bool `android:"arch_variant"`
Whole_static_libs []string `android:"arch_variant"`
Static_libs []string `android:"arch_variant"`
Shared_libs []string `android:"arch_variant"`
} `android:"arch_variant"`
// local file name to pass to the linker as --version_script
Version_script *string `android:"arch_variant"`
// local file name to pass to the linker as -unexported_symbols_list
Unexported_symbols_list *string `android:"arch_variant"`
// local file name to pass to the linker as -force_symbols_not_weak_list
Force_symbols_not_weak_list *string `android:"arch_variant"`
// local file name to pass to the linker as -force_symbols_weak_list
Force_symbols_weak_list *string `android:"arch_variant"`
// rename host libraries to prevent overlap with system installed libraries
Unique_host_soname *bool
VariantName string `blueprint:"mutated"`
func init() {
soong.RegisterModuleType("cc_library_static", libraryStaticFactory)
soong.RegisterModuleType("cc_library_shared", librarySharedFactory)
soong.RegisterModuleType("cc_library", libraryFactory)
soong.RegisterModuleType("cc_library_host_static", libraryHostStaticFactory)
soong.RegisterModuleType("cc_library_host_shared", libraryHostSharedFactory)
// Module factory for combined static + shared libraries, device by default but with possible host
// support
func libraryFactory() (blueprint.Module, []interface{}) {
module := NewLibrary(android.HostAndDeviceSupported, true, true)
return module.Init()
// Module factory for static libraries
func libraryStaticFactory() (blueprint.Module, []interface{}) {
module := NewLibrary(android.HostAndDeviceSupported, false, true)
return module.Init()
// Module factory for shared libraries
func librarySharedFactory() (blueprint.Module, []interface{}) {
module := NewLibrary(android.HostAndDeviceSupported, true, false)
return module.Init()
// Module factory for host static libraries
func libraryHostStaticFactory() (blueprint.Module, []interface{}) {
module := NewLibrary(android.HostSupported, false, true)
return module.Init()
// Module factory for host shared libraries
func libraryHostSharedFactory() (blueprint.Module, []interface{}) {
module := NewLibrary(android.HostSupported, true, false)
return module.Init()
type flagExporter struct {
Properties FlagExporterProperties
flags []string
func (f *flagExporter) exportIncludes(ctx ModuleContext, inc string) {
includeDirs := android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, f.Properties.Export_include_dirs)
for _, dir := range includeDirs.Strings() {
f.flags = append(f.flags, inc+dir)
func (f *flagExporter) reexportFlags(flags []string) {
f.flags = append(f.flags, flags...)
func (f *flagExporter) exportedFlags() []string {
return f.flags
type exportedFlagsProducer interface {
exportedFlags() []string
var _ exportedFlagsProducer = (*flagExporter)(nil)
type libraryCompiler struct {
linker *libraryLinker
Properties LibraryCompilerProperties
// For reusing static library objects for shared library
reuseObjFiles android.Paths
var _ compiler = (*libraryCompiler)(nil)
func (library *libraryCompiler) props() []interface{} {
props := library.baseCompiler.props()
return append(props, &library.Properties)
func (library *libraryCompiler) flags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags {
flags = library.baseCompiler.flags(ctx, flags)
// MinGW spits out warnings about -fPIC even for -fpie?!) being ignored because
// all code is position independent, and then those warnings get promoted to
// errors.
if ctx.Os() != android.Windows {
flags.CFlags = append(flags.CFlags, "-fPIC")
if library.linker.static() {
flags.CFlags = append(flags.CFlags, library.Properties.Static.Cflags...)
} else {
flags.CFlags = append(flags.CFlags, library.Properties.Shared.Cflags...)
return flags
func (library *libraryCompiler) compile(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags, deps PathDeps) android.Paths {
var objFiles android.Paths
objFiles = library.baseCompiler.compile(ctx, flags, deps)
library.reuseObjFiles = objFiles
pathDeps := deps.GeneratedHeaders
pathDeps = append(pathDeps, ndkPathDeps(ctx)...)
if library.linker.static() {
objFiles = append(objFiles, library.compileObjs(ctx, flags, android.DeviceStaticLibrary,
library.Properties.Static.Srcs, library.Properties.Static.Exclude_srcs,
nil, pathDeps)...)
} else {
objFiles = append(objFiles, library.compileObjs(ctx, flags, android.DeviceSharedLibrary,
library.Properties.Shared.Srcs, library.Properties.Shared.Exclude_srcs,
nil, pathDeps)...)
return objFiles
type libraryLinker struct {
Properties LibraryLinkerProperties
dynamicProperties struct {
BuildStatic bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
BuildShared bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
// If we're used as a whole_static_lib, our missing dependencies need
// to be given
wholeStaticMissingDeps []string
// For whole_static_libs
objFiles android.Paths
// Uses the module's name if empty, but can be overridden. Does not include
// shlib suffix.
libName string
var _ linker = (*libraryLinker)(nil)
type libraryInterface interface {
getWholeStaticMissingDeps() []string
static() bool
objs() android.Paths
func (library *libraryLinker) props() []interface{} {
props := library.baseLinker.props()
return append(props,
func (library *libraryLinker) getLibName(ctx ModuleContext) string {
name := library.libName
if name == "" {
name = ctx.ModuleName()
if ctx.Host() && Bool(library.Properties.Unique_host_soname) {
if !strings.HasSuffix(name, "-host") {
name = name + "-host"
return name + library.Properties.VariantName
func (library *libraryLinker) flags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags {
flags = library.baseLinker.flags(ctx, flags)
if !library.static() {
libName := library.getLibName(ctx)
// GCC for Android assumes that -shared means -Bsymbolic, use -Wl,-shared instead
sharedFlag := "-Wl,-shared"
if flags.Clang || ctx.Host() {
sharedFlag = "-shared"
var f []string
if ctx.Device() {
f = append(f,
if ctx.Darwin() {
f = append(f,
//"-read_only_relocs suppress",
"-install_name @rpath/"+libName+flags.Toolchain.ShlibSuffix(),
} else {
f = append(f,
flags.LdFlags = append(f, flags.LdFlags...)
return flags
func (library *libraryLinker) deps(ctx BaseModuleContext, deps Deps) Deps {
deps = library.baseLinker.deps(ctx, deps)
if library.static() {
deps.WholeStaticLibs = append(deps.WholeStaticLibs, library.Properties.Static.Whole_static_libs...)
deps.StaticLibs = append(deps.StaticLibs, library.Properties.Static.Static_libs...)
deps.SharedLibs = append(deps.SharedLibs, library.Properties.Static.Shared_libs...)
} else {
if ctx.Device() && !Bool(library.baseLinker.Properties.Nocrt) {
if !ctx.sdk() {
deps.CrtBegin = "crtbegin_so"
deps.CrtEnd = "crtend_so"
} else {
deps.CrtBegin = "ndk_crtbegin_so." + ctx.sdkVersion()
deps.CrtEnd = "ndk_crtend_so." + ctx.sdkVersion()
deps.WholeStaticLibs = append(deps.WholeStaticLibs, library.Properties.Shared.Whole_static_libs...)
deps.StaticLibs = append(deps.StaticLibs, library.Properties.Shared.Static_libs...)
deps.SharedLibs = append(deps.SharedLibs, library.Properties.Shared.Shared_libs...)
return deps
func (library *libraryLinker) linkStatic(ctx ModuleContext,
flags Flags, deps PathDeps, objFiles android.Paths) android.Path {
library.objFiles = append(android.Paths{}, deps.WholeStaticLibObjFiles...)
library.objFiles = append(library.objFiles, objFiles...)
outputFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx,
if ctx.Darwin() {
TransformDarwinObjToStaticLib(ctx, library.objFiles, flagsToBuilderFlags(flags), outputFile)
} else {
TransformObjToStaticLib(ctx, library.objFiles, flagsToBuilderFlags(flags), outputFile)
library.wholeStaticMissingDeps = ctx.GetMissingDependencies()
return outputFile
func (library *libraryLinker) linkShared(ctx ModuleContext,
flags Flags, deps PathDeps, objFiles android.Paths) android.Path {
var linkerDeps android.Paths
versionScript := android.OptionalPathForModuleSrc(ctx, library.Properties.Version_script)
unexportedSymbols := android.OptionalPathForModuleSrc(ctx, library.Properties.Unexported_symbols_list)
forceNotWeakSymbols := android.OptionalPathForModuleSrc(ctx, library.Properties.Force_symbols_not_weak_list)
forceWeakSymbols := android.OptionalPathForModuleSrc(ctx, library.Properties.Force_symbols_weak_list)
if !ctx.Darwin() {
if versionScript.Valid() {
flags.LdFlags = append(flags.LdFlags, "-Wl,--version-script,"+versionScript.String())
linkerDeps = append(linkerDeps, versionScript.Path())
if unexportedSymbols.Valid() {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("unexported_symbols_list", "Only supported on Darwin")
if forceNotWeakSymbols.Valid() {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("force_symbols_not_weak_list", "Only supported on Darwin")
if forceWeakSymbols.Valid() {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("force_symbols_weak_list", "Only supported on Darwin")
} else {
if versionScript.Valid() {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("version_script", "Not supported on Darwin")
if unexportedSymbols.Valid() {
flags.LdFlags = append(flags.LdFlags, "-Wl,-unexported_symbols_list,"+unexportedSymbols.String())
linkerDeps = append(linkerDeps, unexportedSymbols.Path())
if forceNotWeakSymbols.Valid() {
flags.LdFlags = append(flags.LdFlags, "-Wl,-force_symbols_not_weak_list,"+forceNotWeakSymbols.String())
linkerDeps = append(linkerDeps, forceNotWeakSymbols.Path())
if forceWeakSymbols.Valid() {
flags.LdFlags = append(flags.LdFlags, "-Wl,-force_symbols_weak_list,"+forceWeakSymbols.String())
linkerDeps = append(linkerDeps, forceWeakSymbols.Path())
fileName := library.getLibName(ctx) + flags.Toolchain.ShlibSuffix()
outputFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, fileName)
ret := outputFile
builderFlags := flagsToBuilderFlags(flags)
if library.stripper.needsStrip(ctx) {
strippedOutputFile := outputFile
outputFile = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "unstripped", fileName)
library.stripper.strip(ctx, outputFile, strippedOutputFile, builderFlags)
sharedLibs := deps.SharedLibs
sharedLibs = append(sharedLibs, deps.LateSharedLibs...)
TransformObjToDynamicBinary(ctx, objFiles, sharedLibs,
deps.StaticLibs, deps.LateStaticLibs, deps.WholeStaticLibs,
linkerDeps, deps.CrtBegin, deps.CrtEnd, false, builderFlags, outputFile)
return ret
func (library *libraryLinker) link(ctx ModuleContext,
flags Flags, deps PathDeps, objFiles android.Paths) android.Path {
objFiles = append(objFiles, deps.ObjFiles...)
var out android.Path
if library.static() {
out = library.linkStatic(ctx, flags, deps, objFiles)
} else {
out = library.linkShared(ctx, flags, deps, objFiles)
library.exportIncludes(ctx, "-I")
return out
func (library *libraryLinker) buildStatic() bool {
return library.dynamicProperties.BuildStatic &&
(library.Properties.Static.Enabled == nil || *library.Properties.Static.Enabled)
func (library *libraryLinker) buildShared() bool {
return library.dynamicProperties.BuildShared &&
(library.Properties.Shared.Enabled == nil || *library.Properties.Shared.Enabled)
func (library *libraryLinker) getWholeStaticMissingDeps() []string {
return library.wholeStaticMissingDeps
func (library *libraryLinker) installable() bool {
return !library.static()
func (library *libraryLinker) objs() android.Paths {
return library.objFiles
type libraryInstaller struct {
linker *libraryLinker
sanitize *sanitize
func (library *libraryInstaller) install(ctx ModuleContext, file android.Path) {
if !library.linker.static() {
library.baseInstaller.install(ctx, file)
func (library *libraryInstaller) inData() bool {
return library.baseInstaller.inData() || library.sanitize.inData()
func NewLibrary(hod android.HostOrDeviceSupported, shared, static bool) *Module {
module := newModule(hod, android.MultilibBoth)
linker := &libraryLinker{}
linker.dynamicProperties.BuildShared = shared
linker.dynamicProperties.BuildStatic = static
module.linker = linker
module.compiler = &libraryCompiler{
linker: linker,
module.installer = &libraryInstaller{
baseInstaller: baseInstaller{
dir: "lib",
dir64: "lib64",
linker: linker,
sanitize: module.sanitize,
return module