191 lines
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191 lines
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// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package build
import (
// Ensures the out directory exists, and has the proper files to prevent kati
// from recursing into it.
func SetupOutDir(ctx Context, config Config) {
ensureEmptyFileExists(ctx, filepath.Join(config.OutDir(), "Android.mk"))
ensureEmptyFileExists(ctx, filepath.Join(config.OutDir(), "CleanSpec.mk"))
if !config.SkipMake() {
ensureEmptyFileExists(ctx, filepath.Join(config.SoongOutDir(), ".soong.in_make"))
// The ninja_build file is used by our buildbots to understand that the output
// can be parsed as ninja output.
ensureEmptyFileExists(ctx, filepath.Join(config.OutDir(), "ninja_build"))
ensureEmptyFileExists(ctx, filepath.Join(config.OutDir(), ".out-dir"))
var combinedBuildNinjaTemplate = template.Must(template.New("combined").Parse(`
builddir = {{.OutDir}}
{{if .HasKatiSuffix}}include {{.KatiNinjaFile}}
{{end -}}
include {{.SoongNinjaFile}}
func createCombinedBuildNinjaFile(ctx Context, config Config) {
// If we're in SkipMake mode, skip creating this file if it already exists
if config.SkipMake() {
if _, err := os.Stat(config.CombinedNinjaFile()); err == nil || !os.IsNotExist(err) {
file, err := os.Create(config.CombinedNinjaFile())
if err != nil {
ctx.Fatalln("Failed to create combined ninja file:", err)
defer file.Close()
if err := combinedBuildNinjaTemplate.Execute(file, config); err != nil {
ctx.Fatalln("Failed to write combined ninja file:", err)
const (
BuildNone = iota
BuildProductConfig = 1 << iota
BuildSoong = 1 << iota
BuildKati = 1 << iota
BuildNinja = 1 << iota
RunBuildTests = 1 << iota
BuildAll = BuildProductConfig | BuildSoong | BuildKati | BuildNinja
func checkCaseSensitivity(ctx Context, config Config) {
outDir := config.OutDir()
lowerCase := filepath.Join(outDir, "casecheck.txt")
upperCase := filepath.Join(outDir, "CaseCheck.txt")
lowerData := "a"
upperData := "B"
err := ioutil.WriteFile(lowerCase, []byte(lowerData), 0777)
if err != nil {
ctx.Fatalln("Failed to check case sensitivity:", err)
err = ioutil.WriteFile(upperCase, []byte(upperData), 0777)
if err != nil {
ctx.Fatalln("Failed to check case sensitivity:", err)
res, err := ioutil.ReadFile(lowerCase)
if err != nil {
ctx.Fatalln("Failed to check case sensitivity:", err)
if string(res) != lowerData {
ctx.Println("You are building on a case-insensitive filesystem.")
ctx.Println("Please move your source tree to a case-sensitive filesystem.")
ctx.Fatalln("Case-insensitive filesystems not supported")
func help(ctx Context, config Config, what int) {
cmd := Command(ctx, config, "help.sh", "build/make/help.sh")
cmd.Sandbox = dumpvarsSandbox
// Build the tree. The 'what' argument can be used to chose which components of
// the build to run.
func Build(ctx Context, config Config, what int) {
ctx.Verboseln("Starting build with args:", config.Arguments())
ctx.Verboseln("Environment:", config.Environment().Environ())
if config.SkipMake() {
ctx.Verboseln("Skipping Make/Kati as requested")
what = what & (BuildSoong | BuildNinja)
if inList("help", config.Arguments()) {
help(ctx, config, what)
} else if inList("clean", config.Arguments()) || inList("clobber", config.Arguments()) {
clean(ctx, config, what)
// Make sure that no other Soong process is running with the same output directory
buildLock := BecomeSingletonOrFail(ctx, config)
defer buildLock.Unlock()
SetupOutDir(ctx, config)
checkCaseSensitivity(ctx, config)
ensureEmptyDirectoriesExist(ctx, config.TempDir())
SetupPath(ctx, config)
if what&BuildProductConfig != 0 {
// Run make for product config
runMakeProductConfig(ctx, config)
if inList("installclean", config.Arguments()) {
installClean(ctx, config, what)
ctx.Println("Deleted images and staging directories.")
} else if inList("dataclean", config.Arguments()) {
dataClean(ctx, config, what)
ctx.Println("Deleted data files.")
if what&BuildSoong != 0 {
// Run Soong
runSoong(ctx, config)
if what&BuildKati != 0 {
// Run ckati
runKati(ctx, config)
ioutil.WriteFile(config.LastKatiSuffixFile(), []byte(config.KatiSuffix()), 0777)
} else {
// Load last Kati Suffix if it exists
if katiSuffix, err := ioutil.ReadFile(config.LastKatiSuffixFile()); err == nil {
ctx.Verboseln("Loaded previous kati config:", string(katiSuffix))
// Write combined ninja file
createCombinedBuildNinjaFile(ctx, config)
if what&RunBuildTests != 0 {
testForDanglingRules(ctx, config)
if what&BuildNinja != 0 {
if !config.SkipMake() {
installCleanIfNecessary(ctx, config)
// Run ninja
runNinja(ctx, config)