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// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package python
// This file contains the "Base" module type for building Python program.
import (
func init() {
// Exported to support other packages using Python modules in tests.
func RegisterPythonPreDepsMutators(ctx android.RegisterMutatorsContext) {
ctx.BottomUp("python_version", versionSplitMutator()).Parallel()
// the version-specific properties that apply to python modules.
type VersionProperties struct {
// whether the module is required to be built with this version.
// Defaults to true for Python 3, and false otherwise.
Enabled *bool `android:"arch_variant"`
// list of source files specific to this Python version.
// Using the syntax ":module", srcs may reference the outputs of other modules that produce source files,
// e.g. genrule or filegroup.
Srcs []string `android:"path,arch_variant"`
// list of source files that should not be used to build the Python module for this version.
// This is most useful to remove files that are not common to all Python versions.
Exclude_srcs []string `android:"path,arch_variant"`
// list of the Python libraries used only for this Python version.
Libs []string `android:"arch_variant"`
// whether the binary is required to be built with embedded launcher for this version, defaults to false.
Embedded_launcher *bool `android:"arch_variant"` // TODO(b/174041232): Remove this property
// properties that apply to all python modules
type BaseProperties struct {
// the package path prefix within the output artifact at which to place the source/data
// files of the current module.
// eg. Pkg_path = "a/b/c"; Other packages can reference this module by using
// (from a.b.c import ...) statement.
// if left unspecified, all the source/data files path is unchanged within zip file.
Pkg_path *string `android:"arch_variant"`
// true, if the Python module is used internally, eg, Python std libs.
Is_internal *bool `android:"arch_variant"`
// list of source (.py) files compatible both with Python2 and Python3 used to compile the
// Python module.
// srcs may reference the outputs of other modules that produce source files like genrule
// or filegroup using the syntax ":module".
// Srcs has to be non-empty.
Srcs []string `android:"path,arch_variant"`
// list of source files that should not be used to build the C/C++ module.
// This is most useful in the arch/multilib variants to remove non-common files
Exclude_srcs []string `android:"path,arch_variant"`
// list of files or filegroup modules that provide data that should be installed alongside
// the test. the file extension can be arbitrary except for (.py).
Data []string `android:"path,arch_variant"`
// list of java modules that provide data that should be installed alongside the test.
Java_data []string
// list of the Python libraries compatible both with Python2 and Python3.
Libs []string `android:"arch_variant"`
Version struct {
// Python2-specific properties, including whether Python2 is supported for this module
// and version-specific sources, exclusions and dependencies.
Py2 VersionProperties `android:"arch_variant"`
// Python3-specific properties, including whether Python3 is supported for this module
// and version-specific sources, exclusions and dependencies.
Py3 VersionProperties `android:"arch_variant"`
} `android:"arch_variant"`
// the actual version each module uses after variations created.
// this property name is hidden from users' perspectives, and soong will populate it during
// runtime.
Actual_version string `blueprint:"mutated"`
// whether the module is required to be built with actual_version.
// this is set by the python version mutator based on version-specific properties
Enabled *bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
// whether the binary is required to be built with embedded launcher for this actual_version.
// this is set by the python version mutator based on version-specific properties
Embedded_launcher *bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
// Used to store files of current module after expanding dependencies
type pathMapping struct {
dest string
src android.Path
type Module struct {
properties BaseProperties
protoProperties android.ProtoProperties
// initialize before calling Init
hod android.HostOrDeviceSupported
multilib android.Multilib
// interface used to bootstrap .par executable when embedded_launcher is true
// this should be set by Python modules which are runnable, e.g. binaries and tests
// bootstrapper might be nil (e.g. Python library module).
bootstrapper bootstrapper
// interface that implements functions required for installation
// this should be set by Python modules which are runnable, e.g. binaries and tests
// installer might be nil (e.g. Python library module).
installer installer
// the Python files of current module after expanding source dependencies.
// pathMapping: <dest: runfile_path, src: source_path>
srcsPathMappings []pathMapping
// the data files of current module after expanding source dependencies.
// pathMapping: <dest: runfile_path, src: source_path>
dataPathMappings []pathMapping
// the zip filepath for zipping current module source/data files.
srcsZip android.Path
// dependency modules' zip filepath for zipping current module source/data files.
depsSrcsZips android.Paths
// (.intermediate) module output path as installation source.
installSource android.OptionalPath
// Map to ensure sub-part of the AndroidMk for this module is only added once
subAndroidMkOnce map[subAndroidMkProvider]bool
// newModule generates new Python base module
func newModule(hod android.HostOrDeviceSupported, multilib android.Multilib) *Module {
return &Module{
hod: hod,
multilib: multilib,
// bootstrapper interface should be implemented for runnable modules, e.g. binary and test
type bootstrapper interface {
bootstrapperProps() []interface{}
bootstrap(ctx android.ModuleContext, ActualVersion string, embeddedLauncher bool,
srcsPathMappings []pathMapping, srcsZip android.Path,
depsSrcsZips android.Paths) android.OptionalPath
autorun() bool
// installer interface should be implemented for installable modules, e.g. binary and test
type installer interface {
install(ctx android.ModuleContext, path android.Path)
setAndroidMkSharedLibs(sharedLibs []string)
// interface implemented by Python modules to provide source and data mappings and zip to python
// modules that depend on it
type pythonDependency interface {
getSrcsPathMappings() []pathMapping
getDataPathMappings() []pathMapping
getSrcsZip() android.Path
// getSrcsPathMappings gets this module's path mapping of src source path : runfiles destination
func (p *Module) getSrcsPathMappings() []pathMapping {
return p.srcsPathMappings
// getSrcsPathMappings gets this module's path mapping of data source path : runfiles destination
func (p *Module) getDataPathMappings() []pathMapping {
return p.dataPathMappings
// getSrcsZip returns the filepath where the current module's source/data files are zipped.
func (p *Module) getSrcsZip() android.Path {
return p.srcsZip
var _ pythonDependency = (*Module)(nil)
var _ android.AndroidMkEntriesProvider = (*Module)(nil)
func (p *Module) init(additionalProps ...interface{}) android.Module {
p.AddProperties(&p.properties, &p.protoProperties)
// Add additional properties for bootstrapping/installation
// This is currently tied to the bootstrapper interface;
// however, these are a combination of properties for the installation and bootstrapping of a module
if p.bootstrapper != nil {
android.InitAndroidArchModule(p, p.hod, p.multilib)
return p
// Python-specific tag to transfer information on the purpose of a dependency.
// This is used when adding a dependency on a module, which can later be accessed when visiting
// dependencies.
type dependencyTag struct {
name string
// Python-specific tag that indicates that installed files of this module should depend on installed
// files of the dependency
type installDependencyTag struct {
// embedding this struct provides the installation dependency requirement
name string
var (
pythonLibTag = dependencyTag{name: "pythonLib"}
javaDataTag = dependencyTag{name: "javaData"}
launcherTag = dependencyTag{name: "launcher"}
launcherSharedLibTag = installDependencyTag{name: "launcherSharedLib"}
pathComponentRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$`)
pyExt = ".py"
protoExt = ".proto"
pyVersion2 = "PY2"
pyVersion3 = "PY3"
initFileName = "__init__.py"
mainFileName = "__main__.py"
entryPointFile = "entry_point.txt"
parFileExt = ".zip"
internalPath = "internal"
// versionSplitMutator creates version variants for modules and appends the version-specific
// properties for a given variant to the properties in the variant module
func versionSplitMutator() func(android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
return func(mctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
if base, ok := mctx.Module().(*Module); ok {
versionNames := []string{}
// collect version specific properties, so that we can merge version-specific properties
// into the module's overall properties
versionProps := []VersionProperties{}
// PY3 is first so that we alias the PY3 variant rather than PY2 if both
// are available
if proptools.BoolDefault(base.properties.Version.Py3.Enabled, true) {
versionNames = append(versionNames, pyVersion3)
versionProps = append(versionProps, base.properties.Version.Py3)
if proptools.BoolDefault(base.properties.Version.Py2.Enabled, false) {
versionNames = append(versionNames, pyVersion2)
versionProps = append(versionProps, base.properties.Version.Py2)
modules := mctx.CreateLocalVariations(versionNames...)
// Alias module to the first variant
if len(versionNames) > 0 {
for i, v := range versionNames {
// set the actual version for Python module.
modules[i].(*Module).properties.Actual_version = v
// append versioned properties for the Python module to the overall properties
err := proptools.AppendMatchingProperties([]interface{}{&modules[i].(*Module).properties}, &versionProps[i], nil)
if err != nil {
// HostToolPath returns a path if appropriate such that this module can be used as a host tool,
// fulfilling HostToolProvider interface.
func (p *Module) HostToolPath() android.OptionalPath {
if p.installer == nil {
// python_library is just meta module, and doesn't have any installer.
return android.OptionalPath{}
// TODO: This should only be set when building host binaries -- tests built for device would be
// setting this incorrectly.
return android.OptionalPathForPath(p.installer.(*binaryDecorator).path)
// OutputFiles returns output files based on given tag, returns an error if tag is unsupported.
func (p *Module) OutputFiles(tag string) (android.Paths, error) {
switch tag {
case "":
if outputFile := p.installSource; outputFile.Valid() {
return android.Paths{outputFile.Path()}, nil
return android.Paths{}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported module reference tag %q", tag)
func (p *Module) isEmbeddedLauncherEnabled() bool {
return p.installer != nil && Bool(p.properties.Embedded_launcher)
func anyHasExt(paths []string, ext string) bool {
for _, p := range paths {
if filepath.Ext(p) == ext {
return true
return false
func (p *Module) anySrcHasExt(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext, ext string) bool {
return anyHasExt(p.properties.Srcs, ext)
// DepsMutator mutates dependencies for this module:
// * handles proto dependencies,
// * if required, specifies launcher and adds launcher dependencies,
// * applies python version mutations to Python dependencies
func (p *Module) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
android.ProtoDeps(ctx, &p.protoProperties)
versionVariation := []blueprint.Variation{
{"python_version", p.properties.Actual_version},
// If sources contain a proto file, add dependency on libprotobuf-python
if p.anySrcHasExt(ctx, protoExt) && p.Name() != "libprotobuf-python" {
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(versionVariation, pythonLibTag, "libprotobuf-python")
// Add python library dependencies for this python version variation
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(versionVariation, pythonLibTag, android.LastUniqueStrings(p.properties.Libs)...)
// If this module will be installed and has an embedded launcher, we need to add dependencies for:
// * standard library
// * launcher
// * shared dependencies of the launcher
if p.installer != nil && p.isEmbeddedLauncherEnabled() {
var stdLib string
var launcherModule string
// Add launcher shared lib dependencies. Ideally, these should be
// derived from the `shared_libs` property of the launcher. However, we
// cannot read the property at this stage and it will be too late to add
// dependencies later.
launcherSharedLibDeps := []string{
// Add launcher-specific dependencies for bionic
if ctx.Target().Os.Bionic() {
launcherSharedLibDeps = append(launcherSharedLibDeps, "libc", "libdl", "libm")
switch p.properties.Actual_version {
case pyVersion2:
stdLib = "py2-stdlib"
launcherModule = "py2-launcher"
if p.bootstrapper.autorun() {
launcherModule = "py2-launcher-autorun"
launcherSharedLibDeps = append(launcherSharedLibDeps, "libc++")
case pyVersion3:
stdLib = "py3-stdlib"
launcherModule = "py3-launcher"
if p.bootstrapper.autorun() {
launcherModule = "py3-launcher-autorun"
if ctx.Device() {
launcherSharedLibDeps = append(launcherSharedLibDeps, "liblog")
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown Python Actual_version: %q for module: %q.",
p.properties.Actual_version, ctx.ModuleName()))
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(versionVariation, pythonLibTag, stdLib)
ctx.AddFarVariationDependencies(ctx.Target().Variations(), launcherTag, launcherModule)
ctx.AddFarVariationDependencies(ctx.Target().Variations(), launcherSharedLibTag, launcherSharedLibDeps...)
// Emulate the data property for java_data but with the arch variation overridden to "common"
// so that it can point to java modules.
javaDataVariation := []blueprint.Variation{{"arch", android.Common.String()}}
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(javaDataVariation, javaDataTag, p.properties.Java_data...)
func (p *Module) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
// Only Python binary and test modules have non-empty bootstrapper.
if p.bootstrapper != nil {
// if the module is being installed, we need to collect all transitive dependencies to embed in
// the final par
// bootstrap the module, including resolving main file, getting launcher path, and
// registering actions to build the par file
// bootstrap returns the binary output path
p.installSource = p.bootstrapper.bootstrap(ctx, p.properties.Actual_version,
p.isEmbeddedLauncherEnabled(), p.srcsPathMappings, p.srcsZip, p.depsSrcsZips)
// Only Python binary and test modules have non-empty installer.
if p.installer != nil {
var sharedLibs []string
// if embedded launcher is enabled, we need to collect the shared library depenendencies of the
// launcher
ctx.VisitDirectDeps(func(dep android.Module) {
if ctx.OtherModuleDependencyTag(dep) == launcherSharedLibTag {
sharedLibs = append(sharedLibs, ctx.OtherModuleName(dep))
// Install the par file from installSource
if p.installSource.Valid() {
p.installer.install(ctx, p.installSource.Path())
// generatePythonBuildActions performs build actions common to all Python modules
func (p *Module) generatePythonBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
expandedSrcs := android.PathsForModuleSrcExcludes(ctx, p.properties.Srcs, p.properties.Exclude_srcs)
requiresSrcs := true
if p.bootstrapper != nil && !p.bootstrapper.autorun() {
requiresSrcs = false
if len(expandedSrcs) == 0 && requiresSrcs {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("doesn't have any source files!")
// expand data files from "data" property.
expandedData := android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, p.properties.Data)
// Emulate the data property for java_data dependencies.
for _, javaData := range ctx.GetDirectDepsWithTag(javaDataTag) {
expandedData = append(expandedData, android.OutputFilesForModule(ctx, javaData, "")...)
// Validate pkg_path property
pkgPath := String(p.properties.Pkg_path)
if pkgPath != "" {
// TODO: export validation from android/paths.go handling to replace this duplicated functionality
pkgPath = filepath.Clean(String(p.properties.Pkg_path))
if pkgPath == ".." || strings.HasPrefix(pkgPath, "../") ||
strings.HasPrefix(pkgPath, "/") {
"%q must be a relative path contained in par file.",
// If property Is_internal is set, prepend pkgPath with internalPath
if proptools.BoolDefault(p.properties.Is_internal, false) {
pkgPath = filepath.Join(internalPath, pkgPath)
// generate src:destination path mappings for this module
p.genModulePathMappings(ctx, pkgPath, expandedSrcs, expandedData)
// generate the zipfile of all source and data files
p.srcsZip = p.createSrcsZip(ctx, pkgPath)
func isValidPythonPath(path string) error {
identifiers := strings.Split(strings.TrimSuffix(path, filepath.Ext(path)), "/")
for _, token := range identifiers {
if !pathComponentRegexp.MatchString(token) {
return fmt.Errorf("the path %q contains invalid subpath %q. "+
"Subpaths must be at least one character long. "+
"The first character must an underscore or letter. "+
"Following characters may be any of: letter, digit, underscore, hyphen.",
path, token)
return nil
// For this module, generate unique pathMappings: <dest: runfiles_path, src: source_path>
// for python/data files expanded from properties.
func (p *Module) genModulePathMappings(ctx android.ModuleContext, pkgPath string,
expandedSrcs, expandedData android.Paths) {
// fetch <runfiles_path, source_path> pairs from "src" and "data" properties to
// check current module duplicates.
destToPySrcs := make(map[string]string)
destToPyData := make(map[string]string)
for _, s := range expandedSrcs {
if s.Ext() != pyExt && s.Ext() != protoExt {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("srcs", "found non (.py|.proto) file: %q!", s.String())
runfilesPath := filepath.Join(pkgPath, s.Rel())
if err := isValidPythonPath(runfilesPath); err != nil {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("srcs", err.Error())
if !checkForDuplicateOutputPath(ctx, destToPySrcs, runfilesPath, s.String(), p.Name(), p.Name()) {
p.srcsPathMappings = append(p.srcsPathMappings, pathMapping{dest: runfilesPath, src: s})
for _, d := range expandedData {
if d.Ext() == pyExt || d.Ext() == protoExt {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("data", "found (.py|.proto) file: %q!", d.String())
runfilesPath := filepath.Join(pkgPath, d.Rel())
if !checkForDuplicateOutputPath(ctx, destToPyData, runfilesPath, d.String(), p.Name(), p.Name()) {
p.dataPathMappings = append(p.dataPathMappings,
pathMapping{dest: runfilesPath, src: d})
// createSrcsZip registers build actions to zip current module's sources and data.
func (p *Module) createSrcsZip(ctx android.ModuleContext, pkgPath string) android.Path {
relativeRootMap := make(map[string]android.Paths)
pathMappings := append(p.srcsPathMappings, p.dataPathMappings...)
var protoSrcs android.Paths
// "srcs" or "data" properties may contain filegroup so it might happen that
// the root directory for each source path is different.
for _, path := range pathMappings {
// handle proto sources separately
if path.src.Ext() == protoExt {
protoSrcs = append(protoSrcs, path.src)
} else {
var relativeRoot string
relativeRoot = strings.TrimSuffix(path.src.String(), path.src.Rel())
if v, found := relativeRootMap[relativeRoot]; found {
relativeRootMap[relativeRoot] = append(v, path.src)
} else {
relativeRootMap[relativeRoot] = android.Paths{path.src}
var zips android.Paths
if len(protoSrcs) > 0 {
protoFlags := android.GetProtoFlags(ctx, &p.protoProperties)
protoFlags.OutTypeFlag = "--python_out"
for _, srcFile := range protoSrcs {
zip := genProto(ctx, srcFile, protoFlags, pkgPath)
zips = append(zips, zip)
if len(relativeRootMap) > 0 {
// in order to keep stable order of soong_zip params, we sort the keys here.
roots := android.SortedStringKeys(relativeRootMap)
parArgs := []string{}
if pkgPath != "" {
// use package path as path prefix
parArgs = append(parArgs, `-P `+pkgPath)
paths := android.Paths{}
for _, root := range roots {
// specify relative root of file in following -f arguments
parArgs = append(parArgs, `-C `+root)
for _, path := range relativeRootMap[root] {
parArgs = append(parArgs, `-f `+path.String())
paths = append(paths, path)
origSrcsZip := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, ctx.ModuleName()+".py.srcszip")
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: zip,
Description: "python library archive",
Output: origSrcsZip,
// as zip rule does not use $in, there is no real need to distinguish between Inputs and Implicits
Implicits: paths,
Args: map[string]string{
"args": strings.Join(parArgs, " "),
zips = append(zips, origSrcsZip)
// we may have multiple zips due to separate handling of proto source files
if len(zips) == 1 {
return zips[0]
} else {
combinedSrcsZip := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, ctx.ModuleName()+".srcszip")
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: combineZip,
Description: "combine python library archive",
Output: combinedSrcsZip,
Inputs: zips,
return combinedSrcsZip
// isPythonLibModule returns whether the given module is a Python library Module or not
// This is distinguished by the fact that Python libraries are not installable, while other Python
// modules are.
func isPythonLibModule(module blueprint.Module) bool {
if m, ok := module.(*Module); ok {
// Python library has no bootstrapper or installer
if m.bootstrapper == nil && m.installer == nil {
return true
return false
// collectPathsFromTransitiveDeps checks for source/data files for duplicate paths
// for module and its transitive dependencies and collects list of data/source file
// zips for transitive dependencies.
func (p *Module) collectPathsFromTransitiveDeps(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
// fetch <runfiles_path, source_path> pairs from "src" and "data" properties to
// check duplicates.
destToPySrcs := make(map[string]string)
destToPyData := make(map[string]string)
for _, path := range p.srcsPathMappings {
destToPySrcs[path.dest] = path.src.String()
for _, path := range p.dataPathMappings {
destToPyData[path.dest] = path.src.String()
seen := make(map[android.Module]bool)
// visit all its dependencies in depth first.
ctx.WalkDeps(func(child, parent android.Module) bool {
// we only collect dependencies tagged as python library deps
if ctx.OtherModuleDependencyTag(child) != pythonLibTag {
return false
if seen[child] {
return false
seen[child] = true
// Python modules only can depend on Python libraries.
if !isPythonLibModule(child) {
"the dependency %q of module %q is not Python library!",
ctx.ModuleName(), ctx.OtherModuleName(child))
// collect source and data paths, checking that there are no duplicate output file conflicts
if dep, ok := child.(pythonDependency); ok {
srcs := dep.getSrcsPathMappings()
for _, path := range srcs {
checkForDuplicateOutputPath(ctx, destToPySrcs,
path.dest, path.src.String(), ctx.ModuleName(), ctx.OtherModuleName(child))
data := dep.getDataPathMappings()
for _, path := range data {
checkForDuplicateOutputPath(ctx, destToPyData,
path.dest, path.src.String(), ctx.ModuleName(), ctx.OtherModuleName(child))
p.depsSrcsZips = append(p.depsSrcsZips, dep.getSrcsZip())
return true
// chckForDuplicateOutputPath checks whether outputPath has already been included in map m, which
// would result in two files being placed in the same location.
// If there is a duplicate path, an error is thrown and true is returned
// Otherwise, outputPath: srcPath is added to m and returns false
func checkForDuplicateOutputPath(ctx android.ModuleContext, m map[string]string, outputPath, srcPath, curModule, otherModule string) bool {
if oldSrcPath, found := m[outputPath]; found {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("found two files to be placed at the same location within zip %q."+
" First file: in module %s at path %q."+
" Second file: in module %s at path %q.",
outputPath, curModule, oldSrcPath, otherModule, srcPath)
return true
m[outputPath] = srcPath
return false
// InstallInData returns true as Python is not supported in the system partition
func (p *Module) InstallInData() bool {
return true
var Bool = proptools.Bool
var BoolDefault = proptools.BoolDefault
var String = proptools.String