
475 lines
10 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
use strict;
use Pod::Usage;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Find;
use Fcntl ':mode';
my $help;
my $man;
my $debug;
my $arch;
my $feat;
my $prefix="Documentation/features";
"debug|d+" => \$debug,
"dir=s" => \$prefix,
'help|?' => \$help,
'arch=s' => \$arch,
'feat=s' => \$feat,
man => \$man
) or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(1) if $help;
pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;
pod2usage(2) if (scalar @ARGV < 1 || @ARGV > 2);
my ($cmd, $arg) = @ARGV;
pod2usage(2) if ($cmd ne "current" && $cmd ne "rest" && $cmd ne "validate");
require Data::Dumper if ($debug);
my %data;
my %archs;
# Displays an error message, printing file name and line
sub parse_error($$$$) {
my ($file, $ln, $msg, $data) = @_;
$data =~ s/\s+$/\n/;
print STDERR "Warning: file $file#$ln:\n\t$msg";
if ($data ne "") {
print STDERR ". Line\n\t\t$data";
} else {
print STDERR "\n";
# Parse a features file, storing its contents at %data
my $h_name = "Feature";
my $h_kconfig = "Kconfig";
my $h_description = "Description";
my $h_subsys = "Subsystem";
my $h_status = "Status";
my $h_arch = "Architecture";
my $max_size_name = length($h_name);
my $max_size_kconfig = length($h_kconfig);
my $max_size_description = length($h_description);
my $max_size_subsys = length($h_subsys);
my $max_size_status = length($h_status);
my $max_size_arch = length($h_arch);
sub parse_feat {
my $file = $File::Find::name;
my $mode = (stat($file))[2];
return if ($mode & S_IFDIR);
return if ($file =~ m,($prefix)/arch-support.txt,);
return if (!($file =~ m,arch-support.txt$,));
my $subsys = "";
$subsys = $2 if ( m,.*($prefix)/([^/]+).*,);
if (length($subsys) > $max_size_subsys) {
$max_size_subsys = length($subsys);
my $name;
my $kconfig;
my $description;
my $comments = "";
my $last_status;
my $ln;
my %arch_table;
print STDERR "Opening $file\n" if ($debug > 1);
open IN, $file;
while(<IN>) {
if (m/^\#\s+Feature\s+name:\s*(.*\S)/) {
$name = $1;
if (length($name) > $max_size_name) {
$max_size_name = length($name);
if (m/^\#\s+Kconfig:\s*(.*\S)/) {
$kconfig = $1;
if (length($kconfig) > $max_size_kconfig) {
$max_size_kconfig = length($kconfig);
if (m/^\#\s+description:\s*(.*\S)/) {
$description = $1;
if (length($description) > $max_size_description) {
$max_size_description = length($description);
next if (m/^\\s*$/);
next if (m/^\s*\-+\s*$/);
next if (m/^\s*\|\s*arch\s*\|\s*status\s*\|\s*$/);
if (m/^\#\s*(.*)/) {
$comments .= "$1\n";
if (m/^\s*\|\s*(\S+):\s*\|\s*(\S+)\s*\|\s*$/) {
my $a = $1;
my $status = $2;
if (length($status) > $max_size_status) {
$max_size_status = length($status);
if (length($a) > $max_size_arch) {
$max_size_arch = length($a);
$status = "---" if ($status =~ m/^\.\.$/);
$archs{$a} = 1;
$arch_table{$a} = $status;
#Everything else is an error
parse_error($file, $ln, "line is invalid", $_);
close IN;
if (!$name) {
parse_error($file, $ln, "Feature name not found", "");
parse_error($file, $ln, "Subsystem not found", "") if (!$subsys);
parse_error($file, $ln, "Kconfig not found", "") if (!$kconfig);
parse_error($file, $ln, "Description not found", "") if (!$description);
if (!%arch_table) {
parse_error($file, $ln, "Architecture table not found", "");
$data{$name}->{where} = $file;
$data{$name}->{subsys} = $subsys;
$data{$name}->{kconfig} = $kconfig;
$data{$name}->{description} = $description;
$data{$name}->{comments} = $comments;
$data{$name}->{table} = \%arch_table;
# Output feature(s) for a given architecture
sub output_arch_table {
my $title = "Feature status on $arch architecture";
print "=" x length($title) . "\n";
print "$title\n";
print "=" x length($title) . "\n\n";
print "=" x $max_size_subsys;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_name;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_kconfig;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_status;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_description;
print "\n";
printf "%-${max_size_subsys}s ", $h_subsys;
printf "%-${max_size_name}s ", $h_name;
printf "%-${max_size_kconfig}s ", $h_kconfig;
printf "%-${max_size_status}s ", $h_status;
printf "%-${max_size_description}s\n", $h_description;
print "=" x $max_size_subsys;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_name;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_kconfig;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_status;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_description;
print "\n";
foreach my $name (sort {
($data{$a}->{subsys} cmp $data{$b}->{subsys}) ||
($data{$a}->{name} cmp $data{$b}->{name})
} keys %data) {
next if ($feat && $name ne $feat);
my %arch_table = %{$data{$name}->{table}};
printf "%-${max_size_subsys}s ", $data{$name}->{subsys};
printf "%-${max_size_name}s ", $name;
printf "%-${max_size_kconfig}s ", $data{$name}->{kconfig};
printf "%-${max_size_status}s ", $arch_table{$arch};
printf "%-${max_size_description}s\n", $data{$name}->{description};
print "=" x $max_size_subsys;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_name;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_kconfig;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_status;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_description;
print "\n";
# Output a feature on all architectures
sub output_feature {
my $title = "Feature $feat";
print "=" x length($title) . "\n";
print "$title\n";
print "=" x length($title) . "\n\n";
print ":Subsystem: $data{$feat}->{subsys} \n" if ($data{$feat}->{subsys});
print ":Kconfig: $data{$feat}->{kconfig} \n" if ($data{$feat}->{kconfig});
my $desc = $data{$feat}->{description};
$desc =~ s/^([a-z])/\U$1/;
$desc =~ s/\.?\s*//;
print "\n$desc.\n\n";
my $com = $data{$feat}->{comments};
$com =~ s/^\s+//;
$com =~ s/\s+$//;
if ($com) {
print "Comments\n";
print "--------\n\n";
print "$com\n\n";
print "=" x $max_size_arch;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_status;
print "\n";
printf "%-${max_size_arch}s ", $h_arch;
printf "%-${max_size_status}s", $h_status . "\n";
print "=" x $max_size_arch;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_status;
print "\n";
my %arch_table = %{$data{$feat}->{table}};
foreach my $arch (sort keys %arch_table) {
printf "%-${max_size_arch}s ", $arch;
printf "%-${max_size_status}s\n", $arch_table{$arch};
print "=" x $max_size_arch;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_status;
print "\n";
# Output all features for all architectures
sub matrix_lines {
print "=" x $max_size_subsys;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_name;
print " ";
foreach my $arch (sort keys %archs) {
my $len = $max_size_status;
$len = length($arch) if ($len < length($arch));
print "=" x $len;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_kconfig;
print " ";
print "=" x $max_size_description;
print "\n";
sub output_matrix {
my $title = "Feature List (feature x architecture)";
print "=" x length($title) . "\n";
print "$title\n";
print "=" x length($title) . "\n\n";
printf "%-${max_size_subsys}s ", $h_subsys;
printf "%-${max_size_name}s ", $h_name;
foreach my $arch (sort keys %archs) {
printf "%-${max_size_status}s ", $arch;
printf "%-${max_size_kconfig}s ", $h_kconfig;
printf "%-${max_size_description}s\n", $h_description;
foreach my $name (sort {
($data{$a}->{subsys} cmp $data{$b}->{subsys}) ||
($data{$a}->{name} cmp $data{$b}->{name})
} keys %data) {
printf "%-${max_size_subsys}s ", $data{$name}->{subsys};
printf "%-${max_size_name}s ", $name;
my %arch_table = %{$data{$name}->{table}};
foreach my $arch (sort keys %arch_table) {
my $len = $max_size_status;
$len = length($arch) if ($len < length($arch));
printf "%-${len}s ", $arch_table{$arch};
printf "%-${max_size_kconfig}s ", $data{$name}->{kconfig};
printf "%-${max_size_description}s\n", $data{$name}->{description};
# Parses all feature files located at $prefix dir
find({wanted =>\&parse_feat, no_chdir => 1}, $prefix);
print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump([\%data], [qw(*data)]) if ($debug);
# Handles the command
if ($cmd eq "current") {
$arch = qx(uname -m | sed 's/x86_64/x86/' | sed 's/i386/x86/');
$arch =~s/\s+$//;
if ($cmd ne "validate") {
if ($arch) {
} elsif ($feat) {
} else {
=head1 NAME - parse the Linux Feature files and produce a ReST book.
B<> [--debug] [--man] [--help] [--dir=<dir>]
[--arch=<arch>] [--feat=<feature>] <COMAND> [<ARGUMENT>]
Where <COMMAND> can be:
=over 8
B<current> - output features for this machine's architecture
B<rest> - output features in ReST markup language
B<validate> - validate the feature contents
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<--arch>
Output features for an specific architecture, optionally filtering for
a single specific feature.
=item B<--feat>
Output features for a single specific architecture.
=item B<--dir>
Changes the location of the Feature files. By default, it uses
the Documentation/features directory.
=item B<--debug>
Put the script in verbose mode, useful for debugging. Can be called multiple
times, to increase verbosity.
=item B<--help>
Prints a brief help message and exits.
=item B<--man>
Prints the manual page and exits.
Parse the Linux feature files from Documentation/features (by default),
optionally producing results at ReST format.
It supports output data per architecture, per feature or a
feature x arch matrix.
When used with B<rest> command, it will use either one of the tree formats:
If neither B<--arch> or B<--feature> arguments are used, it will output a
matrix with features per architecture.
If B<--arch> argument is used, it will output the features availability for
a given architecture.
If B<--feat> argument is used, it will output the content of the feature
file using ReStructured Text markup.
=head1 BUGS
Report bugs to Mauro Carvalho Chehab <>
Copyright (c) 2019 by Mauro Carvalho Chehab <>.
License GPLv2: GNU GPL version 2 <>.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.