See Bug: 5449033 Change-Id: Ic9c19d30693bd56755f55906127cd6bd7126096c
This commit is contained in:
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ bool GenerationCache<K, V>::removeOldest() {
return true;
LOGE("GenerationCache: removeOldest failed to find the item in the cache "
ALOGE("GenerationCache: removeOldest failed to find the item in the cache "
"with the given key, but we know it must be in there. "
"Is the key comparator kaput?");
@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ ssize_t _FileAsset::read(void* buf, size_t count)
/* read from the file */
//printf("file read\n");
if (ftell(mFp) != mStart + mOffset) {
LOGE("Hosed: %ld != %ld+%ld\n",
ALOGE("Hosed: %ld != %ld+%ld\n",
ftell(mFp), (long) mStart, (long) mOffset);
@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ const void* _FileAsset::getBuffer(bool wordAligned)
buf = new unsigned char[allocLen];
if (buf == NULL) {
LOGE("alloc of %ld bytes failed\n", (long) allocLen);
ALOGE("alloc of %ld bytes failed\n", (long) allocLen);
return NULL;
@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ const void* _FileAsset::getBuffer(bool wordAligned)
long oldPosn = ftell(mFp);
fseek(mFp, mStart, SEEK_SET);
if (fread(buf, 1, mLength, mFp) != (size_t) mLength) {
LOGE("failed reading %ld bytes\n", (long) mLength);
ALOGE("failed reading %ld bytes\n", (long) mLength);
delete[] buf;
return NULL;
@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ const void* _FileAsset::ensureAlignment(FileMap* map)
getAssetSource(), (int)mLength);
unsigned char* buf = new unsigned char[mLength];
if (buf == NULL) {
LOGE("alloc of %ld bytes failed\n", (long) mLength);
ALOGE("alloc of %ld bytes failed\n", (long) mLength);
return NULL;
memcpy(buf, data, mLength);
@ -1461,7 +1461,7 @@ bool AssetManager::scanAndMergeZipLocked(SortedVector<AssetDir::FileInfo>* pMerg
entry = pZip->findEntryByIndex(i);
if (pZip->getEntryFileName(entry, nameBuf, sizeof(nameBuf)) != 0) {
// TODO: fix this if we expect to have long names
LOGE("ARGH: name too long?\n");
ALOGE("ARGH: name too long?\n");
//printf("Comparing %s in %s?\n", nameBuf, dirName.string());
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ write_update_file(BackupDataWriter* dataStream, int fd, int mode, const String8&
lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
if (sizeof(metadata) != 16) {
LOGE("ERROR: metadata block is the wrong size!");
ALOGE("ERROR: metadata block is the wrong size!");
bytesLeft = fileSize + sizeof(metadata);
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ write_update_file(BackupDataWriter* dataStream, int fd, int mode, const String8&
LOGE("write_update_file size mismatch for %s. expected=%d actual=%d."
ALOGE("write_update_file size mismatch for %s. expected=%d actual=%d."
" You aren't doing proper locking!", realFilename, fileSize, fileSize-bytesLeft);
@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ int write_tarfile(const String8& packageName, const String8& domain,
struct stat64 s;
if (lstat64(filepath.string(), &s) != 0) {
err = errno;
LOGE("Error %d (%s) from lstat64(%s)", err, strerror(err), filepath.string());
ALOGE("Error %d (%s) from lstat64(%s)", err, strerror(err), filepath.string());
return err;
@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ int write_tarfile(const String8& packageName, const String8& domain,
int fd = open(filepath.string(), O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0) {
err = errno;
LOGE("Error %d (%s) from open(%s)", err, strerror(err), filepath.string());
ALOGE("Error %d (%s) from open(%s)", err, strerror(err), filepath.string());
return err;
@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ int write_tarfile(const String8& packageName, const String8& domain,
char* paxData = buf + 1024;
if (buf == NULL) {
LOGE("Out of mem allocating transfer buffer");
ALOGE("Out of mem allocating transfer buffer");
err = ENOMEM;
goto cleanup;
@ -688,11 +688,11 @@ int write_tarfile(const String8& packageName, const String8& domain,
ssize_t nRead = read(fd, buf, toRead);
if (nRead < 0) {
err = errno;
LOGE("Unable to read file [%s], err=%d (%s)", filepath.string(),
ALOGE("Unable to read file [%s], err=%d (%s)", filepath.string(),
err, strerror(err));
} else if (nRead == 0) {
LOGE("EOF but expect %lld more bytes in [%s]", (long long) toWrite,
ALOGE("EOF but expect %lld more bytes in [%s]", (long long) toWrite,
err = EIO;
@ -183,13 +183,13 @@ size_t BlobCache::getFdCount() const {
status_t BlobCache::flatten(void* buffer, size_t size, int fds[], size_t count)
const {
if (count != 0) {
LOGE("flatten: nonzero fd count: %d", count);
ALOGE("flatten: nonzero fd count: %d", count);
return BAD_VALUE;
// Write the cache header
if (size < sizeof(Header)) {
LOGE("flatten: not enough room for cache header");
ALOGE("flatten: not enough room for cache header");
return BAD_VALUE;
Header* header = reinterpret_cast<Header*>(buffer);
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ status_t BlobCache::flatten(void* buffer, size_t size, int fds[], size_t count)
size_t entrySize = sizeof(EntryHeader) + keySize + valueSize;
if (byteOffset + entrySize > size) {
LOGE("flatten: not enough room for cache entries");
ALOGE("flatten: not enough room for cache entries");
return BAD_VALUE;
@ -234,18 +234,18 @@ status_t BlobCache::unflatten(void const* buffer, size_t size, int fds[],
if (count != 0) {
LOGE("unflatten: nonzero fd count: %d", count);
ALOGE("unflatten: nonzero fd count: %d", count);
return BAD_VALUE;
// Read the cache header
if (size < sizeof(Header)) {
LOGE("unflatten: not enough room for cache header");
ALOGE("unflatten: not enough room for cache header");
return BAD_VALUE;
const Header* header = reinterpret_cast<const Header*>(buffer);
if (header->mMagicNumber != blobCacheMagic) {
LOGE("unflatten: bad magic number: %d", header->mMagicNumber);
ALOGE("unflatten: bad magic number: %d", header->mMagicNumber);
return BAD_VALUE;
if (header->mBlobCacheVersion != blobCacheVersion ||
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ status_t BlobCache::unflatten(void const* buffer, size_t size, int fds[],
for (size_t i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
if (byteOffset + sizeof(EntryHeader) > size) {
LOGE("unflatten: not enough room for cache entry headers");
ALOGE("unflatten: not enough room for cache entry headers");
return BAD_VALUE;
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ status_t BlobCache::unflatten(void const* buffer, size_t size, int fds[],
if (byteOffset + entrySize > size) {
LOGE("unflatten: not enough room for cache entry headers");
ALOGE("unflatten: not enough room for cache entry headers");
return BAD_VALUE;
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ bool FileMap::create(const char* origFileName, int fd, off64_t offset, size_t le
mFileHandle = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle(fd);
mFileMapping = CreateFileMapping( mFileHandle, NULL, protect, 0, 0, NULL);
if (mFileMapping == NULL) {
LOGE("CreateFileMapping(%p, %lx) failed with error %ld\n",
ALOGE("CreateFileMapping(%p, %lx) failed with error %ld\n",
mFileHandle, protect, GetLastError() );
return false;
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ bool FileMap::create(const char* origFileName, int fd, off64_t offset, size_t le
adjLength );
if (mBasePtr == NULL) {
LOGE("MapViewOfFile(%ld, %ld) failed with error %ld\n",
ALOGE("MapViewOfFile(%ld, %ld) failed with error %ld\n",
adjOffset, adjLength, GetLastError() );
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ bool FileMap::create(const char* origFileName, int fd, off64_t offset, size_t le
mPageSize = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
if (mPageSize == -1) {
LOGE("could not get _SC_PAGESIZE\n");
ALOGE("could not get _SC_PAGESIZE\n");
return false;
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ try_again:
goto try_again;
LOGE("mmap(%ld,%ld) failed: %s\n",
ALOGE("mmap(%ld,%ld) failed: %s\n",
(long) adjOffset, (long) adjLength, strerror(errno));
return false;
@ -520,12 +520,12 @@ int Looper::addFd(int fd, int ident, int events, ALooper_callbackFunc callback,
if (! callback) {
if (! mAllowNonCallbacks) {
LOGE("Invalid attempt to set NULL callback but not allowed for this looper.");
ALOGE("Invalid attempt to set NULL callback but not allowed for this looper.");
return -1;
if (ident < 0) {
LOGE("Invalid attempt to set NULL callback with ident <= 0.");
ALOGE("Invalid attempt to set NULL callback with ident <= 0.");
return -1;
@ -553,14 +553,14 @@ int Looper::addFd(int fd, int ident, int events, ALooper_callbackFunc callback,
if (requestIndex < 0) {
int epollResult = epoll_ctl(mEpollFd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, & eventItem);
if (epollResult < 0) {
LOGE("Error adding epoll events for fd %d, errno=%d", fd, errno);
ALOGE("Error adding epoll events for fd %d, errno=%d", fd, errno);
return -1;
mRequests.add(fd, request);
} else {
int epollResult = epoll_ctl(mEpollFd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, fd, & eventItem);
if (epollResult < 0) {
LOGE("Error modifying epoll events for fd %d, errno=%d", fd, errno);
ALOGE("Error modifying epoll events for fd %d, errno=%d", fd, errno);
return -1;
mRequests.replaceValueAt(requestIndex, request);
@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ int Looper::removeFd(int fd) {
int epollResult = epoll_ctl(mEpollFd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, fd, NULL);
if (epollResult < 0) {
LOGE("Error removing epoll events for fd %d, errno=%d", fd, errno);
ALOGE("Error removing epoll events for fd %d, errno=%d", fd, errno);
return -1;
@ -121,11 +121,11 @@ status_t PropertyMap::load(const String8& filename, PropertyMap** outMap) {
Tokenizer* tokenizer;
status_t status = Tokenizer::open(filename, &tokenizer);
if (status) {
LOGE("Error %d opening property file %s.", status, filename.string());
ALOGE("Error %d opening property file %s.", status, filename.string());
} else {
PropertyMap* map = new PropertyMap();
if (!map) {
LOGE("Error allocating property map.");
ALOGE("Error allocating property map.");
status = NO_MEMORY;
} else {
@ -172,14 +172,14 @@ status_t PropertyMap::Parser::parse() {
if (!mTokenizer->isEol() && mTokenizer->peekChar() != '#') {
String8 keyToken = mTokenizer->nextToken(WHITESPACE_OR_PROPERTY_DELIMITER);
if (keyToken.isEmpty()) {
LOGE("%s: Expected non-empty property key.", mTokenizer->getLocation().string());
ALOGE("%s: Expected non-empty property key.", mTokenizer->getLocation().string());
return BAD_VALUE;
if (mTokenizer->nextChar() != '=') {
LOGE("%s: Expected '=' between property key and value.",
ALOGE("%s: Expected '=' between property key and value.",
return BAD_VALUE;
@ -188,21 +188,21 @@ status_t PropertyMap::Parser::parse() {
String8 valueToken = mTokenizer->nextToken(WHITESPACE);
if (valueToken.find("\\", 0) >= 0 || valueToken.find("\"", 0) >= 0) {
LOGE("%s: Found reserved character '\\' or '\"' in property value.",
ALOGE("%s: Found reserved character '\\' or '\"' in property value.",
return BAD_VALUE;
if (!mTokenizer->isEol()) {
LOGE("%s: Expected end of line, got '%s'.",
ALOGE("%s: Expected end of line, got '%s'.",
return BAD_VALUE;
if (mMap->hasProperty(keyToken)) {
LOGE("%s: Duplicate property value for key '%s'.",
ALOGE("%s: Duplicate property value for key '%s'.",
mTokenizer->getLocation().string(), keyToken.string());
return BAD_VALUE;
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ public:
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("Strong references remain!");
LOGE("Strong references remain:");
ALOGE("Strong references remain:");
ref_entry* refs = mStrongRefs;
while (refs) {
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ public:
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("Weak references remain:");
LOGE("Weak references remain!");
ALOGE("Weak references remain!");
ref_entry* refs = mWeakRefs;
while (refs) {
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ public:
if (dumpStack) {
LOGE("above errors at:");
ALOGE("above errors at:");
CallStack stack;
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ public:
ALOGD("STACK TRACE for %p saved in %s", this, name);
else LOGE("FAILED TO PRINT STACK TRACE for %p in %s: %s", this,
else ALOGE("FAILED TO PRINT STACK TRACE for %p in %s: %s", this,
name, strerror(errno));
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ private:
id, mBase, this);
LOGE("RefBase: removing id %p on RefBase %p"
ALOGE("RefBase: removing id %p on RefBase %p"
"(weakref_type %p) that doesn't exist!",
id, mBase, this);
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ static status_t getIdmapPackageId(const uint32_t* map, size_t mapSize, uint32_t
Res_png_9patch* Res_png_9patch::deserialize(const void* inData)
if (sizeof(void*) != sizeof(int32_t)) {
LOGE("Cannot deserialize on non 32-bit system\n");
ALOGE("Cannot deserialize on non 32-bit system\n");
return NULL;
deserializeInternal(inData, (Res_png_9patch*) inData);
@ -1574,7 +1574,7 @@ status_t ResTable::Theme::applyStyle(uint32_t resID, bool force)
if (curPackage != p) {
const ssize_t pidx = mTable.getResourcePackageIndex(attrRes);
if (pidx < 0) {
LOGE("Style contains key with bad package: 0x%08x\n", attrRes);
ALOGE("Style contains key with bad package: 0x%08x\n", attrRes);
@ -1594,7 +1594,7 @@ status_t ResTable::Theme::applyStyle(uint32_t resID, bool force)
if (curType != t) {
if (t >= curPI->numTypes) {
LOGE("Style contains key with bad type: 0x%08x\n", attrRes);
ALOGE("Style contains key with bad type: 0x%08x\n", attrRes);
@ -1612,7 +1612,7 @@ status_t ResTable::Theme::applyStyle(uint32_t resID, bool force)
numEntries = curPI->types[t].numEntries;
if (e >= numEntries) {
LOGE("Style contains key with bad entry: 0x%08x\n", attrRes);
ALOGE("Style contains key with bad entry: 0x%08x\n", attrRes);
@ -2099,7 +2099,7 @@ ssize_t ResTable::getResource(uint32_t resID, Res_value* outValue, bool mayBeBag
if (density > 0) {
overrideConfig = (ResTable_config*) malloc(sizeof(ResTable_config));
if (overrideConfig == NULL) {
LOGE("Couldn't malloc ResTable_config for overrides: %s", strerror(errno));
ALOGE("Couldn't malloc ResTable_config for overrides: %s", strerror(errno));
return BAD_INDEX;
memcpy(overrideConfig, &mParams, sizeof(ResTable_config));
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ ssize_t StreamingZipInflater::read(void* outBuf, size_t count) {
if (mInflateState.avail_in == 0) {
int err = readNextChunk();
if (err < 0) {
LOGE("Unable to access asset data: %d", err);
ALOGE("Unable to access asset data: %d", err);
if (!mStreamNeedsInit) {
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ ssize_t StreamingZipInflater::read(void* outBuf, size_t count) {
if (result == Z_OK) result = ::inflate(&mInflateState, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
if (result < 0) {
// Whoops, inflation failed
LOGE("Error inflating asset: %d", result);
ALOGE("Error inflating asset: %d", result);
return -1;
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ int StreamingZipInflater::readNextChunk() {
//ALOGV("Reading input chunk, size %08x didread %08x", toRead, didRead);
if (didRead < 0) {
// TODO: error
LOGE("Error reading asset data");
ALOGE("Error reading asset data");
return didRead;
} else {
mInNextChunkOffset += didRead;
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ int androidCreateRawThreadEtc(android_thread_func_t entryFunction,
(android_pthread_entry)entryFunction, userData);
if (result != 0) {
LOGE("androidCreateRawThreadEtc failed (entry=%p, res=%d, errno=%d)\n"
ALOGE("androidCreateRawThreadEtc failed (entry=%p, res=%d, errno=%d)\n"
"(android threadPriority=%d)",
entryFunction, result, errno, threadPriority);
return 0;
@ -55,12 +55,12 @@ status_t Tokenizer::open(const String8& filename, Tokenizer** outTokenizer) {
int fd = ::open(filename.string(), O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0) {
result = -errno;
LOGE("Error opening file '%s', %s.", filename.string(), strerror(errno));
ALOGE("Error opening file '%s', %s.", filename.string(), strerror(errno));
} else {
struct stat stat;
if (fstat(fd, &stat)) {
result = -errno;
LOGE("Error getting size of file '%s', %s.", filename.string(), strerror(errno));
ALOGE("Error getting size of file '%s', %s.", filename.string(), strerror(errno));
} else {
size_t length = size_t(stat.st_size);
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ status_t Tokenizer::open(const String8& filename, Tokenizer** outTokenizer) {
ssize_t nrd = read(fd, buffer, length);
if (nrd < 0) {
result = -errno;
LOGE("Error reading file '%s', %s.", filename.string(), strerror(errno));
ALOGE("Error reading file '%s', %s.", filename.string(), strerror(errno));
delete[] buffer;
buffer = NULL;
} else {
@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ bool ZipFileRO::getEntryInfo(ZipEntryRO entry, int* pMethod, size_t* pUncompLen,
if (pOffset != NULL) {
long localHdrOffset = get4LE(ptr + kCDELocalOffset);
if (localHdrOffset + kLFHLen >= cdOffset) {
LOGE("ERROR: bad local hdr offset in zip\n");
ALOGE("ERROR: bad local hdr offset in zip\n");
return false;
@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ bool ZipFileRO::getEntryInfo(ZipEntryRO entry, int* pMethod, size_t* pUncompLen,
if (method == kCompressStored &&
(off64_t)(dataOffset + uncompLen) > cdOffset)
LOGE("ERROR: bad uncompressed length in zip (%ld + " ZD " > %ld)\n",
ALOGE("ERROR: bad uncompressed length in zip (%ld + " ZD " > %ld)\n",
(long) dataOffset, (ZD_TYPE) uncompLen, (long) cdOffset);
return false;
@ -754,10 +754,10 @@ bool ZipFileRO::uncompressEntry(ZipEntryRO entry, int fd) const
if (method == kCompressStored) {
ssize_t actual = write(fd, ptr, uncompLen);
if (actual < 0) {
LOGE("Write failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
ALOGE("Write failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
goto unmap;
} else if ((size_t) actual != uncompLen) {
LOGE("Partial write during uncompress (" ZD " of " ZD ")\n",
ALOGE("Partial write during uncompress (" ZD " of " ZD ")\n",
(ZD_TYPE) actual, (ZD_TYPE) uncompLen);
goto unmap;
} else {
@ -806,10 +806,10 @@ bail:
zerr = inflateInit2(&zstream, -MAX_WBITS);
if (zerr != Z_OK) {
if (zerr == Z_VERSION_ERROR) {
LOGE("Installed zlib is not compatible with linked version (%s)\n",
ALOGE("Installed zlib is not compatible with linked version (%s)\n",
} else {
LOGE("Call to inflateInit2 failed (zerr=%d)\n", zerr);
ALOGE("Call to inflateInit2 failed (zerr=%d)\n", zerr);
goto bail;
@ -873,10 +873,10 @@ bail:
zerr = inflateInit2(&zstream, -MAX_WBITS);
if (zerr != Z_OK) {
if (zerr == Z_VERSION_ERROR) {
LOGE("Installed zlib is not compatible with linked version (%s)\n",
ALOGE("Installed zlib is not compatible with linked version (%s)\n",
} else {
LOGE("Call to inflateInit2 failed (zerr=%d)\n", zerr);
ALOGE("Call to inflateInit2 failed (zerr=%d)\n", zerr);
goto bail;
@ -77,10 +77,10 @@ using namespace android;
zerr = inflateInit2(&zstream, -MAX_WBITS);
if (zerr != Z_OK) {
if (zerr == Z_VERSION_ERROR) {
LOGE("Installed zlib is not compatible with linked version (%s)\n",
ALOGE("Installed zlib is not compatible with linked version (%s)\n",
} else {
LOGE("Call to inflateInit2 failed (zerr=%d)\n", zerr);
ALOGE("Call to inflateInit2 failed (zerr=%d)\n", zerr);
goto bail;
@ -189,10 +189,10 @@ bail:
zerr = inflateInit2(&zstream, -MAX_WBITS);
if (zerr != Z_OK) {
if (zerr == Z_VERSION_ERROR) {
LOGE("Installed zlib is not compatible with linked version (%s)\n",
ALOGE("Installed zlib is not compatible with linked version (%s)\n",
} else {
LOGE("Call to inflateInit2 failed (zerr=%d)\n", zerr);
ALOGE("Call to inflateInit2 failed (zerr=%d)\n", zerr);
goto bail;
Reference in New Issue