Merge changes from topic "b/63736262"
* changes: adb: reboot: last boot command default bootstat: introduce sys.boot.reason
This commit is contained in:
@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ static bool reboot_service_impl(int fd, const char* arg) {
if (!reboot_arg || !reboot_arg[0]) reboot_arg = "adb";
std::string reboot_string = android::base::StringPrintf("reboot,%s", reboot_arg);
if (!android::base::SetProperty(ANDROID_RB_PROPERTY, reboot_string)) {
WriteFdFmt(fd, "reboot (%s) failed\n", reboot_string.c_str());
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ cc_binary {
name: "bootstat",
defaults: ["bootstat_defaults"],
static_libs: ["libbootstat"],
shared_libs: ["liblogcat"],
init_rc: ["bootstat.rc"],
srcs: ["bootstat.cpp"],
@ -0,0 +1,721 @@
#! /bin/bash
# Bootstat boot reason tests
# throughout testing:
# - manual tests can only run on eng/userdebug builds
# - watch adb logcat -b all -d -s bootstat
# - watch adb logcat -b all -d | audit2allow
# - wait until screen is up, boot has completed, can mean wait for
# sys.boot_completed=1 and sys.logbootcomplete=1 to be true
# All test frames, and nothing else, must be function names prefixed and
# specifiged with the pattern 'test_<test>() {' as this is also how the
# script discovers the full list of tests by inspecting its own code.
# Helper variables
TAB=" "
# Helper functions
[ "USAGE: inFastboot
Returns: true if device is in fastboot mode" ]
inFastboot() {
fastboot devices | grep "^${ANDROID_SERIAL}[${SPACE}${TAB}]" > /dev/null
[ "USAGE: format_duration <seconds>
human readable output whole seconds, whole minutes or mm:ss" ]
format_duration() {
if [ -z "${1}" ]; then
echo unknown
seconds=`expr ${1} % 60`
minutes=`expr ${1} / 60`
if [ 0 -eq ${minutes} ]; then
if [ 1 -eq ${1} ]; then
echo 1 second
echo ${1} seconds
elif [ 60 -eq ${1} ]; then
echo 1 minute
elif [ 0 -eq ${seconds} ]; then
echo ${minutes} minutes
echo ${minutes}:`expr ${seconds} / 10``expr ${seconds} % 10`
[ "USAGE: wait_for_screen [-n] [TIMEOUT]
-n - echo newline at exit
TIMEOUT - default `format_duration ${wait_for_screen_timeout}`" ]
wait_for_screen() {
if [ X"-n" = X"${1}" ]; then
if [ ${#} -gt 0 ]; then
while true; do
[ 0 = ${counter} ] ||
adb wait-for-device </dev/null >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
vals=`adb shell getprop </dev/null 2>/dev/null |
sed -n 's/[[]sys[.]\(boot_completed\|logbootcomplete\)[]]: [[]\([01]\)[]]$/\1=\2/p'`
[ 0 = ${counter} ] ||
sleep 1
if [ "${vals}" = "`echo boot_completed=1 ; echo logbootcomplete=1`" ]; then
if [ "${vals}" = "`echo logbootcomplete=1 ; echo boot_completed=1`" ]; then
counter=`expr ${counter} + 1`
if [ ${counter} -gt ${timeout} ]; then
echo "ERROR: wait_for_screen() timed out (`format_duration ${timeout}`)" >&2
return 1
[ "USAGE: EXPECT_EQ <lval> <rval> [message]
Returns true if (regex) lval matches rval" ]
shift 2
if ! ( echo X"${rval}" | grep '^X'"${lval}"'$' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ); then
echo "ERROR: expected \"${lval}\" got \"${rval}\"" >&2
if [ -n "${*}" ] ; then
echo " ${*}" >&2
return 1
if [ -n "${*}" ] ; then
if [ X"${lval}" != X"${rval}" ]; then
echo "INFO: ok \"${lval}\"(=\"${rval}\") ${*}" >&2
echo "INFO: ok \"${lval}\" ${*}" >&2
return 0
[ "USAGE: EXPECT_PROPERTY <prop> <value>
Returns true if current return (regex) value is true and the result matches" ]
shift 2
val=`adb shell getprop ${property} 2>&1`
EXPECT_EQ "${value}" "${val}" for Android property ${property} ||
return ${save_ret}
[ "USAGE: report_bootstat_logs <expected> ...
if not prefixed with a minus (-), <expected> will become a series of expected
bootstat: Canonical boot reason: <expected_property_value>
If prefixed with a minus, <expected> will look for an exact match after
removing the minux prefix. All expected content is _dropped_ from the output
and in essence forms a known blacklist, unexpected content will show.
Report any logs, minus a known blacklist, preserve the current exit status" ]
report_bootstat_logs() {
for i in ${*}; do
if [ X"${i}" != X"${i#-}" ] ; then
bootstat: Canonical boot reason: ${i}"
adb logcat -b all -d |
grep bootstat |
grep -v -F "bootstat: Service started: /system/bin/bootstat --record_boot_complete${match}
bootstat: Failed to read /data/misc/bootstat/post_decrypt_time_elapsed: No such file or directory
bootstat: Failed to parse boot time record: /data/misc/bootstat/post_decrypt_time_elapsed
bootstat: Service started: /system/bin/bootstat --record_boot_reason
bootstat: Service started: /system/bin/bootstat --record_time_since_factory_reset
bootstat: Service started: /system/bin/bootstat -l
bootstat: Battery level at shutdown 100%
bootstat: Battery level at startup 100%
init : Parsing file /system/etc/init/bootstat.rc...
init : processing action (post-fs-data) from (/system/etc/init/bootstat.rc
init : processing action (boot) from (/system/etc/init/bootstat.rc
init : processing action (ro.boot.bootreason=*) from (/system/etc/init/bootstat.rc
init : processing action (sys.boot_completed=1 && sys.logbootcomplete=1) from (/system/etc/init/bootstat.rc
init : Command 'exec - system log -- /system/bin/bootstat --record_boot_complete' action=sys.boot_completed=1 && sys.logbootcomplete=1 (/system/etc/init/bootstat.rc:
init : Command 'exec - system log -- /system/bin/bootstat --record_boot_reason' action=sys.boot_completed=1 && sys.logbootcomplete=1 (/system/etc/init/bootstat.rc:
init : Command 'exec - system log -- /system/bin/bootstat --record_time_since_factory_reset' action=sys.boot_completed=1 && sys.logbootcomplete=1 (/system/etc/init/bootstat.rc:
(/system/bin/bootstat --record_boot_complete)'...
(/system/bin/bootstat --record_boot_complete)' (pid${SPACE}
(/system/bin/bootstat --record_boot_reason)'...
(/system/bin/bootstat --record_boot_reason)' (pid${SPACE}
(/system/bin/bootstat --record_time_since_factory_reset)'...
(/system/bin/bootstat --record_time_since_factory_reset)' (pid${SPACE}
(/system/bin/bootstat -l)'...
(/system/bin/bootstat -l)' (pid " |
grep -v 'bootstat: Unknown boot reason: $' # Hikey Special
return ${save_ret}
[ "USAGE: start_test [message]
Record start of test, preserve exit status" ]
start_test() {
START=`date +%s`
echo "${GREEN}[ RUN ]${NORMAL} ${TEST} ${*}"
return ${save_ret}
[ "USAGE: end_test [message]
Document duration and success of test, preserve exit status" ]
end_test() {
END=`date +%s`
duration=`expr ${END} - ${START} 2>/dev/null`
[ 0 = ${duration} ] ||
echo INFO: ${TEST} test duration `format_duration ${duration}` >&2
if [ ${save_ret} = 0 ]; then
echo "${GREEN}[ OK ]${NORMAL} ${TEST} ${*}"
echo "${RED}[ FAILED ]${NORMAL} ${TEST} ${*}"
return ${save_ret}
[ "USAGE: wrap_test <test> [message]
All tests below are wrapped with this helper" ]
wrap_test() {
if [ -z "${1}" -o X"nothing" = X"${1}" ]; then
start_test ${1}
eval test_${TEST}
end_test ${2}
[ "USAGE: validate_property <property>
Check property for CTS compliance with our expectations. Return a cleansed
string representing what is acceptable.
NB: must roughly match heuristics in system/core/bootstat/bootstat.cpp" ]
validate_property() {
var=`adb shell getprop ${1} 2>&1`
var=`echo -n ${var} |
tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' |
tr ' \f\t\r\n' '_____'`
case ${var} in
watchdog) ;;
watchdog,?*) ;;
kernel_panic) ;;
kernel_panic,?*) ;;
recovery) ;;
recovery,?*) ;;
bootloader) ;;
bootloader,?*) ;;
cold) ;;
cold,?*) ;;
hard) ;;
hard,?*) ;;
warm) ;;
warm,?*) ;;
shutdown) ;;
shutdown,?*) ;;
reboot) ;;
reboot,?*) ;;
# Aliases
*wdog* | *watchdog* ) var="watchdog" ;;
*powerkey* ) var="cold,powerkey" ;;
*panic* | *kernel_panic*) var="kernel_panic" ;;
*thermal*) var="shutdown,thermal" ;;
*s3_wakeup*) var="warm,s3_wakeup" ;;
*hw_reset*) var="hard,hw_reset" ;;
*bootloader*) var="bootloader" ;;
?*) var="reboot,${var}" ;;
*) var="reboot" ;;
echo ${var}
# Actual test frames
[ "USAGE: test_properties
properties test
- (wait until screen is up, boot has completed)
- adb shell getprop ro.boot.bootreason (bootloader reason)
- adb shell getprop persist.sys.boot.reason (last reason)
- adb shell getprop sys.boot.reason (system reason)
- NB: all should have a value that is compliant with our known set." ]
test_properties() {
check_set="ro.boot.bootreason persist.sys.boot.reason sys.boot.reason"
# NB: this test could fail if performed _after_ optional_factory_reset test
# and will report
# ERROR: expected "reboot" got ""
# for Android property persist.sys.boot.reason
# following is mitigation for the persist.sys.boot.reason, skip it
if [ "reboot,factory_reset" = `validate_property ro.boot_bootreason` ]; then
check_set="ro.boot.bootreason sys.boot.reason"
for prop in ${check_set}; do
reason=`validate_property ${prop}`
EXPECT_PROPERTY ${prop} ${reason} || retval=${?}
# sys.boot.reason is last for a reason
report_bootstat_logs ${reason} ${bootloader}
return ${retval}
[ "USAGE: test_ota
ota test
- rm out/.kati_stamp-* out/build_date.txt out/build_number.txt
- rm out/target/product/*/*/*.prop
- rm -r out/target/product/*/obj/ETC/system_build_prop_intermediates
- m
- NB: should update
- fastboot flashall
- (wait until screen is up, boot has completed)
- adb shell getprop sys.boot.reason
- NB: should report ota
Decision to change the build itself rather than trick bootstat by
rummaging through its data files was made." ]
test_ota() {
echo "INFO: expected duration of ${TEST} test about 5 minutes or more" >&2
echo " extended by build and flashing times" >&2
if [ -z "${TARGET_PRODUCT}" -o \
-z "${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}" -o \
-z "${TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT}" ]; then
echo "ERROR: Missing and lunch" >&2
return 1
rm ${ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT%/out/*}/out/.kati_stamp-* ||
rm ${ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT%/out/*}/out/build_date.txt ||
rm ${ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT%/out/*}/out/build_number.txt ||
rm ${ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT}/*/*.prop ||
rm -r ${ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT}/obj/ETC/system_build_prop_intermediates ||
pushd ${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP} >&2
make -j50 >&2
if [ ${?} != 0 ]; then
popd >&2
return 1
if ! inFastboot; then
adb reboot-bootloader >&2
fastboot flashall >&2
popd >&2
EXPECT_PROPERTY sys.boot.reason "\(reboot,ota\|bootloader\)"
EXPECT_PROPERTY persist.sys.boot.reason reboot,bootloader
report_bootstat_logs reboot,ota bootloader
[ "USAGE: test_optional_ota
fast and fake (touch build_date on device to make it different)" ]
test_optional_ota() {
echo "INFO: expected duration of ${TEST} test about 45 seconds" >&2
adb shell su root touch /data/misc/bootstat/build_date >&2
adb reboot ota
EXPECT_PROPERTY sys.boot.reason reboot,ota
EXPECT_PROPERTY persist.sys.boot.reason reboot,ota
report_bootstat_logs reboot,ota
[ "USAGE: [TEST=<test>] blind_reboot_test [<match>]
Simple tests helper
- adb reboot <test>
- (wait until screen is up, boot has completed)
- adb shell getprop sys.boot.reason
- NB: should report <test>, or overriden <match>
We interleave the simple reboot tests between the hard/complex ones
as a means of checking sanity and any persistent side effect of the
other tests." ]
blind_reboot_test() {
if [ -z "${1}" ]; then
set ${TEST}
echo "INFO: expected duration of ${TEST} test roughly 45 seconds" >&2
adb reboot ${TEST}
EXPECT_PROPERTY sys.boot.reason ${1}
EXPECT_PROPERTY persist.sys.boot.reason reboot,${TEST}
report_bootstat_logs ${1}
[ "USAGE: test_cold
cold test
- adb reboot cold
- (wait until screen is up, boot has completed)
- adb shell getprop sys.boot.reason
- NB: should report cold" ]
test_cold() {
[ "USAGE: test_factory_reset
factory_reset test
- adb shell su root rm /data/misc/bootstat/build_date
- adb reboot
- (wait until screen is up, boot has completed)
- adb shell getprop sys.boot.reason
- NB: should report factory_reset
Decision to rummage through bootstat data files was made as
a _real_ factory_reset is too destructive to the device." ]
test_factory_reset() {
echo "INFO: expected duration of ${TEST} test roughly 45 seconds" >&2
adb shell su root rm /data/misc/bootstat/build_date >&2
adb reboot >&2
EXPECT_PROPERTY sys.boot.reason reboot,factory_reset
EXPECT_PROPERTY persist.sys.boot.reason "reboot,.*"
report_bootstat_logs reboot,factory_reset reboot, reboot,adb \
"-bootstat: Failed to read /data/misc/bootstat/build_date: No such file or directory" \
"-bootstat: Failed to parse boot time record: /data/misc/bootstat/build_date"
[ "USAGE: test_optional_factory_reset
factory_reset test
- adb reboot-bootloader
- fastboot format userdata
- fastboot reboot
- (wait until screen is up, boot has completed)
- adb shell getprop sys.boot.reason
- NB: should report factory_reset
For realz, and disruptive" ]
test_optional_factory_reset() {
echo "INFO: expected duration of ${TEST} test roughly a minute" >&2
if ! inFastboot; then
adb reboot-bootloader
fastboot format userdata >&2
fastboot reboot >&2
EXPECT_PROPERTY sys.boot.reason reboot,factory_reset
EXPECT_PROPERTY persist.sys.boot.reason ""
report_bootstat_logs reboot,factory_reset bootloader \
"-bootstat: Failed to read /data/misc/bootstat/last_boot_time_utc: No such file or directory" \
"-bootstat: Failed to parse boot time record: /data/misc/bootstat/last_boot_time_utc" \
"-bootstat: Failed to read /data/misc/bootstat/build_date: No such file or directory" \
"-bootstat: Failed to parse boot time record: /data/misc/bootstat/build_date" \
"-bootstat: Failed to read /data/misc/bootstat/factory_reset: No such file or directory" \
"-bootstat: Failed to parse boot time record: /data/misc/bootstat/factory_reset"
[ "USAGE: test_hard
hard test:
- adb reboot hard
- (wait until screen is up, boot has completed)
- adb shell getprop sys.boot.reason
- NB: should report hard" ]
test_hard() {
[ "USAGE: test_battery
battery test (trick):
- echo healthd: battery l=2 | adb shell su root tee /dev/kmsg ; adb reboot warm
- (wait until screen is up, boot has completed)
- adb shell getprop sys.boot.reason
- NB: should report reboot,battery, unless healthd managed to log
before reboot in above trick.
- Bonus points (manual extras)
- Make sure the following is added to the /init.rc file in post-fs
section before logd is started:
+ setprop logd.kernel false
+ rm /sys/fs/pstore/console-ramoops
+ rm /sys/fs/pstore/console-ramoops-0
+ write /dev/kmsg \"healthd: battery l=2
- adb reboot fs
- (wait until screen is up, boot has completed)
- adb shell getprop sys.boot.reason
- NB: should report reboot,battery
- (replace set logd.kernel true to the above, and retry test)" ]
test_battery() {
echo "INFO: expected duration of ${TEST} test roughly two minutes" >&2
echo healthd: battery l=2 | adb shell su root tee /dev/kmsg >/dev/null
adb reboot warm >&2
adb shell su root \
cat /proc/fs/pstore/console-ramoops \
/proc/fs/pstore/console-ramoops-0 2>/dev/null |
grep 'healthd: battery l=' |
tail -1 |
grep 'healthd: battery l=2' >/dev/null || (
if ! EXPECT_PROPERTY sys.boot.reason reboot,battery >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
# retry
echo healthd: battery l=2 | adb shell su root tee /dev/kmsg >/dev/null
adb reboot warm >&2
EXPECT_PROPERTY sys.boot.reason shutdown,battery
EXPECT_PROPERTY persist.sys.boot.reason reboot,warm
report_bootstat_logs shutdown,battery "-bootstat: Battery level at shutdown 2%"
[ "USAGE: test_unknown
unknown test
- adb reboot unknown
- (wait until screen is up, boot has completed)
- adb shell getprop sys.boot.reason
- NB: should report reboot,unknown
- NB: expect log \"... I bootstat: Unknown boot reason: reboot,unknown\"" ]
test_unknown() {
blind_reboot_test reboot,unknown
[ "USAGE: test_kernel_panic
kernel_panic test:
- echo c | adb shell su root tee /proc/sysrq-trigger
- (wait until screen is up, boot has completed)
- adb shell getprop sys.boot.reason
- NB: should report kernel_panic,sysrq" ]
test_kernel_panic() {
echo "INFO: expected duration of ${TEST} test > 2 minutes" >&2
echo c | adb shell su root tee /proc/sysrq-trigger >/dev/null
EXPECT_PROPERTY sys.boot.reason kernel_panic,sysrq
EXPECT_PROPERTY persist.sys.boot.reason kernel_panic,sysrq
report_bootstat_logs kernel_panic,sysrq
[ "USAGE: test_warm
warm test
- adb reboot warm
- (wait until screen is up, boot has completed)
- adb shell getprop sys.boot.reason
- NB: should report warm" ]
test_warm() {
[ "USAGE: test_thermal_shutdown
thermal shutdown test:
- adb shell setprop sys.powerctl shutdown,thermal
- (power up the device)
- (wait until screen is up, boot has completed)
- adb shell getprop sys.boot.reason
- NB: should report shutdown,thermal" ]
test_thermal_shutdown() {
echo "INFO: expected duration of ${TEST} test roughly a minute plus" >&2
echo " power on request" >&2
adb shell setprop sys.powerctl shutdown,thermal
sleep 5
echo -n "WARNING: Please power device back up, waiting ... " >&2
wait_for_screen -n >&2
EXPECT_PROPERTY sys.boot.reason shutdown,thermal
EXPECT_PROPERTY persist.sys.boot.reason shutdown,thermal
report_bootstat_logs shutdown,thermal
[ "USAGE: test_userrequested_shutdown
userrequested shutdown test:
- adb shell setprop sys.powerctl shutdown,userrequested
- (power up the device)
- (wait until screen is up, boot has completed)
- adb shell getprop sys.boot.reason
- NB: should report shutdown,userrequested" ]
test_userrequested_shutdown() {
echo "INFO: expected duration of ${TEST} test roughly a minute plus" >&2
echo " power on request" >&2
adb shell setprop sys.powerctl shutdown,userrequested
sleep 5
echo -n "WARNING: Please power device back up, waiting ... " >&2
wait_for_screen -n >&2
EXPECT_PROPERTY sys.boot.reason shutdown,userrequested
EXPECT_PROPERTY persist.sys.boot.reason shutdown,userrequested
report_bootstat_logs shutdown,userrequested
[ "USAGE: test_shell_reboot
shell reboot test:
- adb shell reboot
- (wait until screen is up, boot has completed)
- adb shell getprop sys.boot.reason
- NB: should report reboot,shell" ]
test_shell_reboot() {
echo "INFO: expected duration of ${TEST} test roughly 45 seconds" >&2
adb shell reboot
EXPECT_PROPERTY sys.boot.reason reboot,shell
EXPECT_PROPERTY persist.sys.boot.reason reboot,shell
report_bootstat_logs reboot,shell
[ "USAGE: test_adb_reboot
adb reboot test:
- adb reboot
- (wait until screen is up, boot has completed)
- adb shell getprop sys.boot.reason
- NB: should report reboot,adb" ]
test_adb_reboot() {
echo "INFO: expected duration of ${TEST} test roughly 45 seconds" >&2
adb reboot
EXPECT_PROPERTY sys.boot.reason reboot,adb
EXPECT_PROPERTY persist.sys.boot.reason reboot,adb
report_bootstat_logs reboot,adb
[ "USAGE: ${0##*/} [-s SERIAL] [tests]
Mainline executive to run the above tests" ]
# Rudimentary argument parsing
if [ ${#} -ge 2 -a X"-s" = X"${1}" ]; then
export ANDROID_SERIAL="${2}"
shift 2
if [ X"--help" = X"${1}" -o X"-h" = X"${1}" -o X"-?" = X"${1}" ]; then
echo "USAGE: ${0##*/} [-s SERIAL] [tests]"
echo tests - `sed -n 's/^test_\([^ ()]*\)() {/\1/p' $0 </dev/null`
exit 0
# Check if all conditions for the script are sane
if [ -z "${ANDROID_SERIAL}" ]; then
adb devices | grep -v 'List of devices attached'
fastboot devices
) |
grep -v "^[${SPACE}${TAB}]*\$" |
wc -l`
if [ ${ndev} -gt 1 ]; then
echo "ERROR: no target device specified, ${ndev} connected" >&2
echo "${RED}[ FAILED ]${NORMAL}"
exit 1
echo "WARNING: no target device specified" >&2
# Test Series
if [ X"all" = X"${*}" ]; then
# automagically pick up all test_<function>s.
eval set nothing `sed -n 's/^test_\([^ ()]*\)() {/\1/p' $0 </dev/null`
if [ X"nothing" = X"${1}" ]; then
shift 1
if [ -z "$*" ]; then
# automagically pick up all test_<function>, except test_optional_<function>.
eval set nothing `sed -n 's/^test_\([^ ()]*\)() {/\1/p' $0 </dev/null |
grep -v '^optional_'`
if [ -z "${2}" ]; then
# Hard coded should shell fail to find them above (search/permission issues)
eval set ota cold factory_reset hard battery unknown kernel_panic warm \
thermal_shutdown userrequested_shutdown shell_reboot adb_reboot
if [ X"nothing" = X"${1}" ]; then
shift 1
echo "INFO: selected test(s): ${@}" >&2
for t in "${@}"; do
wrap_test ${t}
if [ 0 = ${retval} ]; then
if [ -z "${successes}" ]; then
successes="${successes} ${t}"
if [ -z "${failures}" ]; then
failures="${failures} ${t}"
if [ -n "${successes}" ]; then
echo "${GREEN}[ PASSED ]${NORMAL} ${successes}"
if [ -n "${failures}" ]; then
echo "${RED}[ FAILED ]${NORMAL} ${failures}"
exit ${ret}
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include <getopt.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/klog.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
@ -32,11 +33,14 @@
#include <vector>
#include <android-base/chrono_utils.h>
#include <android-base/file.h>
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <android-base/parseint.h>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include <android/log.h>
#include <cutils/android_reboot.h>
#include <cutils/properties.h>
#include <log/logcat.h>
#include <metricslogger/metrics_logger.h>
#include "boot_event_record_store.h"
@ -118,6 +122,14 @@ std::string GetProperty(const char* key) {
return std::string(&temp[0], len);
void SetProperty(const char* key, const std::string& val) {
property_set(key, val.c_str());
void SetProperty(const char* key, const char* val) {
property_set(key, val);
constexpr int32_t kUnknownBootReason = 1;
// A mapping from boot reason string, as read from the ro.boot.bootreason
@ -175,7 +187,23 @@ const std::map<std::string, int32_t> kBootReasonMap = {
{"reboot,cold", 48},
{"reboot,recovery", 49},
{"thermal_shutdown", 50},
{"s3_wakeup", 51}
{"s3_wakeup", 51},
{"kernel_panic,sysrq", 52},
{"kernel_panic,NULL", 53},
{"kernel_panic,BUG", 54},
{"bootloader", 55},
{"cold", 56},
{"hard", 57},
{"warm", 58},
{"recovery", 59},
{"thermal-shutdown", 60},
{"shutdown,thermal", 61},
{"shutdown,battery", 62},
{"reboot,ota", 63},
{"reboot,factory_reset", 64},
{"reboot,", 65},
{"reboot,shell", 66},
{"reboot,adb", 67},
// Converts a string value representing the reason the system booted to an
@ -191,6 +219,323 @@ int32_t BootReasonStrToEnum(const std::string& boot_reason) {
return kUnknownBootReason;
// Canonical list of supported primary reboot reasons.
const std::vector<const std::string> knownReasons = {
// kernel
// strong
"recovery", // Should not happen from ro.boot.bootreason
"bootloader", // Should not happen from ro.boot.bootreason
// blunt
"shutdown", // Can not happen from ro.boot.bootreason
"reboot", // Default catch-all for anything unknown
// Returns true if the supplied reason prefix is considered detailed enough.
bool isStrongRebootReason(const std::string& r) {
for (auto &s : knownReasons) {
if (s == "cold") break;
// Prefix defined as terminated by a nul or comma (,).
if (android::base::StartsWith(r, s.c_str()) &&
((r.length() == s.length()) || (r[s.length()] == ','))) {
return true;
return false;
// Returns true if the supplied reason prefix is associated with the kernel.
bool isKernelRebootReason(const std::string& r) {
for (auto &s : knownReasons) {
if (s == "recovery") break;
// Prefix defined as terminated by a nul or comma (,).
if (android::base::StartsWith(r, s.c_str()) &&
((r.length() == s.length()) || (r[s.length()] == ','))) {
return true;
return false;
// Returns true if the supplied reason prefix is considered known.
bool isKnownRebootReason(const std::string& r) {
for (auto &s : knownReasons) {
// Prefix defined as terminated by a nul or comma (,).
if (android::base::StartsWith(r, s.c_str()) &&
((r.length() == s.length()) || (r[s.length()] == ','))) {
return true;
return false;
// If the reboot reason should be improved, report true if is too blunt.
bool isBluntRebootReason(const std::string& r) {
if (isStrongRebootReason(r)) return false;
if (!isKnownRebootReason(r)) return true; // Can not support unknown as detail
size_t pos = 0;
while ((pos = r.find(',', pos)) != std::string::npos) {
std::string next(r.substr(pos));
if (next.length() == 0) break;
if (next[0] == ',') continue;
if (!isKnownRebootReason(next)) return false; // Unknown subreason is good.
if (isStrongRebootReason(next)) return false; // eg: reboot,reboot
return true;
// std::transform Helper callback functions:
// Converts a string value representing the reason the system booted to a
// string complying with Android system standard reason.
char tounderline(char c) { return ::isblank(c) ? '_' : c; }
char toprintable(char c) { return ::isprint(c) ? c : '?'; }
const char system_reboot_reason_property[] = "sys.boot.reason";
const char last_reboot_reason_property[] = LAST_REBOOT_REASON_PROPERTY;
const char bootloader_reboot_reason_property[] = "ro.boot.bootreason";
// Scrub, Sanitize, Standardize and Enhance the boot reason string supplied.
std::string BootReasonStrToReason(const std::string& boot_reason) {
std::string ret(GetProperty(system_reboot_reason_property));
std::string reason(boot_reason);
// If sys.boot.reason == ro.boot.bootreason, let's re-evaluate
if (reason == ret) ret = "";
// Cleanup boot_reason regarding acceptable character set
std::transform(reason.begin(), reason.end(), reason.begin(), ::tolower);
std::transform(reason.begin(), reason.end(), reason.begin(), tounderline);
std::transform(reason.begin(), reason.end(), reason.begin(), toprintable);
// Is the current system boot reason sys.boot.reason valid?
if (!isKnownRebootReason(ret)) ret = "";
if (ret == "") {
// Is the bootloader boot reason ro.boot.bootreason known?
std::vector<std::string> words(android::base::Split(reason, ",_-"));
for (auto &s : knownReasons) {
std::string blunt;
for (auto &r : words) {
if (r == s) {
if (isBluntRebootReason(s)) {
blunt = s;
} else {
ret = s;
if (ret == "") ret = blunt;
if (ret != "") break;
if (ret == "") {
// A series of checks to take some officially unsupported reasons
// reported by the bootloader and find some logical and canonical
// sense. In an ideal world, we would require those bootloaders
// to behave and follow our standards.
static const std::vector<std::pair<const std::string, const std::string>> aliasReasons = {
{"watchdog", "wdog"},
{"cold,powerkey", "powerkey"},
{"kernel_panic", "panic"},
{"shutdown,thermal", "thermal"},
{"warm,s3_wakeup", "s3_wakeup"},
{"hard,hw_reset", "hw_reset"},
{"bootloader", ""},
// Either the primary or alias is found _somewhere_ in the reason string.
for (auto &s : aliasReasons) {
if (reason.find(s.first) != std::string::npos) {
ret = s.first;
if (s.second.size() && (reason.find(s.second) != std::string::npos)) {
ret = s.first;
// If watchdog is the reason, see if there is a security angle?
if (ret == "watchdog") {
if (reason.find("sec") != std::string::npos) {
ret += ",security";
// Check the other reason resources if the reason is still blunt.
if (isBluntRebootReason(ret)) {
// Check to see if last klog has some refinement hints.
std::string content;
if (!android::base::ReadFileToString("/sys/fs/pstore/console-ramoops-0",
&content)) {
// The toybox reboot command used directly (unlikely)? But also
// catches init's response to the Android's more controlled reboot command.
if (content.rfind("reboot: Power down") != std::string::npos) {
ret = "shutdown"; // Still too blunt, but more accurate.
// ToDo: init should record the shutdown reason to kernel messages ala:
// init: shutdown system with command 'last_reboot_reason'
// so that if pstore has persistence we can get some details
// that could be missing in last_reboot_reason_property.
static const char cmd[] = "reboot: Restarting system with command '";
size_t pos = content.rfind(cmd);
if (pos != std::string::npos) {
pos += strlen(cmd);
std::string subReason(content.substr(pos));
pos = subReason.find('\'');
if (pos != std::string::npos) subReason.erase(pos);
if (subReason != "") { // Will not land "reboot" as that is too blunt.
if (isKernelRebootReason(subReason)) {
ret = "reboot," + subReason; // User space can't talk kernel reasons.
} else {
ret = subReason;
// Check for kernel panics, but allowed to override reboot command.
if (content.rfind("sysrq: SysRq : Trigger a crash") != std::string::npos) {
// Can not happen, except on userdebug, during testing/debugging.
ret = "kernel_panic,sysrq";
} else if (content.rfind(
"Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address")
!= std::string::npos) {
ret = "kernel_panic,NULL";
} else if (content.rfind("Kernel BUG at ") != std::string::npos) {
ret = "kernel_panic,BUG";
} else if ((content.rfind("Power held for ") != std::string::npos) ||
(content.rfind("charger: [") != std::string::npos)) {
ret = "cold";
// The following battery test should migrate to a default system health HAL
// Let us not worry if the reboot command was issued, for the cases of
// reboot -p, reboot <no reason>, reboot cold, reboot warm and reboot hard.
// Same for bootloader and ro.boot.bootreasons of this set, but a dead
// battery could conceivably lead to these, so worthy of override.
if (isBluntRebootReason(ret)) {
// Heuristic to determine if shutdown possibly because of a dead battery?
// Really a hail-mary pass to find it in last klog content ...
static const int battery_dead_threshold = 2; // percent
static const char battery[] = "healthd: battery l=";
pos = content.rfind(battery); // last one
if (pos != std::string::npos) {
int level = atoi(content.substr(pos + strlen(battery)).c_str());
LOG(INFO) << "Battery level at shutdown " << level << "%";
if (level <= battery_dead_threshold) {
ret = "shutdown,battery";
} else { // Most likely
// Content buffer no longer will have console data. Beware if more
// checks added below, that depend on parsing console content.
content = "";
LOG(DEBUG) << "Can not find last low battery in last console messages";
android_logcat_context ctx = create_android_logcat();
FILE *fp = android_logcat_popen(&ctx, "logcat -b kernel -v brief -d");
if (fp != nullptr) {
android::base::ReadFdToString(fileno(fp), &content);
android_logcat_pclose(&ctx, fp);
static const char logcat_battery[] = "W/healthd ( 0): battery l=";
const char* match = logcat_battery;
if (content == "") {
// Service logd.klog not running, go to smaller buffer in the kernel.
int rc = klogctl(KLOG_SIZE_BUFFER, nullptr, 0);
if (rc > 0) {
ssize_t len = rc + 1024; // 1K Margin should it grow between calls.
std::unique_ptr<char[]> buf(new char[len]);
rc = klogctl(KLOG_READ_ALL, buf.get(), len);
if (rc < len) {
len = rc + 1;
buf[--len] = '\0';
content = buf.get();
match = battery;
pos = content.find(match); // The first one it finds.
if (pos != std::string::npos) {
pos += strlen(match);
int level = atoi(content.substr(pos).c_str());
LOG(INFO) << "Battery level at startup " << level << "%";
if (level <= battery_dead_threshold) {
ret = "shutdown,battery";
} else {
LOG(DEBUG) << "Can not find first battery level in dmesg or logcat";
// Is there a controlled shutdown hint in last_reboot_reason_property?
if (isBluntRebootReason(ret)) {
// Content buffer no longer will have console data. Beware if more
// checks added below, that depend on parsing console content.
content = GetProperty(last_reboot_reason_property);
// String is either "reboot,<reason>" or "shutdown,<reason>".
// We will set if default reasons, only override with detail if thermal.
if (!isBluntRebootReason(content)) {
// Ok, we want it, let's squash it if secondReason is known.
pos = content.find(',');
if (pos != std::string::npos) {
std::string secondReason(content.substr(pos));
ret = isKnownRebootReason(secondReason) ? secondReason : content;
} else {
ret = content;
// Other System Health HAL reasons?
// ToDo: /proc/sys/kernel/boot_reason needs a HAL interface to
// possibly offer hardware-specific clues from the PMIC.
// If unknown left over from above, make it "reboot,<boot_reason>"
if (ret == "") {
ret = "reboot";
if (android::base::StartsWith(reason, "reboot")) {
reason = reason.substr(strlen("reboot"));
while (reason[0] == ',') {
reason = reason.substr(1);
if (reason != "") {
ret += ",";
ret += reason;
LOG(INFO) << "Canonical boot reason: " << ret;
if (isKernelRebootReason(ret) && (GetProperty(last_reboot_reason_property) != "")) {
// Rewrite as it must be old news, kernel reasons trump user space.
SetProperty(last_reboot_reason_property, ret);
return ret;
// Returns the appropriate metric key prefix for the boot_complete metric such
// that boot metrics after a system update are labeled as ota_boot_complete;
// otherwise, they are labeled as boot_complete. This method encapsulates the
@ -212,9 +557,19 @@ std::string CalculateBootCompletePrefix() {
if (!boot_event_store.GetBootEvent(kBuildDateKey, &record)) {
boot_complete_prefix = "factory_reset_" + boot_complete_prefix;
boot_event_store.AddBootEventWithValue(kBuildDateKey, build_date);
LOG(INFO) << "Canonical boot reason: " << "reboot,factory_reset";
SetProperty(system_reboot_reason_property, "reboot,factory_reset");
if (GetProperty(bootloader_reboot_reason_property) == "") {
SetProperty(bootloader_reboot_reason_property, "reboot,factory_reset");
} else if (build_date != record.second) {
boot_complete_prefix = "ota_" + boot_complete_prefix;
boot_event_store.AddBootEventWithValue(kBuildDateKey, build_date);
LOG(INFO) << "Canonical boot reason: " << "reboot,ota";
SetProperty(system_reboot_reason_property, "reboot,ota");
if (GetProperty(bootloader_reboot_reason_property) == "") {
SetProperty(bootloader_reboot_reason_property, "reboot,ota");
return boot_complete_prefix;
@ -358,9 +713,23 @@ void RecordBootComplete() {
// Records the boot_reason metric by querying the ro.boot.bootreason system
// property.
void RecordBootReason() {
int32_t boot_reason = BootReasonStrToEnum(GetProperty("ro.boot.bootreason"));
const std::string reason(GetProperty(bootloader_reboot_reason_property));
// Log the raw bootloader_boot_reason property value.
int32_t boot_reason = BootReasonStrToEnum(reason);
BootEventRecordStore boot_event_store;
boot_event_store.AddBootEventWithValue("boot_reason", boot_reason);
// Log the scrubbed system_boot_reason.
const std::string system_reason(BootReasonStrToReason(reason));
int32_t system_boot_reason = BootReasonStrToEnum(system_reason);
boot_event_store.AddBootEventWithValue("system_boot_reason", system_boot_reason);
// Record the scrubbed system_boot_reason to the property
SetProperty(system_reboot_reason_property, system_reason);
if (reason == "") {
SetProperty(bootloader_reboot_reason_property, system_reason);
// Records two metrics related to the user resetting a device: the time at
@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
# This file is the LOCAL_INIT_RC file for the bootstat command.
# mirror bootloader boot reason to system boot reason
on property:ro.boot.bootreason=*
setprop sys.boot.reason ${ro.boot.bootreason}
on post-fs-data
mkdir /data/misc/bootstat 0700 system log
# To deal with ota transition resulting from a change in DAC from
@ -175,6 +175,8 @@ static const struct fs_path_config android_files[] = {
"system/bin/logd" },
"system/bin/bootstat" },
"system/bin/run-as" },
@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc > optind)
optarg = argv[optind];
if (!optarg || !optarg[0]) optarg = "shell";
prop_len = snprintf(property_val, sizeof(property_val), "%s,%s", cmd, optarg);
if (prop_len >= sizeof(property_val)) {
Reference in New Issue