Resolved UAF issue in RefBase fuzzer

Restrucures this fuzzer to be far more robust and less brittle.
Fix: 163727995
Fix: 163449137
Test: libutils_fuzz_refbase clusterfuzz-testcase-minimized-libutils_fuzz_refbase-5674315436261376
Test: libutils_fuzz_refbase clusterfuzz-testcase-minimized-libutils_fuzz_refbase-5731662044069888
Test: libutils_fuzz_refbase clusterfuzz-testcase-minimized-libutils_fuzz_refbase-5081777218256896

Signed-off-by: Dylan Katz <>
Change-Id: I239298dc2895a06af5a126e9ca2ae452579e5cc0
This commit is contained in:
Dylan Katz 2020-09-11 10:47:00 -07:00
parent f28a60413c
commit 55107c195d
1 changed files with 148 additions and 46 deletions

libutils/RefBase_fuzz.cpp Executable file → Normal file
View File

@ -14,66 +14,156 @@
* limitations under the License.
#include <atomic>
#define LOG_TAG "RefBaseFuzz"
#include <thread>
#include "fuzzer/FuzzedDataProvider.h"
#include "utils/Log.h"
#include "utils/RWLock.h"
#include "utils/RefBase.h"
#include "utils/StrongPointer.h"
using android::RefBase;
using android::RWLock;
using android::sp;
using android::wp;
static constexpr int REFBASE_INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE = (1 << 28);
static constexpr int REFBASE_MAX_COUNT = 0xfffff;
static constexpr int MAX_OPERATIONS = 100;
static constexpr int MAX_THREADS = 10;
bool canDecrementStrong(RefBase* ref) {
// There's an assert around decrementing the strong count too much that causes an artificial
// crash This is just running BAD_STRONG from RefBase
const int32_t count = ref->getStrongCount() - 1;
return !(count == 0 || ((count) & (~(REFBASE_MAX_COUNT | REFBASE_INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE))) != 0);
bool canDecrementWeak(RefBase* ref) {
const int32_t count = ref->getWeakRefs()->getWeakCount() - 1;
return !((count) == 0 || ((count) & (~REFBASE_MAX_COUNT)) != 0);
static constexpr int kMaxOperations = 100;
static constexpr int kMaxThreads = 10;
struct RefBaseSubclass : public RefBase {
RefBaseSubclass() {}
virtual ~RefBaseSubclass() {}
RefBaseSubclass(bool* deletedCheck, RWLock& deletedMtx)
: mDeleted(deletedCheck), mRwLock(deletedMtx) {
RWLock::AutoWLock lock(mRwLock);
*mDeleted = false;
virtual ~RefBaseSubclass() {
RWLock::AutoWLock lock(mRwLock);
*mDeleted = true;
bool* mDeleted;
android::RWLock& mRwLock;
std::vector<std::function<void(RefBaseSubclass*)>> operations = {
[](RefBaseSubclass* ref) -> void { ref->getStrongCount(); },
[](RefBaseSubclass* ref) -> void { ref->printRefs(); },
[](RefBaseSubclass* ref) -> void { ref->getWeakRefs()->printRefs(); },
[](RefBaseSubclass* ref) -> void { ref->getWeakRefs()->getWeakCount(); },
[](RefBaseSubclass* ref) -> void { ref->getWeakRefs()->refBase(); },
[](RefBaseSubclass* ref) -> void { ref->incStrong(nullptr); },
[](RefBaseSubclass* ref) -> void {
if (canDecrementStrong(ref)) {
// A thread-specific state object for ref
struct RefThreadState {
size_t strongCount = 0;
size_t weakCount = 0;
RWLock gRefDeletedLock;
bool gRefDeleted = false;
bool gHasModifiedRefs = false;
RefBaseSubclass* ref;
RefBase::weakref_type* weakRefs;
// These operations don't need locks as they explicitly check per-thread counts before running
// they also have the potential to write to gRefDeleted, so must not be locked.
const std::vector<std::function<void(RefThreadState*)>> kUnlockedOperations = {
[](RefThreadState* refState) -> void {
if (refState->strongCount > 0) {
gHasModifiedRefs = true;
[](RefBaseSubclass* ref) -> void { ref->forceIncStrong(nullptr); },
[](RefBaseSubclass* ref) -> void { ref->createWeak(nullptr); },
[](RefBaseSubclass* ref) -> void { ref->getWeakRefs()->attemptIncStrong(nullptr); },
[](RefBaseSubclass* ref) -> void { ref->getWeakRefs()->attemptIncWeak(nullptr); },
[](RefBaseSubclass* ref) -> void {
if (canDecrementWeak(ref)) {
[](RefThreadState* refState) -> void {
if (refState->weakCount > 0) {
gHasModifiedRefs = true;
[](RefBaseSubclass* ref) -> void { ref->getWeakRefs()->incWeak(nullptr); },
[](RefBaseSubclass* ref) -> void { ref->getWeakRefs()->printRefs(); },
void loop(RefBaseSubclass* loopRef, const std::vector<uint8_t>& fuzzOps) {
const std::vector<std::function<void(RefThreadState*)>> kMaybeLockedOperations = {
// Read-only operations
[](RefThreadState*) -> void { ref->getStrongCount(); },
[](RefThreadState*) -> void { weakRefs->getWeakCount(); },
[](RefThreadState*) -> void { ref->printRefs(); },
// Read/write operations
[](RefThreadState* refState) -> void {
gHasModifiedRefs = true;
[](RefThreadState* refState) -> void {
gHasModifiedRefs = true;
[](RefThreadState* refState) -> void {
gHasModifiedRefs = true;
[](RefThreadState* refState) -> void {
// This will increment weak internally, then attempt to
// promote it to strong. If it fails, it decrements weak.
// If it succeeds, the weak is converted to strong.
// Both cases net no weak reference change.
if (weakRefs->attemptIncStrong(nullptr)) {
gHasModifiedRefs = true;
[](RefThreadState* refState) -> void {
if (weakRefs->attemptIncWeak(nullptr)) {
gHasModifiedRefs = true;
[](RefThreadState* refState) -> void {
gHasModifiedRefs = true;
void loop(const std::vector<uint8_t>& fuzzOps) {
RefThreadState state;
uint8_t lockedOpSize = kMaybeLockedOperations.size();
uint8_t totalOperationTypes = lockedOpSize + kUnlockedOperations.size();
for (auto op : fuzzOps) {
operations[op % operations.size()](loopRef);
auto opVal = op % totalOperationTypes;
if (opVal >= lockedOpSize) {
kUnlockedOperations[opVal % lockedOpSize](&state);
} else {
// We only need to lock if we have no strong or weak count
bool shouldLock = state.strongCount == 0 && state.weakCount == 0;
if (shouldLock) {
// If ref has deleted itself, we can no longer fuzz on this thread.
if (gRefDeleted) {
// Unlock since we're exiting the loop here.
// Execute the locked operation
// Unlock if we locked.
if (shouldLock) {
// Instead of explicitly freeing this, we're going to remove our weak and
// strong references.
for (; state.weakCount > 0; state.weakCount--) {
// Clean up any strong references
for (; state.strongCount > 0; state.strongCount--) {
@ -81,23 +171,35 @@ void spawnThreads(FuzzedDataProvider* dataProvider) {
std::vector<std::thread> threads = std::vector<std::thread>();
// Get the number of threads to generate
uint8_t count = dataProvider->ConsumeIntegralInRange<uint8_t>(1, MAX_THREADS);
uint8_t count = dataProvider->ConsumeIntegralInRange<uint8_t>(1, kMaxThreads);
// Generate threads
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
RefBaseSubclass* threadRef = new RefBaseSubclass();
uint8_t opCount = dataProvider->ConsumeIntegralInRange<uint8_t>(1, MAX_OPERATIONS);
uint8_t opCount = dataProvider->ConsumeIntegralInRange<uint8_t>(1, kMaxOperations);
std::vector<uint8_t> threadOperations = dataProvider->ConsumeBytes<uint8_t>(opCount);
std::thread tmp = std::thread(loop, threadRef, threadOperations);
std::thread tmpThread = std::thread(loop, threadOperations);
for (auto& th : threads) {
extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
gHasModifiedRefs = false;
ref = new RefBaseSubclass(&gRefDeleted, gRefDeletedLock);
weakRefs = ref->getWeakRefs();
// Since we are modifying flags, (flags & OBJECT_LIFETIME_MASK) == OBJECT_LIFETIME_WEAK
// is true. The destructor for RefBase should clean up weakrefs because of this.
FuzzedDataProvider dataProvider(data, size);
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(!gHasModifiedRefs && gRefDeleted, "ref(%p) was prematurely deleted!", ref);
// We need to explicitly delete this object
// if no refs have been added or deleted.
if (!gHasModifiedRefs && !gRefDeleted) {
delete ref;
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(gHasModifiedRefs && !gRefDeleted,
"ref(%p) should be deleted, is it leaking?", ref);
return 0;