Rewrite compiler test using python.
Nice because we're now checking the output for success/failure automatically rather than by eye.
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
# Test the acc compiler
import unittest
import subprocess
import os
def compile(args):
proc = subprocess.Popen(["acc"] + args, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
result = proc.communicate()
return result
def runCmd(args):
proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
result = proc.communicate()
return result[0].strip()
def which(item):
return runCmd(["which", item])
def fileType(item):
return runCmd(["file", item])
def outputCanRun():
ft = fileType(which("acc"))
return ft.find("ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386") >= 0
def adb(args):
return runCmd(["adb"] + args)
gArmInitialized = False
def setupArm():
if gArmInitialized:
print "Setting up arm"
adb(["shell", "rm", "/system/bin/acc"])
adb(["shell", "mkdir", "/system/bin/accdata"])
adb(["shell", "mkdir", "/system/bin/accdata/data"])
# Clear out old data TODO: handle recursion
adb(["shell", "rm", "/system/bin/accdata/data/*"])
# Copy over data
for root, dirs, files in os.walk("data"):
for d in dirs:
adb(["shell", "mkdir", os.path.join(root, d)])
for f in files:
adb(["push", os.path.join(root, f), os.path.join("/system/bin/accdata", root, f)])
# Copy over compiler
gArmInitialied = True
def compileArm(args):
proc = subprocess.Popen(["adb", "shell", "/system/bin/acc"] + args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
result = proc.communicate()
return result[0].replace("\r","")
def compare(a, b):
if a != b:
firstDiff = firstDifference(a,b)
print "Strings differ at character", firstDiff, a[firstDiff], b[firstDiff]
def firstDifference(a, b):
commonLen = min(len(a), len(b))
for i in xrange(0, commonLen):
if a[i] != b[i]:
return i
return commonLen
class TestACC(unittest.TestCase):
def compileCheck(self, args, stdErrResult, stdOutResult=""):
out, err = compile(args)
compare(out, stdOutResult)
compare(err, stdErrResult)
self.assertEqual(out, stdOutResult)
self.assertEqual(err, stdErrResult)
def compileCheckArm(self, args, result):
self.assertEqual(compileArm(args), result)
def testCompileReturnVal(self):
self.compileCheck(["data/returnval-ansi.c"], "")
def testCompileReturnVal(self):
self.compileCheck(["data/otcc-ansi.c"], "")
def testRunReturnVal(self):
self.compileCheck(["-R", "data/returnval-ansi.c"],
"Executing compiled code:\nresult: 42\n")
def testRunOTCCANSI(self):
self.compileCheck(["-R", "data/otcc-ansi.c", "data/returnval.c"],
"Executing compiled code:\notcc-ansi.c: About to execute compiled code:\natcc-ansi.c: result: 42\nresult: 42\n")
def testRunOTCCANSI2(self):
self.compileCheck(["-R", "data/otcc-ansi.c", "data/otcc.c", "data/returnval.c"],
"Executing compiled code:\notcc-ansi.c: About to execute compiled code:\notcc.c: about to execute compiled code.\natcc-ansi.c: result: 42\nresult: 42\n")
def testRunConstants(self):
self.compileCheck(["-R", "data/constants.c"],
"Executing compiled code:\nresult: 12\n",
"0 = 0\n010 = 8\n0x10 = 16\n'\\a' = 7\n'\\b' = 8\n'\\f' = 12\n'\\n' = 10\n'\\r' = 13\n'\\t' = 9\n'\\v' = 11\n'\\\\' = 92\n'\\'' = 39\n" +
"'\\\"' = 34\n'\\?' = 63\n'\\0' = 0\n'\\1' = 1\n'\\12' = 10\n'\\123' = 83\n'\\x0' = 0\n'\\x1' = 1\n'\\x12' = 18\n'\\x123' = 291\n'\\x1f' = 31\n'\\x1F' = 31\n")
def testArmRunReturnVal(self):
self.compileCheckArm(["-R", "/system/bin/accdata/data/returnval-ansi.c"],
"Executing compiled code:\nresult: 42\n")
if __name__ == '__main__':
if not outputCanRun():
print "Many tests are expected to fail, because acc is not a 32-bit x86 Linux executable."
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
adb remount
adb shell rm /system/bin/acc
adb push data/returnval-ansi.c /system/bin/returnval-ansi.c
cd ..
mm -j8
cd tests
adb sync
adb shell /system/bin/acc -R -S /system/bin/returnval-ansi.c
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
ACC=`which acc`
echo "Compiling returnval-ansi.c"
$ACC -S $DATA/returnval-ansi.c
echo "Compiling whole compiler."
$ACC -S "$DATA/otcc-ansi.c"
if file $ACC | grep -q "ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386"; then
echo "Linux 32bit Intel."
echo "TESTING returnval-ansi.c:"
$ACC -R $DATA/returnval-ansi.c
echo TESTING otcc-ansi.c returnval-ansi.c
$ACC -R "$DATA/otcc-ansi.c" "$DATA/returnval.c"
echo TESTING otcc-ansi.c otcc.c returnval-ansi.c
$ACC -R $DATA/otcc-ansi.c $DATA/otcc.c $DATA/returnval.c
echo "Done with tests."
Reference in New Issue