Merge "metricsd: Fix style issues."
This commit is contained in:
@ -51,8 +51,6 @@ using std::vector;
namespace {
#define SAFE_MESSAGE(e) (e.message ? e.message : "unknown error")
const char kCrashReporterInterface[] = "org.chromium.CrashReporter";
const char kCrashReporterUserCrashSignal[] = "UserCrash";
const char kCrashReporterMatchRule[] =
@ -73,63 +71,55 @@ const char kKernelCrashDetectedFile[] = "/var/run/kernel-crash-detected";
const char kUncleanShutdownDetectedFile[] =
} // namespace
// disk stats metrics
// The {Read,Write}Sectors numbers are in sectors/second.
// A sector is usually 512 bytes.
const char MetricsDaemon::kMetricReadSectorsLongName[] =
const char MetricsDaemon::kMetricWriteSectorsLongName[] =
const char MetricsDaemon::kMetricReadSectorsShortName[] =
const char MetricsDaemon::kMetricWriteSectorsShortName[] =
const char kMetricReadSectorsLongName[] = "Platform.ReadSectorsLong";
const char kMetricWriteSectorsLongName[] = "Platform.WriteSectorsLong";
const char kMetricReadSectorsShortName[] = "Platform.ReadSectorsShort";
const char kMetricWriteSectorsShortName[] = "Platform.WriteSectorsShort";
const int MetricsDaemon::kMetricStatsShortInterval = 1; // seconds
const int MetricsDaemon::kMetricStatsLongInterval = 30; // seconds
const int kMetricStatsShortInterval = 1; // seconds
const int kMetricStatsLongInterval = 30; // seconds
const int MetricsDaemon::kMetricMeminfoInterval = 30; // seconds
const int kMetricMeminfoInterval = 30; // seconds
// Assume a max rate of 250Mb/s for reads (worse for writes) and 512 byte
// sectors.
const int MetricsDaemon::kMetricSectorsIOMax = 500000; // sectors/second
const int MetricsDaemon::kMetricSectorsBuckets = 50; // buckets
const int kMetricSectorsIOMax = 500000; // sectors/second
const int kMetricSectorsBuckets = 50; // buckets
// Page size is 4k, sector size is 0.5k. We're not interested in page fault
// rates that the disk cannot sustain.
const int MetricsDaemon::kMetricPageFaultsMax = kMetricSectorsIOMax / 8;
const int MetricsDaemon::kMetricPageFaultsBuckets = 50;
const int kMetricPageFaultsMax = kMetricSectorsIOMax / 8;
const int kMetricPageFaultsBuckets = 50;
// Major page faults, i.e. the ones that require data to be read from disk.
const char MetricsDaemon::kMetricPageFaultsLongName[] =
const char MetricsDaemon::kMetricPageFaultsShortName[] =
const char kMetricPageFaultsLongName[] = "Platform.PageFaultsLong";
const char kMetricPageFaultsShortName[] = "Platform.PageFaultsShort";
// Swap in and Swap out
const char MetricsDaemon::kMetricSwapInLongName[] =
const char MetricsDaemon::kMetricSwapInShortName[] =
const char kMetricSwapInLongName[] = "Platform.SwapInLong";
const char kMetricSwapInShortName[] = "Platform.SwapInShort";
const char MetricsDaemon::kMetricSwapOutLongName[] =
const char MetricsDaemon::kMetricSwapOutShortName[] =
const char kMetricSwapOutLongName[] = "Platform.SwapOutLong";
const char kMetricSwapOutShortName[] = "Platform.SwapOutShort";
const char MetricsDaemon::kMetricsProcStatFileName[] = "/proc/stat";
const int MetricsDaemon::kMetricsProcStatFirstLineItemsCount = 11;
const char kMetricsProcStatFileName[] = "/proc/stat";
const char kVmStatFileName[] = "/proc/vmstat";
const char kMeminfoFileName[] = "/proc/meminfo";
const int kMetricsProcStatFirstLineItemsCount = 11;
// Thermal CPU throttling.
const char MetricsDaemon::kMetricScaledCpuFrequencyName[] =
const char kMetricScaledCpuFrequencyName[] =
} // namespace
// Zram sysfs entries.
const char MetricsDaemon::kComprDataSizeName[] = "compr_data_size";
@ -227,18 +217,17 @@ void MetricsDaemon::Init(bool testing,
bool uploader_active,
bool dbus_enabled,
MetricsLibraryInterface* metrics_lib,
const string& vmstats_path,
const string& scaling_max_freq_path,
const string& cpuinfo_max_freq_path,
const base::TimeDelta& upload_interval,
const string& server,
const string& metrics_file,
const string& config_root) {
testing_ = testing;
uploader_active_ = uploader_active;
dbus_enabled_ = dbus_enabled;
config_root_ = config_root;
DCHECK(metrics_lib != nullptr);
metrics_lib_ = metrics_lib;
upload_interval_ = upload_interval;
@ -286,7 +275,6 @@ void MetricsDaemon::Init(bool testing,
weekly_cycle_.reset(new PersistentInteger("weekly.cycle"));
version_cycle_.reset(new PersistentInteger("version.cycle"));
vmstats_path_ = vmstats_path;
scaling_max_freq_path_ = scaling_max_freq_path;
cpuinfo_max_freq_path_ = cpuinfo_max_freq_path;
@ -510,48 +498,22 @@ void MetricsDaemon::ScheduleStatsCallback(int wait) {
bool MetricsDaemon::VmStatsParseStats(const char* stats,
struct VmstatRecord* record) {
// a mapping of string name to field in VmstatRecord and whether we found it
struct mapping {
const string name;
uint64_t* value_p;
bool found;
} map[] =
{ { .name = "pgmajfault",
.value_p = &record->page_faults_,
.found = false },
{ .name = "pswpin",
.value_p = &record->swap_in_,
.found = false },
{ .name = "pswpout",
.value_p = &record->swap_out_,
.found = false }, };
base::StringPairs pairs;
base::SplitStringIntoKeyValuePairs(stats, ' ', '\n', &pairs);
// Each line in the file has the form
// <ID> <VALUE>
// for instance:
// nr_free_pages 213427
vector<string> lines;
Tokenize(stats, "\n", &lines);
for (vector<string>::iterator it = lines.begin();
it != lines.end(); ++it) {
vector<string> tokens;
base::SplitString(*it, ' ', &tokens);
if (tokens.size() == 2) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(map)/sizeof(struct mapping); i++) {
if (!tokens[0].compare(map[i].name)) {
if (!base::StringToUint64(tokens[1], map[i].value_p))
return false;
map[i].found = true;
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "unexpected vmstat format";
for (base::StringPairs::iterator it = pairs.begin(); it != pairs.end(); ++it) {
if (it->first == "pgmajfault" &&
!base::StringToUint64(it->second, &record->page_faults_)) {
return false;
// make sure we got all the stats
for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(map)/sizeof(struct mapping); i++) {
if (map[i].found == false) {
LOG(WARNING) << "vmstat missing " << map[i].name;
if (it->first == "pswpin" &&
!base::StringToUint64(it->second, &record->swap_in_)) {
return false;
if (it->first == "pswpout" &&
!base::StringToUint64(it->second, &record->swap_out_)) {
return false;
@ -559,14 +521,12 @@ bool MetricsDaemon::VmStatsParseStats(const char* stats,
bool MetricsDaemon::VmStatsReadStats(struct VmstatRecord* stats) {
string value_string;
FilePath* path = new FilePath(vmstats_path_);
if (!base::ReadFileToString(*path, &value_string)) {
delete path;
LOG(WARNING) << "cannot read " << vmstats_path_;
if (!base::ReadFileToString(base::FilePath(kVmStatFileName), &value_string)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "cannot read " << kVmStatFileName;
return false;
delete path;
return VmStatsParseStats(value_string.c_str(), stats);
@ -748,7 +708,7 @@ void MetricsDaemon::ScheduleMeminfoCallback(int wait) {
void MetricsDaemon::MeminfoCallback(base::TimeDelta wait) {
string meminfo_raw;
const FilePath meminfo_path("/proc/meminfo");
const FilePath meminfo_path(kMeminfoFileName);
if (!base::ReadFileToString(meminfo_path, &meminfo_raw)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "cannot read " << meminfo_path.value().c_str();
@ -907,11 +867,8 @@ bool MetricsDaemon::FillMeminfo(const string& meminfo_raw,
Tokenize(lines[iline], ": ", &tokens);
if (strcmp((*fields)[ifield].match, tokens[0].c_str()) == 0) {
// Name matches. Parse value and save.
char* rest;
(*fields)[ifield].value =
static_cast<int>(strtol(tokens[1].c_str(), &rest, 10));
if (*rest != '\0') {
LOG(WARNING) << "missing meminfo value";
if (!base::StringToInt(tokens[1], &(*fields)[ifield].value)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Cound not convert " << tokens[1] << " to int";
return false;
@ -958,7 +915,7 @@ void MetricsDaemon::MemuseCallback() {
bool MetricsDaemon::MemuseCallbackWork() {
string meminfo_raw;
const FilePath meminfo_path("/proc/meminfo");
const FilePath meminfo_path(kMeminfoFileName);
if (!base::ReadFileToString(meminfo_path, &meminfo_raw)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "cannot read " << meminfo_path.value().c_str();
return false;
@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ class MetricsDaemon : public chromeos::DBusDaemon {
bool uploader_active,
bool dbus_enabled,
MetricsLibraryInterface* metrics_lib,
const std::string& vmstats_path,
const std::string& cpuinfo_max_freq_path,
const std::string& scaling_max_freq_path,
const base::TimeDelta& upload_interval,
@ -101,14 +100,6 @@ class MetricsDaemon : public chromeos::DBusDaemon {
kStatsLong, // final wait before new collection
// Data record for aggregating daily usage.
class UseRecord {
UseRecord() : day_(0), seconds_(0) {}
int day_;
int seconds_;
// Type of scale to use for meminfo histograms. For most of them we use
// percent of total RAM, but for some we use absolute numbers, usually in
// megabytes, on a log scale from 0 to 4000, and 0 to 8000 for compressed
@ -135,30 +126,6 @@ class MetricsDaemon : public chromeos::DBusDaemon {
uint64_t swap_out_; // pages swapped out
// Metric parameters.
static const char kMetricReadSectorsLongName[];
static const char kMetricReadSectorsShortName[];
static const char kMetricWriteSectorsLongName[];
static const char kMetricWriteSectorsShortName[];
static const char kMetricPageFaultsShortName[];
static const char kMetricPageFaultsLongName[];
static const char kMetricSwapInLongName[];
static const char kMetricSwapInShortName[];
static const char kMetricSwapOutLongName[];
static const char kMetricSwapOutShortName[];
static const char kMetricScaledCpuFrequencyName[];
static const int kMetricStatsShortInterval;
static const int kMetricStatsLongInterval;
static const int kMetricMeminfoInterval;
static const int kMetricSectorsIOMax;
static const int kMetricSectorsBuckets;
static const int kMetricPageFaultsMax;
static const int kMetricPageFaultsBuckets;
static const char kMetricsDiskStatsPath[];
static const char kMetricsVmStatsPath[];
static const char kMetricsProcStatFileName[];
static const int kMetricsProcStatFirstLineItemsCount;
// Returns the active time since boot (uptime minus sleep time) in seconds.
double GetActiveTime();
@ -167,13 +134,6 @@ class MetricsDaemon : public chromeos::DBusDaemon {
DBusMessage* message,
void* user_data);
// Updates the daily usage file, if necessary, by adding |seconds|
// of active use to the |day| since Epoch. If there's usage data for
// day in the past in the usage file, that data is sent to UMA and
// removed from the file. If there's already usage data for |day| in
// the usage file, the |seconds| are accumulated.
void LogDailyUseRecord(int day, int seconds);
// Updates the active use time and logs time between user-space
// process crashes.
void ProcessUserCrash();
@ -312,11 +272,6 @@ class MetricsDaemon : public chromeos::DBusDaemon {
// The metrics library handle.
MetricsLibraryInterface* metrics_lib_;
// Timestamps last network state update. This timestamp is used to
// sample the time from the network going online to going offline so
// TimeTicks ensures a monotonically increasing TimeDelta.
base::TimeTicks network_state_last_;
// The last time that UpdateStats() was called.
base::TimeTicks last_update_stats_time_;
@ -369,7 +324,6 @@ class MetricsDaemon : public chromeos::DBusDaemon {
scoped_ptr<PersistentInteger> unclean_shutdowns_daily_count_;
scoped_ptr<PersistentInteger> unclean_shutdowns_weekly_count_;
std::string vmstats_path_;
std::string scaling_max_freq_path_;
std::string cpuinfo_max_freq_path_;
@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
FLAGS_uploader | FLAGS_uploader_test,
@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ class MetricsDaemonTest : public testing::Test {
Reference in New Issue