am 7359c16a: Don\'t copy /proc/last_kmsg to /data/dontpanic/last_kmsg -- it gets generated on every boot, so this is a bunch of writing for no particularly good reason.

Merge commit '7359c16a852c23740ef2874aa6b66f629d1473b7' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp

* commit '7359c16a852c23740ef2874aa6b66f629d1473b7':
  Don't copy /proc/last_kmsg to /data/dontpanic/last_kmsg --
This commit is contained in:
Dan Egnor 2009-11-24 14:51:07 -08:00 committed by Android Git Automerger
commit d2633cb709
1 changed files with 0 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -86,11 +86,6 @@ loglevel 3
write /proc/apanic_console 1
# Collect ramconsole data
copy /proc/last_kmsg /data/dontpanic/last_kmsg
chown root log /data/dontpanic/last_kmsg
chmod 0640 /data/dontpanic/last_kmsg
# Same reason as /data above
mount yaffs2 mtd@cache /cache nosuid nodev
chown system cache /cache