Merge "init: Stop combining actions" am: 8d644d2c96
am: a0b0c8a18e
am: 779e922866
Change-Id: I83cb780715d5949a47155b98be8714604ddacb72
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,9 +16,7 @@ Actions and Services implicitly declare a new section. All commands
or options belong to the section most recently declared. Commands
or options before the first section are ignored.
Actions and Services have unique names. If a second Action is defined
with the same name as an existing one, its commands are appended to
the commands of the existing action. If a second Service is defined
Services have unique names. If a second Service is defined
with the same name as an existing one, it is ignored and an error
message is logged.
@ -31,13 +29,21 @@ locations on the system, described below.
/init.rc is the primary .rc file and is loaded by the init executable
at the beginning of its execution. It is responsible for the initial
set up of the system. It imports /init.${ro.hardware}.rc which is the
primary vendor supplied .rc file.
set up of the system.
During the mount\_all command, the init executable loads all of the
files contained within the /{system,vendor,odm}/etc/init/ directories.
These directories are intended for all Actions and Services used after
file system mounting.
Devices that mount /system, /vendor through the early mount mechanism
load all of the files contained within the
/{system,vendor,odm}/etc/init/ directories immediately after loading
the primary /init.rc. This is explained in more details in the
Imports section of this file.
Legacy devices without the early mount mechanism do the following:
1. /init.rc imports /init.${ro.hardware}.rc which is the primary
vendor supplied .rc file.
2. During the mount\_all command, the init executable loads all of the
files contained within the /{system,vendor,odm}/etc/init/ directories.
These directories are intended for all Actions and Services used after
file system mounting.
One may specify paths in the mount\_all command line to have it import
.rc files at the specified paths instead of the default ones listed above.
@ -89,7 +95,7 @@ process all entries in the given fstab.
Actions are named sequences of commands. Actions have a trigger which
is used to determine when the action should occur. When an event
is used to determine when the action is executed. When an event
occurs which matches an action's trigger, that action is added to
the tail of a to-be-executed queue (unless it is already on the
@ -106,6 +112,34 @@ Actions take the form of:
Actions are added to the queue and executed based on the order that
the file that contains them was parsed (see the Imports section), then
sequentially within an individual file.
For example if a file contains:
on boot
setprop a 1
setprop b 2
on boot && property:true=true
setprop c 1
setprop d 2
on boot
setprop e 1
setprop f 2
Then when the `boot` trigger occurs and assuming the property `true`
equals `true`, then the order of the commands executed will be:
setprop a 1
setprop b 2
setprop c 1
setprop d 2
setprop e 1
setprop f 2
@ -458,21 +492,54 @@ Commands
The import keyword is not a command, but rather its own section and is
handled immediately after the .rc file that contains it has finished
being parsed. It takes the below form:
`import <path>`
> Parse an init config file, extending the current configuration.
If _path_ is a directory, each file in the directory is parsed as
a config file. It is not recursive, nested directories will
not be parsed.
There are only two times where the init executable imports .rc files:
The import keyword is not a command, but rather its own section,
meaning that it does not happen as part of an Action, but rather,
imports are handled as a file is being parsed and follow the below logic.
1. When it imports /init.rc during initial boot
2. When it imports /{system,vendor,odm}/etc/init/ or .rc files at specified
paths during mount_all
There are only three times where the init executable imports .rc files:
1. When it imports /init.rc or the script indicated by the property
`ro.boot.init_rc` during initial boot.
2. When it imports /{system,vendor,odm}/etc/init/ for early mount
devices immediately after importing /init.rc.
3. When it imports /{system,vendor,odm}/etc/init/ or .rc files at specified
paths during mount_all.
The order that files are imported is a bit complex for legacy reasons
and to keep backwards compatibility. It is not strictly guaranteed.
The only correct way to guarantee that a command has been run before a
different command is to either 1) place it in an Action with an
earlier executed trigger, or 2) place it in an Action with the same
trigger within the same file at an earlier line.
Nonetheless, the defacto order for early mount devices is:
1. /init.rc is parsed then recursively each of its imports are
2. The contents of /system/etc/init/ are alphabetized and parsed
sequentially, with imports happening recursively after each file is
3. Step 2 is repeated for /vendor/etc/init then /odm/etc/init
The below pseudocode may explain this more clearly:
fn Import(file)
for (import : file.imports)
Directories = [/system/etc/init, /vendor/etc/init, /odm/etc/init]
for (directory : Directories)
files = <Alphabetical order of directory's contents>
for (file : files)
@ -26,10 +26,8 @@
using android::base::Join;
using android::base::StringPrintf;
Command::Command(BuiltinFunction f, const std::vector<std::string>& args,
const std::string& filename, int line)
: func_(f), args_(args), filename_(filename), line_(line) {
Command::Command(BuiltinFunction f, const std::vector<std::string>& args, int line)
: func_(f), args_(args), line_(line) {}
int Command::InvokeFunc() const {
std::vector<std::string> expanded_args;
@ -49,21 +47,12 @@ std::string Command::BuildCommandString() const {
return Join(args_, ' ');
std::string Command::BuildSourceString() const {
if (!filename_.empty()) {
return StringPrintf(" (%s:%d)", filename_.c_str(), line_);
} else {
return std::string();
Action::Action(bool oneshot) : oneshot_(oneshot) {
Action::Action(bool oneshot, const std::string& filename, int line)
: oneshot_(oneshot), filename_(filename), line_(line) {}
const KeywordMap<BuiltinFunction>* Action::function_map_ = nullptr;
bool Action::AddCommand(const std::vector<std::string>& args,
const std::string& filename, int line, std::string* err) {
bool Action::AddCommand(const std::vector<std::string>& args, int line, std::string* err) {
if (!function_map_) {
*err = "no function map available";
return false;
@ -79,20 +68,12 @@ bool Action::AddCommand(const std::vector<std::string>& args,
return false;
AddCommand(function, args, filename, line);
AddCommand(function, args, line);
return true;
void Action::AddCommand(BuiltinFunction f,
const std::vector<std::string>& args,
const std::string& filename, int line) {
commands_.emplace_back(f, args, filename, line);
void Action::CombineAction(const Action& action) {
for (const auto& c : action.commands_) {
void Action::AddCommand(BuiltinFunction f, const std::vector<std::string>& args, int line) {
commands_.emplace_back(f, args, line);
std::size_t Action::NumCommands() const {
@ -122,7 +103,7 @@ void Action::ExecuteCommand(const Command& command) const {
android::base::GetMinimumLogSeverity() <= android::base::DEBUG) {
std::string trigger_name = BuildTriggersString();
std::string cmd_str = command.BuildCommandString();
std::string source = command.BuildSourceString();
std::string source = StringPrintf(" (%s:%d)", filename_.c_str(), command.line());
LOG(INFO) << "Command '" << cmd_str << "' action=" << trigger_name << source
<< " returned " << result << " took " << duration_ms << "ms.";
@ -234,11 +215,6 @@ bool Action::CheckPropertyTrigger(const std::string& name,
return event_trigger_.empty() && CheckPropertyTriggers(name, value);
bool Action::TriggersEqual(const Action& other) const {
return property_triggers_ == other.property_triggers_ &&
event_trigger_ == other.event_trigger_;
std::string Action::BuildTriggersString() const {
std::vector<std::string> triggers;
@ -306,17 +282,7 @@ ActionManager& ActionManager::GetInstance() {
void ActionManager::AddAction(std::unique_ptr<Action> action) {
auto old_action_it =
std::find_if(actions_.begin(), actions_.end(),
[&action] (std::unique_ptr<Action>& a) {
return action->TriggersEqual(*a);
if (old_action_it != actions_.end()) {
} else {
void ActionManager::QueueEventTrigger(const std::string& trigger) {
@ -332,16 +298,15 @@ void ActionManager::QueueAllPropertyTriggers() {
QueuePropertyTrigger("", "");
void ActionManager::QueueBuiltinAction(BuiltinFunction func,
const std::string& name) {
auto action = std::make_unique<Action>(true);
void ActionManager::QueueBuiltinAction(BuiltinFunction func, const std::string& name) {
auto action = std::make_unique<Action>(true, "<Builtin Action>", 0);
std::vector<std::string> name_vector{name};
if (!action->InitSingleTrigger(name)) {
action->AddCommand(func, name_vector);
action->AddCommand(func, name_vector, 0);
@ -366,7 +331,8 @@ void ActionManager::ExecuteOneCommand() {
if (current_command_ == 0) {
std::string trigger_name = action->BuildTriggersString();
LOG(INFO) << "processing action (" << trigger_name << ")";
LOG(INFO) << "processing action (" << trigger_name << ") from (" << action->filename()
<< ":" << action->line() << ")";
@ -397,15 +363,15 @@ void ActionManager::DumpState() const {
bool ActionParser::ParseSection(const std::vector<std::string>& args,
std::string* err) {
bool ActionParser::ParseSection(const std::vector<std::string>& args, const std::string& filename,
int line, std::string* err) {
std::vector<std::string> triggers(args.begin() + 1, args.end());
if (triggers.size() < 1) {
*err = "actions must have a trigger";
return false;
auto action = std::make_unique<Action>(false);
auto action = std::make_unique<Action>(false, filename, line);
if (!action->InitTriggers(triggers, err)) {
return false;
@ -414,10 +380,9 @@ bool ActionParser::ParseSection(const std::vector<std::string>& args,
return true;
bool ActionParser::ParseLineSection(const std::vector<std::string>& args,
const std::string& filename, int line,
std::string* err) const {
return action_ ? action_->AddCommand(args, filename, line, err) : false;
bool ActionParser::ParseLineSection(const std::vector<std::string>& args, int line,
std::string* err) {
return action_ ? action_->AddCommand(args, line, err) : false;
void ActionParser::EndSection() {
@ -27,31 +27,26 @@
#include "keyword_map.h"
class Command {
Command(BuiltinFunction f, const std::vector<std::string>& args,
const std::string& filename, int line);
Command(BuiltinFunction f, const std::vector<std::string>& args, int line);
int InvokeFunc() const;
std::string BuildCommandString() const;
std::string BuildSourceString() const;
int line() const { return line_; }
BuiltinFunction func_;
std::vector<std::string> args_;
std::string filename_;
int line_;
class Action {
explicit Action(bool oneshot = false);
explicit Action(bool oneshot, const std::string& filename, int line);
bool AddCommand(const std::vector<std::string>& args,
const std::string& filename, int line, std::string* err);
void AddCommand(BuiltinFunction f,
const std::vector<std::string>& args,
const std::string& filename = "", int line = 0);
void CombineAction(const Action& action);
bool AddCommand(const std::vector<std::string>& args, int line, std::string* err);
void AddCommand(BuiltinFunction f, const std::vector<std::string>& args, int line);
bool InitTriggers(const std::vector<std::string>& args, std::string* err);
bool InitSingleTrigger(const std::string& trigger);
std::size_t NumCommands() const;
@ -60,11 +55,12 @@ public:
bool CheckEventTrigger(const std::string& trigger) const;
bool CheckPropertyTrigger(const std::string& name,
const std::string& value) const;
bool TriggersEqual(const Action& other) const;
std::string BuildTriggersString() const;
void DumpState() const;
bool oneshot() const { return oneshot_; }
const std::string& filename() const { return filename_; }
int line() const { return line_; }
static void set_function_map(const KeywordMap<BuiltinFunction>* function_map) {
function_map_ = function_map;
@ -80,6 +76,8 @@ private:
std::string event_trigger_;
std::vector<Command> commands_;
bool oneshot_;
std::string filename_;
int line_;
static const KeywordMap<BuiltinFunction>* function_map_;
@ -115,18 +113,17 @@ private:
class ActionParser : public SectionParser {
ActionParser() : action_(nullptr) {
bool ParseSection(const std::vector<std::string>& args,
bool ParseSection(const std::vector<std::string>& args, const std::string& filename, int line,
std::string* err) override;
bool ParseLineSection(const std::vector<std::string>& args,
const std::string& filename, int line,
std::string* err) const override;
bool ParseLineSection(const std::vector<std::string>& args, int line, std::string* err) override;
void EndSection() override;
void EndFile(const std::string&) override {
std::unique_ptr<Action> action_;
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
#include "util.h"
bool ImportParser::ParseSection(const std::vector<std::string>& args,
std::string* err) {
bool ImportParser::ParseSection(const std::vector<std::string>& args, const std::string& filename,
int line, std::string* err) {
if (args.size() != 2) {
*err = "single argument needed for import\n";
return false;
@ -23,20 +23,20 @@
#include <vector>
class ImportParser : public SectionParser {
ImportParser() {
bool ParseSection(const std::vector<std::string>& args,
bool ParseSection(const std::vector<std::string>& args, const std::string& filename, int line,
std::string* err) override;
bool ParseLineSection(const std::vector<std::string>& args,
const std::string& filename, int line,
std::string* err) const override {
bool ParseLineSection(const std::vector<std::string>& args, int line,
std::string* err) override {
return true;
void EndSection() override {
void EndFile(const std::string& filename) override;
std::vector<std::string> imports_;
@ -71,14 +71,13 @@ void Parser::ParseData(const std::string& filename, const std::string& data) {
section_parser = section_parsers_[args[0]].get();
std::string ret_err;
if (!section_parser->ParseSection(args, &ret_err)) {
if (!section_parser->ParseSection(args, state.filename, state.line, &ret_err)) {
parse_error(&state, "%s\n", ret_err.c_str());
section_parser = nullptr;
} else if (section_parser) {
std::string ret_err;
if (!section_parser->ParseLineSection(args, state.filename,
state.line, &ret_err)) {
if (!section_parser->ParseLineSection(args, state.line, &ret_err)) {
parse_error(&state, "%s\n", ret_err.c_str());
@ -26,11 +26,10 @@ class SectionParser {
virtual ~SectionParser() {
virtual bool ParseSection(const std::vector<std::string>& args,
std::string* err) = 0;
virtual bool ParseLineSection(const std::vector<std::string>& args,
const std::string& filename, int line,
std::string* err) const = 0;
virtual bool ParseSection(const std::vector<std::string>& args, const std::string& filename,
int line, std::string* err) = 0;
virtual bool ParseLineSection(const std::vector<std::string>& args, int line,
std::string* err) = 0;
virtual void EndSection() = 0;
virtual void EndFile(const std::string& filename) = 0;
@ -157,6 +157,7 @@ Service::Service(const std::string& name, const std::vector<std::string>& args)
onrestart_(false, "<Service '" + name + "' onrestart>", 0),
@ -180,6 +181,7 @@ Service::Service(const std::string& name, unsigned flags, uid_t uid, gid_t gid,
onrestart_(false, "<Service '" + name + "' onrestart>", 0),
@ -438,7 +440,8 @@ bool Service::ParseOneshot(const std::vector<std::string>& args, std::string* er
bool Service::ParseOnrestart(const std::vector<std::string>& args, std::string* err) {
std::vector<std::string> str_args(args.begin() + 1, args.end());
onrestart_.AddCommand(str_args, "", 0, err);
int line = onrestart_.NumCommands() + 1;
onrestart_.AddCommand(str_args, line, err);
return true;
@ -1092,8 +1095,8 @@ void ServiceManager::ReapAnyOutstandingChildren() {
bool ServiceParser::ParseSection(const std::vector<std::string>& args,
std::string* err) {
bool ServiceParser::ParseSection(const std::vector<std::string>& args, const std::string& filename,
int line, std::string* err) {
if (args.size() < 3) {
*err = "services must have a name and a program";
return false;
@ -1110,9 +1113,8 @@ bool ServiceParser::ParseSection(const std::vector<std::string>& args,
return true;
bool ServiceParser::ParseLineSection(const std::vector<std::string>& args,
const std::string& filename, int line,
std::string* err) const {
bool ServiceParser::ParseLineSection(const std::vector<std::string>& args, int line,
std::string* err) {
return service_ ? service_->ParseLine(args, err) : false;
@ -212,18 +212,15 @@ private:
class ServiceParser : public SectionParser {
ServiceParser() : service_(nullptr) {
bool ParseSection(const std::vector<std::string>& args,
ServiceParser() : service_(nullptr) {}
bool ParseSection(const std::vector<std::string>& args, const std::string& filename, int line,
std::string* err) override;
bool ParseLineSection(const std::vector<std::string>& args,
const std::string& filename, int line,
std::string* err) const override;
bool ParseLineSection(const std::vector<std::string>& args, int line, std::string* err) override;
void EndSection() override;
void EndFile(const std::string&) override {
void EndFile(const std::string&) override {}
bool IsValidName(const std::string& name) const;
std::unique_ptr<Service> service_;
Reference in New Issue