This introduces a new HAVE_SCHED_H arch define, which is used
to prevent from building sched_policy.c during the Windows SDK.
Change-Id: I3667857a4ae7d6baaf1efd1cd187a5baf91419d8
This optimized implementation of the SHA1 algorithm is about 28%
faster than the old one (on sapphire hardware) but assumes
little-endianness. Add it, but continue using the old implementation
on big-endian hardware.
This adds HAVE_STDINT_H and HAVE_STDBOOL_H to the configuration. We've
been using HAVE_STDINT_H for a while but just never bothered to define
it, and we're about to start using HAVE_STDBOOL_H.
I enabled them for the linux and darwin targets, and left it undefined
for freebsd/windows.
nexus: Change field separator from : to ' '
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
nexus: Add some prototypes for stuff to come
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
nexus: Add some TODOs
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
libsysutils: Put a proper token parser into the FrameworkListener which
supports minimal \ escapes and quotes
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
nexus: Fix a lot of bugs
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
libsysutils: Remove some debugging
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
nexus: Send broadcasts for supplicant state changes
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
nexus: Plumb DHCP listener state changes to NetworkManager
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
nexus: Make the SupplicantState strings more parsable
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
nexus: Broadcast a message when dhcp state changes.
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
nexus: Add a few new response codes
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
nexus: Rename ErrorCode -> ResponseCode
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
nexus: Add DHCP event broadcasting. Also adds the framework for
tracking supplicant 'searching-for-AP' state
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
nexus: REmove WifiScanner
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
nexus: Change the way scanning works. scanmode can now be selected
independantly of triggering a scan. Also adds rxfilter support
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
nexus: Add support for configuring bluetooth coexistence scanning and modes
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
nexus: use case insensitive match for property names
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
nexus: Rollup of a bunch of stuff:
- 'list' command now takes an argument to match against
- InterfaceConfig has been moved into the Controller base (for now)
- DhcpClient now has some rudimentry locking
- process 'ADDRINFO' messages from dhcpcd
- Drop tertiary dns
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
nexus: Clean up some of the supplicant variable parsing and add 'wifi.current'
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
nexus: Add driver-stop/start, initial suspend support
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
nexus: Add Controller suspend/resume callbacks, as well as locking
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
nexus: Make ARP probing configurable for DhcpClient
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
nexus: Add linkspeed / rssi retrieval
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
nexus: Add WifiStatusPoller to track RSSI/linkspeed when associated
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
nexus: Disable some debugging and add 'wifi.netcount' property
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
nexus: Replace the hackish property system with something more flexible with namespaces
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
libsysutils: Fix a few bugs in SocketListener
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
nexus: PropertyManager: Add array support
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
nexus: Clean up properties
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
nexus: WifiController: Change name of 'CurrentNetwork' property
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
Merge commit '2d0a6ca27c6f75eb0ec881fe4ad0b4f478d941c0'
* commit '2d0a6ca27c6f75eb0ec881fe4ad0b4f478d941c0':
nexctl: Refactor so Nexus can be tested from scripts easily.
libsysutils: Move to a null terminated string protocol using space as a field separator.
Merge commit '1f75d709c10f49d2e2390b888e766bcfd17da860'
* commit '1f75d709c10f49d2e2390b888e766bcfd17da860':
Add VPN and Keystore services and data directories.
-- changed the default mode to 0770 for keystore with the new user 'keystore'.
-- add the keystore service providing the basic key lookup/install/remove, but
only keystore user can access the key content.
This is needed by the MemoryFile changes in
where it is used to find out whether a file descriptor
refers to an ashmem region.
These calls are similar to the regular syscalls, but can be aborted with:
Calling close() on a regular POSIX socket does not abort blocked syscalls on
that socket in other threads.
After calling asocket_abort() the socket cannot be reused.
Call asocket_destory() *after* all threads have finished with the socket to
finish closing the socket and free the asocket structure.
The helper is implemented by setting the socket non-blocking to initiate
syscalls connect(), accept(), read(), write(), then using a blocking poll()
on both the primary socket and a local pipe. This makes the poll() abortable
by writing a byte to the local pipe in asocket_abort().
asocket_create() sets the fd to non-blocking mode. It must not be changed to
blocking mode.
Using asocket will triple the number of file descriptors required per
socket, due to the local pipe. It may be possible to use a global pipe per
process rather than per socket, but we have not been able to come up with a
race-free implementation yet.
All functions except asocket_init() and asocket_destroy() are thread safe.
Merge commit 'ebefc48e61a7d5cf2a3228e6c8729feeeb42d1b4'
* commit 'ebefc48e61a7d5cf2a3228e6c8729feeeb42d1b4':
Expose the stable/frozen log-related definitions of <cutils/logd.h> into a new header: <android/log.h>
Document internal CodeGenerator interface
Move license to a separate license file.
Define a public API for calling libacc.
Update the "acc" test program to use the public API.
Move "main.cpp" and test scripts into the tests subdirectory.
Move test data from tests to tests/data
Remove stale test data.
Merge commit 'fee77ec093f78c1bb0ce85aa16d7ee8e8fa06f8a'
* commit 'fee77ec093f78c1bb0ce85aa16d7ee8e8fa06f8a':
don't use cdefs.h as it breaks the windows build.
These calls are similar to the regular syscalls, but can be aborted with:
Calling close() on a regular POSIX socket does not abort blocked syscalls on
that socket in other threads.
After calling asocket_abort() the socket cannot be reused.
Call asocket_destory() *after* all threads have finished with the socket to
finish closing the socket and free the asocket structure.
The helper is implemented by setting the socket non-blocking to initiate
syscalls connect(), accept(), read(), write(), then using a blocking poll()
on both the primary socket and a local pipe. This makes the poll() abortable
by writing a byte to the local pipe in asocket_abort().
asocket_create() sets the fd to non-blocking mode. It must not be changed to
blocking mode.
Using asocket will triple the number of file descriptors required per
socket, due to the local pipe. It may be possible to use a global pipe per
process rather than per socket, but we have not been able to come up with a
race-free implementation yet.
All functions except asocket_init() and asocket_destroy() are thread safe.
Merge commit '414ff7d98ac8d7610a26206335954ad15f43f3ac'
* commit '414ff7d98ac8d7610a26206335954ad15f43f3ac':
Move fdevent from libcutils into adb directory. ADB is the only client of this API, and I intend to modify it extensively to clean its codebase soon.
Merge commit '722a5c0462f38827f4097065bfc3826b9e0e9fb4'
* commit '722a5c0462f38827f4097065bfc3826b9e0e9fb4':
Add support for "standalone months" to tztime's strftime().
The idea here is that some languages need a different form of the month
name in constructions like "January 2" than in "January 2009", since the
one in the "January 2" case really means "of January." So with this change,
a format string of "%-B" will use the standalone month, while "%B" will
continue to use the format month.
Merge commit 'c73d9e43a0c98a87222ef0c8749d6abba06c7778'
* commit 'c73d9e43a0c98a87222ef0c8749d6abba06c7778':
libsysutils: Add multiple client support and fix some bugs
nexus: Implement wifi scanner and fix a lot of bugs
Merge commit '747baadddb37737b0ecf83f6147a5e3252a34b12'
* commit '747baadddb37737b0ecf83f6147a5e3252a34b12':
libsysutils: New C++ system convenience library
This library contains re-usable classes for common
system level daemons. Initial consumers of this library
are 'nexus' and 'vold2'
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>