
230 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef __TRANSPORT_H
#define __TRANSPORT_H
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <deque>
#include <functional>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "adb.h"
#include <openssl/rsa.h>
typedef std::unordered_set<std::string> FeatureSet;
const FeatureSet& supported_features();
// Encodes and decodes FeatureSet objects into human-readable strings.
std::string FeatureSetToString(const FeatureSet& features);
FeatureSet StringToFeatureSet(const std::string& features_string);
// Returns true if both local features and |feature_set| support |feature|.
bool CanUseFeature(const FeatureSet& feature_set, const std::string& feature);
// Do not use any of [:;=,] in feature strings, they have special meaning
// in the connection banner.
extern const char* const kFeatureShell2;
// The 'cmd' command is available
extern const char* const kFeatureCmd;
extern const char* const kFeatureStat2;
// The server is running with libusb enabled.
extern const char* const kFeatureLibusb;
class atransport {
// TODO(danalbert): We expose waaaaaaay too much stuff because this was
// historically just a struct, but making the whole thing a more idiomatic
// class in one go is a very large change. Given how bad our testing is,
// it's better to do this piece by piece.
atransport(ConnectionState state = kCsOffline) : connection_state_(state) {
transport_fde = {};
protocol_version = A_VERSION;
max_payload = MAX_PAYLOAD;
virtual ~atransport() {}
int (*read_from_remote)(apacket* p, atransport* t) = nullptr;
void (*close)(atransport* t) = nullptr;
void SetWriteFunction(int (*write_func)(apacket*, atransport*)) { write_func_ = write_func; }
void SetKickFunction(void (*kick_func)(atransport*)) {
kick_func_ = kick_func;
bool IsKicked() {
return kicked_;
int Write(apacket* p);
void Kick();
// ConnectionState can be read by all threads, but can only be written in the main thread.
ConnectionState GetConnectionState() const;
void SetConnectionState(ConnectionState state);
int fd = -1;
int transport_socket = -1;
fdevent transport_fde;
size_t ref_count = 0;
uint32_t sync_token = 0;
bool online = false;
TransportType type = kTransportAny;
// USB handle or socket fd as needed.
usb_handle* usb = nullptr;
int sfd = -1;
// Used to identify transports for clients.
char* serial = nullptr;
char* product = nullptr;
char* model = nullptr;
char* device = nullptr;
char* devpath = nullptr;
void SetLocalPortForEmulator(int port) {
CHECK_EQ(local_port_for_emulator_, -1);
local_port_for_emulator_ = port;
bool GetLocalPortForEmulator(int* port) const {
if (type == kTransportLocal && local_port_for_emulator_ != -1) {
*port = local_port_for_emulator_;
return true;
return false;
bool IsTcpDevice() const {
return type == kTransportLocal && local_port_for_emulator_ == -1;
std::shared_ptr<RSA> NextKey();
bool SetSendConnectOnError();
char token[TOKEN_SIZE] = {};
size_t failed_auth_attempts = 0;
const std::string serial_name() const { return serial ? serial : "<unknown>"; }
const std::string connection_state_name() const;
void update_version(int version, size_t payload);
int get_protocol_version() const;
size_t get_max_payload() const;
const FeatureSet& features() const {
return features_;
bool has_feature(const std::string& feature) const;
// Loads the transport's feature set from the given string.
void SetFeatures(const std::string& features_string);
void AddDisconnect(adisconnect* disconnect);
void RemoveDisconnect(adisconnect* disconnect);
void RunDisconnects();
// Returns true if |target| matches this transport. A matching |target| can be any of:
// * <serial>
// * <devpath>
// * product:<product>
// * model:<model>
// * device:<device>
// If this is a local transport, serial will also match [tcp:|udp:]<hostname>[:port] targets.
// For example, serial "" would match any of:
// *
// * tcp:
// * udp:
// This is to make it easier to use the same network target for both fastboot and adb.
bool MatchesTarget(const std::string& target) const;
int local_port_for_emulator_ = -1;
bool kicked_ = false;
void (*kick_func_)(atransport*) = nullptr;
int (*write_func_)(apacket*, atransport*) = nullptr;
// A set of features transmitted in the banner with the initial connection.
// This is stored in the banner as 'features=feature0,feature1,etc'.
FeatureSet features_;
int protocol_version;
size_t max_payload;
// A list of adisconnect callbacks called when the transport is kicked.
std::list<adisconnect*> disconnects_;
std::atomic<ConnectionState> connection_state_;
std::deque<std::shared_ptr<RSA>> keys_;
std::mutex write_msg_lock_;
bool has_send_connect_on_error_ = false;
* Obtain a transport from the available transports.
* If serial is non-null then only the device with that serial will be chosen.
* If multiple devices/emulators would match, *is_ambiguous (if non-null)
* is set to true and nullptr returned.
* If no suitable transport is found, error is set and nullptr returned.
atransport* acquire_one_transport(TransportType type, const char* serial, bool* is_ambiguous,
std::string* error_out, bool accept_any_state = false);
void kick_transport(atransport* t);
void update_transports(void);
void init_transport_registration(void);
void init_mdns_transport_discovery(void);
std::string list_transports(bool long_listing);
atransport* find_transport(const char* serial);
void kick_all_tcp_devices();
void register_usb_transport(usb_handle* h, const char* serial,
const char* devpath, unsigned writeable);
/* Connect to a network address and register it as a device */
void connect_device(const std::string& address, std::string* response);
/* cause new transports to be init'd and added to the list */
int register_socket_transport(int s, const char* serial, int port, int local);
// This should only be used for transports with connection_state == kCsNoPerm.
void unregister_usb_transport(usb_handle* usb);
int check_header(apacket* p, atransport* t);
int check_data(apacket* p);
void close_usb_devices();
void close_usb_devices(std::function<bool(const atransport*)> predicate);
void send_packet(apacket* p, atransport* t);
asocket* create_device_tracker(void);
#endif /* __TRANSPORT_H */