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// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <dbus/dbus.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <base/scoped_ptr.h>
#include <base/time.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "metrics_library.h"
namespace chromeos_metrics { class TaggedCounterInterface; }
class MetricsDaemon {
// Initializes.
void Init(bool testing, MetricsLibraryInterface* metrics_lib);
// Does all the work. If |run_as_daemon| is true, daemonizes by
// forking.
void Run(bool run_as_daemon);
friend class MetricsDaemonTest;
FRIEND_TEST(MetricsDaemonTest, CheckKernelCrash);
FRIEND_TEST(MetricsDaemonTest, DailyUseReporter);
FRIEND_TEST(MetricsDaemonTest, KernelCrashIntervalReporter);
FRIEND_TEST(MetricsDaemonTest, LookupNetworkState);
FRIEND_TEST(MetricsDaemonTest, LookupPowerState);
FRIEND_TEST(MetricsDaemonTest, LookupScreenSaverState);
FRIEND_TEST(MetricsDaemonTest, LookupSessionState);
FRIEND_TEST(MetricsDaemonTest, MessageFilter);
FRIEND_TEST(MetricsDaemonTest, NetStateChangedSimpleDrop);
FRIEND_TEST(MetricsDaemonTest, NetStateChangedSuspend);
FRIEND_TEST(MetricsDaemonTest, PowerStateChanged);
FRIEND_TEST(MetricsDaemonTest, ProcessKernelCrash);
FRIEND_TEST(MetricsDaemonTest, ProcessUserCrash);
FRIEND_TEST(MetricsDaemonTest, ScreenSaverStateChanged);
FRIEND_TEST(MetricsDaemonTest, SendMetric);
FRIEND_TEST(MetricsDaemonTest, SessionStateChanged);
FRIEND_TEST(MetricsDaemonTest, SetUserActiveState);
FRIEND_TEST(MetricsDaemonTest, SetUserActiveStateTimeJump);
FRIEND_TEST(MetricsDaemonTest, UserCrashIntervalReporter);
// The network states (see network_states.h).
enum NetworkState {
kUnknownNetworkState = -1, // Initial/unknown network state.
#define STATE(name, capname) kNetworkState ## capname,
#include "network_states.h"
// The power states (see power_states.h).
enum PowerState {
kUnknownPowerState = -1, // Initial/unknown power state.
#define STATE(name, capname) kPowerState ## capname,
#include "power_states.h"
// The user session states (see session_states.h).
enum SessionState {
kUnknownSessionState = -1, // Initial/unknown user session state.
#define STATE(name, capname) kSessionState ## capname,
#include "session_states.h"
// Data record for aggregating daily usage.
class UseRecord {
UseRecord() : day_(0), seconds_(0) {}
int day_;
int seconds_;
// Metric parameters.
static const char kMetricDailyUseTimeName[];
static const int kMetricDailyUseTimeMin;
static const int kMetricDailyUseTimeMax;
static const int kMetricDailyUseTimeBuckets;
static const char kMetricKernelCrashIntervalName[];
static const int kMetricKernelCrashIntervalMin;
static const int kMetricKernelCrashIntervalMax;
static const int kMetricKernelCrashIntervalBuckets;
static const char kMetricTimeToNetworkDropName[];
static const int kMetricTimeToNetworkDropMin;
static const int kMetricTimeToNetworkDropMax;
static const int kMetricTimeToNetworkDropBuckets;
static const char kMetricUserCrashIntervalName[];
static const int kMetricUserCrashIntervalMin;
static const int kMetricUserCrashIntervalMax;
static const int kMetricUserCrashIntervalBuckets;
// D-Bus message match strings.
static const char* kDBusMatches_[];
// Array of network states.
static const char* kNetworkStates_[kNumberNetworkStates];
// Array of power states.
static const char* kPowerStates_[kNumberPowerStates];
// Array of user session states.
static const char* kSessionStates_[kNumberSessionStates];
// Creates the event loop and enters it.
void Loop();
// D-Bus filter callback.
static DBusHandlerResult MessageFilter(DBusConnection* connection,
DBusMessage* message,
void* user_data);
// Processes network state change.
void NetStateChanged(const char* state_name, base::TimeTicks ticks);
// Given the state name, returns the state id.
NetworkState LookupNetworkState(const char* state_name);
// Processes power state change.
void PowerStateChanged(const char* state_name, base::Time now);
// Given the state name, returns the state id.
PowerState LookupPowerState(const char* state_name);
// Processes user session state change.
void SessionStateChanged(const char* state_name, base::Time now);
// Given the state name, returns the state id.
SessionState LookupSessionState(const char* state_name);
// Updates the user-active state to |active| and logs the usage data
// since the last update. If the user has just become active,
// reschedule the daily use monitor for more frequent updates --
// this is followed by an exponential back-off (see UseMonitor).
// While in active use, this method should be called at intervals no
// longer than kUseMonitorIntervalMax otherwise new use time will be
// discarded.
void SetUserActiveState(bool active, base::Time now);
// Updates the daily usage file, if necessary, by adding |seconds|
// of active use to the |day| since Epoch. If there's usage data for
// day in the past in the usage file, that data is sent to UMA and
// removed from the file. If there's already usage data for |day| in
// the usage file, the |seconds| are accumulated.
void LogDailyUseRecord(int day, int seconds);
// Updates the active use time and logs time between user-space
// process crashes.
void ProcessUserCrash();
// Updates the active use time and logs time between kernel crashes.
void ProcessKernelCrash();
// Checks if a kernel crash has been detected and processes if so.
// The method assumes that a kernel crash has happened if
// |crash_file| exists.
void CheckKernelCrash(const std::string& crash_file);
// Callbacks for the daily use monitor. The daily use monitor uses
// LogDailyUseRecord to aggregate current usage data and send it to
// UMA, if necessary. It also reschedules itself using an
// exponentially bigger interval (up to a certain maximum) -- so
// usage is monitored less frequently with longer active use.
static gboolean UseMonitorStatic(gpointer data);
bool UseMonitor();
// Schedules or reschedules a daily use monitor for |interval|
// seconds from now. |backoff| mode is used by the use monitor to
// reschedule itself. If there's a monitor scheduled already and
// |backoff| is false, unschedules it first. Doesn't schedule a
// monitor for more than kUseMonitorIntervalMax seconds in the
// future (see metrics_daemon.cc). Returns true if a new use monitor
// was scheduled, false otherwise (note that if |backoff| is false a
// new use monitor will always be scheduled).
bool ScheduleUseMonitor(int interval, bool backoff);
// Unschedules a scheduled use monitor, if any.
void UnscheduleUseMonitor();
// Sends a regular (exponential) histogram sample to Chrome for
// transport to UMA. See MetricsLibrary::SendToUMA in
// metrics_library.h for a description of the arguments.
void SendMetric(const std::string& name, int sample,
int min, int max, int nbuckets);
// TaggedCounter callback to process aggregated daily usage data and
// send to UMA.
static void DailyUseReporter(void* data, int tag, int count);
// TaggedCounter callback to process time between user-space process
// crashes and send to UMA.
static void UserCrashIntervalReporter(void* data, int tag, int count);
// TaggedCounter callback to process time between kernel crashes and
// send to UMA.
static void KernelCrashIntervalReporter(void* data, int tag, int count);
// Test mode.
bool testing_;
// The metrics library handle.
MetricsLibraryInterface* metrics_lib_;
// Current network state.
NetworkState network_state_;
// Timestamps last network state update. This timestamp is used to
// sample the time from the network going online to going offline so
// TimeTicks ensures a monotonically increasing TimeDelta.
base::TimeTicks network_state_last_;
// Current power state.
PowerState power_state_;
// Current user session state.
SessionState session_state_;
// Is the user currently active: power is on, user session has
// started, screen is not locked.
bool user_active_;
// Timestamps last user active update. Active use time is aggregated
// each day before sending to UMA so using time since the epoch as
// the timestamp.
base::Time user_active_last_;
// Daily active use time in seconds.
scoped_ptr<chromeos_metrics::TaggedCounterInterface> daily_use_;
// Active use time between user-space process crashes.
scoped_ptr<chromeos_metrics::TaggedCounterInterface> user_crash_interval_;
// Active use time between kernel crashes.
scoped_ptr<chromeos_metrics::TaggedCounterInterface> kernel_crash_interval_;
// Sleep period until the next daily usage aggregation performed by
// the daily use monitor (see ScheduleUseMonitor).
int usemon_interval_;
// Scheduled daily use monitor source (see ScheduleUseMonitor).
GSource* usemon_source_;