84 lines
2.1 KiB
84 lines
2.1 KiB
.PHONY: tests all unit functional clean dependencies tdd docs html purge dist setup
GIT_ROOT := $(shell dirname $(realpath $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
HTML_ROOT := $(DOCS_ROOT)/build/html
VENV_ROOT := $(GIT_ROOT)/.venv
DOCS_INDEX := $(HTML_ROOT)/index.html
export VENV
all: dependencies tests
$(VENV): # creates $(VENV) folder if does not exist
python3 -mvenv $(VENV)
$(VENV)/bin/pip install -U pip setuptools
$(VENV)/bin/sphinx-build $(VENV)/bin/twine $(VENV)/bin/nosetests $(VENV)/bin/pytest $(VENV)/bin/python $(VENV)/bin/pip: # installs latest pip
test -e $(VENV)/bin/pip || make $(VENV)
$(MAKE) setup
setup: | $(VENV)/bin/pip
$(VENV)/bin/pip install -r development.txt
$(VENV)/bin/pip install -e .
# Runs the unit and functional tests
tests: unit bugfixes functional pyopenssl
tdd: $(VENV)/bin/nosetests # runs all tests
$(VENV)/bin/nosetests tests --with-watch --cover-erase
# Install dependencies
dependencies: | setup $(VENV)/bin/nosetests
# runs unit tests
unit: $(VENV)/bin/nosetests # runs only unit tests
$(VENV)/bin/nosetests --cover-erase tests/unit
pyopenssl: $(VENV)/bin/nosetests
$(VENV)/bin/nosetests --cover-erase tests/pyopenssl
bugfixes: $(VENV)/bin/nosetests $(VENV)/bin/pytest # runs tests for specific bugfixes
$(VENV)/bin/nosetests tests/bugfixes/nosetests
$(VENV)/bin/pytest --maxfail=1 --mypy tests/bugfixes/pytest
# runs functional tests
functional: $(VENV)/bin/nosetests # runs functional tests
$(VENV)/bin/nosetests tests/functional
$(DOCS_INDEX): $(VENV)/bin/sphinx-build
cd docs && make html
html: $(DOCS_INDEX) $(VENV)/bin/sphinx-build
docs: $(DOCS_INDEX) $(VENV)/bin/sphinx-build
open $(DOCS_INDEX)
release: | clean tests html
@rm -rf dist/*
@make pypi
dist: | clean
$(VENV)/bin/python setup.py build sdist
pypi: dist | $(VENV)/bin/twine
$(VENV)/bin/twine upload dist/*.tar.gz
# cleanup temp files
rm -rf $(HTML_ROOT) build dist
# purge all virtualenv and temp files, causes everything to be rebuilt
# from scratch by other tasks
purge: clean
rm -rf $(VENV)