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1221 lines
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import io
import pickle
import tempfile
import typing as t
from contextlib import contextmanager
from copy import copy
from copy import deepcopy
import pytest
from werkzeug import datastructures as ds
from werkzeug import http
from werkzeug.exceptions import BadRequestKeyError
class TestNativeItermethods:
def test_basic(self):
class StupidDict:
def keys(self, multi=1):
return iter(["a", "b", "c"] * multi)
def values(self, multi=1):
return iter([1, 2, 3] * multi)
def items(self, multi=1):
return iter(
zip(iter(self.keys(multi=multi)), iter(self.values(multi=multi)))
d = StupidDict()
expected_keys = ["a", "b", "c"]
expected_values = [1, 2, 3]
expected_items = list(zip(expected_keys, expected_values))
assert list(d.keys()) == expected_keys
assert list(d.values()) == expected_values
assert list(d.items()) == expected_items
assert list(d.keys(2)) == expected_keys * 2
assert list(d.values(2)) == expected_values * 2
assert list(d.items(2)) == expected_items * 2
class _MutableMultiDictTests:
storage_class: t.Type["ds.MultiDict"]
def test_pickle(self):
cls = self.storage_class
def create_instance(module=None):
if module is None:
d = cls()
old = cls.__module__
cls.__module__ = module
d = cls()
cls.__module__ = old
d.setlist(b"foo", [1, 2, 3, 4])
d.setlist(b"bar", b"foo bar baz".split())
return d
for protocol in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
d = create_instance()
s = pickle.dumps(d, protocol)
ud = pickle.loads(s)
assert type(ud) == type(d)
assert ud == d
alternative = pickle.dumps(create_instance("werkzeug"), protocol)
assert pickle.loads(alternative) == d
ud[b"newkey"] = b"bla"
assert ud != d
def test_multidict_dict_interop(self):
# https://github.com/pallets/werkzeug/pull/2043
md = self.storage_class([("a", 1), ("a", 2)])
assert dict(md)["a"] != [1, 2]
assert dict(md)["a"] == 1
assert dict(md) == {**md} == {"a": 1}
def test_basic_interface(self):
md = self.storage_class()
assert isinstance(md, dict)
mapping = [
("a", 1),
("b", 2),
("a", 2),
("d", 3),
("a", 1),
("a", 3),
("d", 4),
("c", 3),
md = self.storage_class(mapping)
# simple getitem gives the first value
assert md["a"] == 1
assert md["c"] == 3
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
assert md.get("a") == 1
# list getitem
assert md.getlist("a") == [1, 2, 1, 3]
assert md.getlist("d") == [3, 4]
# do not raise if key not found
assert md.getlist("x") == []
# simple setitem overwrites all values
md["a"] = 42
assert md.getlist("a") == [42]
# list setitem
md.setlist("a", [1, 2, 3])
assert md["a"] == 1
assert md.getlist("a") == [1, 2, 3]
# verify that it does not change original lists
l1 = [1, 2, 3]
md.setlist("a", l1)
del l1[:]
assert md["a"] == 1
# setdefault, setlistdefault
assert md.setdefault("u", 23) == 23
assert md.getlist("u") == [23]
del md["u"]
md.setlist("u", [-1, -2])
# delitem
del md["u"]
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
del md["d"]
assert md.getlist("d") == []
# keys, values, items, lists
assert list(sorted(md.keys())) == ["a", "b", "c"]
assert list(sorted(md.keys())) == ["a", "b", "c"]
assert list(sorted(md.values())) == [1, 2, 3]
assert list(sorted(md.values())) == [1, 2, 3]
assert list(sorted(md.items())) == [("a", 1), ("b", 2), ("c", 3)]
assert list(sorted(md.items(multi=True))) == [
("a", 1),
("a", 2),
("a", 3),
("b", 2),
("c", 3),
assert list(sorted(md.items())) == [("a", 1), ("b", 2), ("c", 3)]
assert list(sorted(md.items(multi=True))) == [
("a", 1),
("a", 2),
("a", 3),
("b", 2),
("c", 3),
assert list(sorted(md.lists())) == [("a", [1, 2, 3]), ("b", [2]), ("c", [3])]
assert list(sorted(md.lists())) == [("a", [1, 2, 3]), ("b", [2]), ("c", [3])]
# copy method
c = md.copy()
assert c["a"] == 1
assert c.getlist("a") == [1, 2, 3]
# copy method 2
c = copy(md)
assert c["a"] == 1
assert c.getlist("a") == [1, 2, 3]
# deepcopy method
c = md.deepcopy()
assert c["a"] == 1
assert c.getlist("a") == [1, 2, 3]
# deepcopy method 2
c = deepcopy(md)
assert c["a"] == 1
assert c.getlist("a") == [1, 2, 3]
# update with a multidict
od = self.storage_class([("a", 4), ("a", 5), ("y", 0)])
assert md.getlist("a") == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
assert md.getlist("y") == [0]
# update with a regular dict
md = c
od = {"a": 4, "y": 0}
assert md.getlist("a") == [1, 2, 3, 4]
assert md.getlist("y") == [0]
# pop, poplist, popitem, popitemlist
assert md.pop("y") == 0
assert "y" not in md
assert md.poplist("a") == [1, 2, 3, 4]
assert "a" not in md
assert md.poplist("missing") == []
# remaining: b=2, c=3
popped = md.popitem()
assert popped in [("b", 2), ("c", 3)]
popped = md.popitemlist()
assert popped in [("b", [2]), ("c", [3])]
# type conversion
md = self.storage_class({"a": "4", "b": ["2", "3"]})
assert md.get("a", type=int) == 4
assert md.getlist("b", type=int) == [2, 3]
# repr
md = self.storage_class([("a", 1), ("a", 2), ("b", 3)])
assert "('a', 1)" in repr(md)
assert "('a', 2)" in repr(md)
assert "('b', 3)" in repr(md)
# add and getlist
md.add("c", "42")
md.add("c", "23")
assert md.getlist("c") == ["42", "23"]
md.add("c", "blah")
assert md.getlist("c", type=int) == [42, 23]
# setdefault
md = self.storage_class()
md.setdefault("x", []).append(42)
md.setdefault("x", []).append(23)
assert md["x"] == [42, 23]
# to dict
md = self.storage_class()
md["foo"] = 42
md.add("bar", 1)
md.add("bar", 2)
assert md.to_dict() == {"foo": 42, "bar": 1}
assert md.to_dict(flat=False) == {"foo": [42], "bar": [1, 2]}
# popitem from empty dict
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
# key errors are of a special type
with pytest.raises(BadRequestKeyError):
# setlist works
md = self.storage_class()
md["foo"] = 42
md.setlist("foo", [1, 2])
assert md.getlist("foo") == [1, 2]
class _ImmutableDictTests:
storage_class: t.Type[dict]
def test_follows_dict_interface(self):
cls = self.storage_class
data = {"foo": 1, "bar": 2, "baz": 3}
d = cls(data)
assert d["foo"] == 1
assert d["bar"] == 2
assert d["baz"] == 3
assert sorted(d.keys()) == ["bar", "baz", "foo"]
assert "foo" in d
assert "foox" not in d
assert len(d) == 3
def test_copies_are_mutable(self):
cls = self.storage_class
immutable = cls({"a": 1})
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
mutable = immutable.copy()
assert "a" in immutable
assert mutable is not immutable
assert copy(immutable) is immutable
def test_dict_is_hashable(self):
cls = self.storage_class
immutable = cls({"a": 1, "b": 2})
immutable2 = cls({"a": 2, "b": 2})
x = {immutable}
assert immutable in x
assert immutable2 not in x
assert immutable not in x
assert immutable2 not in x
assert immutable not in x
assert immutable2 in x
assert immutable in x
assert immutable2 in x
class TestImmutableTypeConversionDict(_ImmutableDictTests):
storage_class = ds.ImmutableTypeConversionDict
class TestImmutableMultiDict(_ImmutableDictTests):
storage_class = ds.ImmutableMultiDict
def test_multidict_is_hashable(self):
cls = self.storage_class
immutable = cls({"a": [1, 2], "b": 2})
immutable2 = cls({"a": [1], "b": 2})
x = {immutable}
assert immutable in x
assert immutable2 not in x
assert immutable not in x
assert immutable2 not in x
assert immutable not in x
assert immutable2 in x
assert immutable in x
assert immutable2 in x
class TestImmutableDict(_ImmutableDictTests):
storage_class = ds.ImmutableDict
class TestImmutableOrderedMultiDict(_ImmutableDictTests):
storage_class = ds.ImmutableOrderedMultiDict
def test_ordered_multidict_is_hashable(self):
a = self.storage_class([("a", 1), ("b", 1), ("a", 2)])
b = self.storage_class([("a", 1), ("a", 2), ("b", 1)])
assert hash(a) != hash(b)
class TestMultiDict(_MutableMultiDictTests):
storage_class = ds.MultiDict
def test_multidict_pop(self):
def make_d():
return self.storage_class({"foo": [1, 2, 3, 4]})
d = make_d()
assert d.pop("foo") == 1
assert not d
d = make_d()
assert d.pop("foo", 32) == 1
assert not d
d = make_d()
assert d.pop("foos", 32) == 32
assert d
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
def test_multidict_pop_raise_badrequestkeyerror_for_empty_list_value(self):
mapping = [("a", "b"), ("a", "c")]
md = self.storage_class(mapping)
md.setlistdefault("empty", [])
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
def test_multidict_popitem_raise_badrequestkeyerror_for_empty_list_value(self):
mapping = []
md = self.storage_class(mapping)
md.setlistdefault("empty", [])
with pytest.raises(BadRequestKeyError):
def test_setlistdefault(self):
md = self.storage_class()
assert md.setlistdefault("u", [-1, -2]) == [-1, -2]
assert md.getlist("u") == [-1, -2]
assert md["u"] == -1
def test_iter_interfaces(self):
mapping = [
("a", 1),
("b", 2),
("a", 2),
("d", 3),
("a", 1),
("a", 3),
("d", 4),
("c", 3),
md = self.storage_class(mapping)
assert list(zip(md.keys(), md.listvalues())) == list(md.lists())
assert list(zip(md, md.listvalues())) == list(md.lists())
assert list(zip(md.keys(), md.listvalues())) == list(md.lists())
def test_getitem_raise_badrequestkeyerror_for_empty_list_value(self):
mapping = [("a", "b"), ("a", "c")]
md = self.storage_class(mapping)
md.setlistdefault("empty", [])
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
class TestOrderedMultiDict(_MutableMultiDictTests):
storage_class = ds.OrderedMultiDict
def test_ordered_interface(self):
cls = self.storage_class
d = cls()
assert not d
d.add("foo", "bar")
assert len(d) == 1
d.add("foo", "baz")
assert len(d) == 1
assert list(d.items()) == [("foo", "bar")]
assert list(d) == ["foo"]
assert list(d.items(multi=True)) == [("foo", "bar"), ("foo", "baz")]
del d["foo"]
assert not d
assert len(d) == 0
assert list(d) == []
d.update([("foo", 1), ("foo", 2), ("bar", 42)])
d.add("foo", 3)
assert d.getlist("foo") == [1, 2, 3]
assert d.getlist("bar") == [42]
assert list(d.items()) == [("foo", 1), ("bar", 42)]
expected = ["foo", "bar"]
assert list(d.keys()) == expected
assert list(d) == expected
assert list(d.keys()) == expected
assert list(d.items(multi=True)) == [
("foo", 1),
("foo", 2),
("bar", 42),
("foo", 3),
assert len(d) == 2
assert d.pop("foo") == 1
assert d.pop("blafasel", None) is None
assert d.pop("blafasel", 42) == 42
assert len(d) == 1
assert d.poplist("bar") == [42]
assert not d
assert d.get("missingkey") is None
d.add("foo", 42)
d.add("foo", 23)
d.add("bar", 2)
d.add("foo", 42)
assert d == ds.MultiDict(d)
id = self.storage_class(d)
assert d == id
d.add("foo", 2)
assert d != id
d.update({"blah": [1, 2, 3]})
assert d["blah"] == 1
assert d.getlist("blah") == [1, 2, 3]
# setlist works
d = self.storage_class()
d["foo"] = 42
d.setlist("foo", [1, 2])
assert d.getlist("foo") == [1, 2]
with pytest.raises(BadRequestKeyError):
with pytest.raises(BadRequestKeyError):
# popping
d = self.storage_class()
d.add("foo", 23)
d.add("foo", 42)
d.add("foo", 1)
assert d.popitem() == ("foo", 23)
with pytest.raises(BadRequestKeyError):
assert not d
d.add("foo", 23)
d.add("foo", 42)
d.add("foo", 1)
assert d.popitemlist() == ("foo", [23, 42, 1])
with pytest.raises(BadRequestKeyError):
# Unhashable
d = self.storage_class()
d.add("foo", 23)
pytest.raises(TypeError, hash, d)
def test_iterables(self):
a = ds.MultiDict((("key_a", "value_a"),))
b = ds.MultiDict((("key_b", "value_b"),))
ab = ds.CombinedMultiDict((a, b))
assert sorted(ab.lists()) == [("key_a", ["value_a"]), ("key_b", ["value_b"])]
assert sorted(ab.listvalues()) == [["value_a"], ["value_b"]]
assert sorted(ab.keys()) == ["key_a", "key_b"]
assert sorted(ab.lists()) == [("key_a", ["value_a"]), ("key_b", ["value_b"])]
assert sorted(ab.listvalues()) == [["value_a"], ["value_b"]]
assert sorted(ab.keys()) == ["key_a", "key_b"]
def test_get_description(self):
data = ds.OrderedMultiDict()
with pytest.raises(BadRequestKeyError) as exc_info:
assert "baz" not in exc_info.value.get_description()
exc_info.value.show_exception = True
assert "baz" in exc_info.value.get_description()
with pytest.raises(BadRequestKeyError) as exc_info:
exc_info.value.show_exception = True
assert "baz" in exc_info.value.get_description()
exc_info.value.args = ()
assert "baz" not in exc_info.value.get_description()
class TestTypeConversionDict:
storage_class = ds.TypeConversionDict
def test_value_conversion(self):
d = self.storage_class(foo="1")
assert d.get("foo", type=int) == 1
def test_return_default_when_conversion_is_not_possible(self):
d = self.storage_class(foo="bar")
assert d.get("foo", default=-1, type=int) == -1
def test_propagate_exceptions_in_conversion(self):
d = self.storage_class(foo="bar")
switch = {"a": 1}
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
d.get("foo", type=lambda x: switch[x])
class TestCombinedMultiDict:
storage_class = ds.CombinedMultiDict
def test_basic_interface(self):
d1 = ds.MultiDict([("foo", "1")])
d2 = ds.MultiDict([("bar", "2"), ("bar", "3")])
d = self.storage_class([d1, d2])
# lookup
assert d["foo"] == "1"
assert d["bar"] == "2"
assert d.getlist("bar") == ["2", "3"]
assert sorted(d.items()) == [("bar", "2"), ("foo", "1")]
assert sorted(d.items(multi=True)) == [("bar", "2"), ("bar", "3"), ("foo", "1")]
assert "missingkey" not in d
assert "foo" in d
# type lookup
assert d.get("foo", type=int) == 1
assert d.getlist("bar", type=int) == [2, 3]
# get key errors for missing stuff
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
# make sure that they are immutable
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
d["foo"] = "blub"
# copies are mutable
d = d.copy()
d["foo"] = "blub"
# make sure lists merges
md1 = ds.MultiDict((("foo", "bar"), ("foo", "baz")))
md2 = ds.MultiDict((("foo", "blafasel"),))
x = self.storage_class((md1, md2))
assert list(x.lists()) == [("foo", ["bar", "baz", "blafasel"])]
# make sure dicts are created properly
assert x.to_dict() == {"foo": "bar"}
assert x.to_dict(flat=False) == {"foo": ["bar", "baz", "blafasel"]}
def test_length(self):
d1 = ds.MultiDict([("foo", "1")])
d2 = ds.MultiDict([("bar", "2")])
assert len(d1) == len(d2) == 1
d = self.storage_class([d1, d2])
assert len(d) == 2
assert len(d1) == 0
assert len(d) == 1
class TestHeaders:
storage_class = ds.Headers
def test_basic_interface(self):
headers = self.storage_class()
headers.add("Content-Type", "text/plain")
headers.add("X-Foo", "bar")
assert "x-Foo" in headers
assert "Content-type" in headers
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
headers.add("X-Example", "foo\r\n bar")
headers["Content-Type"] = "foo/bar"
assert headers["Content-Type"] == "foo/bar"
assert len(headers.getlist("Content-Type")) == 1
# list conversion
assert headers.to_wsgi_list() == [("Content-Type", "foo/bar"), ("X-Foo", "bar")]
assert str(headers) == "Content-Type: foo/bar\r\nX-Foo: bar\r\n\r\n"
assert str(self.storage_class()) == "\r\n"
# extended add
headers.add("Content-Disposition", "attachment", filename="foo")
assert headers["Content-Disposition"] == "attachment; filename=foo"
headers.add("x", "y", z='"')
assert headers["x"] == r'y; z="\""'
# string conversion
headers.add("a", 1)
assert headers["a"] == "1"
def test_defaults_and_conversion(self):
# defaults
headers = self.storage_class(
("Content-Type", "text/plain"),
("X-Foo", "bar"),
("X-Bar", "1"),
("X-Bar", "2"),
assert headers.getlist("x-bar") == ["1", "2"]
assert headers.get("x-Bar") == "1"
assert headers.get("Content-Type") == "text/plain"
assert headers.setdefault("X-Foo", "nope") == "bar"
assert headers.setdefault("X-Bar", "nope") == "1"
assert headers.setdefault("X-Baz", "quux") == "quux"
assert headers.setdefault("X-Baz", "nope") == "quux"
# newlines are not allowed in values
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
self.storage_class([("X-Example", "foo\r\n bar")])
# type conversion
assert headers.get("x-bar", type=int) == 1
assert headers.getlist("x-bar", type=int) == [1, 2]
# list like operations
assert headers[0] == ("Content-Type", "text/plain")
assert headers[:1] == self.storage_class([("Content-Type", "text/plain")])
del headers[:2]
del headers[-1]
assert headers == self.storage_class([("X-Bar", "1")])
def test_copying(self):
a = self.storage_class([("foo", "bar")])
b = a.copy()
a.add("foo", "baz")
assert a.getlist("foo") == ["bar", "baz"]
assert b.getlist("foo") == ["bar"]
def test_popping(self):
headers = self.storage_class([("a", 1)])
# headers object expect string values. If a non string value
# is passed, it tries converting it to a string
assert headers.pop("a") == "1"
assert headers.pop("b", "2") == "2"
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
def test_set_arguments(self):
a = self.storage_class()
a.set("Content-Disposition", "useless")
a.set("Content-Disposition", "attachment", filename="foo")
assert a["Content-Disposition"] == "attachment; filename=foo"
def test_reject_newlines(self):
h = self.storage_class()
for variation in "foo\nbar", "foo\r\nbar", "foo\rbar":
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
h["foo"] = variation
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
h.add("foo", variation)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
h.add("foo", "test", option=variation)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
h.set("foo", variation)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
h.set("foo", "test", option=variation)
def test_slicing(self):
# there's nothing wrong with these being native strings
# Headers doesn't care about the data types
h = self.storage_class()
h.set("X-Foo-Poo", "bleh")
h.set("Content-Type", "application/whocares")
h.set("X-Forwarded-For", "")
h[:] = [(k, v) for k, v in h if k.startswith("X-")]
assert list(h) == [("X-Foo-Poo", "bleh"), ("X-Forwarded-For", "")]
def test_bytes_operations(self):
h = self.storage_class()
h.set("X-Foo-Poo", "bleh")
h.set("X-Whoops", b"\xff")
h.set(b"X-Bytes", b"something")
assert h.get("x-foo-poo", as_bytes=True) == b"bleh"
assert h.get("x-whoops", as_bytes=True) == b"\xff"
assert h.get("x-bytes") == "something"
def test_extend(self):
h = self.storage_class([("a", "0"), ("b", "1"), ("c", "2")])
h.extend(ds.Headers([("a", "3"), ("a", "4")]))
assert h.getlist("a") == ["0", "3", "4"]
h.extend(b=["5", "6"])
assert h.getlist("b") == ["1", "5", "6"]
h.extend({"c": "7", "d": ["8", "9"]}, c="10")
assert h.getlist("c") == ["2", "7", "10"]
assert h.getlist("d") == ["8", "9"]
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
h.extend({"x": "x"}, {"x": "x"})
def test_update(self):
h = self.storage_class([("a", "0"), ("b", "1"), ("c", "2")])
h.update(ds.Headers([("a", "3"), ("a", "4")]))
assert h.getlist("a") == ["3", "4"]
h.update(b=["5", "6"])
assert h.getlist("b") == ["5", "6"]
h.update({"c": "7", "d": ["8", "9"]})
assert h.getlist("c") == ["7"]
assert h.getlist("d") == ["8", "9"]
h.update({"c": "10"}, c="11")
assert h.getlist("c") == ["11"]
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
h.extend({"x": "x"}, {"x": "x"})
def test_setlist(self):
h = self.storage_class([("a", "0"), ("b", "1"), ("c", "2")])
h.setlist("b", ["3", "4"])
assert h[1] == ("b", "3")
assert h[-1] == ("b", "4")
h.setlist("b", [])
assert "b" not in h
h.setlist("d", ["5"])
assert h["d"] == "5"
def test_setlistdefault(self):
h = self.storage_class([("a", "0"), ("b", "1"), ("c", "2")])
assert h.setlistdefault("a", ["3"]) == ["0"]
assert h.setlistdefault("d", ["4", "5"]) == ["4", "5"]
def test_to_wsgi_list(self):
h = self.storage_class()
h.set("Key", "Value")
for key, value in h.to_wsgi_list():
assert key == "Key"
assert value == "Value"
def test_to_wsgi_list_bytes(self):
h = self.storage_class()
h.set(b"Key", b"Value")
for key, value in h.to_wsgi_list():
assert key == "Key"
assert value == "Value"
def test_equality(self):
# test equality, given keys are case insensitive
h1 = self.storage_class()
h1.add("X-Foo", "foo")
h1.add("X-Bar", "bah")
h1.add("X-Bar", "humbug")
h2 = self.storage_class()
h2.add("x-foo", "foo")
h2.add("x-bar", "bah")
h2.add("x-bar", "humbug")
assert h1 == h2
class TestEnvironHeaders:
storage_class = ds.EnvironHeaders
def test_basic_interface(self):
# this happens in multiple WSGI servers because they
# use a vary naive way to convert the headers;
broken_env = {
"HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE": "text/html",
"CONTENT_TYPE": "text/html",
"wsgi.version": (1, 0),
headers = self.storage_class(broken_env)
assert headers
assert len(headers) == 3
assert sorted(headers) == [
("Accept", "*"),
("Content-Length", "0"),
("Content-Type", "text/html"),
assert not self.storage_class({"wsgi.version": (1, 0)})
assert len(self.storage_class({"wsgi.version": (1, 0)})) == 0
assert 42 not in headers
def test_skip_empty_special_vars(self):
env = {"HTTP_X_FOO": "42", "CONTENT_TYPE": "", "CONTENT_LENGTH": ""}
headers = self.storage_class(env)
assert dict(headers) == {"X-Foo": "42"}
env = {"HTTP_X_FOO": "42", "CONTENT_TYPE": "", "CONTENT_LENGTH": "0"}
headers = self.storage_class(env)
assert dict(headers) == {"X-Foo": "42", "Content-Length": "0"}
def test_return_type_is_str(self):
headers = self.storage_class({"HTTP_FOO": "\xe2\x9c\x93"})
assert headers["Foo"] == "\xe2\x9c\x93"
assert next(iter(headers)) == ("Foo", "\xe2\x9c\x93")
def test_bytes_operations(self):
foo_val = "\xff"
h = self.storage_class({"HTTP_X_FOO": foo_val})
assert h.get("x-foo", as_bytes=True) == b"\xff"
assert h.get("x-foo") == "\xff"
class TestHeaderSet:
storage_class = ds.HeaderSet
def test_basic_interface(self):
hs = self.storage_class()
assert "Bar" in hs
assert hs.find("foo") == 0
assert hs.find("BAR") == 1
assert hs.find("baz") < 0
assert hs.find("foo") < 0
assert hs.find("bar") == 0
with pytest.raises(IndexError):
assert hs.index("bar") == 0
assert hs
assert not hs
class TestImmutableList:
storage_class = ds.ImmutableList
def test_list_hashable(self):
data = (1, 2, 3, 4)
store = self.storage_class(data)
assert hash(data) == hash(store)
assert data != store
def make_call_asserter(func=None):
"""Utility to assert a certain number of function calls.
:param func: Additional callback for each function call.
.. code-block:: python
assert_calls, func = make_call_asserter()
with assert_calls(2):
calls = [0]
def asserter(count, msg=None):
calls[0] = 0
assert calls[0] == count
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
calls[0] += 1
if func is not None:
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return asserter, wrapped
class TestCallbackDict:
storage_class = ds.CallbackDict
def test_callback_dict_reads(self):
assert_calls, func = make_call_asserter()
initial = {"a": "foo", "b": "bar"}
dct = self.storage_class(initial=initial, on_update=func)
with assert_calls(0, "callback triggered by read-only method"):
# read-only methods
pytest.raises(KeyError, lambda: dct["x"])
assert "a" in dct
with assert_calls(0, "callback triggered without modification"):
# methods that may write but don't
dct.pop("z", None)
def test_callback_dict_writes(self):
assert_calls, func = make_call_asserter()
initial = {"a": "foo", "b": "bar"}
dct = self.storage_class(initial=initial, on_update=func)
with assert_calls(8, "callback not triggered by write method"):
# always-write methods
dct["z"] = 123
dct["z"] = 123 # must trigger again
del dct["z"]
dct.pop("b", None)
with assert_calls(0, "callback triggered by failed del"):
pytest.raises(KeyError, lambda: dct.__delitem__("x"))
with assert_calls(0, "callback triggered by failed pop"):
pytest.raises(KeyError, lambda: dct.pop("x"))
class TestCacheControl:
def test_repr(self):
cc = ds.RequestCacheControl([("max-age", "0"), ("private", "True")])
assert repr(cc) == "<RequestCacheControl max-age='0' private='True'>"
def test_set_none(self):
cc = ds.ResponseCacheControl([("max-age", "0")])
assert cc.no_cache is None
cc.no_cache = None
assert cc.no_cache is None
cc.no_cache = False
assert cc.no_cache is False
class TestContentSecurityPolicy:
def test_construct(self):
csp = ds.ContentSecurityPolicy([("font-src", "'self'"), ("media-src", "*")])
assert csp.font_src == "'self'"
assert csp.media_src == "*"
policies = [policy.strip() for policy in csp.to_header().split(";")]
assert "font-src 'self'" in policies
assert "media-src *" in policies
def test_properties(self):
csp = ds.ContentSecurityPolicy()
csp.default_src = "* 'self' quart.com"
csp.img_src = "'none'"
policies = [policy.strip() for policy in csp.to_header().split(";")]
assert "default-src * 'self' quart.com" in policies
assert "img-src 'none'" in policies
class TestAccept:
storage_class = ds.Accept
def test_accept_basic(self):
accept = self.storage_class(
[("tinker", 0), ("tailor", 0.333), ("soldier", 0.667), ("sailor", 1)]
# check __getitem__ on indices
assert accept[3] == ("tinker", 0)
assert accept[2] == ("tailor", 0.333)
assert accept[1] == ("soldier", 0.667)
assert accept[0], ("sailor", 1)
# check __getitem__ on string
assert accept["tinker"] == 0
assert accept["tailor"] == 0.333
assert accept["soldier"] == 0.667
assert accept["sailor"] == 1
assert accept["spy"] == 0
# check quality method
assert accept.quality("tinker") == 0
assert accept.quality("tailor") == 0.333
assert accept.quality("soldier") == 0.667
assert accept.quality("sailor") == 1
assert accept.quality("spy") == 0
# check __contains__
assert "sailor" in accept
assert "spy" not in accept
# check index method
assert accept.index("tinker") == 3
assert accept.index("tailor") == 2
assert accept.index("soldier") == 1
assert accept.index("sailor") == 0
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
# check find method
assert accept.find("tinker") == 3
assert accept.find("tailor") == 2
assert accept.find("soldier") == 1
assert accept.find("sailor") == 0
assert accept.find("spy") == -1
# check to_header method
assert accept.to_header() == "sailor,soldier;q=0.667,tailor;q=0.333,tinker;q=0"
# check best_match method
assert (
accept.best_match(["tinker", "tailor", "soldier", "sailor"], default=None)
== "sailor"
assert (
accept.best_match(["tinker", "tailor", "soldier"], default=None)
== "soldier"
assert accept.best_match(["tinker", "tailor"], default=None) == "tailor"
assert accept.best_match(["tinker"], default=None) is None
assert accept.best_match(["tinker"], default="x") == "x"
def test_accept_wildcard(self):
accept = self.storage_class([("*", 0), ("asterisk", 1)])
assert "*" in accept
assert accept.best_match(["asterisk", "star"], default=None) == "asterisk"
assert accept.best_match(["star"], default=None) is None
def test_accept_keep_order(self):
accept = self.storage_class([("*", 1)])
assert accept.best_match(["alice", "bob"]) == "alice"
assert accept.best_match(["bob", "alice"]) == "bob"
accept = self.storage_class([("alice", 1), ("bob", 1)])
assert accept.best_match(["alice", "bob"]) == "alice"
assert accept.best_match(["bob", "alice"]) == "bob"
def test_accept_wildcard_specificity(self):
accept = self.storage_class([("asterisk", 0), ("star", 0.5), ("*", 1)])
assert accept.best_match(["star", "asterisk"], default=None) == "star"
assert accept.best_match(["asterisk", "star"], default=None) == "star"
assert accept.best_match(["asterisk", "times"], default=None) == "times"
assert accept.best_match(["asterisk"], default=None) is None
def test_accept_equal_quality(self):
accept = self.storage_class([("a", 1), ("b", 1)])
assert accept.best == "a"
class TestMIMEAccept:
("values", "matches", "default", "expect"),
([("text/*", 1)], ["text/html"], None, "text/html"),
([("text/*", 1)], ["image/png"], "text/plain", "text/plain"),
([("text/*", 1)], ["image/png"], None, None),
[("*/*", 1), ("text/html", 1)],
["image/png", "text/html"],
[("*/*", 1), ("text/html", 1)],
["image/png", "text/plain"],
[("*/*", 1), ("text/html", 1), ("image/*", 1)],
["image/png", "text/html"],
[("*/*", 1), ("text/html", 1), ("image/*", 1)],
["text/plain", "image/png"],
[("text/html", 1), ("text/html; level=1", 1)],
def test_mime_accept(self, values, matches, default, expect):
accept = ds.MIMEAccept(values)
match = accept.best_match(matches, default=default)
assert match == expect
class TestLanguageAccept:
("values", "matches", "default", "expect"),
([("en-us", 1)], ["en"], None, "en"),
([("en", 1)], ["en_US"], None, "en_US"),
([("en-GB", 1)], ["en-US"], None, None),
([("de_AT", 1), ("de", 0.9)], ["en"], None, None),
([("de_AT", 1), ("de", 0.9), ("en-US", 0.8)], ["de", "en"], None, "de"),
([("de_AT", 0.9), ("en-US", 1)], ["en"], None, "en"),
([("en-us", 1)], ["en-us"], None, "en-us"),
([("en-us", 1)], ["en-us", "en"], None, "en-us"),
([("en-GB", 1)], ["en-US", "en"], "en-US", "en"),
([("de_AT", 1)], ["en-US", "en"], "en-US", "en-US"),
([("aus-EN", 1)], ["aus"], None, "aus"),
([("aus", 1)], ["aus-EN"], None, "aus-EN"),
def test_best_match_fallback(self, values, matches, default, expect):
accept = ds.LanguageAccept(values)
best = accept.best_match(matches, default=default)
assert best == expect
class TestFileStorage:
storage_class = ds.FileStorage
def test_mimetype_always_lowercase(self):
file_storage = self.storage_class(content_type="APPLICATION/JSON")
assert file_storage.mimetype == "application/json"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("data", [io.StringIO("one\ntwo"), io.BytesIO(b"one\ntwo")])
def test_bytes_proper_sentinel(self, data):
# iterate over new lines and don't enter an infinite loop
storage = self.storage_class(data)
idx = -1
for idx, _line in enumerate(storage):
assert idx < 2
assert idx == 1
@pytest.mark.parametrize("stream", (tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile, io.BytesIO))
def test_proxy_can_access_stream_attrs(self, stream):
"""``SpooledTemporaryFile`` doesn't implement some of
``IOBase``. Ensure that ``FileStorage`` can still access the
attributes from the backing file object.
file_storage = self.storage_class(stream=stream())
for name in ("fileno", "writable", "readable", "seekable"):
assert hasattr(file_storage, name)
def test_save_to_pathlib_dst(self, tmp_path):
src = tmp_path / "src.txt"
dst = tmp_path / "dst.txt"
with src.open("rb") as f:
storage = self.storage_class(f)
assert dst.read_text() == "test"
def test_save_to_bytes_io(self):
storage = self.storage_class(io.BytesIO(b"one\ntwo"))
dst = io.BytesIO()
assert dst.getvalue() == b"one\ntwo"
def test_save_to_file(self, tmp_path):
path = tmp_path / "file.data"
storage = self.storage_class(io.BytesIO(b"one\ntwo"))
with path.open("wb") as dst:
with path.open("rb") as src:
assert src.read() == b"one\ntwo"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("ranges", ([(0, 1), (-5, None)], [(5, None)]))
def test_range_to_header(ranges):
header = ds.Range("byes", ranges).to_header()
r = http.parse_range_header(header)
assert r.ranges == ranges
"ranges", ([(0, 0)], [(None, 1)], [(1, 0)], [(0, 1), (-5, 10)])
def test_range_validates_ranges(ranges):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
ds.Range("bytes", ranges)